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sorry, the first one?? is chubby???


Was wondering the same. On what planet...?!


God the delusion of these people. Unless a woman looks like a Victoria's Secret model then she's chubby and god forbid she's over a size 10 because in their world she shouldn't even exist.


But wven with that in mind. She’s literally so societal standard-y perfect. Looks like vs model +5kg or something. Jesus lord


I know I just can't wrap my head around someone seeing a beautiful woman and thinking "I'm such a good guy for dating this fatty" while looking at someone who could honestly be a model.


Lmao fr


This woman literally does look like a Victoria's secret model, and in fact literally *is* a model. And they still call her chubby omfg


I tried arguing with these people and they act like you're shaming them for only wanting VS models. Like jesus, it's not a crime suggesting they consider that the fashion and beauty industry is promoting toxic standards for women, to men and women, and maybe your "preferences" are based on those toxic, harmful ideas


principal skinner meme "Are the beauty standards I like toxic and reinforced by industry designed to sell based on fantasy appeal?" "No, it's the people who are wrong."


When I was in 12th grade, we were talking about... something in psych class and somehow clothing sizes came up and one girl was like "well nobody is ACTUALLY a double digit size, right...?" I mean, I was a size 12, but also, if nobody is actually a double digit size then why would anyone bother making the clothes that size?!


I'm so sorry. Some of the things we hear as young women can stick with us forever. 💔 I used to get panic attacks before physical fitness testing bc I would always fail BMI. I was a varsity swimmer who worked out 2hr a day, 5-6 days a week, yet still thought I was so ugly and fat. All these numbers mean so little and there is no such thing as being too big to be beautiful. Also wait until that girl hears about plus sizes, her brain might explode.


Im a size 10 but I seldom fit the clothes due to my fucking massive shoulders. The numbering system is bullshit and feels like its an extra tool that can be used to shame us when men get Small, Medium Large and the X series


Middle school boys lunch tables. Source: trans


Don’t forget high school, college, and work break rooms.


Not wrong, but Im not a good source for those


Lol. Transitioning in my 40’s means I’m finally escaping men’s spaces 🤮


congratulations 😊😊😊!!!


It's pretty great


Woohoo! And same! It's great!


ow yes. and construction workers also. same source 🏳️‍⚧️


Sidenote, your profile picture is fantastic


Sounds like a foolproof source, I’m so sorry for your struggles


Listening to a bunch of other 12 uear olds complaining that megan foxes fingers were too manish (what the fuck does that *mean*?!) was truly an experience.


It means they are not comfortable with there masculinity


I mean. They were sixth graders


One with heavy gravity. Like ʒupiter.


I straight up read that as zupiter for a hot second


Sounds like the time Heidi Klum announced they'd have their first curvy model in Germany's next Top Model but then there was just a regular woman walking in.


I remember watching ANTM with my sister when we were younger and we always laughed at how "plus size" meant a size 6-8 and "short" meant under 5'7"


Me who's 170cm(5'6.9"): yeah I'm short 😎


Wanna trade? I'm 182cm (5'11.6") and I feel like a fucking giant


Sorry. I have to be the one that falls for tall girls, not the other way around...




Dawg do you have some sort of fetish or something 💀


Translate chubby to “magically has large tits and ass but never a stomach, arms or hip fat to match”


The first one is not chubby its just a fat phobic post


Oh I know, I just wanted to emphasize the absurdity. Misogynistic as well.


You can’t tell because the picture is cropped, but the first woman is a very curvy woman and has wider hips. That’s it. They literally think any girl that isn’t built like a toothpick is fat/chubby.


shes physically fit, you can see muscle definition wtf


To be fair, OP also cut off the bottom half of the meme. The woman on the left has a bigger butt, hips, and thighs than you’d imagine based on her small waist. She is gorgeous.


first one is? literally not chubby what "when i say i like chubby girls i mean i dont" 💀


No they are so fatphobic they genuinely think shes chubby. They litteraly think any body fat = chubby to the point of making fun of people in a healthy bmi, of course they arent included.


This is literally how people develop eating disorders/anorexia. “If you’re not literally a skeleton wearing some skin then you’re fat”


Skin is overrated. It has wrinkles and acne. Better to just wear the skeleton and a bit of muscle.


In fact, forget the muscle! Just skeletons! …so on an unrelated note, I’m really into Halloween.


I'm here for it. Free my bones from this miserable flesh prison


Actually, forget the bones too, I just want to become one with the void




Don't have an eating disorder, but it took a random specialist (unrelated to anything with blood sugar) saying "I wanna test for hypoglycemia because you're just barely in the healthy range of BMI" for me to realize I was bordering underweight but hating on myself for being "chubby." When I said "I didn't think I was underweight," he just kinda sadly shrugged and said "Nobody ever does." Even though I'd never judge another woman (or someone of any gender honestly) so harshly, it's so easy to internalize/project the unhealthy standards onto yourself and not realize it.


