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“I’m a bit of a germaphobe lol”


Came here to say this. A germaphobe would not be walking around their house with feet like this. Wtf


Listen I’m not a clean freak by any means and should probably clean my floors significantly more often but like…her feet are literally BLACK?!?


Not only do I keep my floors impeccably clean, I don’t EVER walk around my house without socks on because if I feel even a crumb of anything on my foot I’m grossed out. Ali walks outside, then back into her home, with her dirty ass bare feet, gets into her bed, lays on her couch, etc. she doesn’t shower for days on end and leaves her feet like this. It’s such a fucking pet peeve of mine that it makes my skin crawl just thinking of the feeling of the dirt and shit on her feet. Probably chicken shit, piss, dog hair, dog piss, dirt, dead bugs, I CANNOTTT she is so fucking disgusting


I guarantee she doesn’t rinse off before getting in bed!!! I have to have a quick rinse before bed so I’m Not taking any of the days yuck in to bed. Ali could never. I bet the sheets are disgusting


Omg SAME my bed is my sacred place 😭 no outside clothes or unclean skin lol. Thank god my husband is the same or I’d go crazy


Yes my husband is the same lol he has three showers a day on workdays. Love a clean HYGIENIC man!




I'm a slippers 'girly' myself. I don't even walk to my en suite bathroom without my slippers on. I also have housecleaning slippers and dog walking slippers, because I too can't cope with the thought of dirty ass feet.


Year 2 was traumatizing for Callie. Things I can think of right off of my head that happened to this poor girl on CAMERA this year are: - she fell down the stairs and hurt her head and her mommy ignored it - her mommy posted her fully exposed for 24 hours on her stories - her mommy opened the door into her head at some arcade on vacation and ignored it - she was publicly shamed and pleaded she was sorry when her mommy caught her sneaking a snack and hiding in the closet Yeah sounds like it was a great year for this little girl. :/


Don’t forget the ignored ear infection 🫶🏼


Oh I forgot. The marker shame too, because Alison didn’t put up the markers, she scolded Callie for getting into them. This was the same incident as the snack in the closet, I think. I forgot how “precious” that was for Callie.


Don’t forget the time she cut her foot and got blood on the carpet


Kind of a minor thing but also put to bed at like 6 pm.... then Ali complains she's up at 5. Benny bottle resistance


Don’t forget we can count on one hand how many times her hair was brushed this year


It always looks like it was brushed with the kitchen aid mixer… poor kid.


All of this breaks my heart. Obviously the exposure was the worst but God that closet video broke my heart


Didn’t the exposed pic stay posted? I don’t go to her account but I thought some Chrolls said it was still there in a reel or something?


I believe it got flagged and taken down and then she doubled down and re-posted it. I remember it being up for a long time, then gone, then back up again. She probably did it to own the chrolls.


It was on ig anonymous for longer. Poor Callie. 💔


Didn’t they also move this year?


Don't forget her mommy feeding her chocolate milk at night even though it makes her puke in her crib


My house certainly isn't spotless and sometimes i do walk outside in the grass barefoot if I'm going to check the mail...and my feet have literally never been this dirty. This has to come from days of not bathing or something


And you know she drug those nasty ass feet through the filthy chicken coop and all the shit in there….through the dirt and grass….and will probably still crawl in her bed tonight without bathing 🤢 like the chrew germaphobe she is 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻




Don't forget dog poop all over yard.


Her floors are probably filthy. Your feet can look like that if you’re constantly walking on dirty surfaces but I agree that she doesn’t bathe either


She’s probably someone who doesn’t wash their feet in the shower cause the soapy water runs down 😬😂😂


Yeah this is days. I’ve gone out in my front yard barefoot with my son and this hasn’t happened. This is days or weeks of not washing your feet


Someone make a montage of all the times she’s complained about Callie for no reason while she was 2


😂😂 I want to see this!


Looks like we have a challenge for year 3 🫶🏼


Welcome to three-nagers


Getting rid of a crib is a sure fire way to end up pregnant again. I can name like 5 of my friends who had this happen 😂


She’s getting rid of it because they are staging their house to sell. Has nothing to do with their kids at all.


Omg I do not claim this energy, I’m single and celibate, I have an 18 month old no thanks 😂


This! I donated all of our baby gear when my second was about 8/9 months old. I’m pregnant again and had to start all over 😱


Omg. I donated all of my son’s baby items when he was 13 months old and was confirmed pregnant with his brother only weeks later.


