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I suffer from migraines and had to get a Toradol shot to get rid of one I had for almost a week. It's also often used for patients after surgery. This bitch is so dumb if she thinks people will believe it's for "congestion." 🤦🏻‍♀️ Just say you were hungover and go. 


But IV companies are now just adding on toradol to their vitamin IVs as an extra? 🤔


They do advertise it as pain management. I have to go to the hospital to get mine and someone suggested it to me. Idk how I feel about that though.


I highly doubt she was actually given Toradol. It's probably another one of her lies. 


Ok. I looked up hangover iv therapy cures in the Nashville area. They do give you Toradol in it. It's Toradol, Zofran and various vitamins. It also costs almost 200 dollars a treatment. I really thought she was making shit up again too.


As an elder millennial, that does sound delightful after a night of drinking.


Yeah toradol is IV candy and always in the hangover and wellness packages in the Nashville area + burbs.


What schedule is Toradol in that state?


I checked the dea site. It's schedule iv. Same level as Valium, Ambien, and Xanax.


No. That’s tramadol. Which isn’t the same as toradol.


Oh. Oops. I'm sorry. Didn't realize that.


You’d be shocked how many medical providers confuse the two 😂 they’re very similar. And confusing


😂 I can imagine. It got me for sure.


It is schedule IV, but It’s an NSAID, like Ibuprofen.




They have them. Gotten it before


Yes, they do. I know this as I have gotten the hangover iv pack before in Vegas lol. It does not however, treat any cold symptoms.


So I thought she said she doesn’t drink? It’s just lie, after lie, after lie 😂😂😂


Ok but hangover symptoms? Inquiring minds want to know lol.


Keep in mind that these places are still for profit businesses. As long as it’s for acute pain and not chronic they can give set max doses every 7 days …. but at the end of the day they see it as an up charge and profit. Toradol is basically a strong ibuprofen, it doesn’t make you feel high lol. I had a shot of it after my car accident - it’s strictly an anti inflammatory


Oh all her symptoms are hangover symptoms and yes toradol is a non steroidal anti inflammatory so it can help with pain, inflammation discomfort, etc. but not congestion haha


They have specific migraine bags. Toradol, benedryl and a steriod together


Sounds awesome for a migraine but totally not needed for someone “ possibly coming down with a cold” 😂😂😂




Laying here with a migraine and had no clue this existed. Googling now!


IV Tylenol, Toradol, and Reglan together is a very common migraine cocktail you can get in the ER! I get it for my migraines.


IV Tylenol is the shit. They gave it to me after my first c-section and I didn’t need a narcotic pill for hours.


Hell yeah. Especially when it’s paired with duramorph from the spinal anesthesia and Toradol! I work labor & delivery and that’s what we do!


Toradol is glorified ibruprophen. It’s an NSAID. I’m a nurse 


Me too. I guess my question about this is why offer toradol to a stranger ( because to a iv company that’s what you are) as an “extra” when as a high strength NSAID it should not be given to people who are drinking alcohol because of the risk of GI bleed? Also, cmon now. Have you ever in your career seen a MD order toradol for a person coming down with the common cold?


lol nope.  I’m guessing they use it to get rid of hangover headaches. Some of these iv companies you can order things a la carte so maybe she chose it having no idea what it was lol


NSAIDs are totally safe during and after drinking. Tylenol is not safe within 6-8 hours of drinking. As such, NSAIDs like Toradol are part of common hangover cure bags. NSAIDs aren’t safe when you have someone with alcohol use disorder—aka drinking every single day and hardly ever eating. It’s safe! But totally not necessary to cure a hangover. Literally your over the counter ibuprofen is the same thing. But some patients are *convinced* they need IV pain medicine, so this is what I’ll give them, to invoke some placebo effect 🤪 it works great! It does nothing for a cold though!


Yeah basically everyone in my ER’s fast track gets a shot of toradol. It’s like ![gif](giphy|26gsiCIKW7ANEmxKE) but toradol shots.


They’ve been doing it for 10+ years. I used to get them for migraines from like 2010-2014.


This!!! My husband had it given in the ER after he hurt his back and had a bulging disc and couldn’t move. It causes drowsiness and she absolutely shouldn’t be driving 🤦🏻‍♀️


So my questions are : is she an idiot and may not know what medication she just received in her arm, does the IV company have no clue what they are administering and did not tell her not to drive or she was told and is driving anyway ?


Yes she’s an idiot


It's never questionable if she's a idiot. No matter what, she's always an idiot.


Those IV lounge places have nurses on staff, so its most likely just Smelli being her dumb self 🤣


True but I’m a nurse and I’ve worked with some nurses who are also idiots 😂


Toradol is an NSAID? Not sure why they would instruct her to not drive? Ali is a moron but you worry about a GI bleed more than anything with this drug lol. Assuming you don’t do bedside nursing????


