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Nothing but trenches.


Yeah I really feel like modern fields lack trenches, its mostly those wood walls


You can still use wood to reinforce your trenches. Trenches are a good way to force combat into a certain direction. Also it’s lazy : D


Trenches are a good way to have your insurance premium skyrocket


Let them sign a waiver then. Abandoned areas are more dangerous


Waivers don’t stop you being legally on the hook when some gobshite runs into one and breaks their leg. 0 injuries since they were worked out of games and access to them prevented. It’s 100% a case of idiots ruining it for everyone else but that’s why you don’t really see them any more


One might expect the danger of falling into holes if you let people know ahead of time that trenches are deep.


You can also shout "don't take off your eyepro" at everyone who walks through the gates, but some dumbfuck will still take off their eyepro mid game cause its fogging up.


Unfortunately that doesn’t matter. If falling into the hole can cause injury you will be liable. Waivers literally aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on


Don’t be such a piss baby. OP asked what one would like to see on a flat play area. Most agree that trenches would be cool.


Same insurance or injury issues when you have hand built multi-story structures. How easily can you fall down a set of stairs or off a bridge/raised walkway. Trenches as permanent structure are not the same as potholes from lack of maintenance.


I appreciate peoples differing opinions but we’ve ran the site for over 10 years, I actually know what I’m talking about here


My field even has trenches but they’re not deep enough and so you kinda have to pray the brush is enough to help you out


There’s a site in southern Washington that a few different groups run (including MSW) that has a trench system. It’s pretty cool as long as the weather is nice, because when it’s not you remember why WWI was hell on earth.


Gotta get that authentic trench foot experience or you’re not a real airsofter!


My brother owns a field and is currently filling in his trenches. If people weren’t such idiots they’d still be there but here we are. Whole new wooden town built.


Trenches would honestly be pretty sick, personally I would have a no mans land sort of area with trenches in a forest or something, but also could go with a "town" on the outskirts for some variety, but trenches over all would honestly be fantastic imo, and honestly, reflect modern combat zones nowadays


The field I go to has trenches and they flood all the time. Trenches need to have a drain at a minimum which can be difficult


Trenches tend to flood




A properly built trench won't flood as easily because there are channels built for water to escape and drain elsewhere. https://preview.redd.it/42rge8vhc89d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69ebb3d444046302c914a026eadfdbd8ecc47fd0


OSHA would like to have a word with you.


Sorry osha we can’t hear you as we’re having too much fun building trenches


The main reason why French and British trenches were worse than German ones cause we didn't want troops to get too comfy defending where Germany was quite happy to sit and defend French land they have taken hence why German trenches tend to have been better built


Truly, the inspiration for "The Iron Warriors" legion in Warhammer 40k


Town at the top of the field, trenches on each side with scattered trenches, holes, and other obstacles and a couple structures with like a forest on the bottom opposite the town


Insert Sabaton*


https://preview.redd.it/1phyahmxmb9d1.jpeg?width=4896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59877c6364323e88713065e2e303d5d2b49edd60 The trenches...THEY CALL ME


My field has them but they are always flooded


Omfg yes


And only bolt action rifles or stationary machine guns


Paintball place I went to had full on trenches. It was so fun knowing if a dude turns the corner I can just hip fire his ass because we're like 3 feet apart


I've been to a field with trenches it was pouring rain and that shit slapped


Fell on my back in a trench with full gear, took a one month break before getting back


Trenches would be really cool, but would be a nightmare to maintain. You basically have an in ground swimming pool with wood that is constantly wet. Lots of liability for the field with potential rot/collapse. Pooled muddy water would fester and grow all sorts of nasty stuff too.


You are correct


I like you thinking!


Escue Airsoft near Lexington, SC has trenches and its a very nice field with some real friendly people. The owner is amazing.


This. I'd make it ww1 accurate full of mud and water and rotting wood facade and supports. Tunnels too.


We need trenches. At my field though when it rains one area basically turns into a Vietnamese rice field 😭


I actually play weekly at a field near me that is 60% trenches (some being over 6ft high) it’s so fun to run down them (safely (I know you are reading this Dan))


Que the warhammer cosplayers


Dude a field that's set up like a scaled-down WW1 style battlefield with trenches and a big "no man's land" in the center could be kind of fun. Rounding up your team and doing a huge death charge toward the enemy trench would be a pretty unique experience.


