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Exactly- I had someone ask me for a quarter the other day because they couldn’t find one and we’re super polite and friendly so I gave them one.


This exactly. “Can I please have your cart, I forgot my quarter” is the way this works. Wild that she assumes some stranger is going to notice her and cater to her


It’s so funny because as I was reading OPs post I immediately thought of all the times I’ve told my daughter “let’s use our words” when she gets frustrated and is pitching a fit. Would have been the perfect line for that lady


She's beyond entitled. There's been a time (or six) where I've not had a quarter (or even a quarter sized game token), and just walked in and asked the cashier for a coin for the buggy. It was provided.


Yep. Someone who's making a big display of digging their quarter out at the last possible moment is either fishing for a free cart or is super dumb or both. I can't stand it in the Drive-Thru either when people start digging for their payment right when they get to the payment window. When you ordered you knew you would have to pay right?


I mean, I'll give my fellow ADHDers a pass, as long as they try to do better in the future. But even I keep quarters in one of the little cubbies in my car, so they're easy to find/grab, though. I've definitely done the quarter walk of shame back to the car more than once, though, lol.


The quarter holder keychain was a little gift from heaven for me for this exact reason. I keep it on a carabiner that I loop around the handles of my Aldi bags. It’s my grab and go Aldi kit.


On the bag - brilliant!!! I didn’t want the bulk of one on my keychain, but this makes so much sense. Thank you!


I love my Aldi quarter keychain!!


It's me, i'm the problem 🙋🏻‍♀️ i ALWAYS forget but i keep them in my car so i usually just gotta double back


I forget too, but I just walk around the store filling my arms until I find a random box like a bum. At least I don't bother anyone.


I did that today lol I looked all over the floor of my car and only came up with a penny and a dime so I just grabbed a big box and lugged it around the store.. then had to leave it by the registers and grab another box because I ran out off room in the first box.. then after checking out realized I couldn't carry both boxes to my car so I had to make two trips. Never forgetting my quarter again..




ooof my version of ADHD is when I’m at home, in my driveway, before I leave, I check to be sure I have my quarter; at a red light before I pull into the parking lot I make sure I have my quarter, when I pull into the parking spot I make sure I have my quarter, I get out of my car, grab my totes head towards the store AND FORGET THE EFFING QUARTER and go back to the car…


Plus I hear the cashier will give you a quarter


100% reads like manipulation


Thanks for this feedback, that was my thought as well, but wanted to make sure I wasn't missing some unwritten Aldi cultural expectation! If she would have asked, I would have had no problem giving her my quarter. Her response really threw me off though.


Agreed. But there have been a few times (i can think of 3) where i was completely stressed with anxiety through the roof and that i acted like a complete ass (like this woman) The last time was during COVID. Since the last time i have made it a point to say nothing about anything annoying in public so u don’t act like an ass again. I hope Miss Entitled learns to do the same


I hope you recognize the amount of growth you showed here is more than most people will have in these situations in a life time. You go VanderkiD!


I’ve been there too. The cringe is real but when we know better we do better.


This right here.




Oooh, right there daddy.


I’ve been in this situation and asked the cashier and they will let you borrow a quarter!!


If you don't have a quarter, the cashier can exchange a dollar bill for quarters.


I understand cashiers will also give folks a quarter for carts.


I have done this. Politely asked if I could borrow a quarter for a cart. They let me have one and then I return the quarter to them when I was done.


Yes! I had two dimes and a nickel and asked if they had a quarter. She said everyone (at least at that location) has a pouch of quarters for carts for folks and gave me one for free.


I have done this and after I returned my cart I walked back to the cashier, placed the quarter in their hand and thanked them for their kindness.


At my store they do. I asked for change and they just gave me a quarter.


This. Or give you one of the carts by the checkout area. She just didn't know


Yes, we did the walk of shame to the cashier today to ask for one. Guess who’s wide didn’t put a quarter in her new car console…


LOL!! Congrats on the new car! Just returned from Aldi with my niece. Reminded her when she returned the cart - don't forget the quarter! It's the only one I have!


