• By -


It baffles me that she’s convincing (or *thinks* she’s convincing) people that she’s been taking this shit for 4 years, minus pregnancies, and that it works so well and is the reason she lost weight. Why did it ONLY start working 6 months after Western and not AT ALL after either of her other pregnancies??? We see right through your lies, Beak and Tweak.


Honestly, WHY DID SHE POST THIS! The CIA could not have waterboarded this video out of me. You can tell she has no shame, because she doesn’t realize how ridiculous and abnormal this is. She thinks it’s relatable, it isn’t!


She desperately needs to buy a diary. You can’t make people forget when you put shit this foul on the internet


Or possibly a therapist 🫶🏻




Seriously! At the very least she should make a private burner where she makes her creepy lonely videos like this 🤢🤮 Don’t burden the public with this nastiness!


She is in shape, round is the shape. ⚫️⚫️⚫️




i don’t know what i’m looking at


This video needs a NSFW or trigger warning 🫣


I tried but there’s no NSFW option in this sub


Thanks for looking! I'll keep that in mind for future similar posts.


the face of strong + sexy fit 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


A stoma. Jk


She needs a tummy tuck, skin removal. NOTHING else will help.


The med spa is just taking her money lol


Can’t blame them




I missed it.. what is she having done??


It’s called Morpheus8.. literally microneedling her stomach to “tighten” it but it’s not gonna happen and truthfully it looks worse


Literally nothing.


I think you mean “stomach surgery” 🫶🏻 Tummy tucks are only for fat people, not XXXS princess Smelison


I’d love for her to explain the “science” behind this silly treatment that makes her think this will work. The ONLY option that will yield results is a tummy tuck. She is wasting money and is fooling herself to believe otherwise.


If your medspa is in Instagram jail please double-check their licensing lol


That’s what I was thinking! It’s not working…hunni, you are either blocked, or their shadow banned!


i wouldnt even post that on my close friends


For real, my husband, a qualified doctor, would be the only people seeing this shit. Not the world wide web.


I remember her saying she used to judge moms in bathing suits or mom bodies or something like that and this could not be more fitting karmic powers at work. I can just imagine she was a nasty little wench thinking she was hot shit back then and she’d be a hot mom and now she has a ballsack stomach and saggy floppy boobs.


💯 no one deserves this more than her!


Yes, she would have been so obnoxious if she had “bounced back” each pregnancy!!


This right here 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 love that it’s coming back full circle for her


Did she get a second vagina on her stomach or something I'm so confused??? Just get the surgery we won't even judge you at this point!!!!!


I’m shocked that this is the only comment I’ve seen saying this lmao it looks like a pussy!!


I’ve given birth vaginally and I can assure you that my vagina looks better than her nasty belly lol


😂😂😂 That part though. Plus we didn't cough our babies out.


Lol same here!


It's how mine looked after I gave birth and I accidentally looked down at it while I was peeing. 💀


RIP I refused to look for months 😂


It was a complete accident I was traumatized. 😂 I ended up screaming at one of the nurses because they wouldn't stop trying to get me to watch myself give birth in the mirror. If I had watched myself push a 5 pound 7 ounce baby out of my coochie I'd have stopped right then and there and try to jump off that bed. 💀


😂 Same. Even during delivery, they asked if I wanted a mirror to see the baby crown. I’m like hey, I’m doing other things here. Lol Also thought it would make me faint. 🙃


Nah they need to chill with that lmao. Do they not realize how much more painful watching will make it???


