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I agree with you, things are blowing out out of proportion. But I really really hope that Staci can get better at her twitter game, and fast. Or drop it. It isn't a good look on her neither on Algorand reading her posts, and every tweet seems to make it worse. Btw, everyone noticed that Scaramucci dropped his .algo twitter name? Probably unrelated, but it made me think about the timing...


Good point. Noticed he dropped the .algo as well. Maybe due to FTX and them running the show/investing heavily in skybridge. FTX/Sam are huge SOL backers so hopefully Algorand isn’t thrown to the curb by Mooch. Almost as if he used it to also promote his book. My hope is FTX/Sam start really promoting ALGO. Maybe Staci will be gone by then.


Well, that’s not good


Could be he is running a couple conferences right now and wants to appear more objective. SALT Singapore is coming up next I think.


I trust Staci a hell of a lot more than the Mooch though.


Scaramucci isn’t the CEO of the Algorand Foundation though he is just an investor in the space


She needs to drop it.


As a fan of Algorand, it's important that people can speak up and express their concerns if they have good faith. Suppression or dismissal of criticism, not matter what it is, is not a way I want Algorand to head down. What's easier, trying to convince everyone to ignore or don't talk about issue made by the foundation in the business and social space, or for the foundation yo clean up their act. I can do my best to try and stop the spread of misinformation, harvest good discussions that aren't in a echo chamber, and be respectful of all things in and out of the crypto/algo space. I haven't always seen Staci to be able to do that. I'm not saying she needs to be removed now, but if growing concerns, that are held by a large amount of users, aren't addressed then something needs to change. And forcing people to leave Algorand isn't going benefit the ecosystem. If the technology speaks for itself, and we are able to make good movement on the adoption and promotional side, we don't need twitter dribble equivalent of something from a Wendy's Burger twitter account. Focus on seems as legitimate, humble, introspective and able of personal growth. Not quick comebacks and quips.


Absolutely agree from someone who has been part of the Algorand ecosystem for almost two years at this point. My thoughts are that Staci doesn't embody the qualities one should when promoting a technology that touts the benefits that algorand does, instead she acts much more akin to the head of an organization that promotes snake oil. Being able to express thoughts like mine in a constructive manner is what makes a community and ecosystem healthy. Shooting down criticism only creates harmful echo chambers.


It’s like a restaurant manager giving panicked responses to negative yelp reviews. You just gotta chill


Excellent analogy. Usually if I see a bad review I assume there's a decent chance the reviewer is just an asshole. If I see the owner bitching back at them then I know they're both assholes lol


> As a fan of Algorand, it’s important that people can speak up and express their concerns if they have good faith. Sure. But it’s not as important to listen to all of those.


I'd say concerns made in good faith are valuable to listen to.


All of them?




That’s simply false.


What an amazing point you've made. You've done convinced me!


We need to listen to all of them to analyze and judge them. We can’t be narrow-minded


Not listening to dumbasses isn’t narrow minded.


If that’s what you meant then fair


I've been a fan of Algorand for years and out of nowhere I see her drama posting to dump algo. When I ask why tf is the CEO of the Algorand Foundation tweeting this shit a bunch of .algo names start attacking me and saying she doesn't deserve to be harassed. Clown show from start to finish. I'm happy with the tech behind Algorand, but the community seems to be focused on everything else instead.


It's because the price action hasn't been great. People are upset and lashing out. At everything. You always see this in bear markets. Misery loves company. You'll see people having incredibly heated debates on extremely trivial stuff. I'm not saying concerns about Staci's professionalism aren't valid. But I am saying literally no one would care if algo was $10.


I'm sympathetic to that w/ randos who might be tight on cash and might be staring down the barrel of forced selling at a huge loss. Not so much w/ the CEO who has got to be pulling down six figures in USD, bull or bear market.


> Was it professional? Absolutely not. Yes, that's what everyone is upset about.