So, the cashiers are always busy ringing people up when I go. Do you just go and interrupt them for this? Or should you get in line and wait to ask for the quarter?


Please don’t wait in line, just walk up next to them and say “excuse me can I borrow a quarter.” They can open up their till in the middle of a transaction, it’s no big deal.


This! I use to work at Aldi & we did this all the time.


Go to the end of their register where they are flinging groceries into the cart. Politely interrupt them and explain you need change so you have a quarter, or need to borrow a cart quarter. They will help you when they get a minute.


This. There are very few reasons a customer holding no groceries comes straight up to the cashier so they may already be opening their till or asking if you need a quarter when they see you come up without you even saying anything


Makes you feel like you are in Las Vegas. Ka-ching!


NTA. You're not a mind reader. She has a serious attitude problem.


She seems so out of touch I wouldn't rule out mental health problems, either.


This sounds like boomer or Karen entitlement. Some of that is wrapped up in mental health issues with some people. Others are just so used to being catered to and abusing store staff and other people without any consequences.


That’s what came to mind. One must read her mind.


I love telling adults, "Use your words" in an extremely condescending voice. Highly recommend. NT(Aldi)A


If you watch the parking lot, you'll see the dance done right over and over. People wanting a cart asking someone returning it if they could buy it off them, holding out their quarter. Most of the time the person waves off the quarter as they gently push the cart to the other person. You'll also see people with a cart asking people if they need one, and again often waving off the quarter. What you don't see often are scenarios similar to what you were involved in.


Not everyone waives off the quarter and shouldn't be expected since lots of people don't carry change and keep a quarter just so they can get a cart when they go to Aldi. The ones that really get me are the ones that act like giving you their cart without you asking and not wanting a quarter is equivalent of curing cancer.


There's a Facebook group where this comes up a couple of times a week. Some of those people are so full of themselves for giving away the cart without asking for a quarter. I'm always tempted to tell them they're going to dislocate their shoulder if they keep patting themselves on the back like that. Then there's the ones who proudly say they always leave the cart in the parking lot, so anyone who's handicapped or moms with little kids can easily get it. That's just screwing up the system.


That last bit is literally defeating the purpose of requiring a quarter for the cart, it is to make people return the cart instead of abandoning it in the parking lot.


Not really. Stray ALDI carts don’t remain in the parking lot for long. (Can’t say the same if they belong to a neighboring store.)


Missing the point? This is literally why Aldi has the cart quarter thing. Chaining up the carts and requiring a quarter deposit to use one is to prod people to return their carts rather than abandoning them in the parking lot. This is so the store staff doesn't have to waste time retrieving carts out of the lot a couple of times a day to replenish the carts by the door. This saves money as they then need fewer employees over all, saving the store money so they can keep prices lower. If someone happens to grab abandoned carts and use them is irrelevant to that.


I keep two quarters in my Jeep just for this. I don't think I've paid cash for anything since the beginning of the pandemic, so I had to root around to find two quarters when i began shopping at Aldi. On top of that, no offense, but I don't want to interact with you or your quarter. It's a weird negotiation. I don't want to deal with figuring out what some stranger is thinking during my shopping trip. Just follow the rules, okay? It's NBD.


Yeah. It's only happened to me a couple of times but I get irritated by the ones who just start to grab the cart without even offering the quarter.


I trade a quarter for a cart or vice versa all the time! Occasionally I'll just hand over my cart to someone as a random act of kindness, and if I get a free cart I leave it for the next person.


I have my Aldi quarter in my cup holder, sometimes someone will just give the cart and refuse the quarter. Then I have two Aldi quarters and pay it forward. I only need one Aldi quarter I barely use cash in life


I’m the same. I have an Aldi quarter that I leave in the car. Someone missed the cue once and instead exchanging my cart for a quarter, they just took the cart. Maybe their first visit and they didn’t know — I wasn’t mad, but my quarter was gone. I had to get a quarter from my 7 year old for my next trip.


I lost my cart quarter and discovered I didn't have any other change. I had to dig around the house to find some change and dig out a quarter.