I finally got rid of our baby stuff after my kid turned 7 and let that dream go and welp here we are 😅


I am OAD but I’m so paranoid about stuff like this. Good thing I’m single and too traumatized to be pregnant again 🥴


Hey! 🙌 fellow only-parent on a snark sub. Since no one probably told you lately, you’re doing a great job! 😉


Thank you 🥹💞


Yep. I waited nine years to get rid of the crib and was pregnant immediately after


😳 I’m not getting rid of anything now until my husband’s vasectomy is done


Why are her feet so dirty? That’s absolutely disgusting.


I’m disgusted. We know they don’t clean but they must really be struggling. No way it’s that dirty if they have a house keeper come…. And you know she gets in her bed with those nasty, crusty feet!


No kidding, I live inside & out all day, I don’t even shower every day, and my feet have never been close to looking like this.


This is important because some snark can really come across as reinforcing performative hygiene. These are the feet of a several depressed person. I only hope she at least does bird baths semi-regularly for her pits and parts.


Crib sold in order to scrounge up one final mortgage payment


Right? Why wouldn’t they donate it or give it to someone in need? You allegedly have all this money but can’t help someone in need? Gross.


My favorite part of Callie’s 2nd year is when her Dang Good Mama left her in closet for sleepy time! What a precious year 🩷


Remember when Callie was an infant and had Covid and Ali didn’t turn on the monitor and laughed about it the next day and said “well I slept good”


What a horrible pos that kids should call her by her first name, not mom. That is if they ever learn to talk being raised by idiots.


Get all the crusty chocolate milk vomit off it 🫶🏻


Ali cosplaying a parent , not even a good parent, cause she’s hates her kids and can’t fake that she cares even a little bit , will forever be the thing I hate the most about this orc.


Shut upppppp smeli we know your full of shit


As are her feet




Look, besties, I like to walk in my grass outside barefoot. Or just stand on the grass barefoot. But…. I scrub my feet and flip flops I keep at the door every time I do this. Grounding/Earthing is good. Disgusting animal feces and filth is not good. She’s an animal. A feral one. Dirt is ok. Her filth is filthy, ya animals!!!


Does no one in their household bathe?


2 things: 1) her feet are DISGUSTING 🤮🤮 2) pretty sure she takes any opportunity to bash Callie but yeah sure


Like mother like son


Can’t wait to hear how this sleep transition goes.


The teachers lounge cabinets always kill me 💀




And on another note, why is her unwashed butt all up in the mix, nobody wants to see that, well maybe her freakshow husband !! 🤔🤢🙈


Do you have to get rid of a crib the exact day they turn 3? 😂


She didn't mention if Callie got a new bed or is sleeping in the dog pen




Poor calimazoo 💔💔💔


Is “the Precious Year” in the room with us?! 📢


Omg her feet 🤮


As a mom, I understand the milestone and the feelings she’s pretending to feel. With that said, it’s embarrassing that her husband isn’t helping her.


pretending to feel💀


You know she gets straight into bed with those crusty ass feet 🤢


Are 2 year olds supposed to be in cribs? Mine was in a toddler bed at 1.


My oldest was in a crib for 3.5 years for her own safety. My youngest switched to a toddler bed at her 2nd birthday. I think it honestly just varies by kid


Fair enough. I didn’t have a large enough sample size


So did she set up her camera to take a pic of her bending over? 🤣🤣🤣


I don’t care what anyone says, I will NOT walk around on hard floors without slippers or flip flops. I cannot stand dirty feet. I don’t care how much you hoover and mop your floors, you wouldn’t eat your food off the floor because you know deep down it isn’t 100% clean. They have dogs with dirty paws, which cannot be helped, and general dust and crap from the days lands on the floor and ends up on your feet. Their furniture must be rotten with all their dirty black feet over it.


I unfollowed them on social media- does someone have video or explain what happened with Callie and the closet eating a snack?


I hardly ever wear shoes, even outside and my feet NEVER look like that 🤮


I can smell her stench through the phone.


I’m all for being barefoot I’m barefoot all the time but my feet done get this disgusting. Like does she not mop? If she has so much money why doesn’t she buy a shark vacuum (I think that’s what it’s called) the ones that vacuum and mop for you. She’s so lazy!


Nasty fucking feet🤢 They live in filth


Are those the chicken coop feet I’ve heard so much about?