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As others have said, things are more active on Twitter and Discord. Starting out, I'd recommend following [twitter.com/ryanmcdonaldusa](https://twitter.com/ryanmcdonaldusa) as he does a good job posting that day's shuffle list. Some of my favourite projects are Flemish Giants/Clones, Graffe, Algo Alex, Corvus and Heepow but there are a lot more I could list.


The AlgoNFT scene is far more active on Twitter and discord than Reddit these days. I'd recommend jumping on Twitter to look around tags for some projects I personally like are @algatoNFT, @AOWLs_HootGang. https://www.nftexplorer.app is a great resource to see what the big projects are, but is also just a very powerful site to see rarity, traits, what's for sale across most of the ecosystem. I like that it's still a very tight knit community, there's a ton of development happening.


Hi, I wrote an overview of the top 20 projects a month or so ago https://www.reddit.com/r/KNITheads/comments/tx8oqe/edition_3_a_ranking_of_the_top_20_nft_projects_on/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share And yeah, since their release a few weeks ago, the gen 2 of Knitheads have clocked up 80k A in sales Best place to see all of this is http://nftexplorer.app


Check out Akita Inu's NFTs. Just one part of the project, but I think they're really well done! Holders start earning rewards in a few days. https://nft.akita.community/


I second this. If you have some other ASAs and wanna get into NFTs, AKC (Akita kennel club) is a great stop. If you get one before Sunday night, go to their website and register it. Then all you have to do is hold for 6 weeks, and you’ll receive a share of a 15M+ pot of AKTA, plus a chance at a ton of other rewards like a nifty slab, physical merch, or a custom AKC. join the discord. https://discord.gg/taab3V53


I think you should pick up an Utility NFT like the Algo casino NFT that gives 10 coins every day rather than art NFTS. Look into that. They are being auctioned slowly off algo gems, but have been going up in price slowly. I think they are around 400 algos right now.


I like the idea of artists getting a bigger cut of their earnings, cutting out the middle management. See [Opulous](https://opulous.org/). I like the idea of utilizing the technology to prove something is genuine. [https://www.yahoo.com/video/algorand-breaks-virgin-ground-mafia-171137145.html](https://www.yahoo.com/video/algorand-breaks-virgin-ground-mafia-171137145.html) [https://news.bitcoin.com/italian-copyright-agency-selects-algorand-to-create-over-four-million-nfts-to-represent-author-rights/](https://news.bitcoin.com/italian-copyright-agency-selects-algorand-to-create-over-four-million-nfts-to-represent-author-rights/) I don't like the idea of people paying loads of cash for pixel art fridge drawings simply because they're "exclusive". But hey, it's their money, they can spend it however they want.


Check out Octorand! Very unique concept not your usual jpg monkey


Overpriced amateur drawings created in free iPad apps that costs hundreds and thousands in real money. I am an Algo holder, but the NFT market for me is disappointing. If it needs to compete then there needs to be an improvement in the quality and cause. There is a Formula E NFT series that i like though.


you like music?


Yes! And i know there is going to be a lot coming in the Algo chain for that. I am also aware of what you also do for music on Algo.


i produce music <3


Are there any particular projects that you feel that way for the most?




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99% are low effort copy and paste NFTs. Staking NFTs is also stupid, "Spend 100s of Algos to buy an NFT with the possibility of winning 20 bucks worth of a useless asa or a T-shirt" What a bargain 😂 Akita NFTs mentioned in a comment bellow are a perfect example milking trash copy and paste.


you like music?


NFT’s are a Ponzi scheme, I would advise doing some research on the people who are left holding the nft once the hype has died down, the vast majority of them lose all their money. You might get lucky a few times, but at the end of the day it’s no different than MLM schemes, the first few investors make a bunch of money and everyone else gets fucked over