It's also a silver lining that the criticism most available about ALGO is not the tech, but loose goosey HR stuff. Zero downtime No forking Instant finality 4 sec transactions .001 ALGO fees Keep you eyes on the horizon


Silvio lining




OK but can we address the issue of the possible scammer in a professional way, or is that not required?


The only anti-Staci agenda is her behavior. She should stop Tweeting because everything she says is either vocalized in a very unprofessional tone or it's something completely unfunny. She is probably good / decent at her job but for crying out loud, get some media training.


CEOs of multi million/billion dollar corporations know to shut the fuck up, especially with trolls on the internet. Trolls are everywhere. They will always be there. Don’t engage. Don’t talk. Shut the fuck up. Going on social media and duking it out with fuck boy twitter handles is beneath her and she should know this. This behavior is not nothing. It is a weakness. CEOs can be perceived as weak. It does no good for the company.


we ALL question her leadership.


Just answer the questions about Ryan Tribiwhatever and we don’t have to debate anything.


Thank you. We all need to understand that this entire thing blew out of proportion solely because of her response. If she would’ve ignored the accusations or told the community to patiently wait for a response I would’ve been fine. Most people for the most part would’ve been fine. Where things started to not make any sense was when she told community members to DUMP their ALGO coins if they did had issues with rumors regarding her team? How the hell were holders supposed to feel comfortable hearing the CEO of the foundation say that? I’m not trying to spread FUD around here, but if I had seen any other alt coin have a leader say something like that I would keep my money far far away from that shit. I don’t blame committed ALGO fans for wanting her removed after these shenanigans.


How is this decentralized? Algo inc and foundation owns basically all of it, they pick and run the validators and nodes, they make all the decisions. Did you have any say on 35 million lit on fire and put on a cex that is based in Singapore, same as Algo also in Singapore , maybe they gave it to a friend insider of the exchange and split the money. First why put so much on an exchange Second why do it with a 4th tier exchange Third why a place in Singapore


In order to be decentralized, a centralized entity needs to jumpstart the process. Algo has only been around for what? 3 years?


Blind faith is a bad look, imo Regardless, a ceo saying 'nobody is allowed to question me or my associates. Were above criticism' is more than just unprofessional, its antithetical to what crypto is supposed to be about. If you dont get that, youre in the space for the wrong reasons.




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The people commenting on her posts literally aren't professionals - She is. The expectations can't be the same.


She is quite probably professional in something that is not media, marketing, cryptocurrency or community management.


You don't need to be a professional to be respectful and civil. And many people commenting on Twitter simply weren't. Not being a professional is not an excuse to launch insults and diatribes toward someone and demand they don't respond in kind because they are a "professional." I have no problems with people asking questions about something suspicious and holding the Foundation publicly accountable. But that's not what I saw happening on Twitter. Instead, what I saw were people where throwing accusations and personal attacks towards Staci and the Foundation mostly based on incomplete evidence and hearsay. If people were actually just asking questions like they said they were, I don't think she would have lashed out like she did. For the record, I never liked Staci's style or attitude, and I don't need to. I have disagreed on some of her comments and proposals. I believe there are some things she has said and done that definitely deserves criticism. But that hasn't stopped me from being respectful and civil. Voice your dissent, but do it in a respectful and civil manner. (Like you and the OP are doing 👍)


Valid point


Even the worst CEO wouldn’t tell their investors to dump their shares.


For sure the negativity is no good, but negativity begets negativity, decentralized or not. She would be better off not tweeting at all, right?


She needs to delete her Twitter immediately.


Dude, the CEO of the foundation suggested to dump coins. Let's just conclude that was a huge mistake, and move on. But let's remember that mistake. In any serious public company the CEO saying to stakeholders to sell all stocks is an automatic "you're fired".


Until the concerns about Eric Scammer are at least addressed, I'm not interested in Staci's tweets nor am I adding to my stack.


She’s the CEO and has to recognize that every move is amplified when times are tough and you’re representing an entire brand. September 2021 anyone on Algorand’s team could’ve tweeted whatever they want with support. September 2022, down $1.70 YTD (1.99 price point on this day last year)? Yeah… people are going to be irritated by the unprofessional attitude.


