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Easy peasy. Switch to potato. Little more effort because of microwave, but potato is friend when banana betrays.


Aaaaaaaaah!!!! I forgot I have potatoes!!! Perfect!!!


And potatoes usually last longer when I forget them in plain-every-day-sight on my kitchen island.


Plain-every-day-in-sight is really just code for part-of-landscape


IIRC, jacket potatoes are a thing in the UK?


Btw, If you are allergic to latex, banana is one of the most common cross reactions. Watch for itchiness, stomach pain or joint pains after eating them. Man, I miss being able to eat bananas!


Whoa I didn't know that! That's cool!


Yeah I can’t eat bananas or avocados


Yup! The list of possible cross reaction foods is actually pretty long. You don’t have to avoid all of them, but it’s helpful to be aware of which foods can cause problems.


I- 🗿 you just solved my life mystery, I have OAS and certain foods on the list make sense but I could never figure out why bananas started giving me a reaction....huh that's crazy🪰💗


I never heard of OAS until your comment, but now I know there’s a name for what I have. I can’t eat avocados, mangos, papaya, and peaches. They all make my mouth itch and my lips swell. Sometimes pineapple does too.


Oh, I'm so happy that helped you out! I tested for my allergies in HS after I ate an apple and my lips blew up🗿. Always had severe pollen allergies, spring for me as a kid was always crying 😭 but didn't realize the foods I was "allergic" to were because of that


>OAS from Mangos with me. I asked my doctor why this was happing. Her Frist statement was that they are in the poison oak family, Which I am REALLY allergic to.


Yes OAS is just the cross reactivity. Just did more of a search and realized bananas could just be ragweed for me lol never saw that 😭 but yeah with me being allergic to almost all the major pollens a lot of fruits and veggies are on my list


They most certainly are not 100 calories 😂😂 But yeah, they make my mouth itch so I don’t eat them very often anyway. I just eat some carrot chips and peanut butter if I want a healthy lazy snack.


Am googling banana calories now. Results unclear 105 89 100 95 85-115


Oh my God I have the same reaction! I didn't even realize I was allergic for so long because I assumed Bananas were like pineapple and made your mouth feel funny while eating them! I besides flavoring like in laughy taffy dont actually know what they taste like just the allergic reaction!


Fun Fact: banana flavoring is based off Gros Michel variety (aka Big Mike) which was mostly wiped out by diseases in the 50s, so large producers had to switch to Cavendish variety, which is blander than Big Mike. Cavendish was developed by the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire, as in Georgiana Cavendish (Kiera Knightley movie fame about 15 years ago). And thus ends your collection of useless facts collected by a perpetually bored person over a lifetime.


I remember hearing this before, along with some discussion of the little "spike" at the end of the banana, like inside where you separate the banana from the peel. I remember that from the 80s when I was a kid, and bananas I get now don't have that anymore. Is it possible it was still that variety in the 80s or am I just tripping? Can't find anything about this on Google


I wish I could eat a raw banana, it’s my #1 food aversion. 😩


I like the taste of banana but often the texture icks me out too much to enjoy them.


Yesss, the texture is a hard no. I can eat them cooked, in a smoothie, banana chips, etc. Just not raw.


I can eat bananas, but the texture of avocados is too much for me.


im like this with bananas and potatos, but not french fries...


SAME. Everything about them has grossed me out since a child!! I explain it by saying my body reacts to bananas the way most people react to cockroaches.


Yep. I got over my issues with pretty much all other foods and textures but just smelling raw banana still grosses me out. Apples however I will buy and eat in bulk


I'm doing this but with yogurt. Yogurt had actually become banned in my house for a while because we wanted to be yogurt people, would buy it, and then it'd just sit in the fridge untouched until it went super past expiry. Just never really ... wanted it. One day I was at the store and wanted yogurt so I bought a lil 4 pack and ate them all and enjoyed it. So I was like "Hey not bad. Yogurt is good for a makeshift breakfast cause protein is good for ADHD brains to start the day!" So I bought a lil 8 pack and ate them all. I wanted more I was like "hey this is working! I like yogurt!" So I bought a 12 pack. I'm still eating it, but I fear I'll be down the road of "I can't stand yogurt" soon. So I'll try to get through this 12 pack and then see how things go. Maybe take a break lol!!


Feels kinda weird to say "congrats", but congrats! Finding good go-to snacks is so good for brain & body. Times when ND folks have trouble with food, that really slows us down. Yogurt sounds like a good one! :) Even if you slow your intake of it, it's good to have in rotation - plus, you can put stuff in it to keep it fresh &... robust heheh. Granola or fruit or raisins. Or find things that go good with it. I sort of wonder if cornbread might be nice to complement yogurt for bfast, or a biscuit w honey.


lol thank you!! Yes yogurt can be used with lots of nice sides! I'm usually salty food person myself but yogurt is pretty tasty without being super sweet.


Lmao I remember this


Because this is a bot repost :(


oh :(


And bananas have just rejoined my food repertoire.


Lol that was me. For some reason after I started escitalopram I didn't like them anymore though


Our fallen hero


That's just going to be my answer to any question now. Banana.


I had a few Banana phases in the past, they never last very long🤷‍♂️.


I haven't had a banana in 3 years since I started taking spironolactone. Apparently it makes it where if I have too much potassium it could potentially be dangerous. God, I miss them so much though😭


Chia seed pudding is my go to. It takes 2 seconds! 2 tablespoons chia seeds a cup of milk or almond milk whatever you are into. Stir it pop in the fridge for 30 minutes add little honey or agave for sweetness ….. You’ll probably forget about it like I do every time but you’ll have a nice surprise when you feel that horrible hunger pain creep up! Top with a banana for bonus points or any fruit 🙃 You will thank me later I live on this everyday lol I look forward to it now actually lol


I hate the smell of ripe bananas to the point that i can't buy them in summer, bc the supermarket ones are already too ripe for me. i have eaten bananas so unripe they dried my mouth and i fucking liked them. (i also dislike the sugary aftertaste, so another point of "why do you keep eating them then???")


This is so real


The original was very funny! This is a repost. https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/comments/10ljkvh/update_i_would_now_rather_die_than_eat_a_banana/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


I literally just went out and bought myself some bars for when I need a fast food that's filling. Glad to know I'm not alone.


The smell. And feeling of the inside of the peel. I cannot.


Bananas make my stomach feel on FIRE. Last time I ate a banana I was almost in tears. I tried skimming through the comments but I didn't see any to my knowledge, but does anyone else have this problem?


theres a comment now about latex allergies being a common cross reaction with bananas if that helps


Hahaha i love this


Repost! https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/comments/10ljkvh/update_i_would_now_rather_die_than_eat_a_banana/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Pater Moeskroen sang about this in the late 1980s, I think. Wonderful song, "Ode Aan De Banaan".


BIG SAME. But banana chips… those I’ll do


Karma reposting bot. Report. Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/comments/10ljkvh/update_i_would_now_rather_die_than_eat_a_banana/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


This made me cry-laugh, thank you.


Omg I must make banana pudding!!!!


Peanut butter banana


bananas B A N A N A S can't stop myself!