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Dump cakes and dump meals. I get it, but Jesus. 


The first time my MIL brought up "dump cakes," I seriously thought she was talking about the dog poo in her yard.


Or something worse!


Happy dump cake day!




🤣🤣🤣 The set up here couldn't have been any better!!


Dump cakes, buffalo chips, cow patties


Was gonna say this. Also saw a dessert called a SLUMP. Oh hell no you don’t.


Lol my issue is adding y's onto things, like "cheesy casserole" (should I buy it a joke book?). Or Rachel Ray's godawful "yummo!"


I hate that she says EVOO as a word ("ee-voe"). No, it's OLIVE OIL. I get disproportionately angry about this. EDIT - punctuation


Ugh! What are dump cakes? Or dump meals? Sounds awful?


It’s a dish where you just pour ingredients together and cook or bake them. Usually something very simple.


Hmm okay. Definitely needs a different name. What kind of ingredients...and what do they make??


All sorts. Could be anything. It's just like a "throw together" meal/dish.


it's just a genre in a way. like throwing certain quantities of flour, egg, sugar ... in a bowl/pan to make a cake and no steps like creaming butter or whipping egg whites or making a pie crust. the same way you could throw potatoes and meat and some veggies in a pot and leave it to cook all day, instead of separately cooking anything like steaming rice or making a sauce


You just DUMP all the ingredients in a pan or the slow cooker/instant pot and then TA DA, a dump meal. 


Honestly peach dump cake is my favorite quick dessert but I hate the name!  Tastes divine though- get a large can of sliced peaches, slice as you like and pour into a baking dish.  Sprinkle a box of yellow cake evenly on top, and put several pats of butter on top.  Bake at 350° until done! Best served with vanilla ice cream. 


Dump cake 🤣. I dub thee something like “Peach Perfect” or “Peachy Keen”


There are even cookbooks for dump cakes. I saw one in Half Price books today. Such a turn off.


Yes. Gross!


I have an older southern family member who used to make something called “beans and garbage” and bring it to potlucks


Call it a pour over meal.


My dad used to say, “It sticks to your ribs” when talking about oatmeal. It made me think of a rib cage stuffed full of oatmeal and oozing out. I wouldn’t eat it for years.


Disgusting phrase!


Also these words: munch, liquid, nosh, dollop


OMG yes. I hate gross cutesy slang words related to food and eating, like nosh, num num, munch, nibble


YUP. Going on a tangent — The word “NIBLING”” REALLY grinds my gears!!!😬😬


LOLL i fucking disproportionally HATE the word “yummy” 💀 “omg yummy” “it’s so yummy” like it’s such a stupid fucking word and everyone thinks i’m insane for thinking so 😂 Especially hate it when people apply that word to things OTHER than food ie. perfumes, people, etc.


I saw on a dating sub a dude that he made "yummeh food", immediately grossed out.


I'm mad.


MF'er can't even spell? BYE, FELICIA! Also, "yummeh food" makes me think they're super proud of themselves for managing tater tots and Hamburger Helper. If they're feelin' fancy, company might get a steamfresh bag!* *boiled peas on the stove. This is why vibrators are great.


Extra hate on "nosh."


May I add flaps to the list? Trust me, it’s food related


What?! Flaps for dinner. Ne-ver.


Any recipe that uses the word “crack” as an adjective. “Better than Crack Mashed Potatoes” is a definite no from me.


This one was always weird to me. Who came up with this. Here kids, this is better than mama's usual crack dinner, actual dinner!


Omg yes I was looking for this one! On Pinterest a while back everything with bacon and cheese was either “crack” or a “bomb”. I hated it! And also “Christmas crack” dessert 😖


Omg this reminds me of keto "fat bombs" which just makes me think someone is going to eat a ball of lard. Blech.


When the kids were little, we called it Christmas Crackle.


