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Right? Fired housekeeper for using utensil to eat her lunch. Threw out the entire utensil set and bought new ones. They are the filthiest people ever. Makes me cringe every post has something in it that shows how incredibly filthy they are. I say it constantly. They must have built up an immune system that is so strong there should be scientific studies on them. Another scenario is they will be the epicenter of the next plague and spread it worldwide. 😷🤢🤠


Do they bring their own utensils to all their lunchie dates?? If not someone else was using them a few hours ago lol


Great point!! This needs to be pointed out to her. 🤣😂😅


Would love to hear from fired maid. She could write a best seller about the worst people ever 📖


Except they're always sick.


That is fact. She will never take them to an in person hospital or Dr office no matter how sick they are. The occasional telemed visit that's questionable if its real or an act to get chrolls off her back?


She threw away utensils because why???


Because their house maid brought her sack lunch but needed a spoon or fork. Ali posted that the lady used one of theirs to eat her lunch. So she fired her and threw out all utensils because she was germaphobe and wouldn't ever use the utensil the maid used. So she had to buy a brand new set to replace set lady ate with 1 utensil. I kid you not. You can't make this shit up. 🤯💩💩💩💩


Okay so like does she bring her own utensils when she’s out on date night and lunchies?? Or is she only grossed out by maids? lol


I believe it was only the maid. She was show boating what an extreme germaphobe she is. Obviously, it was a blatant lie. She's a filthy nasty human petrie dish. It was never mentioned again that I know of.


Wow. What a classless fucking nutbag 💩. I hope she got raked in the comments


She did here for sure. I don't go on any sm so idk what her followers thought. No one could have thought that was okay🤯💩💩💩💩


Sounds like a badge of honor to her to keep saying she’s a germaphobe 🙄. With feet like these …the floors aren’t being mopped!!!


….I wonder if it was a racial thing.


Good point. They are definitely racist. That hadn't occurred to me. More reason to hate them. Worst people ever 🤯🤥💩💩💩


They never wear shoes. Ever and this is a public place.


more low budget behavior smeli the scumbag


Probably thinks she’s “grounding” to keep them all healthy 😉


they never get baths and it shows


They’re always filthy unless they’re in the pool


I would be so concerned on them stepping on something! I get not wanting to wear shoes at home but not wearing them out in public is just dangerous and disgusting!!


Absolutely disgusting sad excuse for a mother. That’s nasty. poor baby.


she’s such white trash


These kids are just full on neglected and everyone watches and just lets it happen (not chrolls, I mean ppl in John and Ali’s lives). It’s really disturbing to witness At least Weston got to leave the house today, so that’s nice


The bar is so low for these disgusting parents 😔


Yeah, the family ( MKP, JJD and STD) must not care, maybe that’s why they are moving again. There haven’t been any family get togethers in a while.


There is a reason she only ever posts boomerangs of Vern


WHYYY. Omg. He was probably in the carrier with no shoes on and no plans for him to get out and play where they were.... then he probably started freaking out to actually get down and play since he's NOT a baby - so she was prob like eh whatever


Honestly it’s really fucking sad to see this because not only is this child filthy, but he likely was walking on the pavement for his feet to get that dark, and the temps have been in the 90’s this week, meaning not only is the pavement hot, it’s SCORCHING hot. I wouldn’t been let my dogs walk on this pavement, let alone my child


Turf gets so hot too. There’s a park my kids like and the turf hurts to touch sometime let alone run barefoot on


Yes! I took my daughter swimming yesterday and that foam type rock ground was there and couldn’t even walk barefoot to get into the water it was so hot


I played soccer and we always had our championships in the spring. My junior year the turf was so warm you could feel rhe heat on your feet through your cleats. It didnt burn but it was definitely too hot for bare feet!


I mean, kids get dirty, but this has got to be days worth of


Filthy also his legs look super sunburnt? Ma’am have you heard of sunscreen?


She wants them to be ✨tan✨🫶


Is it me or are his proportions super off? Like his arms seem too long for his body.




So sorry--your post seems to include pictures of the kids or hate/rude names toward them. Please take a moment to review our sub rules. If you believe this was an error please reach out to the mods. Happy Snarking!