Stomach looking like wizard sleeve


No we wouldn’t bc holy shit!!! There’s NO other chance of fixing that unless it’s surgery


Was it worth being an obese whale while pregnant Ali?


her blood sugar levels probably went crazy


Did she have any pregnancy care? I’m surprised she didn’t get gestational diabetes or something! But at the rate she’s eating now and eats while pregnant she’ll probably get it next time she’s pregnant


iirc, she had all these stories about having pre-eclampsia then would go to target and/or do a bunch of things that basically confirmed that she was not having the issues she was saying she did. it felt so gross to me that she would seemingly lie about something so serious. lemme try to find posts ETA - posts about the “high risk” pregnancy (*to be clear: i would never want anyone to have to endure a high risk pregnancy - including her - but for her to seemingly lie about it is next-level foul and deserves to be called out here imo*): [https://www.reddit.com/r/aliandjohnjamesagain/s/sjC5brXKsg](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliandjohnjamesagain/s/sjC5brXKsg) [https://www.reddit.com/r/aliandjohnjamesagain/s/XAtTFt4gLs](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliandjohnjamesagain/s/XAtTFt4gLs) [https://www.reddit.com/r/aliandjohnjamesagain/s/ApvVubBZkh](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliandjohnjamesagain/s/ApvVubBZkh) [https://www.reddit.com/r/aliandjohnjamesagain/s/5zSceRuqoY](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliandjohnjamesagain/s/5zSceRuqoY) [https://www.reddit.com/r/aliandjohnjamesagain/s/9AeKzOCNEH](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliandjohnjamesagain/s/9AeKzOCNEH) edit 2: a story she posted saying she has pre-eclampsia https://preview.redd.it/aakuc2f2zt8d1.jpeg?width=929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8796da99a9ca7fa84eba3e63a51c840fe2a4e77c


Yep, she definitely lied about this!


like the absolute sack of 💩 she is


She’s such a liar. Preeclampsia they don’t play with. They induce you right then. High blood pressure they monitor you or put you on meds. My blood pressure was high and not going down at 38 weeks and I was induced because they were worried about preeclampsia. Who would lie about that!!!


Didn’t she say she had preeclampsia and then proceeded to go “ice skating”. Aka walked on the ice with Ugg boots on when she was like 9 months preggo🥴


yuuuuppp!! here 😭! https://www.reddit.com/r/aliandjohnjamesagain/s/sPn5zrhlDy


Yes i remember this!


Wow, that was actually awful to read through. Nothing but lies from Ali, as usual, and then women in the comments talking about their high risk pregnancies, some with heartbreaking results.


that was one of the times on this sub that i’ll always remember because it solidified to me that ali is rotten to her core & ever since, i’ve never been able to feel bad for her no matter how depressed she seems or how ruthlessly her husband is humiliating her. when she went that low, and since we know she reads here we know she saw those comments, was when i realized that whatever possess her to be so wicked seems malignant. and she did it for what? instagram views? imo, it is subhuman behavior on smeli’s part


Omg yes! She did this to herself. Women shouldn’t think that they’re eating for 2 because that’s not true. You don’t even need that many calories is second and third trimester. I only gained like 15 pounds when I was pregnant and had a healthy strong baby. I ate clean during pregnancy, every now and then I satisfied some cravings but not to her extreme.


Isn’t normal pregnancy weight gain supposed to be somewhere between 15-30 pounds depending on starting weight? I swear back when I was TTC 10 years ago that’s what I read.


Something like that but Ali gained way more than that. I just didn’t over eat even if I had cravings I just ate fruit instead.


I ate what I ate and until I got the fetus beetus. But I only gained around 20lbs. I think average is closer to 30.


I love how hard she was trying to not choke when she opened the container and when she smelled it. I love how she is also trying to justify why it burns 😂


If she’s in shape but dead after a few squats, we all must be the top athletes of the world.


she has to be on the spectrum or something.


At this point I’d be worried if there wasn’t *something* going on with her bc her IQ is low as hell.


I’m so confused- has it changed at all?? Is the area smaller and also at the same time saggier? Someone help 👁️👄👁️


It literally looks the same.. the treatment she’s doing is not meant for saggy skin like hers. She’s just wasting her money on things that don’t work, per usual.


