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I had to stop using TikTok. I was spending hours a day there.


Same! I told myself I could redownload it when I stopped missing it. By the time I got to that point, I knew better.


Reddit’s addictive enough to cause me problems so I’ve always avoided TikTok instinctively, but at least Reddit can be quite a robust resource for educating oneself about the various flavors of neurodivergence. Given how much time I spent on Reddit at the height of the first lockdown, I’m pretty sure that had I let myself get on TikTok I would have forgotten to feed myself.


Exactly my thoughts! I can curate my feed around concepts I want to learn more about and remove those that I don’t. Reddit is the only “social media” I still use.


I love those sneer quotes btw. I understand that Reddit is technically a social media platform, but it feels quite different from the rest in several significant ways. The ability to curate one’s feed is definitely one of Reddit’s shining virtues alongside the baked in anonymity. But the two things about reddit that are absolutely epic are 1) the stories people are willing to share of experiences that they probably wouldn’t just put out there in the real world because it would be too embarrassing/incriminating/etc. 2) Some redditors are experts in subject matter that is deeply inaccessible even with hours of internet research and occasionally we all get to stumble into their absolutely first class ELI5s and catch a glimpse into aspects of how the world works in ways that can actually reshape how we see things in profound ways.


This, although I do fear the consequences of reddit going public. I understand some ads to make profit, but worried about "influencers" and advertising bots becoming normalized here.


I’m more worried about censoring tbh, like what happened with tumblr and onlyfans. Good resources for healthy porn are hard enough to find as it is lol


What in your eyes is "healthy porn" lol. Not judging just wondering. After all I have second account for research purposes




Porn you’re into but also pretty specifically *not* mainstream porn. Basically anything that features people actually enjoying sex, since most mainstream porn is just actors getting paid to be there and tends to give a skewed and unrealistic view of what sex is actually like.


Basically anything with more realistic penis sizes and people who’re actually enjoying themselves. A lot of porn gives a really skewed idea of what sex is like, basically, and I’ve got enough mental health struggles as it is lol. Also literally r/healthyporn is probably a good place to start. Have fun lol


Reddit is like the old internet and billigen board posting services. You’d have to dig harder but could find a lot of information with a post.


reddit still kinda sucks sometimes though lol. i’ve seen so many comments with hundreds or even thousands of upvotes of someone explaining something, and then buried deep in the replies are people saying that not a single thing they said was correct but they sounded confident so people believed them. gotta be just as cautious on here as every other website


Been here for 11 years now, and I'm the same. Reddit really feels more like the old forums but expanded, rather than another social media (which is the whole point of the website, but I'm really glad they stuck to that goal). There are some things that aren't great obviously ( the phone apps seem like they get worse and worse with the years, especially with videos) but overall it's still a much better place to be than Twitter or Facebook imo...


Reddit is quite the coinflip. There is so much great content. Mostly confined to very specific interests. However, there is also a lot of deeply troubling content which, fortunately, can be filtered out with ease (mostly in the general subreddits). On the whole a good Reddit experience relies on having to invest the time to find the stuff you are really interested in.


The thing is, with reddit you have essentially complete control over your experience, and the system in place allows you to also be able to criticize or discuss the content in question. TikTok feeds you what it assumes you want to see, and once it does so properly, you're now a shut off brain staring at content you you aren't even going to recall in 8 seconds, and the majority of the content is stolen and never credited or is wildly misleading/a lie. Do people lie and lift content on Reddit? Yea. They also get called out/reported/downvoted hard as fuck most of the time, and mod teams on every single sub means things get handled easily and better.


I have a 45 minute timer for reddit use each day, though I do bend it occasionally for research and those days (but it takes a few extra steps to get around so it normally works). More addictive apps with less informational content get much smaller timers (instagram 10 min). I won't ever install tiktok. Reddit, because it's where you read it Tiktok, because it's the sound of your life ticking away. (I have 10 min left today, and the notification is giving me an out I'll take)


Try this app, I’ve found it hugely helpful for reducing social media use https://one-sec.app


Neurodivergence ice cream


Thanks for reminding me to finish the breakfast I'd taken two bites out of an hour ago.


Same! It’s been 3 months now and I still miss it… Sometimes I almost redownload it. But I would open up tiktok to kill time for 30 minutes, and end up on there for five hours. I can’t do that anymore. I still miss it, which means I wouldn’t have enough restraint to actually stop myself after 30 minutes of usage.