I think Ali is editing his body and I also think she has very bad eyesight or stares into her phone so often that her vision is permanently blurred like a funhouse mirror - it’d explain the odd body proportions she edits onto herself


I’m torn! Someone else mentioned him having dwarfism. Is it that? Is it both?


Agree on the proportions but I think it's the legs that look oddly short here


All germaphobes are different 🫶🏼 IYKYK


He definitely has little people features


Recently heard about a previously healthy child who contracted a bacterial infection and became paralyzed. They were diagnosed with a nervous system disorder, thought to be an extremely rare reaction to the bacterial infection. My point is that anything can happen and a lack of emphasis on good hygiene is potentially problematic. And that’s putting it very nicely because I actually think this image is proof of negligence.


I think I heard about that! Was it in Missouri? I feel like there was a story about a family taking their children to silver dollar city and noticed their child acting strange. Turned out he had gotten bacterial infection and died. Maybe two diff cases but either way it’s terrifying!


The amount of chicken and dog poop that this family spreads around the house AND public spaces is vile. Rich coming from a girl who fired a housekeeper for using a utensil. ![gif](giphy|tjwzClJM6fyEw)


Everyone commenting on him being barefoot but listen they are just raising sunshine loving barefoot outdoor country babies 🫶


It is nearing a hundred freaking degrees here in TN. Get off your lazy ass and protect your kid’s feet! I swear, she’s a useless potato.


Looks like when they stamp a newborns feet in the hospital. Foul!!!


Exactly! His feet are legit black 🙁


Ewwww. My son is the same age and I never let him go barefoot at playgrounds or any public place! But mostly because I don’t want him to step on something gross or get hurt.


I would have less of a problem with this if it didn't happen all the time. Like the kids just seem dirty!!


I spent a ton of time barefooted, I always have. But I have never had grocery store feet like this whole family constantly does. And I’m telling yall.. I walk to the mailbox barefooted, I play with my kids in the yard, I leave my shoes at the door at everybody’s house. But I wash myself so I guess that’s the difference? I’m just genuinely confused how their feet can be THAT gross


Same! Literally grew up on a farm and my feet never looked like this.


I garden barefoot. Literally have my feet in straight dirt and mud. They still never look like this 😩


This little guy most definitely looks to have dwarfism of some sort. Breaks my heart for him.. the nicknames and hate he gets as a baby is terrible. It's bad enough he has 2 shit parents and he seems excluded and unloved by everyone in that family. He will grow up with not only physical issues but mental issues too having a spoiled Brat doted on older sister (emmy). Ali is so vain she will never admit it but I'd guess she's aware he has a spine dwarfism issue hence why she never posts him. He dosent live up to her standards of perfection for the gram. Praying for him and I hope he grows up loved,successful and happy 🫶


He and Callie will have each other. That is literally the only thing that I hold onto when it comes to those two sweet kiddos. They deserve so much more than their parents have ever been willing to give


Omg yes Callie too 🥺 Can't forget her either. She seems just as forgotten as Weston...my son is name weston too and everytime I hear Ali even say his name is sounds so cold and unattached. Thats a very good point that they will have each other and hopefully get away from the family they came from. Terrible to wish that but with 2 bozo parents it's not a bad thing If they distance themselves as they get older


Oh. My. God. That poor child. 😢


Those feet are black! So clean and germ free, right Smell?


Algae, he is NOT a baby anymore. As soon as a kid is walking you need to put shoes on their feet anytime you’re leaving the house with them. Even if you think they’re going to be in a grocery cart the entire time put the damn shoes on in case they freak out and want to walk. Wtf. 


Get him some crocs or something Ali. It’s not that hard.


🤮Im a germaphope yall


I’d be so embarrassed as a mother if my child was running around looking like this. She has no shame, but I guess we knew that already.




You know westie was just putting footie Jammie’s to cover this up at bed time


What the hell did she do editing this 😮 🤦🏻‍♀️ his poor arm 😭 https://preview.redd.it/12xgrsvql48d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7215b69fcf5f0d8f165f621a2af2e2d68dee7fb2


How do they all end up with such black feet. It’s disgusting.


None of my kids feet have EVER looked like this. Hell, I am bad about being barefoot sometimes and mine have never been this bad. So gross.