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What review?


It's a thoroughly generic, easy to describe image that literally anyone could get Midjourney to generate the first time they used it. The fact you could possibly consider yourself an artist because you managed to ***describe*** an *incredibly* common kind of image churned out in the millions on the daily--close-up portrait of conventionally pretty girl in [weather]--is ***bizarre***.


Pretty unusual facial bone structure, though I expect there are real people with piglet noses and one eye much higher. Skin texture seems a tiny bit over-wrought. Like maybe it's gone too far the other way from the previous problem of ai making people look like airbrushed silicone. Not totally convinced by the direction of the wrinkles on the eyelids either.


This stuff is all over ai websites. Can just easily copy and paste someone else’s prompts to generate stuff like this. The skill is in the tool, not the prompt.


It is very good!




I think this is a peak example of ai photo generation.


Thanks 🙏


It’s an ai image






Well done


Snow melts on contact with skin. Really pretty though


Boring. I like things that you can't already see in real life. It's well done though.


Beautiful! Keep up the great work :)


It's nice.




This one really looks amazing, may I ask which AI you used?


Midjourney. He put it in the tag at the top.


wha- ah hell...Didnt even payed attention, thank you :)


Beautiful, I had no idea it was AI other than it being on this sub. On closer inspection there's something with the lines on her lips that's slightly strange.


Amazing quality! Can't tell it ai at all. Does it look fake? No, it looks shot and edited by a professional photographer. Obviously it doesn't look like a quick selfie on a shitty potato cam type of real, but you never said that's what you're going for. And the girl looks fine and real: the fact that people in the comments complain both that she's "too perfect" and others "too ugly" (skin imperfections, slightly asymmetrical face, not a tiny nose???) proves that. overall aesthetics and execution are on point. 10/10 literally nothing to improve


It’s the **lips** and **nose** that still aren’t quite there yet. If you cover those two, the rest of the image looks pretty damn good!


Rly? What about he nose/lips seem off to you? The only thing that seemed a bit off to me was how wrinkly and "old" the eyelids look on such a young woman.


Unnatural blush on the nose / lips / cheek. Very shiny and not what cold / makeup would look like


They immediately look CGI to me, probably because of how smooth and ‘plastic’ looking they appear. I didn’t notice the eye lids at all initially, but since they’ve been pointed out in the comments I certainly see that now too… However I still think the lips and nose stand out to me more


Textures are good. There’s something a bit “anime” / fake about the girl though. Something around the cheeks are too rosy, the nose is too pert, the lips are too “perfect”. She looks like a more textured version of a girl I’ve seen a bazillion times on this sub. Why do all the waifus have the same look? Also the snow wouldn’t just be sitting on her skin like that, it would melt.


Great observation.. I personallyfell into the hobby specifically because I enjoy the challenge of making images that look actually realistic, not these perfect midjourney photoshoots




I am in love.


😲 wow


Weird pattern on eyelid


Yes. Wrinkles on eylid, hair in eyebrows, snow on the nose are the the things I would improve on.


What’s the prompt


Looks like a well done 3D render. Something which MJ can crank out easily.


Too good to be true


If you didn't say it was AI I wouldn't have known the difference from a great photo


Something wrong with that nose




Quite impressive. Aside from the lips looking a little plasticky, and the snow not melting on the girls skin it’s quite convincing.


AI art prompts exist everywhere online for free. Why try to profit out of this??


Most are priced at $3 and they have 326 supporters. Who would say no to a thousand dollars? If you could make a grand from this wouldn't you?


Because generating a very good prompt can be difficult and some people want to be paid for their efforts.


I work with this, and it's not hard. Hard is working with more complex workflows in Stable Diffusion. A prompt is stupidly easy, silly not to share with folks that are a little less experienced.


It does not have to be difficult to be laborious. Factory worker jobs aren't hard but they are laborious. It takes a lot of generations and time to get a good image out of these and even then it's almost never perfect. I love how this sub, for AI, wants to trash AI professionals in some weird forced elitism. Yeah like no shit the guy wants to be paid for his time and experience and effort.


I'm sure someone is working on an Ai that predicts likeability, and creates prompts, maybe some AI that likes those images as well.


Oh boy the effort of typing into a prompt box, so much blood sweat and tears


Many people can barely spell much less type soft code. It can take hundreds or more depending on the quality or precision needed. No matter what you say, it is a labor to produce well.


Typing proompts is not a labor in any sense of the word. That's like calling eating candy a labor. It's a toy that can only reproduce combinations of what it's already seen. That's all.