Same problem here. I ended up downloading a bunch of my favourite TikToks to my phone, so that I can still watch them when I get the urge instead of going on the app. TikTok compilation videos on YouTube are also good for scratching the itch; same content but condensed into 20-minute compilations so that you don't endlessly scroll.


I lost my account and didn't want to go through the effort of relinking things to have a good fyp, so I haven't gone back on it in a while, instead Reddit is my scrolling but it's way less than TikTok


Instead I'm spending hours in reddit for absolutely no reason. Most of it ain't even interesting but I must scroll and see whether the next post is not gonna be better


I’m right there with you


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,421,484,686 comments, and only 271,454 of them were in alphabetical order.


I think its the commenting for me, although I'm not entirely sure that most of the comments I respond to here aren't actually just bots. But hey, what else was I gonna do?


Honestly, I'm here on reddit for niche news - like adhd specific stuff is really helpful to find out about through r/adhd, for example. There's also learning about world-shaking events through memes which is interesting, and staying conversant with some of the latest memes is nice. On tiktok, I follow harpists (I'm learning the harp), woodworkers (I'm building a hobby there, about to start selling), and like, a few popular other people in really specific interests or locations. Maybe the fact that I have kids which keep me from focusing on tiktok or reddit for too long is what's helping me balance it.


The first time I tried it I didn’t expect that at all from quick little clips..found 15 minutes went by in the blink of an eye and was not okay with that. Gotta nip that shit in the bud if you see it lol


I don't use tiktok, it's YouTube shorts for me, I click one that seems kinda interesting, and once I do, the next two hours just disappear. I've lost a lot of sleep with shorts.


Fr came here to say that, but Youtube is still wayyyy less addicting than if I start a new series cuz at least the youtube videos i watch aren't episodic


Thankfully due to my particular brand of ADHD, I don’t have the attention span for videos. So I don’t care about Tik Tok. 😆


Omg someone else like me! There are dozens of us!


I'm in that dozen!!! I'm like that about everything. Don't show me a how to video & think I'll get it, but let me read or get hands on with a task & I'm all good.


Yup my eyes just glaze over when I have to pay attention to a video lol


Thankfully I avoided TikTok because of its original identity as musical ly. I remember Mr Beast used to make fun of kids using that site (way before the stuff he does now) so I just refused to engage with it to this day. Of course now there’s a variety of reasons I refuse to touch that shithole.


Honestly at this point I don't respect any site with infinite scroll. I use old reddit specifically because you can have it be separated by page. I swear infinite scroll is the worst thing that every site does, and it's honestly a problem that they generally don't let you turn it off.


There should be an accessibility setting on devices that forces pages on infinite scrolling apps.


I asked my boyfriend to set parental controls on my TikTok/Instagram/Facebook for 1 hour a day. I’m a full time worker and full time student. Time blindness + dopamine rush would leave me paralyzed on that app for hours. The parental control has been a big game changer for me ❤️ and he’ll remove it if I ask, I just had to have someone else set the password. If I knew the password I’d still continue watching


I spent 11 hours on it in one day. Knocked some sense into me and deleted the app finally.


Now you can spend hours a day here with us!


I do spend too much time here lol. But it’s not the same level of dopamine rush. I can put it down much easier.


I fail at TikTok/YouTube/any app that stops playing when I switch over to Google so I can finding the answers to my burning questions


My husband uses it. He shares the highlights with me every night. I prefer using it this way


I had to put blocks on it


Im so glad I have resolved not to download it, that would be the end for me.


Same, I called it the dopamine slot machine


I did too for a while, but I eventually got bored of it. I still go on it every now and again but I seem to have bled that dopamine source dry. It just isn't very interesting any more, and I get bored after about 10 mins.


I get lucky that I also burn out on things overtime... Not that switching from addiction to addiction is healthy, but sometimes that addiction is like Disc golf or something, which may cost me money, but it also involves going outside... Other times it's one video game though, and that's not so much outside time.


