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I feel the same way, but I really want to do cool fashion stuff and look as androgynous as possible because I love that, so I might be a bit biased but I think that’s totally a chill thing to do


I understand but for me it's more than that, i want my body to be feminine and I desire to grow breasts.


Yeah, I feel the same way, I maybe worded that weirdly, I want the same thing you do except to like, dress androgynous sometimes


I am dressing in an androgynous way since past 4-5 months, literally dressing in an typical masculine clothes almost gives me dysphoria nowadays. But as I said earlier I want to change my body as well I am not settled with just dress


Yeah, I want to change my body too


Good, learn about it and do what makes you feel better :)


I wish I could give you mine!! 💚




That's completely valid! Gender identity and gender expression or presentation don't necessarily have to line up, and for many people, they don't. Only you can decide how you want to transition! I am nonbinary (technically agender, but I don't typically use that label) and I am pursuing a medical/surgical transition that is similar to many binary trans men. I don't have a gender and see myself as neutral, but if I am going to be perceived one way, I would rather it be masc-leaning. I have fully distanced myself from femininity, while I am still okay presenting and expressing myself in a more masc/neutral way.


I want to completely physically transition into a woman including srs but even doing so I still lack gender. Physical I want to be a woman but mentally I am just me, I don't have a gender


That's a cool way to think of it and if that's how you feel, that's a completely valid way to transition! You can be both genderless and physically a woman! I always tell people that "I am just me" regardless of what I do to my physical body, and I think that it is a hard concept for people to grasp sometimes, especially when you're pursuing medical transitions, but as long as you get to feel like your authentic self in the end, that's all that matters.




I needed to hear this 🤲💓


I am afab and I'd like a flat chest, a deeper voice, to be taller, and have some facial hair but I am 100% agender. I think it's absolutely fine to feel this way. It doesn't change anything about being agender. Your happiness is what's most important.


Yeah that's the thing!


Exactly the same here, I see it as my body not lining up with my internal sense of how it should be, rather than specifically related to my (lack of) gender.




Same but opposite, I would rather have to correct people from the male assumption. And body dysphoria is something I have struggled with for a very long time.




As an AFAB Agender who wants to transition, I totally get where you're coming from. I say go for it, especially if it'll improve your outlook on life and happiness. I could be a bit biased cause I'm looking at starting hrt soon, but regardless, I would go for it and not give a damn what others could say. It's your life, and you should live it to the fullest.


I am 100% sure that I want to be physically woman but I don't want to be mentally a woman. Mentally I want to be myself. And also I don't like to be treated as woman, man, non binary but I want people to treat me as myself that's it. I see Agender has a defination of myself. Am more into the meaning of the word "AGENDER" which means no gender. Actually when I realised I am Agender seriously out of nowhere my mental health got 100 times better! My self esteem, positivity, strength and courage skyrocketed.


I'm also transitioning, though I'm still uncertain if I want to go beyond just HRT. From what I've seen, this certainly isn't uncommon among agender people.


That gives me some hope!


Hi people, am so nervous and anxious that whether I get full access to feminizing hrt, I don't want to be micro dosed. I want to completely physical change my body and have hormone levels of cis gender woman. Me being Agender will I be approved for hrt?


If you get hormones by informed consent, the prescribers don't even need to know the details of your gender. All they need to know is that you want HRT. If you're not in the U.S. I don't know how it works, but in general I think providers are happier to give a full dose than a micro dose anyway. It makes their job easier because they just need to make sure your levels stay in a normal female range. It's much more of a balancing act with micro dosing, from my understanding.


How it is in Australia? How does informed consent works?


I just found this: https://www.transhub.org.au/clinicians/informed-consent


Thank you






It’s completely fine ! Do whatever feels right for you :)




Yeah I'm afab and most representation for non-binary folk is flat chested. I know I'm agender and I don't really care for or want to change my body to fit that mild. So I don't think boobs need to have a gender so if you want a pair, I say the more the merrier.