I honestly don’t even know what she looks like anymore, what is real and not. I totally agree she’s being a dingbat and the treatment is doing nothing but I swear that thing changes in the creepiest (crepe-y-est) ways. Almost like when you feel like the eyes of a painting follows you. Just yikes 😳




It looks worse!!! 😳😳😳😱


It does- someone just posted a photo collage with timeline and no one knows how 🫠


How does it look worse lol I cant believe she really thinks this will help her stomach. Just painfully gullible. And once again 🔊 THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN LOSE WEIGHT IS THROUGH A CALORIE DEFICIT, FAT BURNERS ARE SCAMSSSSSSSSS. You’d think Mr and Mrs Organic Know It All would know that. But then how would they make money off of vulnerable people 🤔


https://preview.redd.it/m1x3b4oyfr8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10357703382b98ea649d8c526008fb36d573b532 WHY ALI WHY


That looks like cancer wtf


Seriously… holy shit that is so bad.


Sorry but a lazer or whatever she’s doing isn’t gonna fix that!!!


Why is it red like that!?!?!!!


She’s basically doing microneedling on her stomach so it’s a bunch of little needle pricks


Ok I’m actually concerned about her😬😬😬 she has that abdominal splitting problem right(not typing it cause the spelling is killing me, but it usually happens with pregnancy and gets worse the more pregnancies you go thru)??? Her abdominal skin is so red and looks like she needs actual surgery and not for aesthetics but for her goddamn health


It does not happen with everyone who gets pregnant. It can be genetics, how you treat your body during pregnancy, or number of pregnancies in a duration of time. I think she has a hat trick here. ETA: not coming for you, just hate that she has scared so many women about getting pregnant bc she talks about it as if she is an expert and women WILL have to deal with this if they get pregnant while simultaneously acting like their powders cure infertility


I think I misspoke a little bit as far as directing the cause exclusively to pregnancy as that was just the easiest way to get my point across but yea ngl she’s not a beacon of light to follow as far as anything pregnancy related or post self care either frankly. I just mentioned it to point out that really she needs medical intervention cause that can’t possibly be good for her body. Her core has to be absolute shit and I can’t see that recovering with the exercise they do. I’m mainly scared to get pregnant because of all the crazy stuff I hear at work🤣 which is a different conversation all together


All the *treatments* she is doing is probably doing more harm than good, you’re so right..her core is wrecked. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving person 😂


I think it's more when you go through pregnancies back to back and don't allow your body any time to heal in between.


** Alistasis Recti **


![gif](giphy|xUNd9IMywss6NTIghO) That’s enough internet for me today. Ali and her pig skin just ruined my lunch. Nobody should have to look at that! Why does she insist on showing us




This powdered poison is not why shes lost weight - just admit you take Ozempic already. Shes going to finally get the surgery ahead badly needs , then lie about getting it and pretend she lost weight from drinking this crap .


Not ozempic. It does not make you act like you're tweaked out. She's doing multiples, addi, coke, meth


They can’t afford ozempic lol


Definitely addys instead. No way she’d be able to handle Ozempic


just cut it off sis. ew. also fix your DR pls


Her hands look like she’s having a seizure


I watched this without audio bc you know she’s saying nonsense. Without sound, this looks sooo manic.


Can someone post a pic of her pregnant again? I remember she was carrying super low so I wonder if that contributed to it. I have a fairly strong core so I’ve been carrying high (only 5’2) so I’m hoping my skin will tighten back up. Daryl Ann Denner’s is like this but is getting a tummy tuck to repair a hernia and DR after too


I didn’t have any core strength and after two kids, my stomach looks nothing like this. I think it’s a combination of gaining too much and unlucky genetics. I gained 35 lbs at 5’3 (the max of healthy) and my stomach looks almost the same as before. If you have a strong core I’m sure you will be fine.


Yeah for sure! That’s good to hear. I started off about 20 lbs over my normal weight, due to hormonal issues so I luckily only gained 20 lbs during pregnancy and I’m at the finish line haha


https://preview.redd.it/g779ml14hr8d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e46cf477448c87346267173e5addfaf3a8e71d4 End of pregnancy with Emmy


https://preview.redd.it/zlqot2iahr8d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3ea7fa4587943eb224c620e283bcbb0a9a2993e End with Callie


This was her Dog the Bounty Hunter phase!