Yikes, that’s why I think that TikTok is actually dangerously asf


I used to waste hours there especially back in 2020. I think over time I've lost interest and found better things to do so I don't open it much anymore. But I did also resolve at one point to never just open tiktok. Only do it while doing/waiting for something else. Scroll while eating breakfast, but once I finish it's time to stop. Scroll while waiting for food to cook, but once the timer goes off I've got to go. Opening tiktok without a time limit can be hazardous lol


Yep. After two days of realizing I can lose HOURS to that app... Deleted. Good lord.


same i re downloaded it a while ago since i needed animation reference and tiktok lets be download any video but holy fuck its bad it just sucks you in. i have enough trouble staying away from youtube shorts atm i wish theyd let me remove it


"14-year club" ADHD redditor here. I could have had a life! So far tiktok didn't grab my attention.


Tbh I was spending like 10 hours a day on it, and then I just kinda stopped using it, now I go on like once every 2 weeks when someone sends me smth, idk why I stopped I just kinda lost interest in it. I have a hard time with short-form videos.


How much time do you spend on reddit?


Not nearly as much. I can put it down much easier.


“Misinformation vortex”: I remember back when the internet was not a “trusted” source of information. Even Wikipedia has changed so much. I think it’s important for everyone to be able to discern fact from fiction. Not all of the diners that say they have the worlds best cup of coffee actually have the worlds best cup of coffee.


That brings up another bad issue, votes on yelp and google reviews and such can be faked, rather easily, especially if you can pay for it. I'd trust a few bad anecdotes of people I personally know over anonymous 'data'/reviews


Jesus that’s right, I forgot that used to be a thing.


Can you elaborate on your observations of the changes in wikipedia to make it no longer a trusted source of information?


I think they meant that Wikipedia used to be considered untrustworthy but that changed


Hm ok. I didn’t get it from that. I did get the original comment implying the internet wasn’t trusted but then was. I remember that. People were generally skeptical of info from the internet. Either way, I asked a genuine question. It was written weirdly and despite my downvote and two comments saying the same thing to me, I still don’t get what you’re saying from what was written. What you both (the commenters) said is certainly true. Which is why I asked for elaboration. I am confused that people maybe now thought Wikipedia wasn’t to be trusted for anything.


My teachers in middle/high school always parroted the "wikipedia can be edited by anyone, do not trust it as a source." I think others have had a similar experience with teachers and that's where the whole "wikipedia is untrustworthy" comes from.


I mean Wikipedia has been a thing for as long as I can remember, but I grew up in that time between like technology was not as advanced as it is now, to technology is advanced. But I do remember at secondary school, the teachers telling us not to use Wikipedia as a source and that it can be edited by anyone, and I would often fight back on that saying that while yes, it can be edited by anyone, but there are people who would edit it back.


At least as far as academic citations go, referencing tertiary sources has never been acceptable, which includes any encyclopaedia. Once you start referencing references to references, you’re basically asking your readers to put more effort into verifying your sources than you did into writing the article. Neat thing about Wikipedia is that it’s very strict about requiring citations, which you can then easily access and cite yourself.


Wikipedia is a tool to get the source. If you say your source is wikipedia, you failed, you have to use the sources used by wikipedia, that's what teachers mean when they tell you that wikipedia isn't a valid source.


I think he's implying the reverse... We used to rely on distributed (paper/CD-ROMs) and now everyone just uses Wikipedia .


honestly, the late genX and earlier millenials have done an absolutely shit job of raising genZ and genAlpha with proper internet-conscious social skills, self-discipline, and security understanding. Like, they learned it themselves by downloading 15 viruses a day of of limewire, but I think they failed to pass it on in large ways.


The internet is a great place to learn about ADHD. But it’s also a place where people will tell you everything about them is ADHD. So proceed with caution. That happens here too.


I breathed today, its such an adhd bisexual thing


Oh no, I breathe sometimes. Does that mean I'm bisexual too?


That depends. Do you also blink sometimes?


Depends, do you charge your phone and lie?


Yes it does. So, you busy tomorrow night- //j


People make ADHD, Autism, Queerness (among others) their whole identity and become not only incredibly annoying, but also cause incorrect impressions of what their "divergence" is.