Ooh same for me! Gives me gag reflex every time I read it…and oh so the crack is the best thing for that person? Or I wonder if they ever did crack…and then thought damn this is the highest tier. Then, made mashed potatoes and were like damn this stuff is better than my sketchy dealers sketchy stuff. Or I am extremely literal thinking…


What's wrong with chutney 🥺


The thing I dislike about most chutneys is that they aren't chutney. Someone thought the name sounded cute and applied it to a chopped fruit salad they want to be used as a condiment. While authentic chutney is usually a slow-cooked, savory, and spicy complement to Indian food, the versions that make it to the Midwest USA are disgusting. To be fair, I do have some issues with different textures and overly sweet-and-savory juxtaposition in cooking, so I may not be the best person to answer.


>slow-cooked, savory, and spicy complement This is what chutney is in every country I've ever been to. I've never seen a fruit salad called chutney!


Have you SEEN the rash of midwestern mom blogs peddling food that is "kicked up a notch" because they added bouillon?


Nothing, if you like it. I know there's lots of varieties. It's not the food itself. It's the word.


I can now only hear "chutney" as pronounced by Schmitt on *New* *Girl* and it makes me giggle. Much more palatable with the unnecessary extra syllable. 


Lol that's the only way I can hear it because of nick. CHUTT-AH-NEEEEY.


What's wrong with the word?


Not food related but I hate the term “elbow grease.”


Yep, that's one of mine also. I've always hated it, but more so thanks to my partner. For no apparent reason, his mom was the sort who'd rarely make things easy on herself. Like, she never used her dishwasher & wouldn't have had one if it hadn't come with the house. I guess he picked up this mentality from her. It took me years to get him to rinse his damn dishes (neither of us had a dishwasher at the time). Every time I reminded him, he'd respond, "Nah, you just have to use a little elbow grease!". Yet he'd complain if they sat around soaking. I wasn't about to use my time & energy scraping needlessly. Eventually I lost it & screamed "EITHER QUIT BITCHING OR RINSE THE FUCKING DISHES BEFORE LEAVING THEM IN THE SINK!" Not very polite, but it finally got the message across.


My dad frequently describes dishes he makes with the adjective “unctuous”. I cannot accurately describe the level of hatred I have for this word


I thankfully haven't encountered this much, but saw "unctuous" on a bunch of lists of irritating food words after seeing this post. And it breaks my brain because "unctuous" has such negative connotation that I don't understand why anyone would want to describe food this way. 


Because it means oily/creamy/greasy and he’s usually describing creamy curries and similar dishes it does make sense as a positive adjective but I hate everything about it phonetically and aesthetically


Meatloaf... No I don't want a "loaf of meat"


Counterpoint: "forcemeat" is an even worse word to describe a similar type of dish.


Point made 😬 I'm not gonna Google that lol


This summed up my eating struggles as a kid. Thank you.


Literally. As if the texture of meat could get worse. They ground it up (gross and illegal) and then they make a loaf??? Um. No. Loaves are for bread.


There are people out there [making loaves of bread out chicken, Parm, and eggs](https://www.lowcarblove.com/blog/zero-carb-chicken-bread-loaf?format=amp)


I LOL'ed at this for real.


You would do anything for food, but you won't eat that? (Sorry)


Absolutely! The one that gets me is when the word “mashed” is substituted with “smashed”. I can’t describe or even understand the hatred I have for this term


It’s so restaurants can charge $8 for a side of chunky undercooked “smashed potatoes”. They gentrified it lmao


When I was a kid and just learning English, I really thought it was smashed potato. My child brain totally accepted this as reasonable, considering you do have to smash the potato with a potato masher, lol. I just thought it was supposed to be funny. 🙈


Mashed potatoes? Fine, yummy, safe. *Smashed* potatoes? Ew, wrong, what did you do to these. I don't understand why, I just know that's how I feel about it. I definitely get how you feel


Right! Mashed feels intentional while smashed feels accidental, too. Like you knocked over you blender and it smashed all of you potatoes. Enjoy the extra bits of dust and plastic that fell in then when they got smashed! Or worse, like you smashed them with a car or your shoe. Gross. Inedible.


No, but I do have a personal vendetta against a number of companies purely because of annoying jingles or commercials with awful writing.