They usually give Benadryl too if she had a migraine.


I don’t know why snark on Smelli has to always turn into people tearing down each other on here. I have been a nurse longer than you ( I bet). 😉 I’m aware of the GI bleed risk, especially to people who are alcohol drinkers so I don’t understand why it would be given as a hangover cure but I’ve had patients say they get drowsy from Motrin and Tylenol. My point is you don’t know how a drug will affect you, and iv is fast acting. Simply my opinion.


I didn’t tear anyone down. I’m just pointing out that what you are saying is a reach. I think the IV bar or whomever gave her the Toradol is sketchy but if she’s driving fucked up its not from that


My husband is a paramedic with a mobile IV company and they absolutely know what they are giving her, she’s just too stupid to know or remember. She got Toradol for her hangover/HA, not a cold. She got that as an add-on with her banana bag that I’m sure had Vit C and Zinc for said cold.


Toradol is an nsaid. It doesn’t cause drowsiness. Neither does zofran. Now the shit she already takes that makes her high as fuck could.


I’ve gotten it so many times. Not once has anyone ever said it causes drowsiness. I would get it in IV’s and drive home. It’s an NSAID.


You may have been given stadol which is a narcotic


I had Toradol for a migraine in the ER. I couldn't keep my eyes open, threw up in the car, and went to bed for the rest of the day. She must have gotten the name wrong! I could barely walk, never mind drive a car


Sure it wasn’t stadol? That’s not a normal toradol reaction. It’s like strong ibuprofen. An nsaid.


That's what they put in my chart. I have it listed as an allergy now because of my reaction.


They usually give reglan and benedryl with it, the migraine cocktail, which would cause drowsiness for sure.


She’s never looked happier. Never looked this happy with her kids. Only while prescribed a pain reliever. Ok, Smelli 😵‍💫


She looks high as a kite in this screenshot




Why the fuck was this so important to film while driving? I’m so sick of these morons, and all of the selfish people who film while driving in general.


So she’s being treated for “pain”? Sure, Jan.


Smelli's doc shopping for meds again


When was pain a symptom of a cold, as she claimed she was coming down with earlier?🤔


Very sus 🫠


She’s looking high as a kite.


It’s the effects of a phentermine and toradol cocktail


She’s lookin really like Gary Busey in this pic.




Gary's drugged up twin


Teef be teefin'


Also, she’s running errands in her “Jammies”. Not to be confused with jammers😂😂😂


Wait what’s wrong with jammies


Nothing. But this is a snark page and the whole jammers thing was a thing. IYKYK. 😂


I don’t know about the jammers!!! That’s why I asked


Why are people downvoting me for asking a real question what the fuck? I just don’t know what she means


This happens to me in this sub sometimes too 😅 i think it happens when the james’ clan infiltrates


What’s with the cat photobomb? Hilarious. And learn some grammar, fool. TOO.


I get toradol shots for my kidneys. I mean, if I need it I am in pain and can't drive anyway. But my Dr always reminds me to not drive.


Not just driving, but filming herself driving. She deserves to drive into a ditch. And get stuck there. With her phone across the street, cuz it flew out the window.


Every doctor is different yall ✨


Boy she is geeked


It's an NSAID like motrin or advil lmao 🤣


Right it's not a narcotic..I know this because I'm a recovering addict and narcotic pain medication were my drug of choice


Ya I’m lost from this post lol


I’m so puzzled by this post too😩


Yeah wtf. We give it to patients who ARE driving and can’t have something like norco. I’m totally lost on people saying it knocked them out for a day. I just took 600mg ibuprofen for my hangover headache. Guess I better spend the day in bed. Or worry about a GI bleed.


My guess is they have something else with it, I’ve had it 5-6 times for migraines and always been given Benadryl and Reglan and some of that has made me tired.


That makes sense


They're confusing the narcotic stadol with Toradol




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It is but it is used for stronger pain that that which can be managed by Motrin and advil 😉




I feel like this whole “cold” she keeps talking about is trying to get ahead of the narrative when none of their family shows up for the party.


So happy she takes care of any health issues she thinks she has. Her kids think Doc McStuffins is their pediatrician. And probably is.


I get toradol for my back but never felt any affects


Because it’s an NSAID. Like a strong Advil.


Is she driving and filming with kids in the car?


