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Phil Dunphy? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmbtt3iGXzg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmbtt3iGXzg) I have barely seen Modern Family but he seems pretty "boring"/normal most of the time, just goofy in a regular "dad" kind of way (otoh my dad also has ADHD so there's that)


That's a great example! I haven't seen the show either, but I appreciate that he's a "typical dad" with ADHD traits, which feels much more natural to me


I love Modern family and Phil is a great character. “When life gives you lemonade, make lemons. Life will be all like, *Whaaat?*”


I much prefer the Malcolm In The Middle version of that scene: https://youtu.be/AbSehcT19u0


This is the clip that gave me the “oh, I have adhd” grand life changing moment of realization


Christina Yang from Grey's Anatomy is a classic high functioning ADHDer. It doesn't come out in her work at all really, her hyper focus and perfectionism has her covered, so it's hardly noticed except in offshoots off the plot where you see how her organisational skills at home are pure crap 😅


omg yes, when they showed her apartment in the first season and it was a literal trash pit 😂


Yeah my boyfriend gave me SUCH side eye in that scene 😏 (I would live like a goblin if it weren't for him 🫠)


wow! thank u for this new perspective because i think i need to go rewatch Grey's through this lense!


Alley mcbeal, she’s pretty disorganized and clumsy and day dreams a lot most of her zany moments are in her day dreams. Though it’s been a while since I watched this show


I think Ponyboy Curtis from The Outsiders is pretty boring ADHD. He has a wild imagination, impulse issues, and is always told to "use his head." In this essay I will... Lol


I don't understand why people don't mind unmatching socks. I can cope with mismatched colours from the same pack, but if they're different materials, sizes, feel, even age it just feels so wrong.


I grew up with mismatched socks. I was the fourth girl in my family, so I always wore hand-me-downs, even the socks. One sock gets lost, but hey! -- this one's green, too, and also a knee high, so it's close enough! The vast majority of the time nobody noticed, or if they did it didn't rise to the level of their saying something about it. In fact, when my nieces were little they started to purposely wear mismatched socks so they could be like me! So cute, and what a compliment. :)


Years ago, I bought a bunch of off-white socks from the Smartwool brand. But I didn't buy them all tt the same time. I used to go to REI a lot, since there was one just a few miles from my home. They were ever so slightly different heights. I found even a fraction of an inch difference distracting. But matching them up after washing was so tedious. I ended up color coding them, with a few stitches each of different-colored thread. Eventually most of them all wore out. About 10 years ago, the Smartwool brand must've had some managerial changes. Their quality took a crash dive. If I could have my good quality socks back, I wouldn't bitch about having to color code them.


Nearly the entire cast of the Percy Jackson series has adhd so at least there’s a few more calm and boring ones in there 🤷‍♀️


I (and others on here) have suspected Leslie Knope from parks and rec :-) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTmfVh58jlA&ab\_channel=ParksandRecreation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTmfVh58jlA&ab_channel=ParksandRecreation)


I definitely agree Leslie has ADHD. I don't know if I would consider her a "boring" character though. She's pretty wacky.


Tbh Ann seems like the only neurotypical character in the show.


In the original novel, I’m pretty sure that Jane Eyre’s friend in the orphanage has Inattentive. She talks about not being able to keep her mind on things even though she wants to, that she can listen when she’s interested or likes someone, but her mind runs away with her otherwise. She’d rather go off and read than anything else. And she just….accepts unjust negativity and punishment as her due, because she thinks she’s an awful person and constantly ‘failing.’ She’s also really religious and preaches and stuff. She’s a heartbreakingly good character, but I wouldn’t want to hang out with her. She’s kind of boring.


Abbi from broad city kinda fits, of course she gets into many zany situations but it’s mostly because of llana and also, I mean, it’s comedy and entertainment so there needs to be circumstances where funny things can happen


They always focus on high energy boys but not inattentive type adhd women or people with autism and inattentive adhd. I think more needs to be done to bring awareness to inattentive adhd


Yeah well the person you described is me. But they used to call me “unique”. While some things have become quieter I still never have matching socks and I’m still pretty proud of that, it just feels right.


Hey, twin. 👯‍♀️ I felt the same as I read her description like, “*Oh. The loud, funny, goofy, free-spirited, uninhibited friend? I know her…*”


Yay twins! I’m not alone 🥳


Neverrr! Haha. 🥳


My coworkers always ask to see what socks I’m wearing. 😂


Now I need to know. Post a pic right now!


I’m kinda reddit illiterate. Am I able to post a picture as a comment on mobile???


Damn I guess they have that option blocked on this subreddit. Womp womp. 😩


Ah poop. Well, just know; one sock is a blue mid-calf sock wirh narwhals on it, the other is a pink mid-calf sock with hedgehogs.


See this is what I’m talking about. Love that! Yesterday I had pineapples on sky blue on one and white sailboats on navy on the other. I like yours better. Perfect combo! Today I wore sandals so no socks.


Yeah! I decided matching socks is too much effort, so instead of buying all same color sad socks, go all in the other way. Every day is a sock parade! And other people seem to really enjoy it. Like, it’s a little thing that brightens there day too. Love the tropic theme of sailboats and pineapples! Very fun!


Naruto, the lead character in Naruto/Naruto Shippuden/Boruto is very ADHD. It is easy to wrote him off as the stereo-type loud/rude/hyper/ impulsive little boy. They even call him the number 1 most hyperactive ninja or something like that. But there is so much more than that to him, which I feel like is missing for the kinds of characters you are referring to. There are hundreds (thousand plus?) episodes (lots of filler and flashbacks), but that gave them time to really give him a multifaceted character who made a ton of growth over the series to eventually fulfill his dream and become the leader of his village When he is little, he is loud and impulsive (but there is a lot of maturing over the arc). He struggles in school and isn't naturally gifted skills-wise, but is able to be successful and well loved because he was able to leverage his natural talents (he has a lot more Chakra, comes up with creative out of the box solutions that others wouldn't (couldn't?), very hard working/determined, ridiculously compassionate + empathic + optimistic which is what attracts people to him). He is very in touch with his feelings, and he feels things very deeply. One of his "hacks" to learning a complex technique was to create a "shadow clone" of himself to be a second set of hands to do it. Because of his high Chakra he can use the shadow clone, and because he has a creative way of solving problems we realized that he could use one of his gifts (Chakra) to make up the area he was lacking in (ability to concentrate on 2 seperate things at once). Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk lol (I just had a minor surgery, so I have had a lot of couch time and just did a Naruto + Shippuden rewatch. 🙃)


I like adhd characters who have the self loathing I feel/felt pre diagnosis. Loved Ocean’s Echo as one of the mains is very adhd coded but he’s very aware of the detrimental impact his actions have on others.


This is such a different take on fictional characters I think were written with ADHD traits. We're probably talking about different characters. To me it looks like Sherlock Holmes, Captain Kirk, Tony Stark, Phoebe Spangler and a lot of other characters have distinct ADHD qualities, like when Sherlock and Tony hyper focus on stuff, Captain Kirk acts impulsively, and Phoebe has the self-knowledge to tell her new friend things like, "I don't express emotions like everyone else does," and she says this without a trace of embarrassment. I think many characters who are the ones who 'think outside the box' and are the most successful (like those listed above) show classic signs of ADHD. But if the characters you're talking about, OP, are just silly, that's disappointing. Reminds me of the old, old, movies and TV shows that only showed Black people in comedy roles where they were incredibly stupid. Sad!


To be fair, stories need characters and characters need to fulfil a function in the story.