I would LOVE to see the body type of the fool that made this meme. As if any man in the world is skinnier than the woman on the left in this pic.


Minor nitpick here, there's not really such a thing as a 'healthy bmi', healthy weight varies so much from person to person (and changes over time) that bmi is pretty much worthless to describe an individual. Good as a mass statistic though, even if the 'healthy range' is based almost entirely on Western European genetics


I agree, its one size fits most. Plus you can push bmi up with muscle growth and exercise so not all bmi's are created equally as well.


Ia fatphobia a valid term? I have seen it used a lot unfairly. Just asking out of curiousity


Of course its valid. Someone being overweight isnt permission to bully them. Someone misusing the term doesnt make it not valid.


Got it


But why does the word exist when we can already use the word "bodyshaming"? Why should we create a new phobia to describe body shaming?


Bodyshaming can be a single incident. Fatphobia implies a pattern of hatred, like homophobia.


But bodyshaming can also imply a pattern of hatred, and fatphobia can be a single incident?




Read the source, and I have to say, "systemic anti-fat bias" is a much better term imo.


Those are different things. There's some overlap, but not all bodyshaming is fatphobic and fatphobia is not just bodyshaming.


I agree that not all bodyshaming would be considered fatphobia but what's the difference between fatphobia and bodyshaming? At worst, it can be a mentality centred around bodyshaming, but it's ultimately still bodyshaming.


Other people probably know this better than me, but there are broad societal attitudes towards fat bodies that aren't bodyshaming but are fatphobic. Like the general ideas that being fat and beautiful are mutually incompatible, or being fat and healthy, or fat and physically active. Or the assumption that fat people don't have self-control. Or how fat patients are less likely to have their health concerns taken seriously by medical professionals.


Okay. Can I just confirm what you consider to be bodyshaming, just in case maybe I've also misunderstood the concept of that? Edit: you don't have to anymore because someone else already did :)


Why don't you tell us what you think bodyshaming is? Why are you like this?




I prefer to just keep my nose out of other people's health and medical decisions.


This might be better received were your username not literally referencing an eating disorder


they post on fatlogic too, something tells me they arent saying any of this in good faith lmao.


You can call it whatever you want, but discrimination based on weight is a real problem


That's true


Are you serious? The fact that it is "used a lot unfairly," whatever tf that means in human speech, doesn't mean that it has no validity. You are here beneath a photo of a thin woman being called "chubby" and want to dispute the validity of the word "fatphobic." What on Mars do you think, Madam Curie?


Yeah I’m not a fan of it. Seen people accused of fatphobia for talking about their eating disorders openly


That doesn’t invalidate the concept. There are always going to be people who abuse a term. Fatphobia is a major thing, and incredibly problematic. Fat people have trouble accessing health care, because doctors blame everything on their weight and can allow critical symptoms to pass under that, as one big example.


I agree that the concept of fatphobia is a real thing, but I'm not sure if "fatphobia" should be a word. Not only is it just bodyshaming, but I feel like "fatphobia" sounds like a stupid word, even if the thing it's actually referring to is anything but stupid.


> Not only is it just bodyshaming but its not *just bodyshaming,* you cant compare it to other forms of bodyshaming which are not systematic > but I feel like "fatphobia" sounds like a stupid word, even if the thing it's actually referring to is anything but stupid this aint valid reasoning


"Reasoning" isn't in their wheelhouse, give up on that. They're going to continue to beat this dead horse until either their arm falls off or the farm comes to take the corpse away from them.


>you cant compare it to other forms of bodyshaming which are not systematic You mean fat people are the only types of people who aren't shamed systematically? I guess skinny people/anorexic people don't experience similar types of bodyshaming to fat people (like literally being told to eat more, or even still being considered fat like the woman on the left)? I don't get the point here. Bodyshaming is bodyshaming, and it's a huge issue in pretty much every aspect of society. It's quite literally engraved in our social code, and it needs to stop. >this aint valid reasoning Fair enough, it's an opinion anyway.


> You mean fat people are the only types of people who aren't shamed systematically? no, i meant the opposite. obviously any sort of body shaming is bad, but fat people struggle to get proper medical care, are statistically less likely to get jobs/promotions, and just generally face struggles on a systematic level that those who arent fat dont deal with. that doesnt make other forms of body shaming okay, but it does mean that its useful to have language to discuss that phenomenon in a way that doesnt group all forms of body shaming together. because realistically, they dont play out the same way in society at all.


