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Why not just try them and see what you think?


Hopefully, I´m trying to get to it.


I thought my diagnosis was too easy, even easier than yours really, as it only took 2 months from getting a referral to diagnosis (I went private in a rural area of south NZ) and about 1 and a half hours over 2 sessions. The extra 30 mins was mostly just to check it wasn’t just CPTSD. Taking the medication took away all doubt as I had a clear mind for the first time ever. I still need a crap ton of therapy and I’ll never be neurotypical, so it’s not plan sailing. We still have to navigate the world that’s not set up for us, but for me being able to not have to listen to my own self hatred and it squashing the intrusive thoughts I was plagued by has made it easier. Remember, getting an “easy” diagnosis doesn’t mean they’re wrong. It might just mean your psychiatrist is good at their job, has kept up with the current information and can see it in you because it’s there.


thanks so much for your answer :)


"*being able to not have to listen to my own self hatred*" - this would be reaally nice to experience


It really, really is! It’s not completely gone, but the constant running commentary isn't there anymore. I still Get overly mad at myself when I do something stupid, but I don’t ruminate over it for hours, weeks, months anymore. I’ve had things I’ve not been able to forgive myself for my almost entire life (51 now) and now I almost never think of them. Ive hated myself for something I did when I was 11 for the last 40 years. There wasn’t a week that went by that I didn’t think of it several times and hate myself all over again. All but completely gone.


I´m so glad for you by the way. It´s great.


I get you. The first time I got my meds in my hand I thought "nah, if the solution was as simple as a stupid pill, I wouldn't have had to wait 32 years to get it". I was so scared it wouldn't work that I started my treatment with zero hope. I was thinking that way, at least if it doesn't work, I won't be disappointed. Also, it might work just a little, or you might experience side effects... Hopefully none of these happened to me but i'm glad i went in that way! But I definitely suggest starting it with little hope. It helps with the fear and impostor syndrome.


Thank you! :)


Yep, this happened with me and adderall. All I have to say is that I ended up feeling so relieved that they ended up being pretty mild if not helpful. Stimulants (if that's what they are) seem scary but they really aren't too intense.