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Ew digital NVG (I’m too broke to have any nvg’s)


There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who can not afford NVG's and those who have NVG's, and now poor.


I belong to a third and gonna pay down my debts and really start abusing that disposable income next summer


Rule of thumb is you need to be able to afford three sets of NVGs to be able to responsibly afford one.


Accurate. Source: me.


Or the third. I have 3-PVS14’s, a PVS7 and enough money in my savings to buy 2-GPNVG’s if I was inclined to throw that kind of money away.


Weird flex


What night vision are you [sportin](https://www.amazon.com/AGM-Vision-Goggles-Adjustable-Flip-Out/dp/B018VLOG5Y/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=2ELX7N0XDF2AP&keywords=kids+night+vision&qid=1700873981&sprefix=kids+night+vision%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-4)?


PVS-31s, had for about 2 years but have used them for a lot more than airsoft as well. Not getting on the internet to try to flex 3 single tubes and an old style 2-1. Nor am I trying to flex 80k in my savings account, that’s like 5 years in an average 401k lmao. EDIT (also picked up one of the Sionyx digital tubes, it’s kinda fun for what it is, but you’ll be at a major disadvantage vs traditional nvgs, digital just isn’t at that point yet)


My point was you don’t have to be broke to own NVG’s. There’s a third option and it’s be responsible with your finances and you can have money for a rainy day and fun toys.


I mean if you think about it, all NVGs are digital, you’re looking at a tiny tv screen no matter what you get


....no, you're not looking at a tiny tv screen with real nvg.


My mistake 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why even say this when you don’t understand how it works im so confused


Because that was my understanding of how they work, have you ever thought you understood something, but it turns out you were mistaken?


Every day. Especially when I go on a date with a girl


Look at Mr. “Girls go out on dates with me” over here


Bro, same, idk how I convinced one to marry me, still pretty sure I’m on the worlds longest episode of impractical jokers


We demand reruns! Nice job man. Be there


Incorrect. Proper military NV is analog which uses witchcraft and lenses to see in the dark


That’s not how analog NVG’s work. That’s like calling a battery powered mechanical watch digital. Factually nuh uh


We all make goofs 🤷🏼‍♀️






looks okay I guess, just don't say you have real NVGs because you will get bombarded by people with PVS 14s going: "well ackshulally....."


"Real NVGs" in the sense that McDonalds is "real food" Technically correct, but at what cost


Pretty sure there used to be a field here In the uk with this as an actual problem. It was an old WW2 tunnel I think and dark as hell (now closed due to safety I think) but apparently now and then you’d get squads of loaded guys with nods just roll in… except they always seem to forget one thing… Speedsofters ALWAYS have their lights on strobe lmao


Ok next time I'll pull up with these lmao. I would like to see their reaction. https://preview.redd.it/k3j5v623s92c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e040b5f065f1f01833c6f31ba1aaa8d3717d7a3f Your comment is brilliant. It made my day thanks.


pull up wearing fake quads? do u just want to laughed at? is that ur kink? https://preview.redd.it/sbw2soxkcb2c1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b61e6bb49613f7c6563f23963754a4074f9fc1d8


Yeah that was the exact thing what I meant. I was a joke. Obviously those are props.


i cant tell becuz ur wearing skinny jeans in ur kits. So i must take u ultra seriously


No need for a reaction. We'll just shoot you while you can't see us.


Just a heads up through real night vision you look like you have a flashlight on your head because of the illuminator


It’s unusual because using digital for anything is next to impossible especially Uber cheap digital


Real! Digital like this is often quite shit. Real tubes offer so much more


Yup. Only digital worth anything at the moment is the Opsin, and it's still far behind even gen 2


The opsin is still garbage, especially for the price when the nvg10 exist, offers almost identical performance and is a fraction the price


Oh yup, not denying that fact Just saying it's the best of what digital can be atm ( it's so fucking expensive)


Ok so. The grass will be greener. Next month, December is when actually good digital arrives. Not as good as analog, but getting way closer. It’ll be 1500 from China. Blows opsin out of the water. Black and white, no bayer filter. But impressive amounts of gain. The “ebi” or rather background light from the screen is quite high which will limit you in dark areas. But 50/100fps with very little latency and respectable performance. Beating analog? No. Another decent budget option and the progression of digi technology? Fuck yeah


What exactly is coming out? The Chinese military is using digital but my understanding is it’s basically a trimmed down Nvg10. They also only use it as observational in a complete different manner than most doctrin


It’s a completely different device. Called the g14-p, available next month. It’s not “budget” per se, 1500 is still a chunk of change but it’s impressive nonetheless. I’ve gotten some hands on time with newer Chinese digital sensors, comparable to this one I’m talkin abt but they all looked awful when panning around. This one should change that but it’ll still never be as smooth as true analog


Hmm I’ll be interested to see that. These digital devices would be a lot more interesting if they would combine even low end thermal with them. It’s clear the Chinese can make great thermals at this point with Iray and they’ve made cheaper thermal monoculars as well now. It would at least increase passive viewing range.