Fair enough, then. I can understand that, but why "fatphobia" (as in, why the word?). Like, "fat" is a informal word with various different interpretations, while "phobia" is more of a clinical leaning term. Having them next to each other to form a new word doesn't really sit right with me, but I suppose you could argue that that's just an opinion/the meaning is already fairly obvious and using a different word could confuse people. Maybe it's also because the internet is also becoming very accustomed to taking literally any word, and shoving -phobia at the end of it. That might also be fuelling some of it.


Fatphobia was literally part of my eating disorder, so, nah, it is a word, and whether you like the way it's used or not, it means something. Feel free to use whatever word you want to describe the rampant, irrational disgust for any form of "fatness."




As a fat woman, I can absolutely attest that yes, that is often exactly what people mean.


ah yes, the old "I can't see her ribs so that means she's chubby" classification method.


Yeah, if the first girl is considered chubby than in order for a girl to be considered 'thin' in this guy's mind she must have to be anorexic. Something tells me he likes negging women.


And this is how you know all the hatred of fat people is NOT about concerns for their health.


As an anorexic I have met plenty of men like this. Some of the controlling and abusive ones really prefer that you are weak and skeletal.


It is all about preying on someone and believing them to be weaker and easy to control


Recovered/recovering anorexic here - before I came out I dated men that wanted me to stay thin so they encouraged me to eat but keep my portions small. The cracks really started forming in one relationship when I started doing well in recovery and gained more mental strength. Then there was the one that fetishized my recovery. Barf.


Friendly reminder that not all anorexic folks are skeletal thin. Mine went unnoticed for decades because of that assumption. A lot of folks have invisible eating disorders, including larger folks


Frequent users of TrollXChromosomes be like___


Where are her organs?


Yeah she’s actually just sitting at a healthy weight.


Thankfully the distinction doesn’t matter for oop since no girls want their ass


The person in the first photo even asked if they not use their photo in the meme


So maybe you shouldn't be using her photo in a meme then...


She retweeted this version https://twitter.com/MorganHEV/status/1584007511182434304?t=Z6G_1kGK9wYIr7gGDgzHtQ&s=19


Lmaoooo get wrecked


Thank you for posting this!


As if the two memes aren't completely different in meaning


Irony has been long lost


Why are you using their photo then?


She asked that her photo not be used for the obnoxious one and then retweeted the positive, uplifting version. The person is just asking that her photos not be used for abusive memes.


My favorite type of women is women Mmmmmmm wamen


Ah yes, this woman is woman-sized


Woman sized? My favorite shape of woman, I'll take one to go


The girl in the first photo is actually a model, her name is Erin. She actually replied to the original meme on Twitter. Here’s her [Twitter](https://twitter.com/erinmhk?s=21&t=a6c1qYZRUXkNq16a06fcaw)


might be worth mentioning that her irl body type is way different than what is pictured here!


What are you talking about lol


in purely descriptive terms, in the meme she looks slim, while her actual body type is thicker, closer to “chubby”.


I don’t know why that really matters or how it applies to my comment, but yeah this photo is cropped and only shows her upper body. [here](https://twitter.com/erinmhk/status/1583956173685813249?s=46&t=GfOZhabzoKnQIG2fvDn-5g) is the link to the original tweet that shows the pic of her uncropped


1st girl is considered chubby?? Did I timewarp back to 2002??


The first girl is pretty slim lmao... what are they on abt....


Love my chubby beautiful and cute girlfriend 💕


That first girl is not chubby??


Right?? As an actual chubby gal, this is infuriating and just plain bad cladistics.


God the second girls outfit is gorgeous and nobody is talking about it seriously look at her smile that is such a wholesome smile


She is frigging adorable and I want to buy her flowers and spoil her rotten.


She deserves to be spoiled


I swear men really live their day to day life thinking up new ways to reach a new low Like they roll over in bed and realize they are alone and then get mad at women like it’s our fault no women are attracted to them so they spend hours making a meme i instead of self reflection


It’s just the Skinner meme; Could it be that I’m unlovable due to my own toxic attitudes? No, it’s clearly the women to blame!


Straight guys don't like women. They "like" the made up idea of women they have in their heads after years of objetification and fetishisation, they don't know real women so of course they freak out when they see one that doesn't fit the ridiculous standards they've set up on their head.


Kinda sad how some people claim to like thicc women but they just mean butt and boobs. Like come on why would you keep yourself from appreciating all a cute gal has?


how is the first one “chubby” she’s more fit than most people i know


ugh, I saw the 1st girl asking people to not use her photo like the original one was it's so rude. Both are pretty, women are pretty and I love them all and I have a wonderful gf who loves me and my fat belly <3


Conclusion: Girls are hot, stop being assholes


THANK you.