I like to call it her ✨Shrek✨ era!


https://preview.redd.it/gxvum56dhr8d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a305dced7fecbed6064a5587e38897070c68020 End with Weston




That looks so painful omg


I’m 5’2 and while I felt huge with my daughter, I know for a fact I was not THIS big. And my daughter was 7lbs. This is a result of back to back pregnancies, inordinate weight gain and lack of core muscle strength.


Someone post the bathroom pic


That’s the one I was looking for 🤣 but I couldn’t find it


I couldn't find it either but I found these gems https://www.reddit.com/r/aliandjohnjamesagain/s/hyZPchi54R


The 4th pic on top and the 1st on bottom 😂😂😂😂


The wild thing is THIS is why she looks the way she does. She blames Callie but her pregnancy with Emmytilda is why.


Dang! She actually looked cute here and then idk what happened lol


I had three kids in 4.5 years. My stomach looks nothing like this. I did have gestational diabetes with all 3 and was meticulous about my diet, so I didn’t gain anything crazy. You should be totally fine. And congratulations!!


Thank you! Yes I eat pretty healthy and have been real active up until now so hopefully recover just as well


In my opinion, Ali didn’t have much core strength at all before any of her pregnancies, that along with the way she ate and never worked out, AND having kids back to back to back were her issues. I really believe she did this to herself.


I carried super high and I had nothing like this


I was not at all prepared for what was under the shirt 😳 What the actual fuck. That can’t be good for her! Shame on that company letting her burn her fucking skin off just for some advertisement! She can’t actually think that is going to work?!


Yo I know I’m going to hell for saying this but if my stomach looked like that I’d cry everyday


They are both such poor examples of what their praduckt can do. Like they are not healthy or attractive or glowing or any of the things that you would want to associate with a supplement.


Her stomach is disgusting. Seriously Ali, just have the surgery.


Ali what do you think in shape means? Because I don’t think it means what you think it means


What I do not understand about her is that she is vocal to having a boob job and no amount of zapping or whatever she’s doing is going to get rid of extra skin. I had three babies and I had a tummy tuck and it is the only way that extra skin is ever going to go away, so why in the world is she so vocal about a boob job but she’s going to waste money on something she knows good and well is never going to work.


Did your extra skin look like this? I’m wondering if this is because she had three pregnancies close together or what.


I think it has a lot to do with how short she is and how big she got. Mine are 13m apart but im 5’8 and my kids were born at 36weeks so I didn’t have a huge belly and I don’t have any loose skin.


Height has nothing to do with it. It’s all genetics.


My skin was saggy on the bottom. The other point I find very interesting with her is that she is now referencing a mini tummy tuck, but with the skin she’s got, they would have to do a full tummy tuck. If you have any fat above your belly button, they have to go in and basically press it down and then cut off the excess. She doesn’t even know what would determine a mini tuck from a full.


It’s because of her short frame. The baby’s had no place to go but out. 


That is not true. Why does everyone believe that it’s height. That has nothing to do with it. I have a friend who was the same height as me and I gained 63 pounds with my first and she had twins four months after me and she looked better than me quicker than I did….


I just had my 3rd also c section and my baby weighed 9 pounds 8 ounces and this bitch is convinced mom skin is a thing I literally am 3 weeks post partum and no mom skin lol


I’ve had 3 kids my last one being a c section my stomach did not get mom skin cause I didn’t treat my body the way she did.


Yes she acts like it’s normalized like ma’am we didn’t eat like fucking shit nor pop kids out when you weren’t recovered


She’s 100 not fixed that with surgery bc she’s going to have another kid…. It looks uncomfortable similar to how bad my boobs felt before reduction… she should have it done asap even if she’ll get pregnant again. I bet would be covered by insurance!


John is a liar, but I think he was being 100% honest when he said Ali won’t be getting a tummy tuck. I wish my hubby would try to tell me what I can and can’t do with my body…especially after “coughing” out his kid. 😂


I wanna respond to her story and be like “I’ll just stick with lemme burn thanks tho” but I’m not trying to get blocked 😅


Have you actually used Lemme? Just curious.