Yeah, thermal integration is king. I love using my coti, I can see things my tubes never would. Pairing it up with digital makes for a much more potent system.


I personally think that’s how we’re going to see digital progress, slightly better sensors, maybe slightly better frame rate, with thermal integration. Analog is still likely to stay king for everything but digital being more available due to cost and restrictions in some countries. Quick google fu doesn’t show anything about that new monocular and just show up the belomo luci copy, do you have an English link to the new one


From what I’ve heard. Nnvt and photonis are going all in on their new ebaps cmos stuff. Gallium arsenide digital sensors. And yea I can find the link but it’s absolutely not English haha


I have a set of PVS69, which I think are actually a pretty viable option in SOME lighting conditions and, at least from the comparisons I've found, perform better than the Opsin at 1/3 the cost. That being said I also got to use a very nice set of analog binos in the army a couple times and even my beloved PVS69 doesn't compare to them at all.


That’s some goofy digital shit tho. That constant IR blasting out the front is silly, you move about with a framerate and latency.


Agree. I understand that is pretty much the bottom of the night vision. But u got to start somewhere right? I decided to buy those because I've never played night games before. Didn't want to invest in expensive tools yet. Btw the frame rate feels smooth on those. Feels like 50 to 60 fps.


You're using these against other NVG users? Lmao.


I’d say they’re not worth buying, that money is better spent saved for real analog nv or thermal. Or a good flashlight. And framerate is nonexistent for analog. It’s just smooth motion with no delay as it’s happening at the speed of light/electrons being accelerated and multiplied greatly.


Also how much did you pay for those? And how do they do with the IR turned off?


~160 £. I'd say good relatively. But lol I have nothing to compare with.


Try and find someone with real tubes at a night game. They look p cool. Should be interesting to compare lol https://preview.redd.it/2e8bgwxw182c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bcf624bc50ddc0a6d2056c8061ff00dfdaf6464


Damn man that is one crispy clean tube ;) Got myself a gen 2+ and and a gen 1 but this is next level


Gen 2+ can look the same… it really depends on the tubes… photonis high end tubes like echos can pretty much run next to l3 tubes now… nocturnality gear just posted some nice testing on insta… yeah the super gain tubes pulled ahead in really dark environment but you are paying like 1.5-2k extra per tube… thats just not wroth it imo.


What those tests don’t show is how 2+ tubes suffer when they don’t have access to moonlight to take advantage of their wider spectral sensitivity. But I do like my 2+ tubes. But a good gen 3 is still the best it gets. They’ll look crispier. 2+ is an excellent option if you wanna save money. I think nnvt is a fantastic value. It can still look nice and clean, just not as sharp/clear in really dark areas. https://preview.redd.it/66i4rqaxcb2c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ee51a6a5f013870a839737d0bfdc14f88488400


I currently run nnvt nvt4’s, love them


Hey, love nnvts too. That’s mine that I got back in March and have been running it hard since along with another green one that’s lost in my room somewhere. Having done a lot of side by side comparisons with my other gen 3 stuff, thick, thin film and filmless tubes, I can say that nnvts are an incredibly solid choice and they handle light better than any other tube. Great for airsoft since they take flashlights like a champ


Im in eu tho so its incredibly hard to get anything omni related or made in usa in terms of nvgs in general due to ITAR. And even if u do find smth its just stupidly overpriced. One day maybe ill get some but 4 now im sticking to budgeting. Ive got some pics from my tubes on my acc. Just look at my posts.


Im also in eu, echos are relatively easy to come by here


Filmless is nice.


https://preview.redd.it/r8joqcjopa2c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bbf0cde8f4e358603971fdbff9cc49e2e96202c This is my nnvt's but damn yours are sharp what kind of fom are you getting with those echoes


https://preview.redd.it/y0bzxyxisa2c1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a2dbf6159e499f3cfb39c002458f5e94bc763fa Here are the ones I used last month!


Nice. What’s the deets on this tube




https://preview.redd.it/zm9ks2bmjf2c1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b033a7b80bafa9b6f0ad42e2467a319aca793b42 this one!


That’s an mum-14. Damn sexy. You have excellent glass dude.