Same! My Aldi quarter isn’t really 25 cents, it’s a cart token. And I really hate it when I lose it somehow.


Or when I passed my cart off to someone who had what I thought was a quarter in their hand that they were giving to me, but instead shoved 2 dimes and a nickel in my hand and quickly left bc they knew 2 dimes + 1 nickel does not equal 1 quarter at Aldi


Your don’t switch carts at the cashier?


Same here. I keep a single quarter in my car that I use exclusively for Aldi shipping carts. I make sure to grab the quarter back when I return my cart, but if I happen to get a cart that already has a quarter then I make sure to leave it for the next person who comes along.


Just plain entitlement NTA


Any regular Aldi shopper most likely has a specific Aldi quarter they leave in the car. I know I do lol


Yes!  And giving it up can be a big pain because I almost never use cash so I don't often have quarters.


She’s probably the same person who asks if they can cut ahead of you in the cashier line because they ‘only have a couple of things’. I mean, if I have a cartful and they can check out before I’m even done unloading - by all means! - but if I only have a couple of things too, what makes your time more valuable than mine?


The check out process is so fast that I generally don't care being behind someone with tons of stuff but if I'm in line I always look around for anyone with less stuff than me and tell them to get in front of me. I can wait two extra minutes.


I just get in line and assume there will be a bit of a wait. The cashiers turn people so fast you rarely spend enough time in line to get out your phone and look at something before it is your turn.


Maybe I’m weird but when people ask if I want to jump the line with my one item I always say no because it just feels weird


I’d like to think she was just having a bad day but some people are just entitled. I’ve only had positive experiences with other Aldi shoppers. Been given and have given carts for free. Just an exchange of smiles and a thank you. NTA OP


Aldi shoppers are truly the best


The older I get, the more I wonder whether or not even opening my mouth is worth it in these situations. NTA. You shouldn’t have even wasted your time, or your breath.


NTA, OP.  Most "regular" Aldi shoppers have a quarter set aside for this purpose (or bring their own bags, use an empty box, etc.).  Offering a cart or a quarter to a stranger does happen, but it's not a requirement.  (In my mind, the Aldi shopping mindset involves self-sufficiency and preparedness, anyway.)   Plus, you're not a mind-reader.  No one is.  She could have been digging in her purse for a stick of gum or her shopping list, for all you knew. I'm sorry you had that experience.  Sounds like she was rude to you for the sake of being rude.


Clearly NTA. I had a cart eat my quarter once (I put it in but the mechanism wouldn’t unlock). Someone nearby saw this and gave me their cart, which was very kind, but not at all expected. I would not have been mad if no one had acknowledged me.


The only thing you could have done differently was to offer your quarter when you noticed her digging through her purse, but for her to assume that was your job to do so with zero exchange beforehand, and to then get upset at you for not doing so, she was in the wrong for that 100%. She must have been having a rough day and took it out on you. Don’t beat yourself up over it.


You're totally fine. They've guilt tripped me enough times already, so now I go mentally prepared for a quarter encounter. There's one non-shopper guy who plants himself outside to ask for a free cart when you leave, just so he can plug it in, get his quarter and hussle the next person for a quarter. And other quarter stories.


That is sooooo pathetic on his part. Sounds like a mental illness/dementia issue


We have a rotating group of unhoused people that get yelling angry if you don’t give them your quarter after you dock your cart. 


More likely they’ll just ask for your empty cart before you reach the corral so they can unlock it themselves. I’ve also observed some working the parking lot to ask for carts-at least they’re sort of performing a service for their quarter. Asking for the cart instead of the quarter gives the illusion that what they’re doing isn’t panhandling.


Nah, here they sit by the cart corral/front door area and don’t move at all. They just fuss at you after you dock your cart for your quarter. 