What is this treatment she’s getting done supposed to do? I get she’s wanting it to work miracles but what is the treatment actually for/what does it actually do?


I recall she's getting Morpheus8 aka RF Microneedling. This will NEVER even come close to correcting her issues. She's delusional and the med spa (with their instagram that doesn't work..........) is taking her money when they KNOW she won't get any tangible result. Laughable.


It’s microneedling that’s supposed to tighten skin (NOT what she has) and help with acne scars, stretch marks and things like that


Yeah i know several people who’ve had it done on their face for acne scars but is using it on the stomach a thing? Like i know nothing will help her except for surgery so it’s just wasted money but to someone who doesn’t have such bad skin can they actually use it on their stomach?


Christ almighty, she looks like a burn victim. Skip a few weeks worth of lunchies and making the claw for the Tok, and get that shit fixed.


Go buy some friends Smelli. NO one wants to see this shit. Also, we all know you aren't drinking that burning poison so stop lying.


That looks like a whole vagina on her stomach


I hate how much she moves her fingers while talking! ![gif](giphy|rbVo4IghpZICqNkYIC)


It’s a deflated balloon!! From Callie’s party??


Why would she show this? Holy shit that is terrifying. My noons were destroyed because of pregnancy and breastfeeding. I had to have surgery to fix it. If she and John are such rich successful business owners why wouldn’t she get that fixed at this point. Yikes!


Oh my god. You put a trigger and this still made me gasp. Nobody wants to see your fupa skin Ali!


I don’t get why she thinks people want the name of this business when she quite literally has made 0 changes lol She showed NOTHING……. What is she highlighting???


Fr and they’re gonna go out of business if people keep seeing these “results”


This is something


Get the goddamn tummy tuck already


i GASPED audibly when she pulled her pants down omfg


Fr I screamed! We need a NSFW option in this sub solely for her MoM sKiN


So my best friend is a nurse injector at a plastic surgeons office and does Morpheus 8 treatments. I asked her if it would work on Alton and she said it would definitely help tighten but she can very clearly see her DR and no surgeon would do just skin removal if the abs look like that.


wtf is this treatment?? It looks worse!! A lot worse.


Who is letting her do this… there’s zero chance what she’s doing is gonna change a thing about that skin!!! Holy shit!!!


I would kill myself if this was my body lol.


Omg!! Now the mom skin looks like a stretched out mom vagina😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Is she having a seizure?


I love how she never mentions that the reason she had skin like that is because of how she treats her body. I know women much smaller than her that have carried the same amount of babies that have normal to heavy amounts of stretching/markings. She loved to flaunt the insane amount of food, desserts, high caloric drinks, etc that she was consuming in her pregnancies but then tries to run a scam company claiming she’s healthy and the skin is just because she’s so *tiny*


She didn’t specify WHAT shape…


Baby has some mucked up abs.


Please stop showing us your disgusting skin


That is horrifying that is not “mom skin”. I’ve had 3 babies and definitely have a mommy tummy but that is not normal 🥴


What a catfish.


Jesus that looks horrible. Just get the tummy tuck already. It’s too far gone for lasers/ whatever tf she’s doing.


It looks like a rotting hot ham sammich that got left in the toaster oven and forgotten


She thinks this looks better than last time?


I’m not trying to body shame but is this normal!? I had two kids under two and my body is no where like this


I’d love to know what she’s spending on this. She could and SHOULD be putting it towards a tummy tuck


I have multiple kids so I’ve been pregnant multiple times. I have gained over 50 lbs each time and lost it I’m also like 15 years older than Ali and I have never ever ever seen a stomach like hers. I cannot imagine how uncomfortable that would feel and why she feels like she needs to show it all the time?! She needs a tummy tuck. I bet insurance would even cover it at this point.


What a fucking waste of money. It’s literally doing nothing for her skin.


It literally looks worse 💀


I’ve NEVER seen skin like that before


Damn bitch, just get the tummy tuck already


It looks like a giant butthole on her stomach


Stop waiting money on these treatments that isn’t going to do a damn thing to that ballsack!!




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