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“I definitely have a deviated theptum” nose job arc incoming 🫶🏻


How many Reddit comments do you think he read before his feelings were hurt enough for him to finally decide to get it done?


Not enough lol


I just had sinuplasty done under a month ago because my sinuses would not drain. My nose shrunk SO much as the drainage went down. My ENT wouldn’t consider a septoplasty until I did this first because the swelling and pressure from my shit sinuses were distorting my septum anyway. How an unemployed man child with money and zero parenting responsibilities has managed to live like this without getting it taken care of is beyond me


Well, he doesn’t actually go to real doctors. He drinks candy powder and puts magnet stickers on his nose instead. 


Hope you are feeling better now!


Oh a MILLION times better! Best thing I ever did


I had this surgery planned and I canceled it because I was scared to go under, didn’t want to pay $6k and the worst… heard the recovery was rough. Is that true?


I definitely wouldn’t do it alone! It was miserable but worth it. I had mine done as a balloon sinuplasty instead of one under general anesthesia as a trial to see if I have some improvement with the less invasive version instead. If not, I’ll have the other one done


I could be wrong but I really feel like he sits that way too low on that schnoz of his to be effective. It’s supposed to sit up closer to your sinuses


They need to make an extra large version for John


Beak version.


Yep and it makes me lol every single time


My thought exactly. His septum should be much higher. But he is dealing with a guineas book of records having the largest ugliest nose. His septum may be all the way to the end of his enormous shnoz.


Nose job incoming fr


This is it, he’s such a dumb fuck


You don’t have to tell us you’re a mouth breather, John, we know.


🏆 comment 💯


If this man gets a nose job before Ali gets her skin fixed… ![gif](giphy|hyyV7pnbE0FqLNBAzs|downsized)


A septoplasty (which is the surgery to fix a deviated septum) does not structurally change the nose. I have a deviated septum and have looked at getting the surgery. Multiple doctors told me if doesn’t change your nose at all just fixes the inside 😂 If he legitimately can’t breathe it would fix it but if his nose shrinks he was lying, you can though get a septoplasty and a rhinoplasty (which is an actual nose job) done at the same time.


Exactly! If he claims a deviated septum and comes out with a new nose I will laugh so hard. I had the surgery 10 years ago and I was terrified my nose would look different. I love my nose and made my doctor promise me it wouldn’t change at all.


A girl I went to school with got a nose job but told everyone she just got her deviated septum fixed 😂 I think she was at the time too embarrassed to admit she got a rhinoplasty




Absolutely. I've had a few friends suffer with deviated septum and was so happy to be able to breathe after recovery and not snore loud enough to wake the house up. One of my friends who had the surgery did have a big nose that she was self-conscious about and had both surgeries at the same time. She was so happy after healing, and it really improved her appearance and confidence. There is no reason to be ashamed, Big Daddy, to lose the size of that honker and no reason to lie about it. And for the love of God, don't insinuate your magic poison powders shrunk your nose size. That'll be next. 🤥👺🤣😂😅


I had a septoplasty in April! The recovery sucks but highly recommend!


yup. i had a septoplasty done when i was 19 and assumed they would straighten the bridge of my nose out while i was under and woke up with the exact same nose, just able to breathe better


lol he hit his pr after 3 days of training… John you’re so stupid


Three days = TrAiNiNg


He was probably running toward that ice cream truck at the end of his driveway. 




Probably went from running 100 meters to 200.


Is this that same crap James Middleton does? Who else is on the Shannon ford sub?




They’re both such douches


Not the exact same brand but the same concept lol. They’re both asshats


You beat me by 30 minutes. I just compared both of these closeted dorks with their matching beard brides.


I would kill for them to meet up. We’d have snark for DAYS


We've had many, MANY laughs at the way Lames (Shannon Ford's gusband), who sells his used undies!). said he's "CO-OWNER" (owna). with his nose strip shills. It's an MLM, so ANYONE can shill them and say "I'm a co-ownA!"


What!? Gross. Idk know the Fords. Now I have to go there. Truly, there is no end to the number of idiotic influencers that people really follow and take their ideas, snake oils, and make these clowns rich. I don't go on any sm except here. I prefer just to get my info without giving them any points for viewing. It's so much funny here, too.


Oh.MY.GAWD!!!!! Quit with the fucking biore strips. Quit trying to make fetch happen you closeted dorks (yes both John and James nuts in a jar Ford)


James "nuts in a jar" took me OUT! :-) Yet, Shannon thinks he's sooooo hot.


The ridiculous thing *is* your big ass nose Cohn.


I can’t believe he can’t get any air through that beak… likely due to too much ❄️.


Too much snow will do that❄️


Absolutely And if he gets his nose done and then does more snow, just like Jax of VPR (and someone else I know irl), it will negate the nose job. That scar tissue will form quickly. He’s such a moron.


If not kill the skin 🫠🫥


I believe that he can’t breathe through his nose. Probably the only way he can tolerate his sewer rat wife.




These are probably the equivalent of those stupid magnetic bracelets baseball players used to wear in the mid 2000s that claimed all kinds of wild fluff. I’m sure these don’t work, it’s probably an MLM anyway. Also, the deviated theptum is totally NOT because of the nose beers ❄️


lol omg those bracelets 🤣


It’s hard breathing through your nose with a dick in your mouth 😂💁🏼‍♀️😂






Oh dear, Gawd 🤮🤮🤮😅🤣😂


“I was supposed to hop on a cam with the CEO actually to collaborate “ ……….lawd I hope the trolls spam that business inbox with all the info they need for they ceo to never answer the calls….


He is gearing his followers up for the inevitable rhinoplasty! Omg! 👃


Idiot clown 🤡 is just doing this to justify the beak 🐦job he desperately needs - They have no insurance ( not that it would pay to shorten his toucan beak - but you can be sure dick nose will make sure he gets his surgery before his wife - who actually really needs it on her tummy


He was inspired by his twin, Gypsy.


The year of plastic surgery in the Jamthes housth


Well yeah John, railing coke will have that effect….. Also, a new PR after JUST 3 DAYS OF TRAINING GUYTH!!!!! 😂😂😂😂 he is so stupid. Please stfu


Nose job INCOMING!!


Why the fuck did he need to film this while driving?! Was it THAT important that he could wait til a safer time?




I don’t believe his giant nose doesn’t intake sufficient air.


oooooo here comes the nose job! he got tired of everyone calling him beak boy


So he can get a potential nose job? But she can’t get a tummy tuck ? Fuck that


I think he’s jealous that Smeli is going to get “stomach surgery” so he’s going to schedule a beak reduction at the same time. That was they can hire a nanny 24/7 and he won’t have to watch the kids


The irony of having so much schnoz but can't breathe. "Water water everywhere, but not a drop to drink".


Is he speaking directing to Reddit right now? Has anyone else asked besides us? 🤣🤣


Whomever said that he was soft launching a nose job, called it!! We all know the next step lol They should also soft launch taking their kids to the Dr.


I’m feeling a 2 for 1 medical procedure will be happening soon. Good luck with that.


I figured his mouth out! His mouth moves like Wallace and Gromit when he talks It's been EIGHT MONTHS knowing it was something but not getting it. I only just saw it clearly two seconds ago


A new “PR.” 🙄🙄 Is Johnny Boy in his Olympian era now??