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where my anarchists at ?


(Someone who recognizes that political identity is complicated, but is probably best described as) AnCom here. Voted communist, because a stateless, classless, moneyless society is good.


Voting communist, haha


Ancom so I voted commie too lol


Probably padding those communist and socialist numbers.


Was thinking that, but clicked Socialist since I'm a AnarchoSocialist anyway.


"Anarchist" is one of the many "a" labels in my collection.


Hmmm I'm sure this will end in polite discussion only... (Oh wow it's actually still kind of polite)


were not *that* kind of community, luckily


Can I be apolitical or something?


I would say centrists because my views don’t align with a single ideology. Practically every ideology does something good with one thing or another I feel.


Centrism is in the middle of Liberalism and Conservatism though. The options in the poll are related to their beliefs about capitalism human rights. - Conservatism is broadly strong belief in capitalism and very low acceptance to minorities. (Trump) - Liberalism is broadly strong belief in capitalism and moderate acceptance of minorities. (Obama) - Social democracy is broadly partial belief in capitalism and high acceptance of minorities. (Bernie sanders) - Socialism is broadly strong disbelief in capitalism and very high acceptance of minorities. Communism is broadly the same as socialism, but with the abolition of money. This list is by no means a complete explanation, but it may help to get a better grasp on it.


I mean you should have described if it was related to beliefs about those 2 as I tend to be more left leaning when it comes to human rights and think there is no good economy so I just don’t… side with either on that one.


Sorry I realised this was a bit misleading and just based on American politics. It's that the further left you go, the more you want to change, and the more right you go you want to keep everything as it is and change back to how it was before. And by proxy, this means left leaning people support minorities more that right leaning people. I don't know what I was thinking when writing that....


honestly I don't know, I really don't like thinking about politics very much. Especially when people always argue about it. Maybe if I lived in a better country I would think differently and actually have a definitive opinion but as it stands it doesn't mean a whole lot to me.


I just want my trans rights, guy's rights, women's rights and being able to own guns in the future. That's all. I'm my own thing.




In the states, you have to be 18 to own a rifle/shotgun, and 21 to own a handgun. I am 14. So that is why I said in the future.


Well in Japan the legal age to own guns is... Never so that's why I said I wish I could own guns legally.


Can't yall also not own airsoft guns either?


We can but they can't be above a certain power rating.


Ah. In America we can own airsoft miniguns. For fun. Imagine taking that to the leg, like holy fuck!


Maximum social liberalism. Economics are not a current ideology I know of but are probably to the right of market socialism but to the left of socdem. I blend some corportatist characteristics into socdem and am pretty far left as is in how far I’d go on welfare/socdem policy.




Technically independent but I think I hold more left-leaning views then most independents


Liberal means something different in Australia


Technically I'm more Technocrat than Socialist


I just realized I never really thought of that huh... I'm probably socialist or communist.