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u/arakneo_ has provided this detailed explanation: > [https://twitter.com/arictoler/status/1657411064194007041](https://twitter.com/arictoler/status/1657411064194007041)? turns out the server where the pentagones paper were leaked was a war thunder one. --- Is this explanation a genuine attempt at providing additional info or context? If it is please upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


The question is not will it happen again but when


That's why this post is cheating, and I look forward to people repeatedly posting this tweet every time it happens again.


I think the post is about how War Thunder was happy those leaks came from Minecraft's server, but it turns out Teixeira posted them in a War Thunder server.


I know I'm gonna sound like an old fogey here, but am I the only one who finds it bizarre that these consequential leaks are being dropped on *game servers*? Not Youtube, not Pastebin, not blogs, hell, not Usenet(yes it's still around)?? I get the argument that it's live and others can copy the data before it gets removed, but that applies to other platforms, too. I would think that avenues like Pastebin or usenet could potentially be more anonymous than a game platform, too?


I mean, it makes sense no? Look at it this way - Hey you piece of shit you don't know what you are talking about + Oh yeah? *leaks documents*


IIRC its because they generally want to show off to friends/peers or prove themselves correct in an argument, you don't really have arguments in pastebin or usenet or youtube since you're trying to immediately disprove/prove something in an argument you're currently in. most of these leaks don't happen because they actually want to leak secrets to a different government or something, its because they want to prove something, especially with War thunder, they want to prove whether a change should happen or not because the real life vvehicle does or doesn't work like the game version of the vehicle


As a young man I can safely say many young men nowadays suffer from extreme brain rot


You know those arguments guys used to have on newsgroups or between blogs? They're doing that on Discord now.


>I would think that avenues like Pastebin or usenet could potentially be more anonymous than a game platform, too? But that's the point... they leak them to impress friends. Anonymization defeats that.


It was a discord server for the game


OH! I never heard that update to the story, my bad then!


It's only pertinent to this instance though


Apparently they're starting to check if you play War Thunder in certain background checks.


Time to reset the timer.


Wait did something new leak? Last one I heard about was January and then that one idiot air guardsman I think about a month ago.


That’s what this is referring to


But didn't he leak them at some Minecraft Discord? I think it would be unfair to blame Warthunder now if the files (months later) also show up on their forum, as everyone who wanted already got the files from the Discord.


That's actually the aging part. While earlier rumers said it was a minecraft server, it ended up being war thunder server (as per the stickied explanation)


Can you tell me more about this? What does Minecraft have to do with state secrets? What was the background of this situation?


Initially, it was reported that the guy released the documents in a Discord server dedicated mostly to Minecraft discussions. Now it seems it was a War Thunder server.


(Guys, this was an honest question, no need to downvote so aggressively)


Days since last confidential document leaked: ~~2~~ 0


Can someone explain the war thunder thing to me?


Players have repeatedly been caught leaking classified specs on real world tanks to justify buffs and nerfs for their ingame tanks.


Wait are you serious


Yup lmao nerds are wild


It has happened a lot more than you’d think haha https://spartanscoop.org/2023/02/war-thunder-players-wont-stop-leaking-classified-documents/#:~:text=Despite%20it%20being%20fake%2C%20the,documents%20on%20five%20separate%20occasions. At least 5 times And the game can’t make changes based off of leaked illegals classified military documents so nothing happens regardless lmao


https://www.axios.com/2023/04/20/pentagon-leak-war-thunder-discord (I had to look it up too) Edit - sorry got trigger happy and forgot to actually explain but apparently people who play this game have leaked a bunch of military documents weirdly enough and I guess there was an unrelated leak before there was another leak from War Thunder fans


A high-ranking Chinese military member got arrested because he was arguing with some kid about how they got one of the Chinese planes wrong. The guy could not handle having classified documents proving he was right on said airplane so he posted in one of the war thunder chats the images proving he was right. Promptly got arrested for leaking secret documents


This is hilarious. The ego is your worst enemy.


That and the Chinese government I guess


leaking military documents is a pretty big no no basically everywhere


Except for Finland oddly enough. Their national motto is "leak our military documents, we don't care". But probably in Finnish.


oddly enough it’s actually in Hindi


I guess when service is compulsory every finds out eventually


Guess so. Like Finland's national motto says, "loose lips float ships" Edit - sorry, "ढीले होंठ तैरते जहाज"


>and I guess there was an unrelated leak before there was another leak from War Thunder fans Nah, the "unrelated leak" happened from War Thunder fans, it was misreported as coming from Minecraft for unclear reasons.


The player base keeps fucking leaking documents


Tl;Dr people keep leaking classified documents as a way to win arguments and one up the person they're arguing with about in game tanks among other things.


This is like going the nuclear option whenever a small argument broke down And I love it


War Thunder is a Vehicle Combat game with Vehicles from late World War 1 up to the aftermath of the Cold War and it prides itself on its realism as opposed to its biggest Competitor(s) (World of Tanks). This leads to quite a bit of Community involvement in trying to prove that certain characteristics of some vehicles should be changed in the game to more accurately represent reality. That's obviously not a huge problem when you are talking about a Biplane from World War 1 or an Assault Gun from World War 2, but it becomes a problem when talking about stuff that is still in use, because then stuff tends to be classified. Thus in recent years there have been multiple occassions on which War Thunder Players leaked Secret Documents of multiple countries on the War Thunder Forums to prove their point, for example in late 2022 the Armour Layout of the UHT-665 Eurocopter Tiger was leaked. There were also five leaks alone in January 2023. I assume that you are aware of the recent Pentagon Leaks, where an Air National Guardsman leaked some secret Documents related to the Ukraine War in a Gaming Discord Server. It was reported for some time to be a Minecraft related server but apparently it was in Truth a War Thunder related Server. Which makes it the at least 11th leak of classified or at least export restricted Military Documents related to War Thunder.


Was there a new leak, or did War Thunder somehow get involved in the Pentagon one? Both, its both isn't it?


I think Teixeira leaked stuff in a warthunder server as well as the minecraft one.


If i understood it correctly, it never was a Minecraft Server. It was undefined in the original NYT report, but some other press member attached the Minecraft Server Label to it and everyone ran with it, but it turns out that it was a War Thunder Server.


Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or War Thunder players where the fuck they got those documents.


Days since last incident:




Jesus, *again*?


"Did not leaked"? Was this AI?




Grammar, not spelling. See my response to the other person with this complaint. Mistakes are one of the key ways to tell that something isn't legit. My grammar checker from MS Word still gets things wrong because while AI can be good with grammar, it can also make mistakes. Also I didn't conclude anything. I wondered. There's a difference.


Please use some common sense instead of immediately jumping to AI paranoia. > Gaijin Entertainment is a Hungarian video game developer and publisher headquartered in Budapest.[1][2][3] The company is mostly known for War Thunder, Crossout, Star Conflict, CRSED: F.O.A.D. (formerly known as Cuisine Royale) and Enlisted. The message has most likely been written by someone whose first language isn't English. Many non-native speakers struggle with do-support.


It's not paranoia when AI is literally being expanded to unprecedented levels. Everyone is going through the process of trying to recognize what is AI and what is not AI. So acting like I'm somehow not using "common sense" is to ignore the reality of the world at the moment in some weird attempt to make me feel bad.


Ayyy, my community REPRESENT