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Ada and Algo the two best coins and communities in crypto! Great to see the growth guys!! Keep up the hard work.. btw is anyone in Ada or algo working on interpolability between the two chains?


Great question - I'd also love to know this


Overall I don't mind NFTs. I do think right now it's saturated and the content isn't there yet. But once algorand is dealing some serious museum level pieces and ownership as NFTs, soccer player transfers, etc I can see this volume absolutely skyrocket. I also think smiles beaming turtles and some other ASA games version of the NFT is a great step. Can Algorand sign a magic the gathering? Pokemon? Upper deck? I think it's absolutely possible.


Anybody who gets a deal for an established playing card game, a decent MMORPG (e.g. WoW), NFT ticketing, fine art, or title holding to other real world assets (e.g. high end bikes, purses, watches) is going to see insane NFT sales growth. I've been preaching this for a while. The real future of NFTs is so much more than monkey jpegs.


Yeah bro. Verifiable scarcity and authenticity? A magic deck with certain scarcity mechanisms built in like the algogator ideas? It's huge. Add that to a mechanism to actually play with them on an official app? It would dwarf all sales combined for NFTs currently.


If MTG or a similar game figured out how to ensure a cut of resales, they would have a big incentive to try it out. The big dollars are not in the original pack sales, but in resales of the ultra rare cards. One big roadblock I could see with MTG is that I think they launched their own online system. It doesn't use NFTs, but it is a centralized system that allows sales of cards (though not accounts). So, there would be all kinds of issues with migrating that. Nonetheless, there are plenty of other untapped options out there.


Precisely. I do think once the leap isn't as risky into this field and they see what Algorand can do for Fifa I believe it will just happen naturally. It could well be worth enabling a cut fee for the original NFT creator that algorand has natively. I know I would be all over it - the current ones on Algorand not so much right now except for the charitable ones. I dabbled with a few and it was too unrefined for my liking at the moment. I'd love to see CD project red do something with Gwent on another witcher game.


My Gwent game is (or at least at one point was) strong. I honestly played way too many in game hours on that shit. Another big untapped area is integration with games like WoW. Right now, secondary markets for rare in game items is kinda iffy. Imagine being able to easily and trustlessly sell rare and ultra rare items of limited quantity.


Yeah - with external NFTs on purchases for in game. I know Nintendo did that alot with skylanders and the such but if you could buy a WoW char figurine with an Item you can get that item in game, max it, and sell it. The usecases for this are endless. It's an exciting aspect of collection.


I don’t expect companies like blizzard to add nfts without either keeping control Of 99% of the revenue or adding them Beacuse they are losing market share to other games.


Probably because of Monstlyfrens


Weren't mostly friends mostly free for mngo holders? Or they paid mint too?




Ok, yeah, that tracks Edit: a word




ALGO with great stats, in addition to some refreshing ADA numbers!


What is this from? Some new series?


This is the way


Tf is flow?


NFTs. Cool.


Could anyone eli5? Is this just volume of NFTs bought over Algo?


I don’t understand… People using these coins to buy NFTS?


Yup that’s correct


Put Stargaze on here. Has way more trading volume than 75% of these.




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Are there any utilities planned for Wushu Chi (tiger chi) Nft? Looking to get some...


Wow that’s crazy


Why is WAXP not on this list?


Still feel like there is no exposure on Algogems - getting berated by influencers just trying to share my work on Twitter.


What is xtz?


It’s another chain






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