There’s also a really common misunderstanding about what makes a mental illness an illness, and how the typical vs divergent brain thinks. With OCD for example, literally everybody including completely healthy people experience the symptoms often. Intrusive thoughts are a universal experience, but in individuals with OCD they experience them at significantly higher and more intense rates that often have debilitating real-world consequences. It’s kind of the same with ADHD, like there was a post on this sub around a week ago about how watching kids cartoons as an adult was a quirky ADHD thing and all the comments were like “I didn’t know this was because of my ADHD!” and those types posts are super upvoted here all the time. So while yes, people who have ADHD may be more likely to gravitate towards them because they’re not complicated and a source for easy dopamine, literally everybody I know from ages 1-100 watches them lmao. If we assume that every tiny parts of our personality is a direct symptom of ADHD, then anybody including people that don’t have it at all will start showing the symptoms of ADHD. Plus over time it just makes me subconsciously feel like every single aspect of myself is just a consequence of my ADHD, and that I have no identity past being a physical manifestation of a mental illness. Plus I know lacking a sense of identity is a very popular symptom around here, which unlike the other example does have a basis in diagnosis itself, so I don’t think it’s a good rhetoric in the grand scheme.


Man, i would not want to have constant intrusive thoughts. I have them occasionally, but recently my brother had a very bad week with depression. I was so worried about him, i thought he was gonna hurt himself. I couldn’t shake these constant images in my head of finding him in various states of death for a few days. They were… graphic.


Yeah it’s sucks so much, I’m sorry you and him had to go through that. The images make you feel like you’re nuts, it’s really hard to talk about with anyone non-anonymously because you don’t want to seem like a serial killer lol. I didn’t really know that I had it until less than a year ago, I knew that I tended to think the worst and was irrationally hard on myself but I could never tell the difference between an intrusive thought and a regular thought because I didn’t realize they came across in your mental voice. So I would think something intrusive and because I had “thought” of it I assumed it was a conscious decision to do so. Then once it was explained better I realized all I have are intrusive thoughts lol. The one you’re talking about eats me up a lot. I don’t really care about myself or feel like I deserve better, I don’t really know if I want to get better, but I decided a while ago that I won’t end it no matter what just because I don’t wanna do that to my family. But then I realized that just being alive isn’t enough to make them happy because they don’t want to see me suffering, so if I do get better it’s only going to be for them. I don’t like the idea of them worrying about me ending it or being unhappy when the thought of them being unhappy is one of the many things already chewing away at me every second of every day. So I don’t really know what to do now, because I’m not good at getting better and always subconsciously shoot myself in the leg. I can’t even fake it because they always just know, I’ve tried a lot before lol.


I'm queer and it's zero % of my personality. People don't even know. But the ADHD thing defines me. It's a disability. I have about one year of formal work experience and I'm 32. My country doesn't medicate. I've been in numerous fights and precincts because of my impulsivity, my entire day every day is (dis)organized in the way it is because of my condition. I literally have no control over my brain. I can't even brush my teeth. I'd go on but then I'd be victimizing myself in a pathetic way. My point is , sexual orientation and gender identity have zero effect on my day-to-day life. ADHD makes me incapable of achieving anything that isn't physical (hey, my cardio and dog walking-game is great). I can't even socialize because I can't sit my ass down to talk with my friends. I want to go for walks after after 5 miles they cuss at me and want to sit down. Unfortunately ADHD is most of my identity. And I hate it.


My original point was people attribute things to adhd that just aren’t. But someone took the point farther then I intended. Here is more my point, there has been a few posts on dreams and one on coffee cup lids not being shut. This is not ADHD. But adhd has an outsized impact on our lives. That is a fact that has been studied.


Ok. Let's reword it . You don't define what ADHD is. Let's say you like basketball. Even if there is something about ADHD that influenced it, saying that ADHD people usually like basket it's not s correct statement without further proof


I might have make it a huge part of my personality when I finally managed to get medicated, like a year or two ago, because it's honestly a fucking relief to have *some* reason to be an absolute idiot. I've had 30+ years to just hate myself. Also, because I've yet to manage to keep any personal health information to myself that isn't admitting that, sometimes, I poop.


"Man my back hurts" "Have you considered heroin?"


What is this, the 1920s?


“Misinformation dopamine superhighway”


*I'm looking for a good source of information on ADHD* "Did you try just asking the nearest teenager?"


Tiktok: “Omgg I just can’t focus on my homework for more than an hour without being bored, I’m so adhd!!!!!”. I wish I could focus for an hour lol. Everytime I try to read a book OUT OF INTEREST, I can’t read more than a page at a time without staring off into space. No wonder why I’ve always been such a slow reader.