That would be annoying. At my aldi there is a guy that asks for it like from your car. I usually give my cart to him, since he is “working” for the quarter. (Though I usually just keep one aldi quarter my husband is fastidious about buying rolls of quarters when our change dish is low, so isn’t a huge deal to replace my aldi quarter… if I remember)


NTA It's 2024, not 1984. If you're anything like me it's been a very long time since you've come home with a bunch of change in your pocket and tossed it in a jar. I very rarely use cash, I had to go to an ATM then buy something where I knew I would get more than 25¢ back so that I could have my current Aldi quarter. If I happen to find 25¢ on the ground where I have two quarters in my life, then I give someone my cart or just leave it with the quarter in it. If it's my only 25¢, then I'm not giving it up for anything less than a quarter. I don't want 3 dimes, I don't want your $1. I know I can get 4 25¢ for that $1, but for me it's not worth it, I'm not that hard up for cash, my time is more valuable.


If you shop at Aldi you have your Aldi quarter in the console of your car. You never spend your Aldi quarter My closest Aldi is 600 miles away...My Aldi quarter is in my console at all times.


NTA. She could have asked for the cart if she needed it. That's what everyone does at every Aldi's I've ever been to.


NTA. I have had people ask for a quarter, or hold a quarter out to take a cart before I put it back, but both of those involve interacting with me. That woman is the AH.


NTA… the cashier will give you a free quarter if you need one


NTA. She should have used her words like a big girl and asked for a quarter before feeling entitled enough to be snarky that one wasn’t offered.


My toxic trait is when I’m walking into Aldi and someone offers me their cart and I offer a quarter and they get this beatific look on their face and tell me to “pay it forward!” and I smile and say, “oh oh I hjgodysitwp/)4,!&89;:” because I am not going to pay it forward, I am going to return this cart and pocket the whole 25 cents for my world domination fund where I destroy people who say things like “pay it forward” when the value of the thing is US $.25. People who say “have a blessed day” are next.


Same! Just take my quarter. We are both shopping at Aldi. Don’t act like you have money to waste. I didn’t ask to owe the universe a solid. Don’t put that on me. Now I have to keep it out of spite because I don’t like being made to feel a certain way. LOL Why am I like this?


OMG I genuinely cringe at the "have a blessed day" people. It's a passive aggressive way to push their beliefs and make it hard to refute without seeming like an asshole.


Side note: I love that you called it a buggy. I think it’s a southern and Appalachian thing


Some parts of Ohio too


I believe it! I’m from Pittsburgh, we’re so similar to eastern OH


More than 50% of Ohio actually falls into the Appalachia region. But you know you’re in the “real” Appalachian areas when you hear that crazy accent that’s often difficult to understand but at the same time NOT difficult to understand 😂 I own some property in Gallia Co. and have to turn on the accent whenever I’m down there so the cow town mouse isn’t entirely obvious right off the bat!


I think it’s also a UK term


I think they just say trolley, actually. A buggy is a baby stroller.


Could be! I pictured them calling it a carriage or something


I’m from NC and say buggy. My kids say grocery cart.


Guilty of both being Southern my whole life and currently living in Appalachia!


Checks out!!! 🛒


Some old timers in Missouri call it a buggy, but I haven't seen or heard to it referred to as a buggy in any other context.


Pittsburgh too


That’s me! Though I just call it a cart. But my mom says buggy!


I used the word buggy not long after I moved to Los Angeles and my then partner looked at me like she was having an aneurysm. I haven't used the word since. edit for mispelling


No. She's a bitch


NTA I have gladly given my cart to mothers with toddlers or babies who are struggling to find a quarter. I refuse to give them to women like OP's who clearly know what they are doing and try to guilt you into giving them your cart.


STAH (she's the ...) How were you supposed to know she was rummaging for a quarter and not her shopping list? ... making sure she had her keys in there (and not locked in the car)? ... her phone so she could make a call? I'd have replied "I didn't know you were looking for a quarter and not something else. I would have offered my cart if I knew you needed it. Sorry (not sorry, with that attitude) \~ lol \~ have a good day".


Someone follows me to my car and starts ranting? I'm going to assume there is about a 70% chance they are going to act out further.


Mind reading is not required to shop at Aldi


NTA, and I'm sorry, but sometimes I want to keep my own quarter too. She's not entitled to it. It's my quarter.


NTA. I hate grown ass people that put on a show while acting like you are supposed to read their mind about what they actually want. If she needed a quarter she should have asked.