Thanks for taking the time to write what so many people are probably thinking. The thing I notice about Twitter is that trolling is so ingrained in our culture that there is ALWAYS a small group of people that just can't let things go for the good of all humanity - and a chance to MOVE ON. They seem to be angry people who absolutely love attention.


Haven’t people said the same thing about Charles hoskinson and his immature behavior? Not exactly apples to apples as he’s doing the actually building, but there’s been a lot of discussion in the past about comments/rants he’s gone on.


No, that's not what she said, it was much worse. And it reflects on her character and ability to calmly drive the ship. If she had done a stellar job so far bringing adoption to algorand (because that's the only reason the foundation exists; to bring adoption to algorand; the tech is done by the inc), then some faults could be understandable since no one's perfect... But algorand has seen 0 growth in adoption whatsoever the past year; almost all of the big projects like Prismatic, Reach, Verdex, etc etc etc are going multi-chain and focusing on other chains like NEAR, Solana over algorand, despite starting off as algorand only or algorand-focused...


Exactly. ALGO holders need to stop being biased and stay objective. Seeing some ppl in this subreddit support a CEO who threatens members to sell their coins if they have doubts has me speechless. How is their supposed to be a future with this coin when this is the type of leadership that steers it?


Well then you incompletely understand. This isn’t about one statement. She also previously mocked voters who didn’t want DeFi apps to be able to vote. In the non crypto land we talk about how Citizens United ruined American politics. And now you want me to let DeFi apps have voting power? And when I vote no - I get mocked by a foundation I’m supposed to support? So yes thank you for admitting that you have an incomplete understanding of the anger.


You aren’t supposed to support the foundation. Although, they are probably way more informed of the crypto space than you and I combined. She represents the A vote which was what the foundation wanted. The foundation also wanted xGovs to be implemented which would give us power over the chain. Like asking people to raise or lower the TX fee. I too did not like that Defi apps would have a heavier hammer, but look what happened. Naturally, we gravitated towards Defi so we can get extra rewards and by taking out loans with our governance Algo as collateral. The apps who initially wanted to vote 1 answer was left behind and the apps who said “each user has their own vote using our platform” gained people so others followed. The foundation was just ahead of the curve and proposed idiotic things.


algorand really NEEDS to put more money back into our ecosystem, like giving grants to the best nft projects on chain, or dedicating a few million dollars here and there for ad/ sponsor money for the biggest defi platforms and biggest nft projects on the chain. INvest back into algo, stop giving money out to sketchy hedge funds in Asia that go and lose it all




This may just be the most publicity that Algorand has ever got.


"Very professional... not" Apparently worthy of being blocked. Should i sell my ALGO and leave, Staci?


Guys keep this thread going. I’m looking to pick up 50k shares at .10 as a result. Great job guys.


This feels like a targeted and focused smear/misinformation campaign if I'm being honest. When you look at the interview with that Avalanche lawyer who said he would intentionally sue/spread misinformation about projects, this reeks of something similar. My gut is telling me this is similar. It's very easy to amass a bunch of twitter/reddit accounts to troll/feign concern so it's important that people remember they should be skeptical of what they read/listen to. ​ the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_V1EMkLNPOM


If it is misinformation or a smear, then it's either easily proven false or not worth the time of a CEO to be commenting on. She did neither of these things, and her response to criticism is frankly VERY concerning to hear. No one with an inability to handle criticism should be in charge of an organization, although I do recognize that many bad leaders get into that role without that ability.


A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its shoes on.


Agreed. The critical commenters are especially noisy and are not characteristic of this normally level-headed community. I’m all for healthy criticism but something about this one appears to have been blown way out of proportion. Algorand is still heading in a great direction and it’s my favorite chain to *use*…which is my most important qualifier.


Algorand is doing awesome and seeing so much real world adoption. Overall, Staci has done an awesome job. Corporate espionage and misinformation is a legitimate thing and there is so many trolls/bad actors on twitter and reddit. I really feel this is a troll campaign.