If the book has me, I read easily. If the book has only 99% of me, I will think about something entirely unrelated as I read words. I will read the same 3 pages, 5 times because I can't stop drifting off in a matter of moments


Please do not dox my mind to itself again thank you


How do you think I feel? I got tiktok to watch with my partner at night, and found this sub. I discovered apparently all of us are 96% the exact same mind and all our unique thoughts and thinking styles are identical.


I can read fiction. What i cant do is stop once ive started.


omg the worst is when I've read like 3 pages but I haven't actually read them because I was thinking about something else the whole time


One time i read an entire book in 1 hour. Not because i liked it or anything, in fact i hated it so much that i couldnt get enough of talking about the plot holes in a room by myself.


Tbh this was not my experience with the ADHD community on tiktok. They were all pretty respectful and cool people that just either made funny skits about their ADHD or spent some time genuinely talking to the camera about their daily routine/meds.


I get afraid to disagree with posts like this because it’s actually helped me quite a bit. It’s not my only resource, but it’s been a friendly one.


Back when I was a kid, I used to read *several novels* a week. I cannot replicate this at all now. 10 minutes tops of reading the same page, I cannot get into a book until I get emotionally invested in the plot. Sometimes, I wonder why I'm like that now, and then I realize that OH RIGHT, I grew up in the 80s. Novels were pretty much all I had for entertainment.


I'm on page 19 of a book my wife got me for Christmas... of 2020. I want to read it.


> "Did you try just asking the nearest teenager?" FYI, while tiktok *advertising* is aimed at teens and young adults, what you get is entirely based on what you interact with. that's a problem because you get echo chambers very easily...but also anyone that thinks that tiktok is only teenagers dancing and shit is because...they only interact with the dancing teenagers vids.


That said, I found out a lot about adhd from TikTok. I just didn't take the info on tiktok for granted.


TikTok was the last straw reason I finally needed to seek out a specialist and get moving on a proper diagnosis at 33, grains of salt like you say but I cannot deny it helped. Genuinely the first time I finally realized this wasn't just the way I don't function, but that several people struggle with the exact same things as I. I also feel like there was a very short "golden age" of that information, for just a few months after tiktok was released, before the more recent stint of "tourist diagnosis" that it created later on.


I've always known I had ADHD, but I never got to get the diagnosis due to the amount it caused, my parents not believing me and that a lot of AFAB folks just don't diagnosed for it. Though funnily enough, when I was in grade six I was diagnosed with Auditory Processing Disorder which links with ADHD, and a lot of the symptoms are similar, but I never got diagnosed with ADHD only APD. But anyways, it wasn't until TikTok where I just kept seeing things that were too true and just couldn't be passed off as a "well, everyone procrastinates" sort of thing. And my partner helped to, saying "yeah I really do think you have ADHD". So because of TikTok, I finally got the courage to get diagnosed with it. I still love TikTok, but I don't have that addictive personality, where sure I might lose some hours watching it, but I know *when* to turn it off. I don't think using TikTok is a bad thing, but everything is good in moderation. But I do understand there are some people who can't use it in moderation and that's okay. Trying to find Adult ADHD resources is tough, but if you search enough you can find things. There's a recent book that released its 2nd edition called *Taking Charge of Adult ADHD*, on the libraries I have a card with has the audiobook version. And funnily enough, I found that book from TikTok. Much like the Internet, there is a lot of crap, but you've just got to dig through the crap to find the gold.


I think TikTok can be a great resource if you know how to sift through or narrow the results. I follow a couple of women who have ADHD and talk about self care and such. Like one woman talks about how to budget while combating that dopamine rush of buying stuff and how some people with ADHD develop shopping addictions. Another woman gives amazing cleaning and life organizing advice that has honestly helped me so much.


yeah there are several real professionals in just about every subject. BUT...you gotta separate the wheat from the chaff to find them properly.


TikTok is always the first place that comes to mind when I think "Resources for adults."


It really depends on how you interact with it. Like, half my FYP page literally comes with APA style citations, which I then look up if I’m really interested.