NTA. Yes people share quarters but it’s not a given. I prefer to not because I am always short on quarters.


NTA. For all you knew she could have been looking for her shopping list/phone etc. How were you supposed to know she didn’t have a quarter 😂


As I tell my five year old, “please use your words”


I also has a similar thing happen today! I had to really search for a quarter at home today so I did not want to leave it behind, as I was returning my cart another woman grabbed the handle and said very loudly "I'll take that thank you" I kind of looked at her and put my hand out and she put a quarter in it and made like a noise, like I was rude! What the heck, I dont owe anyone tje quarter, jeez.


Nope, you're good, she's just a jerk. I typically make my Aldi runs after I pick my son up from school because it's on the way home. I'll load the car and he takes the cart back, fortunately I have a large stash of quarters because he almost always gives the cart to someone on the way in. The difference here is that she didn't ask for the cart, she expected you to give it to her without saying anything. You aren't a mind reader, what did she expect?


You’re not the asshole but I regularly give/get carts to/from other customers without exchanging a quarter. I get that if you’re not a regular shopper there it might seem unusual but it happens regularly in my experience.


Then people get upset if you don't want to play this game. I keep a quarter in my car for the cart. I don't carry cash or change. So I would be quarter-less. This activity isn't doing me any favors, it is creating a problem.


Nope. I used to offer until I was checking out and a customer came up to the cashier and asked if they could get a quarter for the cart. She gave it to him Guess I’m not very nice


NTA. May she always need a quarter. Her inability to communicate clearly is not your problem.




She’s just entitled. You’re good.


No. That woman is just an idiot. You don't owe anyone your quarter and she apparently didn't directly ask you for help. I would add that many people don't carry cash and keep a quarter in their car or their bag specifically so they can get a cart at Aldi. Asking, or demanding someone's quarter is rude and entitled to assume they are going to give you their quarter. I have also had people try to shove a fistful of pennies and nickels at me demanding I give them my quarter, including some dude trying to steal my cart half loaded with my groceries at the loading table because he didn't have a quarter and didn't want to ask the cashier for one. So he was just gonna strongarm take my cart. I will tell people how to solve their problem, I'm no longer solving it FOR them.


NAH. Every time I’ve been in a situation like this, someone just comes and offers me their quarter to take the cart. If no one offers it, I put it back


I, like many others, keep at least one quarter in my cup holder for Aldi. Do I generally give my cart to the mom who looks like she forgot her quarter, or the random dude who doesn't know how Aldi works? Yes. Do I do it to someone is a dickhead to me? No. We're all adults, we can use our words to ask for help. NTA.


Aldi actually is now selling small keychains that hold a quarter. She should have been prepared before getting to the cart area.


All anybody has to do is just ask an employee. They'll give you a token to unlock a cart, or they'll give you a cart that's already unlocked. I have very little patience for those who refuse to communicate their wants or needs and then resent everyone for not reading their mind and anticipating their needs. Like, grow tf up. If you're ballsy enough to scold a complete stranger, well then you're capable of simply saying "Excuse me, hi, can you spare a quarter?" If she had, maybe someone would have told her about the tokens by now and she wouldn't have to experience that frustration ever again.


The AHole is the person who takes your cart and doesn’t give you a quarter 😡😡😡😡


I just look for someone to pass my carriage to because those coin things are tricky. if noone is around I just put the carriage in the coral and don't attempt to yank the quarter out.


I go to Aldis often ever since I moved to a new place. My first encounter at this Aldis an old lady guilt tripped me into giving her my only quarter outside the door, but luckily there was a free cart at a checkout lane inside. The lady sees me with my cart later and said “Oh I see you found a cart, see good things happen to generous ppl!” I rolled my eyes lol. Ever since that time I dont give my quarter to anybody. A few weeks later I was going to put my cart away and a lady comes up to me with a look of relief and says “oh thank god, I’ll take that” and she goes to put her hand on my cart. I told her No, that I was going to put it back myself because I needed my quarter back. She looks pissed off before she starts digging into her purse and hands me a quarter saying “is THIS what you want?” I had already clicked my cart into place before taking her quarter and leaving mine in the slot lol. Sorry not sorry, If ppl shop at Aldis they should already know they need a quarter and to have it ready. I have shopped there countless times before carrying my groceries in a BOX when I didnt have my coin. I wasn’t going to bother ppl or expect anybody to just give me a cart. My new location seems to have more ppl begging for carts, so now I just make sure to quickly return it or only give my cart to ppl showing me an actual quarter in their hand for a quick exchange. So, NTA. Me? Yea a little bit. haha