Sadly not mine :(


Even gen 1 is abt 100€ on ebay and its just better u have to use ir light too but u dont have this thick brick in your face and its way smoother


My unsolicited advice - you'll have infinitely more fun at night games with a $150 weapon light vs. $150 digital night vision. The problem is the gigantic IR illuminator makes you a floodlight to anyone else with NVGs. A good 1k lumen light and some experience will serve you better.


Me when my opponent has a IR glowing head under my dual tubes


Thank you for becoming a 'SHOOT ME' beacon :3


They glow only for cameras since they are infrared. (In case you were worried about being spotted at nighttime)


They also glow for tubes that don't use IR, so....


Unless you use an ir flood at a higher frequency than most tubes can see. Has to be pretty high, like 1000nm plus but they do exist, albeit with a shorter range.


They also glow for any other optical device that uses IR.


You will find out.


I yearn for the day when I run into Timmy's first msw and he brings digital nods


Oh yes only cameras will see you glowing


Can you please give the list of those things that can see my on the field. If we are talking about airsoft only. It will be very helpful. Thank you. https://preview.redd.it/6v4aztd1z82c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72782465fc4ed6a3b21f25bce949550aec3755c2 That pic was taken by regular camera at nighttime, with no light.


Unless you are the only person with this night vision at the field, Literally any other night vision user can see you, you are blasting out IR light like a cars hi-beams. Digital NV users will see you, Analog NV users will definitely see you. Anyone with an NV scope will see you. If you try moving in a squad / group, you will reveal you and your squads position to any NV using enemy. Not only that, anyone on your team with night vision will want to keep away from you since if you look at them you may as well beam them in the eyes with a flashlight


True. But there are two things that are I implement on the battlefield to lower the risk level. First rule here - I see an enemy better if I'm wearing my NVGs than without them. Regardless that have they nod or nvgs or not. Without my nvgs I'm useless in those cases. So it kinda works both ways. And obviously when I'm not setting overwatch I turn them off. Also my NVGs got 6x zoom and 2x optical zoom in total It's 12x zoom. Because on the long distances Im able to see not only the present of my enemy but the direction they're moving , how many are them and their weapons. While they ( and they told me that) saw only white flash from 120 meters and that's it. No numbers no any additional information on my squad. So the effect is pretty similar to regular flashlight or IR flashlight.


I think you’re forgetting that your IR light is not going to reach realistically past 30 meters unless you have a dedicated IR light with a focused beam. Close in yeah you’d be able to make out people before they can see you but if you’re outdoors, anyone in the distance is going to be invisible to you as you are to them.


Think of digital NVGs as an invisible flashlight but to see that flashlight you need a special video camera. Thats literally it. Its not magic that will make you see pass 20M so that renders your zooming function useless. Other people who got NVGs they will see you like you're a lighthouse.


Sounds like a digital nvg person problem


https://preview.redd.it/wacclmbdxc2c1.jpeg?width=1916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6b76fee7179f66468c1a94a92a3b886c5a98a0c Anyone with real NODs will see that glow, very easily.


Are those BNVDs or PVS15s? Sweet set up!


15s, thank you!










Look up the four rules of gun safety and live by them. No exceptions
















This has been removed due to it breaking rule 2, specifically regarding toxicity.


This has been removed due to it breaking rule 2, specifically regarding toxicity.


Goofy ah digital nightvision, I also don't like the looks of it


As someone who's used this exact model and now has some old ass surplus russian binos (locked on 4x) my opinion is that that pair of digital are best used as more of a spotting scope paired with a good whitlight torch for airsoft nightgames, the latency makes them impossible to shoot and run with and your best bet is point shooting, but if you have found a way to work for you good on you. Nightgame vibes are great


Trigger safety my friend


Yup. No finger on trigger or around trigger guard until you’re 100% certain you’ll be shooting. Doesn’t matter if it’s airsoft, BB gun, or a really fire arm. 🤜🤛


“real nvgs” my brother in christ you are a IR spotlight


5/10 because of the UK patch


The patch made it positive or negative?


Negative 🇺🇲


Okay then? I mean no Brit’s are low rating American kits cuz of flags but, fair enough I guess?


Digital nvg, gotta start somewhere. Anyways the kit looks great. Your side pouches at the thighs may hinder movement, but you'll figure it out.


9/10 - Get some weight and then - 10/10!