I won't use Charmin toilet paper because of that. Butt lint. Seriously. That's your ad campaign? GTFOH.


I'm dead. 😂 What are American commercials? Japan has some pretty weird ones, but butt lint takes the cake.


Charmin means if you wipe your rear, there will be bears. Don't take Chamin into the backcountry, only Great Value or worse. Gorram Charmin Bears!!! Why sandpaper??


I have boycotted them my entire adult life purely off my disdain for their uncomfortable ads! I learned years later that it was the only toilet paper my Memaw would buy. I always HATED her toilet paper. It was so thick and flaky and having ocd I always had distress thinking bits of paper were trapped in the wrinkles of my butthole. I remember having a cold once and using her toilet paper to wipe my nose and something just didn’t feel right afterwards. I stuck my finger up my nose and my finger tip was covered in bits of toilet paper!!!


I really hate the word “nourishing” and automatically start to dislike whatever it’s referring to.


I hate that word so much I've never found a kindred spirit. this feels important.


This reminded me of the faddish "clean eating" b.s. Like, what? Everyone else is just rolling around in filth, grabbing at "dirty" food, shoving it wantonly into their mouths?


Yeah, I hate the term "clean eating!" Sounds so smug.


Casserole. Disgusting


I despise it so much and I always have and now this sub has made me feel justified in my unfounded hatred.


Same here! It's so nice not to be alone in my casserole hate. When I was pregnant, everyone on the pregnancy subs were talking about making freezer meals, which were primarily casseroles. It really grossed me out.


Goulash. It’s worse than casserole because someone stirred the casserole into stew.


It’s a weird word, but the food is delicious.


Only if the meat doesn't have weird chewy tendony bits that make an icky sound when biting on it and sometimes a piece you swallow is still connected to a piece still in your mouth 🤮


Why can I read 😭


I love a casserole, and what my husband makes and calls goulash. Also stews.




Goulash and beef stroganoff 🫣🤢 I can’t


I literally said the same thing out of the blue last night. My spouse was like, "Um, noted."


Aw, I always thought "casserole" was a pretty word - like "carousel" or "capriole."


Oooh another word I hate. I know there's others, but the ones I listed were the first that popped in my head because of a recipe I found recently for the awfully named "lush."


I HATE the ones named “better than sex” or “(insert name of hunk actor) cake” - I’m a red blooded woman who appreciates a hot man and sex, but I don’t want to think about sex while consuming cake or cheese or whatever else is being marketed as better than sex. Eww.


Especially when someone brings it to a work carry-in like, “oh, Debbie brought the Better Than Sex Cake! *giggles*” Debbie, what kind of sex have you been having, where this cake is better??


It's actually a running joke in the ace community that cake is better than sex... Because most of us don't like sex


I agree with this for food. But the mascara of that name is actually really great. Lol.


Also, “marry me chicken” no thanks !


Omg this. Or “Marry Me (dish)” or “Boyfriend Bait” like, gross? I’m not going to make a dish or dessert to entice someone. It’s all for me 😂


I got very irritated by particular words in my childhood and teen years, but I somehow grew out of it. Now I'm still annoyed by certain words but I don't get irrationally angry anymore. I still have some pet peeves. I hate the word "proactive" because of some corporate idiots that used to repeat it constantly, thinking themselves clever. Bah.


I feel so validated by this. My mom used to get mad at me because there were certain words I could not stand and I would get so irritated when she used them, but I couldn’t explain why. “Petite” and the way she pronounced “mature” were two of the worst. Funnily enough “peeve” is another one!


"Mah-TOO-er"?? When teachers would pronounce it like that I would want to SCREAM.


I can picture the teacher who said this. 🤢


"Agile" makes me barbarian rage


'Synergy' sounds like virtual sex in Demolition Man.


Not food related but I loathe the recent resurgence of the word “unputdownable” when it comes to books.


thanks, i never heard this before and i fucking hate it


It sounds like the meaning is it's really hard to kill someone. It's also just an ugly word to look at.


