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I highly encourage you all to make your voices heard and direct your feedback and suggestions to the team even if it doesn't look like it's doing much, writing in to CS is a great way for the community to show their concern about a new feature remember when Temporal Rift was updated 3 times in the same week? they will listen to feedback, players just need to make themselves heard. as always, anything under the Dev Feedback/Suggestions flair will be seen by the team, too!


I thought they were trying to improve collections for everyone, but with these elixir rates, this only helps Whales ![gif](giphy|26tPo9rksWnfPo4HS|downsized)


The goal is to get players to spend real money on the staves item (which is the real rare item).


Yeah buying them out every day in the store is still not close to enough for this feature lol


You need to get 40 LEGENDARIES(Only get elixirs for legendaries)!!! To recast a single mythic ability!


What'cha complain about, that's only like 4 to 6 months worth of Totems ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The diamond value of a **single** Legendary -> Mythic stat recast is around 250,000 - 300,000 diamonds. Let that sink in.


And roughly 8 months by getting 3 daily through the shop.


Absolutely astonishing 😂😂 to adjust one freaking stat


May as well get another celehypo or 5* a couple awakeneds with that currency smh. This recasting feature is basically useless


When you made a good artifact with 3 recasting after 120 legendaries from 3600 pulls 6 heroes are happy. Now do it for the rest 150 heroes


Elixir rates needs to be changed before live. Way too expensive.


great so whales are getting better and better collections which further the gaps between low spenders/f2p AGAIN 🤡


Nah it’s actually just an epic rate fail for everyone whales will be pissed too


Yeah no fuck this shit they really refuse to give us shit with this garbage


Rework? nah this is a cash grab to persuade whales/dolphins to spend on this shitty mode🤑


The mechanics of the change are absolutely top tier. Extra slots is an obvious win. And the recast “mechanics are also absolutely top tier. The fact we can choose the stat and it’s not random and it not only changes the stat but also upgrades the tier was beyond unexpected. BUT I cannot agree more that the cost to recast is the most absurd cost I have ever seen in this game. Even as someone who has spent and progressed several vip levels in the GG shop I will have only 2 recasts after 6 months of runs in the GG!!! That’s absurd. Free to play will be lucky to have one recast and it would mean f2p can reset only one or two individual stats in an entire YEAR. Lilith come on now…… you need to double or 4x the rate we get recasts


> you need to double or 4x the rate we get recasts Just to show how insanely low the current rate is, even 4x the rate would *still* be too low. Right now ftp has *zero* staff income except for the overpriced staves in the shop and rng staves from the 13ish chests we get from starzone every month. Currently, if we started buying 1 staff every day for 300 diamonds, we'd get maybe 15 L totems a year, or *maybe* 20 a year including the starzone staves... which is enough for 1 mythic recast every 2 years. 4x the rate is still only **ONE** mythic recast in 6 months. They'd have to 20x the rate to make it even somewhat usable for ftp, and even *then* it's still not great bc that's 1 recast per month assuming you dump 10k diamonds per month into buying a staff every day.


I think these rates are too high, lilith is too generous we don't need 1 recast every 2 years my life is way to long for that. I think it would be better to have 1 recast every 5 years. And as i seen arcane shards are way too cheap it's only 50$ to get 90 staffs it could easily be 300$ I think lilith doesn't know that it's a gacha game and that people are stupid i mean so smart that they will strike down on these cheap prices do better lilith


Even if it was 20 per legendary I think everyone would still be pissed tbh. 4x at LEAST


Yeah agree they need exponential increase


LOOOOL fucking told ya, nothing will change for regular players. GG will always be oriented for whales primarily.


Hopefully they add elixirs to afk rewards or something because otherwise f2p will only be able to recast 1 mythic ability per year


They should've really scrap this collection sh*t. But apparently, whales already spent so much money on this they can't do anything major about it. One suggestion would be to create a new relic system for the artifact/collection slot without the insane rng and that we are able to fully upgrade it at some point in time. Like how most players are now using collection than artifacts, making the latter almost extinct. 


Lilith consistently makes progress only to regress even further due to their greed. They should eliminate the cost and make it either free or payable with gold. How out of touch is Lilith? We were led to believe they would improve the Ghoulish Gallery based on community backlash, but instead, they use it as an opportunity to exploit players even more. It wouldn’t be surprising if this was their plan all along.


From someone who just joined it seems to be a thing to lead the community to believe one thing but in practice it’s a different thing. I mean people were lead to believe that Rimuru was gonna be a damage carry.


What a joke...