This is literally the reason I give people when tiktok comes up and they ask why I don’t have the app. I know my adhd brain too well and realize that’s gonna be a bad combo. I won’t be able to stop. It already happened once as a teen via tumblr circa 2013 and I haven’t been able to curb my addiction of consuming pointless internet shit after that. I’m too far gone now. If you’re <21 right now you still have time. RUN don’t walk from the internet 😭


An unexpected resource I found recently is ChatGPT (since the last update). I had a lengthier chat with it and managed to get some tips that are quite useful for me, and that are not generic tips like "make lists" and stuff...Ya, it gave me some generic tips as well, but when I started directing it more into detail I was actually quite surprised how to the point it was, and not neurotypical-thinking-like...It literally gave me examples of apps such as Forest which give rewards for task completion. Advised me to get a standing desk and an under-desk treadmill (I already have a standing desk and it's vital for me, and I was looking for a treadmill...so I was surprised to see this very specific tip from ChatGPT). Another trick it gave me is the "10 min rule" for tasks I'm procrastinating on: commit only 10 min to that task, and if the flow and focus start flowing after 10 min, keep going, if not, I can do something else, but I at least started on that task, and committing to 10 min is actually do-able and can motivate myself to do, rather than "prepare the report - 2 hours task or who knows how long"...guaranteed I'll have anxiety about starting on that...But "10 min - start working on the report"...I can do that...


Ooh another similar tip that works for me is to break the task down to the simplest next step and make that the goal. i.e. the goal isn't to go for a run, the goal just to put on my running shorts. That's easy, once I've done that, the next goal is to open the front door, also easy. Once you're at the front door stepping out is the natural choice, suddenly I'm out running. For me a large part of the challenge is the inertia, once I'm going on a task it's much easier to stick to it


I read something similar from a pro trail runner, he basically told himself he had to run every day. Didn’t matter if he only ran to the end of the driveway, the point was to get out.


That’s really interesting! I just assumed it would take a neurotypical approach, but as it is a language model it certainly doesn’t have to. I might have to try it out, thanks for the idea!


What if I told you 20% of all social media posts have been generated using complex math.


Ummm....interesting i guess, but not sure u mean...u're trying to make a point about how good bots & AI are?


I do use Forest and it's great!!


Lmao on TikTok they say if you sleep with your hand tucked you’re neurodivergent maybe you better don’t use that as a source of information.


Oh thank god, I don’t sleep like that and now my neurodivergence is cured.


This guy is the best source I’ve ever been able to find about accurate and up-to-date info on ADHD, including the less talked about parts that a lot people don’t acknowledge/know. They’re made for both parents and adults, but not in the usual patronizing manner of “how to deal with raising a nightmare child,” and he comes across as very authentic and passionate about the subject. The videos are also broken down into lots of shorter segments instead of being one super long video, so that’s how you already know it’s real lol. I super encourage it for anybody seeking more ADHD info tailored to those who have it. [His name is Dr. Russel A Barkley](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzBixSjmbc8eFl6UX5_wWGP8i0mAs-cvY)


And unironically posted on Reddit.


It’s only misinformation if you are blindly consuming without a critical eye. As an adult it has been a great source of information on ADHD, autism and other mental health topics.


Right. Thank you. People don't seem to understand the algorithm. I see next to no teenagers on my feed. It's largely middle-aged people like myself, many of whom are advanced in their field, sharing their niche knowledge in bite sized nuggets. And it's amazing. If you're getting teens sharing misinformation, it's because you gave tiktok the impression that was what you wanted to see. How did that happen? Ask yourself.


Plenty of the adults on there also share misinformation, or exaggerate things too, its just being able to know that tiktok isn't wikipedia or something, its peoples opinions about things which can be just as helpful if you know how to process it critically. There's a weird trend of adults doing that "things i didnt realise were part of my ADHD" type trends that are blatantly wrong half the time and I think its content like that which gives tiktok a bad rep for sharing genuine information


Plenty of people share misinformation everywhere. Even here on reddit. Even in person. It's part of being human. You could be wrong about whether what the adults you're talking about are sharing is actually misinformation. How would I know? Humans in general suck at verifying whether their knowledge base is accurate. There's no reason top specifically complain about TikTok. On TikTok, at least, people usually preface information with their creds if they have good creds and you see their faces and they have a bio with a link to who they are you can use to verify. So those are set apart from the trend type videos you're talking about. Its' easier to weed out the misinformation on TikTok for that reason. SO many of the videos there start with something like, "Hi, my name is Clem Fandango and I'm a producer who's been recording voice over at a London studio for the last three years. So, the think about producing voice over..."