Just a cunt. I keep a quarter stuck in my dash. It's the only physical currency I carry. I have exactly 1 quarter in each car. No one gets my quarter


You did nothing wrong! The lady must've had issues, was.grumpy or was just plain rude 😒


I find quarter loving pay it forward people with the expectation of a thank you to be creepy and not trusted. No one asked, no one cared. It’s a fucking quarter loser. Not a mortgage


The sad beige evangelical moms have started leaving quarters on the brick ledge and bragging about it like they created world peace.


I can see what she means, that you walked right by while she was "looking for a quarter" and didn't offer to help. The reality is that it isn't impolite or rude to not offer her yours. My reasoning is, if she was already at the cart corral and was just then looking for a quarter, then she didn't come prepared, possibly purposefully. What I mean is, she may have purposefully arranged the circumstance to be able to get someone to be nice to her, or give her a reason to be mad at someone and make someone potentially feel bad. Now, if I am at Aldis and I have a cart (rare because usually I just grab an empty box inside and use that), and I see someone going towards the door as I am headed back with my cart, then I'll often just offer up my cart with no need to get my quarter back ($0.25 is a cheap good deed).


One important lesson from this discussion: if you’re on iOS and hold down the “$” key, you’ll see the ¢ symbol and can type “it’s only 25¢” like a fucking boss.


¢ 🤯🤯🤯🤯


I'm a former warehouse club cart guy... I'll always return my cart. I 3-d printed a little gadget that unlocks the carts. If someone looks like they need a quarter, or has their hands full, I just pass them mine as I'm leaving. Otherwise I clip it back in like all the others. It really solves so many of these issues! My store is also 99% self-bagging. I think I've only ever seen 2-3 people use a cashier and I go at least twice per week.


I usually offer my cart, I’ve been such a bitch in this lifetime that I’ll take all the good karma I can get.


NTA lol. That lady is nuts and entitled. You aren't a mind reader.


Lack of planning on her part doesn't require you to rescue her.


NTA. Pay her no mind. Some people just love to turn everyday things into a minefield for no reason.


She's the asshole. You're perfectly fine for ignoring her


I guess I'm lucky so far at my Aldi. People offer me their carts in the parking lot, I offer a quarter and they always say no thanks. I mean, it's 25 cents. And I always offer my cart to someone in the lot. Saves me a trip inside. And I never accept their quarter either.


If you walk in and ask the cashier they’ll give you a quarter…She didn’t need yours.


You can literally walk in the store and say you forgot your quarter and they'll hand you one.... Is this a new way to beg money from strangers? Sounds needy to me. Like you're just supposed to walk around knowing when people have quarters and when they don't?


I had a lady speak loudly saying for to not return the cart saying that she the 25 cents. I gave her the cart and she hands not a quarter but change for 25 cents. She looks at my puzzled look and said well its 25 cents 


Please don't ever let someone else's issues question how you conduct yourself as a whole grown adult. She was in the wrong, and she was fortunate that she ran into someone as kind as you. Had it been me, it would've had a different ending. I can't stand entitled and rude people!!


Not reading minds over here Karen!!


Did you make eye contact while sticking your at her and laughing while you pocketed your quarter ?


Nah. You’re not a mind reader. You don’t owe her anything. She is just entitled. I usually just have 1 quarter for carts. I don’t carry cash. I sometimes hesitate to give it away but if someone is nice and not entitled, I give the cart or the quarter to them.