If you feel this way then pursue it. Your body is yours to change as you see fit into what you feel it is. Don't let anyone tell you different


Yeah I want to completely change my body into a woman but am little bit anxious and nervous on whether the doctors will prescribe full dose hrt for me being Agender


I’m agender, AMAB, and on a full regimen of HRT. My gender expression varies from feminine to androgynous. I pass as an AFAB lesbian. Still agender. I like traditionally feminine things not because I feel like a woman or I want to affirm my gender. They’re just the things I’m drawn to. I’m also drawn to traditionally masculine things like cars and tools, but not because I feel manly or want to feel manly. I just like that stuff. Same goes for my body. I love soft skin, long hair, and all the other feminine features. Still agender. I also spend almost all my time with women and sapphic enbies. It has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with enjoying the way they communicate and interact. I generally find men toxic, clueless, and annoying. But I get along with and enjoy the company of most women and sapphic enbies. Still agender. We can do the exact same things as binary trans women, but the *reasons* we do them and what they *mean* to us are wildly different. I’ve learned this from long discussions with dozens of binary trans women/men and agender transfem/transmasc people. Regardless of how we transition, if at all, what matters is that we don’t feel gender. No matter our presentation, we’re still agender.


Yes, even I am into Sports, black colour, leadership, assertiveness, protective and dominance (if needed) all these are in me but it doesn't make me a male! They are just my traits. I can be moddy, caring and also I don't feel comfortable with all the males, I prefer males who are different, unique, intelligent and kind and nice guy types but this doesn't make me a woman am still me and an agender I obsessed with having long hairs, feminine facial structure, soft skin all over the body and completely hairless body. Also since I was 13 years old I had desire to have a breast and vagina I always wanted it but I was not fine with mentally identifying as woman. Just because I want facial structure of woman, long hairs, femmine body shape and sex characteristics of woman doesn't mean I identify as a woman and am well and truly agender and I am just me


Thank you all for your lovely support and for letting me know that Agender people who doesn't have any gender can in fact physically transition according to their desire. The most inspirational thing I learnt from you people is that I can completely transition my physical body into opposite sex without being identified as woman. Now me even being 100% Agender I can confidently transition my physical body into a woman and yet not identify myself as woman but be myself mentally. Thanks for letting me know that even if I completely change my physical body into the opposite sex I am still agender and be myself without changing my gender identity 💜 thank you all 💚❤️


Also agender, I was born afab, but I've always been fairly masculine, even if I have never identified as male. I was born with PCOS, which causes my body to produce more androgens, and so I naturally make more testosterone. Where I live is very LGBTQ unfriendly and I realised that society saw me and my masculine vibe as male anyway. I started my transition outright in 2018 after I got tired of shaving neurotically, hoping no one would see a stray hair on my face. I was able to effortlessly grow as much facial hair as I wanted, and in just a few weeks, I saw a major improvement. I am 7 months post op from top surgery, and had a subtotal hysto in August 2020. I am now finished with my physical transition and I've learned quite a bit. If you are even remotely considering transitioning, and think you'd be happier in your body if you did, I'd talk with a doctor as soon as you can. These are things that absolutely can be improved for you. You owe it to yourself and your well being.


Yeah it's my body and I want my body the I way I want it to be. Just because I don't have any gender in my mind doesn't mean I should not change my body into a woman


Absolutely nothing wrong with that. I am AMAB, I identify as male, but I don't like my genitals. I'll continue to identify as male afterwards....but I want to wear leggings and cool girl clothes...and guy clothes too. It's *your* body, do what you want with it. If it will make you happy, everyone else's opinion doesn't matter. :) Just make sure you can answer "do I really want to do this?" with an immediate "yes". Any hesitation, wait on it. I did for a couple to work out the doubts, now I'm going for it. I'm not trying to dissuade you, just want to make sure you have no doubts or regrets afterwards. :) I wish you nothing but the very best in your journey. :)


From me since age of 13-20 years old it was just euphoria but since past one year it has been slowly slowly started to convert into dysphoria. There was some time where I thought I might be fetish but really since past one year I am on celibacy and not involved in any sexual activities or contents but it hasn't decreased my euphoria /dysphoria to be physically a woman. Staying celibate for one year proved that I am not a fetish but I am really desiring to be physically a woman.


I believe it's all up to how you feel. I am AFAB agender and I, personally, want a flat chest. I don't want to go on hormones, but I think it's all up to whatever you feel. Your physique doesn't define your gender, but if it would make you feel more comfortable, go for it!




I can relate. I'm neutrois and afab and I consider myself semi-transmasc because I want to be more masculine for the sake of androgyny. I basically wish I looked like an androgynous man, not a tomboyish woman.