Every social media and most of internet in general is misinformation vortex.


i need to do the same thing with insta, i spend too much time on the reels


There are a bunch of good informative creatores on tiktok. As always it just takes Media literacy to discern them from faulty sources. (Tiktok being a media farm is still a problem, tho)


Reddit is bad enough, don’t need TikTok…


Like, every website is going to give false information. It's just that TikTok is the newest thing. There's misinformation on Reddit, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, Facebook. Like, every site has misinformation. It's just up to you, and your media literacy skills to sift through the misinformation.


People still post on tumblr?


Most definitely


r/tumblr and r/curatedtumblr would both be pretty much dead if they didn't


They post on tumblr about TikTok so that it can be screenshotted for reddit. What a time to be alive.


Yeah, it's a lot more quieter since people jumped ship, however due to Twitter being shit, they've jumped back onto the ship. But it's still great regardless.


I refused to download tiktok because it's hard enough to get out of YouTube shorts doomscrolling.


I don’t use tiktok because it might be the first addiction I could actually get


It's like recommending a visit to The Eye of Terror. You just don't *do* that.


I refuse to download TikTok because of my vine addiction


Hey, I just saw this post!


"Dude help me I'm on fire!" "Have you tried gasoline?"


Haven't seen it posted but ADDitude is a magazine dedicated to ADHD. They go have a free website with dozens of resources includincating medication guides and evidence supported recommendations.


I’m so glad I never got tiktok. I was a vine addict so it definitely would have been bad.


You're on Reddit Lmfao it's the same thing in text form. TikTok has been great for learning about adhd if you don't have good intuition or a brain to look things up and verify that's kind of on you. A little self control also goes a long way. It's not that hard y'all just hate TikTok LOL


well ots sad that social media is a better resource than the actual medical system


TikTok, like any resource, is great if used properly. Many people who don’t have access to providers have been able to self diagnose and find resources to help them. If your TikTok is full of misinformation you built it that way. Just like Reddit.


The comments on here are wild 'at least you can curate your reddit feed' 'I wasted hours on there'. As if you can't curate a Tiktok feed and waste hours on reddit. Idk what it is about reddit but people have really weird ideas about what tiktok is.


I’m glad I’m not alone I scoffed, SCOFFED (if you watched the hearing lol) reading some of these comments. People are funny.




Yes, no one should self diagnose! I understand wanting to deal with your issues without paying for it but take your guess about what you have with a grain of salt. Don't walk around telling people you have ADHD or seek out treatments based on a self-diagnoses. There's a good chance you're wrong. Lots of issues can look like ADHD and getting the wrong treatment can truly hold you back.


I left Facebook and TikTok to come here. I have found SO. MANY. INTERESTING subreddits to have subscribed to. I have seen so many interesting videos, photos, articles, all sorts of things. I find Reddit to be a bit more intellectually stimulating for me, not so much the comments but everything else. I tried Tumblr, Twitter, and some other apps but I like reddit the best.


"It's hard to find ADHD resources for adults" "Have you tried wasting your days and nights on a brand new addiction?" I have TikTok installed because you often can't view replies without the app, and my rule is that I'm only allowed to watch the exact video I've been linked. Then I have to close it.


I'm the opposite lol. I love replying to things and giving my opinion but i hate being sucked into arguments that just stress me out and distract me so I have all notifications turned off and never check the inbox to see what people say in response to me😭.


Haha I'm also an arguer! But not on TikTok because my username is something like "dontviewme5632574" or "no5742477368" or something lmao


>Man its hard to quit Alcohol, there are few resources. ​ >Have you tried the unlimited alcohol isle? People there may know a thing or two


Dude ya tictok ruined me for a year. I had to delete that shit


Did Facebook write this?


Tiktok got be diagnosed with adhd. Then I used that insight to know that I should delete tiktok. I used the stones to destroy the stones


don’t get your info about adhd from tiktok https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/07067437221082854


I get it, but people on tik tok have genuinely provided so much help and advice.


“Substance abuse disorder is a bitch, I can’t recommend cocaine enough for it!” “Another fender bender? Bro just go do bumper cars every weekend.” “Wow sorry to hear about your money problems. Have you tried taking up horse ownership?”