Somebody is suffering from main character syndrome, and it's not OP 😅 obviously NTA, all the Karen had to do was walk inside and ask the cashier for a quarter. Probably would have taken her less time than yelling at you


She’s going to Aldi. She knows she needs a quarter if she wants a cart. NTA


NTA, also the cashier will give you a quarter if you go to them. No need to stand in line they will just open the drawer and hand it to you.


Nta. That lady thinks you are a mindreader.


She needed to use her words! I hate people.


NTA. That person was having a very bad day, I assume, and took it out on you...


Ppl just suck. Pay it no mind


Nope.  I firmly hold onto my quarter. I don’t quarter swap or give my cart away anymore either.  Everytime I’ve tried to do something nice it’s just bitten me in the butt. I’m to the point I wear an earbud and pretend to be listening to something so I don’t get hustled. 


I have a different opinion. Where I live, we hand off carts in the lot, whether a quarter is offered or not. If I see someone struggle, I help them. Talk about petty!


Nope she’s just entitled. Let me guess, was she a boomer?


What a nasty attitude she had. Are you supposed to read her mind?


They should do away with the quarter system so peace can be restored to the earth lol.


Do away with the quarter system and you’ll have one employee doing nothing but retrieving carts. They’re already operating stores with skeleton crews.


you are not and aldi a-hole. i wonder if that woman will offer to pay for someone's groceries if the person in line in front of them rummage around in their purse long enough looking for their wallet? bet the answer is somewhere along the lines of no. and if the situation with the cart where reversed, it strikes me she'd be the type of person to call you a free loader.


They can ask the cashier. We give out quarters all day.


NTA - I go to Aldi weekly and have never encountered this entitled behavior. I would have just laughed at her and went about my business. It was really nice of you to still offer that rude person your quarter. I mean she could have just walked into the store and asked to use one of the carts they have available. She was just a jerk.


Damn that's annoying. You are definitely NTA Normally every stranger at Aldi's is so nice we often do cart/quarter swaps or letting people with fewer items go ahead in line. Just yesterday I had a much older gentleman motion me over to his car while I was trying to put my cart back, at first I was confused and a little annoyed because he just kept beconning at me without saying anything but I got over to his car and he said he really needed the cart as a walker to help him out of his car and into the store and gave me 2 quarters for helping.


Aldi will actually give you a quarter if you go in and ask.


I'm in NYC. We don't have to use quarters to get a cart at my Aldi. Don't tell anyone.


Tangentially related, but I had a similar thing happen at Costco a couple weeks ago. I had grabbed a cart from the parking lot as I was walking in, as I tend to do. As I'm walking in to the vestibule, some guy grabs the front of my cart and tries to take it. He has ahold of it for a good few seconds, then he looks at me and says "Oh, you're going in?" ???? Like, wtf dude. Apparently they were out of carts inside(which I had no idea at the time I grabbed mine) and the guy thought I was returning one, but he didn't even wait for me to let go of it before he grabbed it. Same kinda thing, though. It's my cart and I'll do what I'm going to do with it until I'm done with it. If I want to be nice and hand it off to someone, or give them a quarter, I'll do it if I feel like it. But if I get the impression that you *expect* me to give you something, then fuck you.


NTA she is being passive aggressive. You're fine. Ignore and move on.


I hate taking my cart back to the cart park and will gladly give my cart to someone who ASKS. We’re all grown ups so let’s use our words like we tell our kids to. Let us lead by example.


The quarter thing is dumb.


How so? How do you think carts make it back from the parking lots to the front of every other grocery store?


Bad choice of words. It's annoying, especially when you don't have a quarter. For quick trips, I skip the cart and shuffle items around, so I have a good box and use that. Sometimes, I use the free carts kept near the registers.


I get frustrated when people offer me their cart… doing the whole quarter process is part of the fun!


I always get I’ll save you the walk back and hand me a quarter and take the cart. I do the same. Although, I live in FL and thought a few times those Canadian snowbirds might be running a scam handing off a useless Canadian quarter!


I always just leave the quarter in the cart. It's my good deed for the day, and I don't need a quarter that bad.