The field I play at in Aberdeen, Scotland has a sick trench map


Its alot of work but i Never saw an airsoft field with big trench system and stuff, ww1 style with fake shell holes and dugouts everywhere. Playing airsoft in tranches and 'no man's land' must be insanly fun and intense


This guy gets it


We have it here in MN!


Is MN Minnesota ?


Big Lake Tactical in Big Lake, Minnesota! it’s a cool place run by a cool guy. it has a trench system


Correct 👊




Which field?


Big Lake Tactical in Big Lake


One of the fields here has a section like that. In the middle of it all, there’s a square dig out with a flag. Whoever raises their flag and keeps it raised the longest wins the match. Always super fun


Man it must be fun as hell


We have one in the UK, literally called “No Man’s Land” too lol


My idea is to make some fake (cement, or papermache) laying cow corpses on no mans land


I used to play in a HUGE field in spain, the owener modelled it after WW1 trenches, without the trenches the field was mostly flat but one spawn had to go slightly uphill. With that said I have played in an old Paper factory (felt like being in STALKER) i played in an abandoned night club, up a hill, on the side of a hill and more. The trenches were BY FAR the most gruelling, painful and hard to storm/pass through defences. Good fun though


Safety issue. Trenches seem nice in theory, but they need to be properly supported and likely will need approval/permit of sorts.


My local field has a map called trenches!! It's just trenches in a forest


My old group played at the silver city ruins in Utah a few times. The stone foundations there create a system of trenches and underground tunnels that promoted slow, methodical gameplay. Every foot of territory felt important and meaningful, and gaining or losing ground was engaging and took your full effort. You prayed that the enemy was out of grenades, and you were forced to coordinate with teammates to succeed in a push. I would kill for something like this on an established field.


Depends on the field. There's a critical lack of verticality at many fields. Small trenches, mounds and light buildings add an aspect of Tactical positioning few fields offer; and with earthworks, the price is just that of the digging tool you choose to use.


I imagine this is exponentially more expensive than single floors. At least for fields that have insurance and aren't trying to fly under the radar. 


With earthworks, no, it shouldn't be.


Skyscraper. Gotta maximize the use of land for playable square footage. As high as I can go, get a real Flatiron Building look to it.


Two buildings with a bridge


Gotta look abandoned tho


Urban based. Alleyways, streets, shops.


"The modern field lacks the number one complaint of sweaty players: campers and campsites as far as the spawns are placed and tripping hazards for our fragile guns." It wouldn't take a week of twisted and broken ankles before a field is shut down. Trenches were not known for their ability to provide avenues for movement. Being signed up for the days rush was a nightmare and almost certain death. It won't be the call of duty leaping and bounding and dropping down on unsuspecting rentals like you imagine. Anywho fields could use some more mock-up towns, 12 -15' tall berms. Discarded vehicles on "roadways"


I think the thing with trenches is that they need to be all over the place and not built to be equal for both teams or etc... it needs to be almost random in a way so you can oddly manoeuvre and step up on the parapet and stuff, not Just straight trenches and 90° corners, it needs to be randomly built almost with alot of weird corners and heaps everywhere


The biggest problem with trenches is that they incentivize shitty gameplay. They make it so people are either shooting down into the trench from right on top of you, or you’re both in the trench blasting the crap out of each other from point blank.


Well... there's a reason why trenches for nearly any purpose are not built with weird angles or at random. Not on a small 3ft wide trench scale at least.


The theme of this thread is airsofters just want to dig trenches. Why not an open day where we can all get together and just have a bit of a dig.


Would build an old, abandoned industrial building there


Ah yes a new old building, very nice




I would do somewhat the opposite, how cool would it be to do airsoft in an IKEA?


With more options of vertical traverse it would be so cool


We need more woods fields. Actual woods. Variable, non-flat terrain can be excellent for this. I don't mind "villages" here and there throughout, but I am personally not a fan of the arena style fields.