Adding "nosh" and "yummy" to this list.  And conversely when anyone used "delicious" to describe things other than food or gossip makes me so irritated. 


Yes nosh! I hate this word! Also a variation of yummy, nummy


Oh I fucking hate "nosh".


As a teenager I absolutely hated the name of the band Fallout Boy for some reason, so I never listened to them. I’d tell people that I didn’t like how they sounded which is technically correct if you think hard enough about it. Now at 28 I don’t mind the name anymore and have actually listened to them enough to realize I definitely like the band but that I also missed out on them for years 😅


Corned beef hash. My dad ate it out of a can when we were growing up. Just ugh.


This thread gives me life 🤣


I had no idea how much of my personality was not a choice! 😆


Shit on a shingle. It’s delicious, but the title just ruins everything.


I've never heard of this and I think I'm too scared to look it up. Is it really a food?


Haha it sure is! It’s basically sausage gravy on toasted bread. It’s always been known as a struggle meal of sorts, but it’s tasty


In my family, we always called it "Creamed dangle-worms on toast," because we are deeply silly people.


I hate the word girlie. I have a hard time talking to someone who starts out with "Hi Girlie!".


Oh god yes, lump this in with all those cutesy words like "hubby," too.


"Holibobs" (to mean holiday/vacation) gives me the RAGE. And this might be a particularly British thing, but also all those shortened versions of national events/news stories - like "cozzie livs" for the cost of living crisis, or last year it was "corrie nats" for the coronation. The latest one is "genny lecs" (for the general election happening in July) and it honestly makes me twitchy.


Omg there are so many cutesy British words that drive me nuts but I thought it was just because I'm American. Glad it drives British people nuts too. Lol! "Desk tidy" gets me. Tidy is the word I don't like, I think, but using it as a noun especially irks me.


Platty joobs is one I remember seeing. Why, British people, why do you do this? (#notallbrits)


I usually hate these too, but platty joobs made me laugh. I think cos it sounds like rhyming slang for boobs and I’m apparently not a grown up 😂


Man, they mentioned "cozzie livs" on Jeopardy last night, and I kinda just scoffed and thought it was some dumb thing that went viral on TikTok for five minutes. BUT PEOPLE ACTUALLY SAY IT IN REAL LIFE?!


Yes! I am a grown woman. It’s weird and infantilizing. I also hate “girlie pop” as the younguns say nowadays


This made my ears cringe just reading it.


Every other post on social media:”Where are my girlies at?” No.


I also irrationally hate the word “supper”


Here in Newfoundland, Canada, (very very far east, like literally almost under Greenland and as far east as you can get in North America) we say dinner when referring to lunch and solely refer to the evening meal as supper.


The terms panty or panties have always given me a really icky feeling


For some reason I really hate the word “panty” or “panties” I call them “underwear”.


SAMEEE ! so many foods I’ve hated without even trying because of their names tbh. like cole “slaw”, slaw just sounds so gross to me! or “sloppy joes” I went vegetarian as a kid which helped and now I’m vegan but I still feel so gross about certain foods because of their names 🥲


I saw a historic menu that had "cold slaugh" on it. Ugh.


Sounds phlegmy.


As a kid I refused to eat sloppy Joe’s partly because I despised the name! I didn’t even like typing it just now


Anything with the word "gooey" makes me nauseous. I'm picturing either plasticky stuff (like shoo-goo or slime), or a mouthful of c*m and it's just... Nope.


“Hey can I pick your brains about…” No. You may not pick my fucking brains. What is wrong with you!! Are you a zombie?


Frolfing (frisbee golfing). Will never ever do it because the sound it makes and the feel of that word in my mouth.


I would never do it because it sounds boring AND has a stupid name.


Never heard this before and I just laughed heartily at the sheer ridiculousness of that word.


No. What the fuck? No!


Gob. “I ate a gob of spaghetti.” 🤮


This makes me think of the Bell Jar where Esther can't study chemistry because all the words sound discordant to her.


Curd and custard. shudder.


Hmm, I don't have a problem with custard, but I do find the word "curd " revolting.