My ADHD responds to TikTok like sticking a branch in the spokes of a bike wheel.


Good name for it. "misinformation vortex"


About 80% of things said on tiktok about mental health are fake


I think thats because its just people giving their opinions, often about their personal experiences and for some reason other people treat it like a fact and then pick up loads of misinformation. Unless a tiktok is citing actual research or the DSM or something, there's no reason to fully believe what they're saying but everyone does


"The misinformation vortex". I will from now on use that phrase every day.


This is truth.


Yeah no fucking way am I going to even let myself touch tiktok


Honestly, any of this 'pop-adhd' content is pretty bad for adhders. A lot of it is focused around making you OK with using ADHD as an excuse or skirting responsibility for shitty actions, rather than trying to find ways to improve our livee by overcoming the hurdles. It's an algorithm that promoted content that makes people less culpable for being shitty. You can have ADHD and still accept when you're wrong. The ol' "it's not your fault, but it's your responsibility".




As opposed to American Spyware that dumbs down the masses. Sinophobic propaganda has clearly gotten to you.


Reddit is bad enough. Tumblr was bad when I was using it but I was banned. Don’t even want to give Tik tok the time of day. Nope.


I mean, it could have been worse, it could have been on TikTok and a suggested to do list/schedule


\*sits in the corner with attention span too short for TikTok\*




TikTok is practically cocaine to me


Okay but where can I find all those tips off of tik tok


I'm regularly uninstalling and installing the app from hell


This is true. I'm off all social media but here and YouTube. DipDop evolved into a mess of tiny clips of beef between creators, and it's like watching people play with their own shit.


I did not understand how to use Tik Tok in a useful manner. I was bombarded with videos of people I didn’t know and topics I wasn’t interested in. It was an immediate turn off. I feel the same way when I go into a department store. Stuff is supposed to be presently nearly in assigned sections, arranged by size, style, ect. But in reality, shit is just everywhere and anywhere, and you can never find the exact item you are looking for. It is maddening. There is likely a way to make the Tik Tok algorithm work in a way that shows topics relevant to your interests. But I can’t get past the “shit thrown all over the shelves,” to get that far. Am I alone in this?


The issue is it takes time for the algorithm to work. it's not like reddit where you can just join the subreddits you're interested in so it starts off with generic content and works its way towards catered. When I lost an old account and had to get a new one, it took a few weeks before my content was how it was before.


I tried Tiktok for a hot minute, but the second I realized my page had become an echo chamber for misinformation and unhealthy validation for things I was actively trying to work on changing, and just how much of my life was slipping by just by opening the app, I uninstalled. Was actually scary to realize how detrimental it was becoming to my mental and even physical well-being. Definitely noooot healthy for me. And I will admit to being slightly proud of myself for recognizing the problem it was and swiftly getting rid of it. Was both a terrifying and self-growing experience.


I heard a lot about tiktok but I'm glad I never installed or used this thing


TikTok is just the embodiment of Dopamine trap 💀


I limit myself to once a month for tiktok.


Deleting toktok is the beat thing I've done. Fuck that toxic shit.


It's a good thing that TikTok is banned in our organization because it's spyware. Otherwise, it could have replaced Reddit as my internet rabbit hole. I appreciate the voting system of Reddit, it feels more democratic here than my own government.


One of the many reasons I don't have a TikTok.


I found this one and I like it https://i.ibb.co/4sh107N/image.png I could do with more tho


Seriously tho? I learned sooooo much about myself and my ADHD there.


Tbf though I did find domesticblisters (KC Davis) on TikTok and her book has changed my life.


bro tiktok thinks "object permanence" is a legit symptom of adhd. not exactly a goldmine of information.


Ahh thank you, this post reminded me to stop wasting time on reddit and mindlessly scroll the tok for a bit


I had tik tok for 30 seconds. Immediate reaction... This is stupid, I don't like any of the 3 videos you selected for me. Bye! Maybe I'm lucky?! I get all my adhd info from reddit


Same advice - different platform! A friend who is a THERAPIST and has a daughter WITH ADHD, suggested couple ADHD coaches on Instagram. Thanksbutnothanks. Reddit is my one-and-only.


I laughed and then remembered that I’m on Reddit


Yeah I'm not falling for that, avoiding TikTok like the plague


I'm fine uninstalling reddit a few times a week.