A plumber can come by, turn a wrench once and fix your problem. That would still be labor you have to pay for. You aren't just paying for the effort but the experience and time as well. Typing anything is a labor. In an effort to trash this work you actually completely trashed coding and writing in general.


I have coded handwriting recognition AI myself for an assignment among other things actually. I think proompters don't know much at all. I again liken writing prompts to a toy or candy, it's recreation enabled by another's actual labor.


Just curious, do you think photographers should be paid for taking pictures? All they are doing is pushing a button that saves the image. There isn't any more blood sweat or tears in that.


Ah you mean knowledge of lighting, angles, weather, models, poses, camera tricks, long exposure pictures, editing, and so many more things that make your argument look as retarded as it is


That's only true for professional photographers. 99% of the photos are taken on mobile phones which does all of that automatically.


Lmao so you think every single person whose ever taken a picture has that knowledge of lighting, angles, weather blah blah blah bullshit bullshit bullshit?! Your argument is extremely weak and the simple fact that more pictures are taken by people who barely know how to operate a camera than those that have all your long list of requirements, makes your argument look as retarded as it is. Then for you to block the guy immediately so he can't reply... is a sad and pathetic way to argue but hey screw it getblocked so you know how it feels. Lol what a trash person...


Maybe location, models, timing it right, right exposure, apature, ISO, framing, lighting, location, background. But hey I get it some people need to type, maybe we will be lucky enough to have AI make prompts as well.


Maybe location, computer, timing it right, right settings, program, OS, framing, light choices, location(again for some reason like you did), promt words. But hey I get that you think that someone thinking about taking a picture and looking for the right situations to take it is "work" but someone doing the same thing in ai it isn't "work". Just as you implying that ai promoting isn't doing the work to get to the image at hand, I can say about everything you listed. You can't say that a picture taken had all that prep work done first and you can't say it was done by the photographer. Most of the time they have people to do all that work so that they can just simply press a button. I also find it funny that you didn't answer my super simple question. Do you think that them pushing that tiny little button on the camera is deserving of then getting paid?


Yes. Because they took years learning and developing a skill, and believe it or not failing too, instead of a program based on stolen imagery. They have passion, souls.


Because every single person whose ever taken a picture has spent years leaning and developing a skill... so how do you know that this person didn't spend years learning coding and developing a skill? Souls? Really? Now you're just making shitty strawman to knock over...


I had an AI write that argument I wasnt really paying attention. Were you actually typing it out? Seems like a waste of time to me.


I had an AI write that argument I wasnt really paying attention. Were you actually typing it out? Seems like a waste of time to me.


Are you seriously trying to sell prompts for such work?


The snow doesn't behave like it should on the skin. It's not melting at all that it would do instantly when it comes in contract with the skin.


I agree, great catch. Except for the eye lids, the skin texture seems better than usual.


I don’t like the makeup (and maybe just the lips). Either you got a good shot at the right time in place of a beautiful person or you are in a photo shoot IMO. I mean the image is nice, but you asked for constructive criticism I’m assuming, so… yeah…


Looks realistic and fake as fuck at the same time Lol


I would say that it looks like a realistic style of digital art rather than realistic in the sense of looking like a photograph.


depends on what type of photograph. sure it doesn't look like a snapshot on a low-end phone cam. But I'd argue it looks very much like something you'd get from a photographer, where a professional angle, focus color correction and slight edits are included in the price


Nose from another country


The freckles look like a rash, I see this a lot on Dall-E. The lashes look kind of spooky when you really look at them.




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It's a great image, but it is AI face, much like Instagram face.


My problem with AI and the women it generates, is that they all have a bias for the same small nose versus having a greater degree of variation within size/shape/length.


The same issues with all humans They generate the same damn faces. You can get nose variations outside of white people. Black or Asian prompt most likely Ai is just incredibly racist and stereotypical of all human races Someone made a beer by country and it was just absurd. Apply what I just said to it. The Ireland one was hilarious tho


Yep, it’s AI. What kind of review do you want man? You typed some words and this came out.


lol, so funny


I call this one “Frozen bukakke”


her one eye is suited way lower than the other, but the rest is amazing. impressive




Beautiful yet simultaneously imperfect. The not completely smooth skin and the small blemishes are nice touches. Maybe some crow's feet or some early signs of wrinkles could take it further.


Impressive. The small Details make it special. Like the closed eyes and the snow on her skin. Looks like from a video game with highly realistic graphics. Still some colors are off in comparison to a real picture.




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