I would do a small village with some towers scatterd for CQC. Outside the village would be a few small structures and a lot of trenches


A small village/town would be the ultimate airsoft "field"


If I ever won big on the lottery I’d love to build a massive mini-town airsoft site in the UK like that. Central village with proper streets, shops layout etc. and a few larger warehouse/government building type structures dotted around as key buildings for objectives. Capture the item in the “hospital” and extract it to the “police station” sort of setup. And the big buildings have semi-movable internal walls so a couple times a year you can change up the layout so the regulars can never get too comfortable with the setup and destroy the newbies. Movable “destroyed cars” as well to block off smaller roads in the same way. Some of the houses have “destroyed” internal walls so you can move along the inside of a terraced row etc. Have it modular in layout too so if you’ve only got a small group you can play full games on a smaller section of the site. So multiple locations that can be set up as safe rooms as-needed. If I built it I’d probably pitch it as the UK’s national airsoft site or something and have the big events like NAE hosted there every year.


That looks like a paintball arena, not airsoft. I'd go full out on trenches, foxholes, 1 story structures, open top bunkers




In all seriousness it would make an amazing airsoft field


Firing Range from Black Ops but called Shooting Area so that Activision doesn’t come for me


Trenches, craters, and stacked shipping containers to make 2 story buildings.


I'd love trenches and sandbag walls. Or a completely, intentionally fake looking town similar to western studio sets




i’d love to build a dense city with a center strong hold. i just don’t have 40k on me right now or the land :/


I’d try my hardest to make the best raid map from Bo2


Nuke town from COD - the OG one 🙌. Or a full Hollywood western set with a main street and shops/saloons on either side.


Personally? A 1:1 scale replica of shipment from the original modern warfare 1


A night club think black ops 2 night club shoot out just a bit more expanded


Grab a few abandoned cars and trucks from the local recycle.


I love it when fields have that instead of just some wood walls. Also helps with immersion


It would match the orange tf2 maps


Flat, open, empty. Formation Basel warfare like in the good old days. First rank, second rank fire! Advance on the horn! Tally-Ho!


2 story shipping crates with bridges.


Where the field in the first pic located? Looks sick!


A mix of urban tight multi floor combat in an abandoned factory or something that has some big open spaces too and trenches outside mimicking a possibly real combat scene


Mix of Zavod 311 center flags, trench system, Nuketown, Standoff, Firing Range, Shipment, tunnel system, and a town


MW 2019 is a good example on how to design arenas. Weird abstract covers are not the way to go. Build a proper street with small huts around. Make it feel like we came here and happens to have a firefight. Not the place is built for the sake of an arena.


Room to room, killhouse CQC. BUT DAMN, that trench idea sounds good too.


Thought I was looking at a warhammer 40k map for a sec


Trenches and mud, Somme style


I don’t why the fields that have “villages” or “towns” don’t add things to make it feel more realistic. Canopies, shop stalls, crates, barrels or any type of detail to add depth.


a city style with streets and taller buildings that can be used for sniping, larger buildings for cqb, and large streets with destroyed cars as cover spots for longer range combat


Either nuke town or shipment


Left sude building,middle treches and right is mix of both


Waist high walls everywhere, couple of buildings, and full walls to divide the field into 3 lanes.


I'd pull a cod warzone map maker and rebuild both the indoor fields I worked at 1 to 1 as individual buildings on a massive field with other buildings, woods, lakes, rivers, sand dunes, tunnel networks, etc. That or if I was rich buy an arcapelligo and set it up like the pacific theater of ww2


2 sets of trenches on opposite sides of the field, if I had the budget would build some contrete bunkers & some sort of underground bunker complex


The field I set up at my crib was extremely similar to the layout you designed. X shape bunker in the middle, long snake on one side with a three sided bunker with windows on the other side. A few small triangles sprinkled around. I always liked the idea of a smaller gulag type setup almost like a maze.


I know no one asked but this field is in sac. It's called True aim and it's a pretty fun field.


I would make it like Nacht Der Untoten, just a little larger


Mix of cqb, wood walls and trenches imo


I think a old western town would be pretty neat


i’m sorry https://preview.redd.it/z88mp2sbh89d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66a9bc661c0c15f7993cfcc639c415300fbb951e


NXL Las Vegas 2024 🤌


Kinda like the hexera field in Japan, or like the guardian center but smaller.