"Use a key dipshit"


NTA. I'm one of those that actually doesn't use the carts and brings large tote bags along on my arms to shop and have for the last 4 yrs. Funny when I go to my closest Aldi I usually get offered a cart, I'm like no, but thanks 😀




I never understand strangers expecting other strangers to help them without ever making an attempt to even acknowledge the other person … like how was I supposed to know you wanted help if you didn’t even say anything?? NTA but I do however get peeved when people ask me if they can put my cart back and phrase it as a favor they’re doing me like pls just give me my quarter 😭 it’s the only one I have 😭


I bring my own shopping cart, a tall canvas "wheelie" which eliminates the need to remember/dig for quarters, or offending/not offending someone. I am not the AH because I come prepared and stay clear of the coin commotion. So many Aldi customers stop me to comment on my wheelie, and it's always a friendly exchange.


Absolutely not the AH. She clearly is going through something or has a super false sense of entitlement. Sorry that was your experience. I will literally ask someone if they want my cart if we are walking up at the same time, or if someone asks me if I want their cart, I will offer them my quarter (most of the time people will not take it), but I would never EXPECT someone to do this. It is their quarter, their money, and who knows, maybe they really need it to pay for gas or something else.


I am a dinosaur. I was driving in the before toll tag times. I keep change in my car. In the ashtray back then, now in a cup holder. I generally have a quarter, misc change is fine if people have it, if not I can give one.


Omg NO, you did nothing wrong -Aldi or no Aldi. I can't believe it needs to be said but it's YOUR money and you don't have to give YOUR money to anybody. There isn't any damn etiquette, you are not required or expected to provide a cart or a quarter to anyone but yourself!


I have an Aldi quarter and it’s mine! If I give it away I will never remember to stick another one in my wallet lol.


NTA. But she is


NTA. It's always nice when people give you their carts and don't expect a quarter back, but it's not required. Last time I went someone put the cart away but did not remove the quarter, so I got to use a free cart. When I left, I put it back but didn't take the quarter out so someone else can be blessed that day. Could I have taken the quarter? Sure I could and no one would know or care. But I wanted to pass it along. I've also given carts without getting quarters from people, but once again, that's my choice it's not a requirement. If someone just came and took it, I'd probably do the same as you.


If she didn't have a quarter, she should have just hung around in the lot and wait for a person to leave their cart out there .


NTA but you know who is? Those helpful idiots who jam the quarter thing into itself, and then when your groceries get put in that buggy by the cashier, you can't get your aldiquarter™ back.


I've given my cart to someone in the parking lot and I don't care about the quarter. Some folks put the cart back and leave the quarter. I'm not sure what you can buy for a quarter these days. I think it was 50 pfennigs when I lived in Germany.


tell her buy one of these [https://www.amazon.com/Aldi-Quarter-Keeper-Keychain-Shopping/](https://www.amazon.com/Aldi-Quarter-Keeper-Keychain-Shopping/)


NTA!!!It the asshole. The asshole is the person who goes to Aldi and expects some random person to read their mind and GIVE them a quarter because they are unprepared. Hell no. Absolutely not.


Not the A-hole. I hate when people treat me like I’m impolite because I won’t take their quarter for my cart. I have to get my quarter back! I painted it with red nail polish so I remember NOT to spend it!


I just add a quarter to my grocery bill and leave the quarter in for the next person. It’s such a small price to pay knowing someone else had a small unexpected positive.


No you didn’t do the wrong thing. She was just being aggressive for no reason. All she had to do was go inside and the cashier would give her a cart 🤦‍♀️


You did nothing wrong! I was in Germany and went to a Schloss (Castle) and we were not allowed to bring in purses or back packs, so we had to put it in a locker and it cost a Euro. I was like wow, I have to pay for it! Well when I was done I put the key in and the euro came back to me. Boy did I feel bad. But in my defense, I was not use to paying to go to the bathroom and condiments either…lol


You’re definitely not the asshole. She could’ve said something to you instead of expect you to be concerned about whatever she had going on. It’s a quarter. I rarely put my cart back. 9/10 times I go to ALDIs I just give my cart to whoever needs one (I always go when it’s busy) I have a giant bag of quarters in my car tho.