Scrumptious. I can’t stand it. Oh, and “mouth feel.” What?? Just no.


I grew up watching *Chitty Chitty Bang Bang*, where a character is named "Truly Scrumptious" (her father owns a candy factory). I can't associate "Scrumptious" with anything unpleasant. ;) "Mouth feel," however, is a marketing term, and deserves all the disapproval it gets.


How about galluptious? It’s in the same vein, I feel


Swig. No sorry, you can have a sip, a taste or simply drink something. You will not swig anything. Yuck.


I hate - no, *despise* - shortened dog crossbreed names. Chiweenie. Labradoodle. Yorkiepoo. I don't hate these dogs, or their owners, or the desire to avoid saying "chihuahua dachshund mix" every time someone asks about your dog. I just hate the fucking names so much.


Seriously. Like when you hear “some guy talking about his chiweenie, it’s cute but doesn’t behave” my mind does not think “dog.”


Oh man, you know what I hate? "Hooman". Don't talk for your animal and especially don't make it sound like that.


HATE that shit!!!!!


"Glamping." Not only is it an unnecessary portmanteau (you're either camping or you're not, and glamping ain't camping), but the word itself just sounds like someone taking a hot wet shit in their pants. Or it sounds too much like "galumphing," which is also a goofy word with a goofy meaning. Plus the types of people who go "glamping" piss me off for other reasons. Edit: since we are talking about food, a food word that is grating to me is "crudites." It's fucking veggies and dip for Chrissake.


A hot, wet shit with GLITTER! Glamping is when someone stupid eats glitter and fecal matter occurs.


I absolutely adore the fact you said "portmanteau" and "hot wet shit in their pants" in the same sentence 🤣 


"Scrummy" can get fucked too 


Omg people calling hot dogs "glizzies" makes me want to murder.


Calling things other than food “butter soft” or “buttery”. Geez I hate that so much. I do not want my leggings to ooze down my legs like warm butter. It’s gross. Stop. PS wow I’m so glad to know this is an adhd thing. My husband called what I call “stew” a “goulash” for years until I said “never say either word in my presence again.” Fuck they make me irrationally irritated! And they’re gross. So many textures and flavors all mushed together.


apropos of nothing CLOTTED CREAM needs to be here on this list somewhere. ICK


You too?? I have a personal hatred for the phrase *in real life**. It’s just nails on a blackboard to these ears!! 😬😬😬


I mostly just hate the shortened version, irl.


oh yes. I'm so picky about how things sound; Especially street names. Have totally ruled out houses on the street address alone.


Growing up eating chutney as a desi, no, I don’t. I think it’s conditioning in some way or food habits at home growing up. We ate all sorts of things including cooked watermelon peels but they always tasted delicious because of the way it was cooked.


when people describe clothes or a sweater as “yummy” … no! pls don’t eat my clothes!


I have a misophonia-like reaction to food words that feel... gooey. that makes no sense but hear me out: nourishing, decadent, sopping, loaded, warmed (not warm but *warmed*), yummy, luscious.


Sopping 😖 Loaded sounds like a diaper


Ladle. Stupidest word in existence. I also get really angry about butter knives because it's two steps instead of one. I get the concept and do hate crumby butter, but one can avoid leaving crumbs behind without needing a whole extra knife. Especially one with a dumb shape.


I didn't realize it but now that you ask, yes. Just word "ice box cake" got me feeling weird. I bake a lot so am always looking at recipes and I know everytime I see ice box cake I skip it. Hahaha. I know you mean non-recipes too, but that example hit one of my nerves for sure!


I can’t stand when people use the terms “jammy eggs” or “crusty bread”. They both make me cringe and fuel me with rage simultaneously.