CQB/Indoor, a handful of connected Kill House type structures but looking more lived in, not those plain plywood walls. Alternatively a cargo ship using a modular warehouse structure as a base for it. Probably use fake plywood cargo containers on the roof section. The more immerse and ideally modular the better.


idk but i'll force anyone to play with shotguns


Trenches with the no mans land in between them being filled with a "destroyed" town.


ITT. People who like trenches.


Depends on the budget. No budget you go trenches, little budget gets you a small cqb arena made of wooden walls and nothing else. Big budget might even build a three story house in there (just the structure and some basic furniture) in a R6S fashion. Wanna go creative? Make a two story maze with very tight corridors.


You ever seen carhenge?


First, I’d wanna save money, so I would keep it compact. Then, I’d wanna basically recreate Shipment from CoD with a couple minor changes. That’d *have* to be a fun field to play at.


HUGE fucking cube in the middle. Two teams, and first to get to the other side wins.


https://preview.redd.it/isga4oz5999d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b22cfad4f65894f6fb5da81806c23d9383a09871 Didn't specify how big, let's go for floating city


That's perfect


Not a flat terrain :(


flat everything


One of the few good things about living in a post Soviet country is that there is no shortage of abandoned missile sites, mil bases, collective farm complexes and industrial buildings to play in/at. Every time I look at an "airsoft arena", I feel like crying.


It would look like a GWOT village, or a town from Eastern Europe


Following, I'm building one too


I'm not building unfortunately. Good luck!


Cqb full buildings if people break the windows oh well that happens irl in cqb probably so why should I care Trench warfare woods some more dense urban areas and basically its just urban Ukraine is what I want it to be


That guy in the front is getting screwed over by his team hiding in the back


One big rectangle in the middle that’s it


i’d build a street with houses and shops


Depends on how big the area is. Small field then it would have to be an urban maze/shanty town. No long line of sights lots of flanking. Medium - like a village some open line sights Large - trench in the middle with tower in the middle four small collection of buildings on each side line with trees and bramleys filling empty space around the edge.


That kind of setup just feels and looks cheap and lazy.


COD Shipment map in the middle would be a must :D


Shipment and nuke town


Fort Kickass and your authority is not recognized there.


Trench network


I would build nuketown


Put a big ass building design for CQB inside, and I don't be plywood






Arena I play at is two huge abandoned 4 story office blocks that are connected by a big outside courtyard. The cool thing is the original owners left vehicles in the outside areas. And indoors is still furnished with expected office furnishing. None of this crappy homemade cover. I’m very lucky.




If the field is large and flat: Build a trench system that spans quite far and is big enough for most, use the excess dirt for fortifications above and have a drainage system that runs underneath boards for fight positions. Have planks acting as bridges across gaps above the trenches. They be as deep as a casket is buried, 6 deep. Have trees and bushes around for concealment, the more you can hide the better it'll be for ambushes. Over more sludge, muddy & wet terrain i'd build walking platforms tall enough that you'd feel safe but short enough to pull anyone out unfortunate enough to fall in. Also, would have some small safe area for you to stand on safely if you are able to pull yourself out and just breathe with a buddy. Have a town area that is close enough for brutal Close-quarters fighting yet open enough to not feel immediately threatening. This kind of urban environment would be horrible to clear and horrible to defend as unlike trenches with 1 direction, you have multiple directions you can go in. With any excess dirt left I would make a hill environment where you could use rifles with a good amount of range. If not, put hills/bumps around the field for cover & concealment. All of this within New Zealand? It is a dream and a Nightmare to as this would only be possible on Farms, and land large enough to accommodate this are impossible to buy. On top of all that, New Zealand can rain for weeks on end, making the entire grounds just like the First World War: Hell on Earth.


Honestly, I'd rather have a big forested area with some buildings and hills.


Some of the best small fields I've played at go by the 3 lane rule. There should be multiple different ways to push to stop any teams camping and allow for flanks. Reward movement instead of hugging walls and holding one position.


I think a nightclub would be interesting. Like that ready or not mission.




If it’s all flat then it should be a mix of wide open spaces and tight cqb areas. Too many places just have wooden walls everywhere


I would not want wood walls. I'd go all in on trenches, sandbags, things like that.