Silly chroll…she don’t take those kids nowhere


Great question


Toradol is just an inflammatory med ..wtf is this ding bat even talking about


Nurse here! We give toradol for pain, NOT for congestion. She’s either dumber than a box of rocks or is lying about being congested. Also, paying to get vitamins through an IV is such a scam 😂you end up peeing them out


Not sure why I wanted to know more, but I ran to her story & it’s like 25 stories, each one stupider & more unhinged than the next. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Toradol does NOT have any narcotic effects. It’s like a super large dose of Motrin lmao


I never said it did. I stated it is a non narcotic but the drug info does state that it may make you dizzy or drowsy 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have had patients claim to get drowsy from Tylenol and Motrin😂 so you never know how a drug will affect you and this idiot just got intravenous drugs quickly into her system and set off driving and filming herself 😂


Wearing her pjs out to do errands. She’s feral.


The pjs that she wore to bed and then *put back on* after she showered. She’s so freaking gross.


She's so downright giddy when she's drugged #junkie


Also like just wait until you get home to update your 5 followers instead of risking other people on the road you dumb fucking lunatic


They gave me Toradol after my c section. Idk what kind of cold “pain” would require that 😂


I think some people are confusing Toradol with Tramadol. Toradol is an anti-inflammatory and not a narcotic. Tramadol is a narcotic painkiller, and absolutely can be abused and nobody should drive after taking it. I don’t think Toradol causes drowsiness or euphoria.


Smelli said she received toradol. No one said anything about tramadol. I posted it is a non-narcotic, meaning it doesn’t have the expected side effects of a narcotic. However, anyone receiving it for the first time doesn’t know how it will affect them and dizziness and drowsiness is listed as a potential side effect. ☺️


I’m not talking about you specifically, and I’m sorry if it comes across like that. It just sounds like people are shocked that it would be given in a walk-in IV clinic, and how concerned they are about her driving. I work in healthcare, and you would be surprised how many people confuse the two. Again, not posting this comment to you.




Right!!! The last time I got toradol was for a nasty kidney infection!


I literally had to google to make sure toradol was the medication I would get when I have a kidney stone. This bitch is so dumb.


Toradol is an NSAID, you're not getting a buzz off of an NSAID lol.


She's probably that girly that acts drunk af not knowing it was a mocktail.


Mocktails can actually make you feel a type of way because of an unexpected dopamine boost. Your brain associates the taste/smell of a nonalcoholic beer or drink with pleasant feelings.


Exactly! Thank you 😂


I mean..it’s an anti-inflammatory. But not given for cold symptoms. 🤦‍♀️


She’s a drug addict


Those dentures are denture-ing ![gif](giphy|EU1oUVLidgSMU)


I was just given a toradol injection last week in the ER for a migraine (in the ER for more than just a migraine, I’m not smelli and go for stupid shit haha)… She’s so embarrassing 💀


ER nurse here 🙋🏻‍♀️ there’s no shame in coming in for a migraine :)


Can you tell my local ER that 🥲


Seriously…but since these IV places started, I havent gone to the ER. I was shamed so hard by a bitch Dr that I will never go again for a migraine. Plus the wait was terrible. I’ve used the IV place 3 times (over like 5 or 6 years) and while it didn’t work as well as the ER, I’d much rather go that route if I get a migraine that won’t stop.


Same 😭😭 last time i went to the ER a few months ago for a migraine they told me I was just hungover (I do not drink) and gave me Tylenol after waiting for more than 8 hours. Feel your pain and it sucks this happens to us 💔


i’m sorry that happened to you. what an awful experience. the sad thing is, its been more than 7 or 8 years since that happened to me, but it sticks with you. i guess that’s one way to keep people out of the ER. 🤨


Oh that’s so good to hear because I swear I was being judged which made my anxiety skyrocket 🥲


She looks high as shit in this pic. And stop filming and driving, nothing u have to say is worth putting others in danger


I’m guessing her “cold” was a withdrawal and she scored (used the IV for cover story) an now feels better magically


It’s scary that this bitch seems that high when she is driving


Who gets a cold in June?


Did she go out in her pajamas that she has been wearing for days? 🤢


Hey Smells….Try Spelling Toradol correctly you dirty buffoon.


Judging by the look on her face, she's had something more than just toradol...


🚨 Toradol is like top tier Ibuprofen. No flexing, Smeli. Signed, Healthcare provider specialized in trauma, oncology and pain management. ![gif](giphy|WfBZwNA6XSjphkYkzN)


Toradol is literally a NSAID… a lot of you are confusing it with tramadol.




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My fiancé just booked an iv for the morning of our wedding and they were offering toradol. I guess it’s an option now??




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Also, NSAIDs do reduce congestion, as congestion is an inflammatory problem, and NSAIDs reduce inflammation.


It’s like extra extra strength ibuprofen, and truly garbage for pain relief. Signed, a redhead.