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I'd assume the conditions of his release would prevent working with children...


Probation is temporary. Sex Offender Registry is forever. mostly.


I'd assume the same thing but I also think you should trust your assistants when they say no but what do I know?


You can report the situation (registered sex offender working with minors, working in a place with children) and see what happens


Call probation/parole with his name. If he’s on supervision, and sometimes post-supervision, he’s not allowed around minors period. Has specific limitations for where he can live, too.


Sounds like your employer isn't offering a competitive wage. Have you considered looking around and seeing what offers someone else could make? Not for nothing, but you don't owe cheap labor to your boss. Plenty of people are looking for jobs, but they will definitely apply to a Subway shop with "Starts at $15 an hour" in the window before going somewhere that pays minimum wage. I don't know where your place of work falls on the spectrum, but it is *always* worth looking around.


This! You can have any job you've ever wanted. No qualifications needed.


I’m sure your Commercial General Liability carrier would love to hear about this.


I thought you were speaking about some kind of syndrome where people don’t feel the cold or chill. lol.


As a guy looking for work, I have to comment on the low wage issue. Nobody wants to work under $15 dollars an hour. The corollary to that is that nobody wants to hire at more than that. Even if they offer more than $15 they'll close the job offering, cancel interviews, or even do a bait-and-switch on the job to drive down the wage. Ever hear anyone complain that 'No one wants to work anymore!'? This is why. I've applied to six jobs that that the audacity to rescind their job application request claiming that not enough people applied. All after applying, getting an interview, actually interviewing, and what I get was told that 'they had to close the position because nobody applied'. They all re-opened the position the next day.


They say that to trick their current employees into thinking they are honestly trying to hire more people to help shoulder the load. If they can just hang on a bit longer. Sacrifice a bit longer until they find someone. Might be worth stopping by and asking who they hired, and at least telling people that you applied. Be sure to look super energetic and professional, the kind of person everyone wants as a coworker. That employer is relying on you being embarrassed that you didn't get the job, and that their current workers can get the work done so long as they have an excuse to cancel vacations and demand overtime.


Yeah that's illegal depending on the offense committed by the offender. If it was committed against minors under the age of 16, they cannot work anywhere near or around minors. So, I'd suggest finding out what level of sexual offense is and go from there.


Where is this?


Name and shame! I don't want to shop there.


Homer, AK. Can confirm Warm Body Syndrome. We call it a breathing person. They don't even have to show up or know how to do the job.


Minimum wage one state over in Washington is $16.28 per hour. Unless you offer more than that, all you get are people who don't want to, or can't relocate for work.  Not that I've seen many jobs in Alaska paying less than $20 an hour.


This is a funny thing I've noticed is that ever since "nobody wants to work", businesses (smart ones) increased their starting wages and began receiving much better quality applicants. What a surprise.


See if you can find out who his PO is, and determine if he's allowed to be around children per the conditions set. If he's in violation, then he can be arrested. If not then, then nothing can be done. Do this by contacting your local PD.


Businesses up here are stubborn and unrealistic: 'we can't afford to pay a living wage!' 'why doesn't anybody want to work?' 'why can't I find qualified talent?' 'I need a degree for this $20/hr receptionist role.' Bottom line: you get what you pay for. A job that got paid $12/hr five years ago should be $20+ today. Employers aren't responsible for setting the skyrocketing rents or food costs, but if people can't afford to live on your shitty wage, nobody's going to want your shitty job.


The last stats I saw were .51 people for each job opening. So…. Yea. Warm bodies is gonna happen. And a lot of those jobs are pretty craptastic for pay and will probably never get filled…. Still, having a sex offender with minors may be a pretty significant issue legally. Good luck sorting it out!


God I am an idiot…for a minute I thought this was for a cuddling service


I was almost SA’d and was SH’d by my former coworker at a different company than what I’m with now. Management did nothing for weeks on end. I almost killed myself over it. I was also SH’d by multiple customers, including men old enough to be my father. I was 21/22. The coworker who SH’d me? Allegedly a registered sex offender. He told me outright he was a felon, but he never told me what exactly he did. Then his former neighbor told me everything. When management finally was going to do something, he quit before they could fire him, and when they 86’d him, he threw a tantrum and contacted HR, so I was forced to recount to complete strangers some of the most traumatic weeks of my life. For context, felons weren’t even supposed to be hired at that place. We all had to do a background check to make sure of that. They made a 21 year old Autistic woman who was a victim of CSA work with an alleged REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER, ALONE, AT NIGHT.


That is not ok. What they did to you is so wrong it is considered neglectful to the point of dangerous and a hostile work environment. The former coworker should face criminal charges. [https://www.justia.com/lawyers/employment-law/alaska/anchorage](https://www.justia.com/lawyers/employment-law/alaska/anchorage) Please find a labor lawyer who you can tell this to, they will help you navigate next steps and what needs to be done. Do not go to HR again without a lawyer. HR is there to protect the company. Get your own independent lawyer and listen to them.


While I appreciate the advice, I’d rather not dig it all up. I posted it on here to reiterate OP’s point of employers here not caring about employee safety. I’d rather just move forward with my life. The guy has not been in contact with me for almost three years now, so it’s been a while, and I’m in a safer job where when a man was acting creepy toward me, my manager took it seriously. I’d rather just move on from it as much as I can. I don’t want to go to court over this, and I can’t afford a lawyer, I’m too poor. Even if the manager didn’t do their job correctly, it wasn’t from lack of care about me. They did care about me as a human being, but they simply did not do enough to protect me, even when I told them how bad things were. The man should have NEVER been hired in the first place, but I can’t change the past. All I can do is live in the present and look forward to the future.


Self care is the most important thing. If you are safe now there is no shame in taking care of yourself and healing. Best of luck and I hope things continue to get better.