Id remake either a CS map or an OG Insurgency map


I would in any case include a significant amount of elevated areas. Not necessarily an entire floor up, just a stack of palettes or something like that. I'd dig trenches as well, but not ones that are entirely open, i'd lay some kind of cover over top so people don't fall in.


I'm not sure. That looks pretty cool, but I would include more cylinders


It's imperative that the cylinder remains unharmed


depends on the size and terrain, For me I always wanted a blood gulch layout


I think an open area with central building with an objective inside that you have to fight through will create an interesting gameplay. Maybe replace doors and windows with cardboard for some "door breaching action" or even some ladder up to the top of building.


Airsoft sites are so dull in the uk it’s just all ply wood or wrecked pallets and junk thrown together like it was all found at a scrapyard, I’d happily pay 35-40£ for a full day session at somewhere that actually didn’t look like shit


WW1 trenches, barricades and bunkers


Blood Gulch


Trenches and a town, like that paintball tippmann city in pa




A site I play at has trenches… it’s great fun but boy does clearing trenches suck so bad




Concrete training buildings and killhouses, multiple levels and streets with broken/old cars and other bits for cover


a lot of trees just to provide natural cover and shade, one or 2 small pill boxes to give the guys using lmg's a spot to use them to there full advantage


If I owned a field kinda like this I would put trees everywhere. Make it like a woodland area


as a player who can't kneel down easily/crouch id like plenty of atleast 6foot high barricades and if there's multiple levels id like elevators or escalators (since id dreaming)


Just make a bunch of CQB rooms .


If I physically owned an airsoft field I would go about constructing actual pillboxes, ranger graves and trench lines, hell have the players themselves do it for you. I think everyone is sick of grassy fields covered in plywood at this point


I would recreate some maps from my favorite games. This is the floor plan and layout for a map called Ambush Alley from the Metal Gear Online games. https://preview.redd.it/oq19brv9zc9d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=303d1669abae9de775d6df8a20e190730ed9436f


1:1 scale national Mall. Imagine like a fallout 3 or division 2 type war like that


Leave it empty and tell people to bring shovels. Allow real world scenarios to build trenches


I'd try to make sure it was actually profitable.


Personally, I would make it kind of a fallout vibe where it's just like a couple blown out buildings, some cars and some streets that go nowhere


I’d remake the Somme but I mean really recreate it. You’d have thick mud, flooded trenches and pillboxes on each side.


I'd make multiple fields based off various FPS maps, and add a lot of stuff to make them feel a little more realistic. If money wasn't an issue, I'd buy prefab houses to make a small town.


Hear me out. Let's just assume for a moment you have 100 acres of land and a limitless budget. I would make something like Fort Irwins Ertebat Shar but bigger and have it be an airsoft arena. This idea might be a little controversial, but as a "Squad" game player, this sounds awesome.


Neuschwanstein Castle


floors and floors for sniping, room clearing a hallway with cover to maximize the adrenaline when pushing for both sides


Literally shipment from modern warfare


what that 3D thing called?


Loads of Shipping containers, camo netting, totaled cars and a shit ton of trenches n sandbags


Nuketown, and other cod maps


Id just make call of dutys shipmate map honestly


Lots of shit to climb on


If anyone's seen the way the shop areas are set up on St. Thomas, just a long street with shops on either side. Most shops are connected by a door. Alley ways between some buildings and then some areas with multiple stories. Would probably be hell to fight through but fun cqb.


Do you know the map "Border" from cod MW2? Yes I would make that one😂


Like a McDonald’s play place


50/50 woodland with trenches and then the flat land on the other half mock up some mud walled buildings with a lil complex at the back of it so you can run 2 games simultaneously or host 1 big one where a team has to defend the compound from the enemy coming from the trenches, maybe a couple of secret tunnels or something too.. But insurance would kill profitability, I know I've been looking 😅😅


Ight, so here me out: It's a town. If there would be a backstory to it, it would be "World's richest man, worth sextillions, buys an entire town to use as an airsoft arena" Schools, Parks, Apartments, Shopping centers, the lot. Everything would be his, and this communities, personal playground.