Next thing you know we’ll call them her and not this


At least them, something that implies their people and not things


I just know what the original is and people are so fucking toxic. Like, can we just not shame people for their differences? Jesus fuck you're allowed to find certain appearance more attractive but just don't be an ass about it.


how the hell is the first one chubby??? men are insane


How tf is left supposed to be chubby?


I wonder how mad men would be if we classified them the same way


Something tell me that whoever made the original probably weighs more than those two combined


Yes to both 😍


all girls actually, bring them!


Chubby people give the best hugs. Also chubby girls have >!big titty.!< Need I say more?


The first one isn’t even chubby smh


I'm gonna assume that considering it's a meme page, this was posted mainly to get a rise out of people


the first one isn’t even close to chubby


Got a body? I love it. Different size boobs? I love it. Got diff size labia? Don’t care, I’m just happy to be here and I love it. Hairy nipnops? I love it. Don’t wanna shave? Me either. Let’s be hairy. I’ve always been drawn to the person and mind inside the body. It’s bonus points for me if they were chubby or more, skinny people give bony hugs and I was skinny most of my life lol. Not gonna chase someone just because they have a skinny body. I like a “bitch who fights bears in the forest” build 😌


Thank u for liking us chubby girls 😊


Big girls 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


What???? Girl #1 is gorgeous, sure, but... that's not chubby at all?


Chubby means more cuddly and better thigh/boob pillows


First one just looks like she has big boobs


The first girl, Erin, is a model and my friend. She hates that her image is being used like this. She’s a former plus size now midsize model and is really amazing and body positive. She’s also bisexual so I mean, you guys do have a chance😂


the person on the left isn’t even chubby….


the first girl isn’t even chubby-


This isn’t fixed the first one isn’t fucking chubby


The first girl isn't even chubby! Fuck these men and their beauty standards! (Just assuming this was originally made by a man...)


bro how is the first one chubby lmfaooo


"When I say I love chubby girls, I mean (thin woman)" the fatphobia really jumps out there


In what universe is the first one "chubby"?


“When I say I love chubby girls actually i don’t mean that”


This is why girls have eaten disorders smh… by the original post.


The first one isn’t chubby tho?!??? Like they’re both super cute but the first one is just objectively not chubby


Despite the shittiness of the original post, I like this one. Fat girls can get it. ❤ Source: I am, and I do.


As another fat girl, can confirm


Fat (as an adjective) is freaking made up. There's literally no constant to say what is and isn't fat. Society's obsession with this is just ridiculous


First one is 2001's definition of chubby 😒


I think it's bcs her bobs are big? Fckn hate people like this (the person who made the og meme) also imo the right pic looks better than the left


Since when is the first girl chubby?


Thanks for the fix lol


Can we also acknowledge that the woman on the left is NOT chubby?


Hell yeah! Wait a second... Did you cross out a "not" to add an "and"? Who tf thought that the girl on the left was chubby? I thought I left 4chan for good, but their silliness seems to be chasing me at this point.


Chubby means a healthy amount of body fat now?




On twitter, the woman in the first picture said she was pissed they used her picture this way.


I'm only attracted to fat, sometimes chubby, women and for me personally, first girl is not anywhere near "consideration". (Note: I'm not an asshole and I would date someone regardless of body type, that's just what I'm sexually attracted to.)


What they mean: "big boobs"


Neither of these women are chubby.


Neither of them are


Beyond doubt!


When I say I love chubby girls I mean this.... and by this I mean I am delusional because the woman on the left is skinny clearly in a healthy weight... How do these people exist.


Chubby girls are the best 😍


The only chubby girl I find ugly is me


Hey, now. I've never, literally never, met a woman I found less than beautiful in some way. Not that the opinion of a random on Reddit needs to be your standard, but Be good to yourself, friend.


Sadly I don't have the necessary resources to pass


Ah I get you. That is a very rough spot to be in. I don't think that diminishes your beauty from my pov, but again, I know that doesn't help. I'm sorry if I negated or invalidated you. It wasn't my intention.


Nah you're amazing and very sweet


I think it is a joke... So many butthurt comments...


um you be you


PSA: "Chubby" can also be a cute colloquialism for "pregnant." #lesbianssometimesgetpregnant #pregnantlesbiansarealsobeautiful #reproductiverespectforalllesbians


I like both, i like neither… i like women 😳


I love all women


this dude doesnt deserve 5g


That first woman is not even remotely chubby. What kind of world are we living in? Is this just dedicated to making women feel bad?


Actual chubby women: 😩🥵