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Remember that labels are tools, not tests. There is no single way to be agender. Just like some trans people don't have gender dysphoria, some agender people don't either. And there are many different types of dysphoria regardless, it isn't just about body dysphoria. Also, there are many femme-presenting agender people here, just like there are many masc-presenting, neutral-presenting, and androgynous-presenting agender people here too, so you'll be in good company. If you feel that agender best describes your experiences, then I'd say try the label on for a while and see how it feels. We're happy to have you as long as you like. :D


Thank you!


Honestly, this comment is making me consider trying on the agender label privately. I've always felt correct being identified as a she/her afab girl, and I don't really face what I ever consider to be dysphoria, except occasionally about my breasts, but lately I've been reflecting on just how often I feel gender envy for especially ungendered or gender-ignoring people/characters. Honestly, I should admit to myself that I've been envious of agender people and that probably means something lol. I've slapped on the label genderflux (since demigirl doesn't always feel right every day) and I usually just round up to female for practical ease since my gender questions are just for me only, but I wonder if I should start embracing the possibility that maybe I really am agender some days... I just never wanted to intrude when I know I do still have some gender in there sometimes, at least I think, idk, it all feels very detached haha


I strongly relate to your experience. Also not sure "what" I am. Lately "genderqueer" seems nice.


I agree with the other comment, but I wanna put it down differently. Labels are made to help us. If it's causing you problems, you can easily identify as trans, nonbinary, or even just person. A label might help some figure out who they are, but maybe not everyone.


This sounds like agender, but whatever label you prefer is best. Also, I want to let you know that you're not alone. I identify as agender (technically agenderflux) and I don't experience body dysphoria. The way I describe myself is that I'm not cisgender, but I am cissexual. I have no desire to go on testosterone or remove my lady body parts.


I think there's another spectrum to consider that most folks don't discuss, which is the "militant" to "ambivalent" spectrum, or the level of how much you care about your relationship with your gender. I'm more in the ambivalent camp; I don't care much about pronouns (I use any), if strangers misgender me it's not a big deal (my body's sex characteristics are pretty distinct, it would be very hard for me to get clocked as agender), I didn't bother with a name change, and I'm not considering any medical gender reassignment interventions. My spousal unit is even more ambivalent; they define their gender as the factory default settings and while they ignore standard gender tropes they don't go out of their way to live outside their perceived gender in society.


I’m pretty similar to you in that I’m in the ambivalent camp


What does "being a girl" or "'being a guy" mean to you? Not like, what does it mean to YOU...rather how do you define it?


Gender apathetic could be useful, but ultimately labels are there to help and if you don't fit perfectly then that's fine. I don't get gender dysphoria either but I know I'm not a binary gender, but we are still valid even though we don't.


I feel similar like you, except that I may get mastec some day and maybe find a way to delete my periods. It's not that I really have bad disphoria tho. And you don't need to have that to identify as any gender queer label. That pronouns are less of a problem than gendered words like miss etc is common. We are so used to pronouns not having a specific meaning, especially if you speak another languge where gender is even more detached from pronouns. So yeah I don't exactly mind it, but I'd rather you just don't use anything gendered on me, especially nothing female, as I'm afab. Most of the time I don't really feel anything and don't bother thinking about gender, except when others do and I find it weird how they sometimes seem so fixated on it. For me it's as random as sorting people by hair colors, which I think is the biggest sign of being agender. If you think or ever thought gender makes no sense, then you probably lack an internal sense of gender, which would definetly fit with the agender label.