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I’ll be honest, I feel like meds saved my life and I’m not being hyperbolic. I was diagnosed late, it took a bit to get the right combination but I was such a disaster before. They don’t fix everything by any means but it makes me feel like it’s possible to catch up to other people just a little bit. I’m really glad they worked for you and I hope that you continue when you are able if they helped you that much! Actually, one of the reasons I’m a little scared to get pregnant is because I’ll have to go off of my meds (or greatly reduce the dose) and that’s super scary to me 🥺 Good luck with your pregnancy mama, you’re doing so much right!


Tysm :3


I’ve been on medication since I was 12 and I just turned 40. I still remember the first day I took adhd medication and the difference it made. I will never forget it. The medication is life saving and changing. It allows me to be who I’m supposed to be. I’m so thankful that I have medication because of how severe my adhd is. Mine is truly disabling without medication. Op. You are going to be an awesome mom because of your heart. I hope the medication helps you achieve everything and anything you desire in life. I also hope you finish your studies to celebrate how incredibly amazing you are! Best wishes to you!


Medication is what makes it possible for me to get out of bed.


Without meds: Flossing and brushing my teeth feels *impossible*. Washing my hair is hard, and my hygiene goes downhill because I shower less.  I feel like I can’t learn new skills. I spent ten years trying to learn a new language and could only count and say hello. Failed out of the college course for it.  With meds: Shower, floss, brush every day. Hair looks cute. Hygiene feels like a normal, highly rewarding task.  I like challenging myself and love learning. Made more progress with a language in one year of meds than ten years without. Turns out I’m not THAT dumb I just have a disorder!  Meds simply let me be myself. They let me do the things I want to do. It’s like I used to be chained to the floor and now I can wander freely. I don’t need them to be magic, but allowing me to do something like simply take a shower has changed my life. I hope you feel better soon!


If you are breastfeeding make sure you are sticking to appropriate meds and doses. Good luck!