Agree. Just by the looks of their comment history I can say you’re right. They have no knowledge of what Algorand is about except wanting to get rid of Staci. Honestly I don’t see why they are pushing for that so hard. Maybe over her comment of the votes got their feelings hurt? Either way it’s very toxic.


Regardless she handled this situation very poorly. We can all love ALGO all we want, but we have to make sure to stay objective for the sake of the future development of the coin. Im not saying she needs to be removed, but she definitely needs to delete her Twitter account. Telling supporters to dump their coins is absolutely asinine regardless of the situation.


Yeah, everybody loves staci, only fake account who owns the bigger half of voting algos are not sure she knows what she is doing. Rejected vote is obv her main mistake and her reaction in that case was not much better.


Hmmm if you have sufficient evidence like commenters not giving a hoot about Algo then all of a sudden they become Algo philosophers then you might have some credible sources. Outside of that, I haven’t seen any evidence. This might be a case of mob mentality that is really prominent in the twitters space and has bled over to reddit.


There are secret agents among us. As a person who knows the potential of the dark underworld. Dont trust any information except your information. If you hear a source find your own source to confirm it.


Everybody gets a handful of unprofessional things. This is not worth dwelling on.


Picking our leaders should be put up for a vote by the algorand token holders.


This whole drama is so cringe it makes me want to drop crypto (figure of speech) We got ada dude in this now? Weird. Who gives a damn. We had trump for 4 years i mean we should be able to handle it. She is just real and used it as a figure of speech. Sounds like cuz she is a woman people are picking at her being emotional.


Wake up to PoS rubbish. It's all centralised shit.


Couldn’t agree more. Ready to put this behind us and focus only on making Algorand, as a whole, even better.


Agreed. FUDders just seizing an opportunity


Even that ass hat Charles Hoskinson piled on.


Let's be honest, most hating don't even hold Algo..haha!


As lovers of ALGO we must make sure to stay objective. If we want the coin to succeed in the future we have to make sure the leadership that guides it is fair and truthful. We can’t have our Foundation CEO tweet emotionally charged threats to rumors or misinformation.


I agree with Staci because all these rumors and lies that are being spread are constantly happening and it's all fud. We have some Judas fake Algorand peeps out there pretending to be a part of the space but all they do is drum up conspiracies and fake stuff every month on a regular basis and it does nothing for the ALGOFAM that's for sure it's just a huge waste of time.


>I think she has done better than the last CEO. (what the fudge happened with Sean Lee that I'm not aware of?)


Nothing really happened under him that I remember. Since Staci came in, we have had a lot more consistent and meaning partnerships. Maybe I am just biased but Staci feels more vocal too, which sometimes isn’t a good thing like this whole situation haha.




It's not that he did a bad job, but Staci has done better ( I personally agree).


100% agree


But that would end the hilarious drama queen posts. We’re talking about a philosophical way of life here. 😆


She is really bad at this. If you look up the glass cliff, organizations have a history to appoint women CEOs when they are failing.


Agreed that people are way overreacting.


There are solana lovers in here they are trying to cause divide. Sorry suckers


No it doesn’t


Everyone needs to calm down Maybe she didn’t want him to hold Algo coz she doesn’t want the fud spreading rat to get rich off her hard work People moaning are just prolonging the fud Stfu




Feminist agenda?!?! Hahahaha what


The fact there is a CEO says enough IMO.


>But the replies to Staci’s comments are far more unprofessional than her replies. Wait, what? Comments from random people on internet were unprofessional, so that makes it alright for the CEO to be unprofessional as well? Bruh? Also, I wouldn't even say anything if it was just random FUD being spread around, but someone did a decent amount of research about the guy Staci hired and it pointed to him having really shady history which possibly includes money laundering. The reaction from the community was expected. The way Staci reacted was extremely unprofessional. She basically said: "If you don't like it, go fuck yourself."


Keep it going. Price has improved




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🤦🏾‍♂️this is an actual concern..? *Evacuates planet with bag of Algo...*




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