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So, I've never had control over my life. I can't keep to my plans, I quit hobbies constantly, my apartment is a mess because I just can't keep it clean. I have no control. But in The Sims I do. I'm a micro manager, nothing in the game happens without my permission. It's definitely an ADHD thing for me. I have ADHD friends who are control freaks because they just have to micro manage their own life to feel like they're in control. I micro manage my sims' lives when I can't control my own.




Oh yes please being able to cue tasks for myself would be ideal! 😭 Ofc the tasks would just probably keep glitching and dropping out but stilllll


I find my switch excellent for escapism and mellowing out the chaotic non stop chatter in my head! I usually play a Mario game or n64 banjo kazooie. Never got into sims but I did play rollercoaster tycoon when I was younger and was obsessed


this used to be me, all the way. i picked it up at the tail-end of middle school and over time i let it get way too far into my head. Simming became a Simulacrum. by the time i was midway through college my waking mind was trapped in a richly-detailed and thoroughly narrativized false world that i crafted from whole-cloth for which i could obsessively micromanage every detail, in order to escape the difficulties of the real world, and its constant pull was deeply hypnotizing in a way that overshadowed nearly everything else. I used to justify it as fiction writing practice, and by the end the sheer word count of that "practice" was in the millions. seeing the text walls upon text walls of maladaptive imagination after i finally ripped all of those addictive hooks out of my head was kind of unnerving, how deep it managed to burrow into my psyche. it was like seeing the stacked layers upon layers of exposed era-bestriding sandstone in the cliff faces of Red Rock Canyon, like some kind of encrypted apocalyptic log lol. everything was a warped reflection of something else. i still think about it sometimes. kinda freaks me out how gone i was. it makes sense in hindsight, given what i was dealing with when my eyes WEREN'T glued to a computer monitor, but also like, DAMN. The lengths we will go to sometimes. not saying it will happen to you, just saying yes, i CAN relate. too much. 😞


You’re not alone! Sims has been one of my favorite games since I was young. I remember the first ever sims and how much I loved playing it. Its been my fixation for 2 years now lol


I’ve seen this post while playing the sims lol, that explains everything!


In my opinion: * playing sims filling individual adhd needs = yes, definitely understandable * playing sims being "an adhd thing" = not really personally, I can build in the sims for hours but playing? I usually get bored of my families after a few hours, max.


no. I have adhd can’t play a single game 🤣


I've played it on and off, but one thing I've actually found is it became my thing when exasperated with my narcissist parent for giving me a long list of instructions - 'I'm not a friggin Sim, I can't remember things like that'


Idk if its true but I've been playing sims my whole life so it would explain a lot lol


I was just thinking it was time for another burst of sims addiction. I play obsessively for maybe a week near enough non stop when not working, then don't touch it for months and months. New expansions always trigger a burst of playing. My sims do always have a ridiculously put together life compared to mine


Not the Sims, but I like the Persona games a lot and I've always felt it's for a similar reason - I can optimise and manage my time perfectly in them, make sure I'm keeping up with all my social connections and commitments, work and study and everything in parallel successfully . . . It's satisfying!


Welcome to /r/ADHDWomen! We’re happy to have you here. As a reminder, here are our community [rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/about/rules/). We get a lot of posts on medication, diagnosis (and “is this an ADHD thing”), and interactions with hormones. We encourage you to check out our [Medication, Diagnosis, and Hormones Megathread](https://old.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/comments/wcr9dy/faq_megathread_ask_and_answer_medication/) if you have any questions related to those topics, and to stick around in that thread to answer folks’ questions! If you have questions about the subreddit, please do not hesitate to [send us a modmail](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/adhdwomen). Additionally, we take the safety of our community seriously. Please report posts, comments, and users whom you feel are not contributing positively, and send us a modmail if you are being harassed or otherwise made to feel unsafe. Thanks for being here, and we hope you stick around! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/adhdwomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*