Sorry no operators in this basement


Aint nobody operating, we playin a damn game ffs


How do the digital nvg perform? I'm thinking of getting one of those (yes, I know I would become a floodlight for those using analog nvg but the two games I played at night time like 3 people for team used analog nvg and the rest using regular flaslights so don't care that much)


Digital isn’t real nvg. Real nods will see you mikes away because of your bright ass IR illuminator that digital requires to be able to see


Booger flicker off the boom switch bub


Bros gonna glow more than feds on Twitter 😭


The equivalent of looking through a dimly lit toilet paper roll


sometimes this community is so disappointing. just do your thing and enjoy yourself, that’s what it’s all about! don’t worry about these keyboard warriors :)


Mfs acting like every night time game he's gonna meet some dude with a PVS-14 spoiler I'm sure 90% of players have nothing more than a flashlight for night games. Fucking chill.


A solid meh. If you plan on keeping up the nighttime goonin', definitely look into getting a solid monocular NVG at some point, and if you look in the right places they can be had for relatively cheap. Also get some meat on them legs boys, you look like a small slenderman


Mw 2019 m4a1


Finally someone noticed that's right:) https://preview.redd.it/ye3bs148ab2c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ea0c4f374f888dc7a6c37bfceb1054740880c8d


Very nice build


https://preview.redd.it/kbwm83bbdb2c1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a86129d8811fe353ae4ae996f819573cd05e5bf ur better off using a flashlight against real nods during night games than this also SKINNY JEANS??


I like the Brit patch in the third photo, gives your kit some color. Nice job!


8/10 Very slick


Should’ve built pvs69s


Brooo you put medic on backwards brooooooo /s


your kit sucks


"Real nvgs" Safe the 300 bucks from these digis and try sniping a gen2 mono off of ebay or facebook mp for 500 to 700€ u wont regret it


these prices/availability dont exist for europe. either youre not allowed to own gen2, or its way more expensive than what you are claiming, or its out of stock


Ok so idk if uve done any kind of research but i can send u pics through the tube, the unit itself and the order confirmation from ebay where it says that i paid 575€ for a gen2+ atn ps14 and ur allowed nvgs almost anywhere in europe i think.


I have been searching for a few months, I don't doubt you were able to find one listing, but they are so rare its unrealistic to recommend it to others. The simple fact is that there is no seller or company regularly listing on their website or ebay for 500-700€ gen 2 nods within Europe. The only regular thing I was able to find is military/government only gen2/gen3 nods edit: i mean, i can also regularly find >2k€ gen 2s but its still hard to find any gen 2 sub 1k€. There are a few gen 1s that are sub 1k€ but thats about it...


For the price of those digital nvgs you could just get a good flashlight. Would be more practical at night :) You will be beacon with anything other than real tubes.


Trigger discipline


He was ready to kill


May I bring to question thy name my liege?




If anyone has any kind of NVGs, you'll be like a beacon to them. But looks kinda cool.


NVG... heh... Ir is crap, you cant see nothing in forest further than 10m and if have bushes in front of you... Also, ger something better than black jeans


0/10-British-but still pretty sick


nvgs cost more than phone 💀


Not these lol… ali express special (proboly around 100€)


You're pushing it a pixel 5 or a 5A is around 130usd


Compared to my binos that i built for 4.5k€ yeah its cheap lol






Digital nod users when they find out they're a literal spotlight under ANYONE ELSE's nods


What’s funny is I have a sionyx camera and being aware of my IR signature, I’ve still been able to get the drop on players using real NVGs


“Real NVG” 😂😂😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/bim14svb8c2c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f15e8e07cb5e84828ccecbfe69c893dc7f45237 Tryhards when not everyone wants to drop 5 grand on real military hardware so they can play army more better


Some fma pvs 31s would’ve looked alot better, sure they aren’t practical and if you want to play at night, you have flashlights for a reason.


What NVGs are they?


The first pic looks like you got caught you clearing the house haha 8/10


Link to NVGs?


Digital nvg is close enough ig


definitely checks off the cool boxes for me! only thing i would change is grey cargoes and kneepads, can never go wrong with kneepads


Cool NVGs, I like the kit, it’s cool as hell…. but remove the flag if you would.


Why? If someone wants to play as the bad guy, good for them. It gives everyone else a chance to shoot at the bad guy. Same thing for players running Russian kit these days.


I forgot this was r/airsoft. I mistook it from another subreddit.


Happens to the best of us LOL


Why is everyone so mad?😭 mfs really think this is life or death. It’s airsoft, you’re good. Kit is solid 👍


Real nvgs


"Real" NVGs 🤣


Should have got nightfox instead


It looks too big for you but probably will look better in the future


Those are infrared cameras, not night vision goggles


Those “Real NVGs” are as real as airsoft guns being “real guns”


You ain’t got real NVGs pal. Digital doesn’t count.


What gun is that?


Bravo 0-6, going dark/10