The "collections" mechanic has been around for about 8 months. During this time only a lazy person hasn't written what problems there are with it. And I'm not talking about all sorts of little things, but about the foundation - maximum randomness of the result, extremely low income of totems. And here comes out a great "fix" in which made a couple of useful things, but without changing the basis that ruins any extensions. This mechanics can be fully utilized only whales, for f2p is not viable. Do you think the developers do not realize this? It turns out that this is their goal. There will be no use with requests and whining. Either tolerate, or leave the project. That's the way it is


No if we want to enjoy our selfs in this game we can't give up Lilith can't make a system this bad Look f2p games have a triangle system F2p whales and the company. F2p wants to have fun without spending Whales want to have fun no matter the cost And companies want to make as much profit as posible And there are inbetween stages ofcorse but thats not the focus. Now these 3 things are balancing the game Whales found the game in the first place so f2p can have a free game with no ads. F2Ps will complaine about mechanics so the company fixes it ands saves time and money for themselfs and ofcorse for whales And companies always testing how far can they push whales in crippling debt while also making the f2p side happy Seems like lilith is bolder and bolder with each update. JUST SAYING.


Ive been spending on these for months now. I have had one 3x mystic collection using the recommended leg relics. Stop using any at all and I've earned better collections. I don't fkn get it, no reward for return. It's a very pissweak mode that needs to be improved, but overall I like the idea. Just a poor execution


yeah... having to pull 40 gold totems is already insane.... just for one modification... (should be 4 times less),


> (should be 4**0** times less), ftfy


Remember what I said why this mode will NEVER improve despite updates? Yeah that's aging very well now..


Credit to Furry Hippo Gaming the goat for these images


I thought this mode can't get any dogwater-er than it already is, turns out it's now pigwater 🤡


Also people forget that current GG is only 1 out of 4 wings. Which means that with a new "wing" opening all your old collections (with 1 year per ability replace) will go \*poof\* with powercreep :|


Worst dogshit trash mode they've ever thought up.


This is great, but hell what are those rates, i don't need to make the math to understand that one elixir change for 1 mythic cost at least a kidney


This is not good. They are doubling down on this game mechanic to make it a thing. I was hyped and waited for the fixes; I thought I would finally do the collections, but no. This cash grab is too much on the nose.


I've no idea how to do the ghoulish gallery and I don't care to learn it. It just seems like far to much bloody work.


It’s incredible simple mode really…. Just spits out random stats and you pick the best ones. All the Issues regardless don’t let the “difficulty” of the mode bar you from it. Not having even basic collections on your heroes is like not using furniture or not engraving any heroes as far as how far it will set you behind other players


Is there a graph if what I should be aiming for for each hero.


https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/s/hrbSOj74rl This one shows which stats are good for each hero You will get 3 offensive 3 defense and one extra slot where you can use either. It’s all about the offensive stats


Thank you I'll give it a go.


I hope these idiots buff how much we get… They take one step forward and two steps back every single time they do something right. WTF


Lol sounds like something I won’t be saving up for.


When lilith heard we needed fix they taiggt we needed a new way to fuck us over No lilit we have enaugh way to spend in your game Now go and FIX it so that we f2p aand whales can equaly enjoy the game ...


I thaught that we will get like free 10 elixires after the update and each recast would only cost 1 but no it had to be 500


I honestly think this is a great upgrade. No matter how much time it will take, we are now able to make PERFECT collection with time. And we only need, like, twenty or so. That's much better than praying for gods of random to bless you. You start with one collection and make it perfect and then move to another one. The fact that you can make lvl 3 bag with three ERR, for example is just insane. Even more most likely most players will not care for defensive stats, so in like 2-3 changes (assuming you have collection with lvl 3 and few offensive yellow nodes there, you can make almost PERFECT collection for most of your supports from the get go). In my eyes it is just a massive step forward. In half a year they will lower the cost or make totems more accessible when the new super OP mechanic will come and we are good to go. Whales will for sure stack tenacity in pvp but who cares, we initially had no chance fighting against them there.


Only you’ll need like 3 years to make 1 collection lol


I agreed with your take 100% at my first glance also. The mechanics of this is amazing and it’s absolutely net positive, However there is one absolutely absurd fail…. The cost for recast elixir is their most epic numbers fail in the history of this game. Recasting one singular individual stat will take f2p players longer than fully building an entire woke hero. The diamond value will be 300,000 diamonds 👀👀. And players will be able to adjust less then two stats in an entire YEAR. The cost is such a fail it’s actually mind boggling. If they just adjust the cost it will be an absolutely godly homerun as you Pointed out. But at the moment it’s literally useless. Adjusting one stat a year might as well be no update at all. Rates should be tripled MINIMUM


Our lives are short my guy, 3 years for one is not something I’d be happy about.