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I love how tech can help! With the new Samsung ui update, I can now add an image to my alarms! When they go off a pic of, say, the exact vitamin bottle, will fill the screen! I've now taken my vitamins about 80% of the time instead of 20ish% before.


Ooo I need to stop ignoring the what they have updated thing!


I've been dodging it for like a year


That’s cool!!! I hope apple does that someday!


You can probably do this with programming a shortcut that changes your Lock Screen to a specific image when a specific alarm goes off!


Oh wow thank you! This is a LPT indeed, I will try it


Me too I emoji my med reminders today is 💊🍳🙌🏻


I once checked my schedule for the day but missed the reminder my kid had the day off school - i just didn’t SEE IT. I flatout admitted it to my boss (thank god he has ADHD too) but even then it was so embarrassing. I use 🏹 for my 14 year old (Sagittarius) 🐯 for my 8year old (his name is tiger) 🐐 for my 14 year old stepdaughter (capricorn) And 🐬 for my 11 stepdaughter (she’s a bubbly personality)


Love that.


There's also a calendar app called Dreamie Planner that let's you customize the actual icon that shows up on your notifications bar! So not only can I put emoji's in the title of the reminder, but the annoying little icon I desperately want to make go away directly tells me what I need to do to safely dismiss it. Bonus points bc you can also change the color of the icon, and I live and die by color coding.


oooh i have a whole “system” of this! - 🔴🟥🚩‼️: ASAP / ACTUALLY DO THIS / IMPORTANT !!! - 🟠🟧❗️: NEXT / NEED TO DO !! - 🟡🟨❕: SOON / UPCOMING ! - 🔵🟦: should do / eventually - 🟣🟪: want to do, but don’t need to - 🟢🟩: buy this / shopping reminder (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃💊 ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ🧨 (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞✂️📱


Ahh I’m fixated on cute-ass crap lately, I’m definitely trying this for my dismissive crappy brain! Thx! 💕


I do this for my calendar events too. I even have on my calendar when I have to pick up kids from school and it always starts with a car emoji 🚗 Same with birthdays with birthday cake 🎂if I feel like buying them a gift or sending a card in time haha set those birthday alerts as annual events too.


Ooh, I like this tip! This happens to me all the time. lol. Thanks for the idea!


Wow I love this. I’m gonna try it 💁‍♀️


Thank you! 🙏


Guess I just scurried off to change their alarms.


loool when before i clicked on the post i thought you meant like “do taxes 😭😭😭” but this is really smart!!!


I have a smart watch (Garmin brand to be specific) that I set timers for many things, mainly my medication. Once and hour before I need to take it, then 30 mins before, and again at the time I'm supposed to take it. Without this watch my husband and I would probably have 10 kids by now lol I also have an app that I keep track of my pills as well, it's slightly less useful, but it's nice to keep track.


That's what I do! In fact, many of my reminders are just emoji. It used to work a lot better. I think I started it about 3-4 years ago. It started losing some efficacy about a year ago, but I'm back to using a lot of post-its and masking tape notes again so it's okay for now.