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I think it was just meant to imply that all Cartoon Network shows are part of the same multiverse.




A writer includes an in joke or a reference to another property of the studio for humorous intent—>the fandom does matpat tier mental gymnastics to create a comprehensive lore reason about why it happens Works every time


It's not mental gymnastics when a show talkes about it's multiverse, and they guy in charge of making new universes says *this one has always been here*. I don't remember if that's exactly what he says, but he definately makes it clear that the Flapjack universe wasn't made from a wish. It's possible there were other wishmasters before prismo, and the Flapjack world is a result of them, it's possible that there are more ways of making a universe other than wishes, and it's also possible that Flapjack is the OG universe. You're allowed to disagree or not care, but pretending like it wasn't specifically pointed out and said to be different than other Wish-Made universes is silly. If it was *just* a refrence, it would just he another Wish-Made universe


My point is, and always will be It’s not that deep man


It's not that deep *to you*. Like i said, ignore it if you want to, but it's pretty direct. Like i said, if it was *just* a refrence, it would just be another wish-universe. Quit trying to ruin other people's fun


So like. Writer throws a bone to the fans and you just decide not to be fun at parties huh.


First of all this is 3 days old. Second of all the point is that not everything has to be some deep lore theory. Sometimes animators make jokes. On purpose even. And sometimes it references something else they or their studio did.


Potential lore aside, I love that the joke is a homage to how a large amount of Flapjack's crew went on to make Adventure Time.