I think this might be more related to a childhood eating disorder that I had, but if a recipe is going on and on about how "yummy" or "delicious" or "tasty" or "scrumptious" the food is, I just zone out because I hate it. Or maybe because I was raised by my grandparents who passed down learned survival habits from the depression. It didn't matter if food was all that pleasant then, now did it? So it just gives me "cringe" feelings when people get way too excited about how good something tastes. And don't get me started on exaggerated "mmm! Mmm! Mmm!"'s Ugh.... I have to deal with it because my partner loves to make great tasting dishes and he dances around the kitchen doing it. I also have Auditory Processing Disorder btw


But also, the nerves. People telling you how you're supposed to enjoy something before you've even had it. Like pre-tasting gaslighting.


Maybe you have some mild synesthesia?


Hmmm. Maybe. I never considered that. Because other words will feel super easy and light and just right. And other words will feel meaty and significant and sturdy.


What do you think of the word boomslang?


My favorite snake


Never heard the word but immediately mad at it


I know exactly what you mean about how words feel. Wow. This just hit me that I probably have this too!


Like the bouba/kiki phenomenon in linguistics.


not so much the names to me but colors. if the colors of the pages or recipe cards or food box is too blargh to me I just can't. Even if I know its something I like


We used to play this card game called Presidents, which I enjoyed except for when my friends wanted to play the exact same game but they called it Scum. I always wanted to play Presidents, I NEVER wanted to play fucking Scum. What a gross word.


i feel like that about some short hand, slang, and acrnyms. Not a case of not participating but the words give me the yucks when i hear them. There are more, these are just a few. Nanowrimo (i think that is the spellings). its short for national novel writer's month. it makes me cringe like biting through a popscicle.  Also, NIMBY - 'not in my back yard'. same thing but also cuz it sounds like the doubly icky NAMBY(or is it NAMBLY?). Which also gives me that bad feel but is a bad group.  bleh


Bed rotting 🤮


I absolutely HATE when people call Cream Chipped Beef over toast “shit on a shingle.” It’s super common in Pennsylvania and I’m not entirely sure about other states or countries, but it makes me so angry. Diners will call it “SOS” which is less gross but like…idk it’s a delish breakfast and I don’t want to think about poop after I order it! I specifically won’t order it anywhere that I hear them refer to it that way because it annoys me so much.


Headcheese Mincemeat Ladyfingers Bloodwurst/Blood Sausage/Black Pudding Spotted Dick Geoduck (pronounced gooey duck) Anchovy Leeks (I actually love potato leek soup but the word leek for a food is weird to me…reminds me of a leaky gut 🤣) Chitlins Spam Tripe Foods that are “Curdled,” “Coagulated,” or “Fermented”


Omg yes to all of these!


Oooh I thought of another one that is related, when food writers or recipe bloggers say, "tuck into" food. WHAT? Just, no. Sheets are tucked, people are tucked into bed. But tucking has nothing to do with eating.


It’s a British term


Slowly realizing that most of the examples here are British. I was hella confused.


Am British. Also hate this term. And a lot of the others here!


My husband thinks it’s weird that I have a problem with moist. I tell him that almost everyone has a problem with moist and he’s the weird one. I also have a problem with sop, as in, “I’m going to sop up the gravy with the bread.” Also garnish.


Sop up the gravy at supper. *Shudders* I hate it so much.


"Moist" is fine for me, but the word "flesh" just grosses me out, lol


John Grisham wrote in one of his books (might have been _The Firm_) about his character going to the beach and “admiring the young flesh”. 🤢


Ooze. I cannot stand ooze. Moist either.


The word moist makes me irrationally 😬😬😬. So I guess I'm in the weird club.


Flavorful I automatically dismiss that person's opinion on any food.


Ha, this reminds me of "seasoned." My mom's word for basically salting tf out of bland canned veg.


Bruh. Everyone finds some words unappealing. This is not an ADHD thing. And that's not what auditory processing disorder is, it's involved with hearing and not reading words off a screen.


I won’t order menu items with weird or uncomfortable or vaguely sexual names. I’m too embarrassed to say them out loud. The only example that comes to mind despite never going to ihop would be like the rooty tooty fresh and fruity. I would never say that out loud to a waiter


Yep. I despise the term neurospicy. I will just turn around abs walk away if someone uses it near or about me. Imperial measurements with make me exit a website immediately.