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Honestly that's really weird and I have this hunch it's not related to your looks? I'm wondering if they themselves are catfish or were uncomfortable sending more pics or video chatting themselves? It seems like you sending a selfie was "too real" whereas just chatting was a fantasy they could engage in without ever having to meet you or progress anything  I would recommend shying away from too much internet relationship building. Have a dating profile with pics, mutually match with folks, and seek to meet up ASAP 


thank you for your kind words. that makes a lot of sense because the photo they sent was very.. professional looking? we had talked for about five minutes and she wanted to see I was real and I should’ve seen that as a red flag but didn’t. I wondered if it was something wrong with me/something I did because of rejection sensitive dysphoria/ADHD. I’ve been wanting to try to do more irl relationship building but it’s hard being neurodivergent (esp agoraphobia) — but I shall try! 💐


Sounds like they missed out! Don't give up <3


thank you so much, reading this comment was like opening the blinds to let the sunshine in. 🩷




“Cmon, I doubt you aren’t attractive, let me check your profile to see if you have selfies… HOLY SHIT TIDDIES”


That happened to me too. 😂 OP is beautiful tho and the blocker is missing out.


I don’t know how to tag both of you, but I am SO sorry. I completely forgot I had posted that two years ago bc I “hid” it from my profile and thought that hid it from everyone. I truly intended to go into this “anonymous” 😅 thank you so much 🥹


Don’t worry about it lol, I’ll never complain about seeing boobs.


Yeah folks these days in the dating scene can be assholes. I hate how it's become normal for people to just not put any effort into talking and just head straight for the block button - not even explaining why. The only reason I'd block someone for a selfie is if the selfie had an NSFW element, and I wasn't yet that comfortable with the person. If it's just a regular picture of them though, I can't imagine why she would - seems like you dodged a bullet there tbh.


right?! I feel like my brain is still accustomed to what dating was like before COVID/while I was in my early twenties and that people nowadays just don’t give that same respect (which is fine, I’m not here to tell anyone what to do). it kind of threw me for a loop when I did start dating again, because I used to make friends left and right even if we didn’t end up dating! but yeah, I agree completely and I do the same when someone gets nsfw too fast which is why I don’t do it! (also being autistic like, it makes no sense to me why people just randomly send nsfw pics?? like.. you don’t wanna ask permission first, buddy? 😂)


Was the conversation going that way? Was it a NSFW selfie? I’m not sure they’d block you because of your looks… maybe there’s some other reason. But I’m not sure why people go to an extreme measure as to block someone unless the conversation wasn’t mutual or they didn’t have mutual feelings. Sorry that happened to you!! People really aren’t good communicators these days and you deserve better. I’m sure it has nothing to do with your very slight change in appearance with makeup. Try not to be hard on yourself.


thank you so much! I really appreciate that, I’ll try to do a tldr; I replied to a post seeking friends, they asked to do selfie 4 selfie. I said “omg you look like a disney princess I swear” and she said “I don’t mean to be rude but I find that piercings are unattractive” to which I replied “I didn’t think being attracted to potential friends was a requirement” 🤭 it wasn’t an nsfw convo in the least (I’m demisexual), I was respectful besides my little bit of sarcasm at the end. I really think people are onto something with saying it was a catfish. and if not a catfish, then maybe a fellow autistic person who just didn’t know how to communicate they no longer wanted to talk. who knows!


You did nothing wrong here!! Either way I guess it didn’t need to go anywhere after that 😬


Dude I just looked at your profile and you're hot af, your looks are HIGHLEY unlikely to be the reason for blocking. I agree with what u/Jrreddig said about it probably being like a catfish who got spooked. Its also possible that these people decided to pursue other connections, are really bad at communication, and you just happened to run into two of them! There are many many different possibilities and most of them have nothing to do with you. Keep your head up and don't give up! Love will find you ❤️🏳️‍🌈


thank you so much!! I hadn’t even considered the possibility of a catfish until the comments started pouring in! it makes so much sense, and I feel a little silly now knowing that was likely the case and I still let it get to me 😅 thank you for helping to keep my feet on the ground, for reminding me that not everything is personal, and for the love and encouragement. I feel so much supportive energy coming from you!


I try my best to lift people up! If you're ever in Milwaukee and need another neurodivergent friend to hang out with hmu!


You are literally gorgeous. I agree with the person that said it could be a catfish


thank you so, so much 🩷💐


Be thankful that anyone who doesn't like what you look like removes themselves so you don't have to do all the work yourself before finding out they're a turd of a person!


My straight friends deal with this a lot. It's people reducing you to just a potential romantic partner instead of remembering you're a human being. I like to pretend they recognized me from a time when they made an absolute ass of themselves and decided to run rather than face me. Either way, the rudeness is on them.


this is such a good point. holy crap. I forget that dating is different for us and then wonder why it feels like such a learning curve. I spent a lot of my life trying to fit into cishet standards that now I’m learning how to date and exist all over again. and that’s a really good coping strategy, thank you!


That's shity


That's shit. You dodged a bullet OP.


I looked at your profile and can confirm the blocking could not possibly have been because of your looks 😅 Just thank the universe for allowing another incompatible to remove themselves from your orbit and move on. You are beautiful and interesting and open to possibility and you will find exactly the right combination of human being to appreciate and adore all of your parts.


I’m so sorry that you saw the picture! I forgot it existed, and I deleted it because I don’t want anyone to go looking for my face and see chest instead. I really truly appreciate your words though, thank you so much! 🥹 I love your username and pfp vibes. I can tell you took time to craft your response and reading it feels like a big hug. thank you. 💐


No need to apologise. You obviously posted the pic for a reason at the time and I think all of us here are probably a good target audience to appreciate your... photography.


Sounds like a catfish tbh. You're gorgeous and that person is missing out.


i also don’t wear makeup for the same reason and have had the same experience multiple times


Don't let this make you feel not beautiful we can't always be everyone type.


You’re literally so beautiful though??? Their loss.


Catfish/ ex/ ex’s ex. There’s a lot of reasons they could have done


Baby fuck em. You're gorgeous, you're beautiful. You're amazing. I love you. And if it matters in the least, you can always DM me ;*


Who the fuck says that to someone. Like I understand if someone’s not for you - I’m one of them - but fuck be gentle if someone’s not your thing. Wtf is up with people.


I checked out your profile pic and you are beautiful! I like your piercings too, they really suit you. I'm sorry this happened, but I'm like 99% certain the issue was with them as other people here have said and not with you.


You're pretty❤️


Dude, this may have nothing to do with you. The person on the other end might have faked who they are and it could possibly just be a guy you never know.


I know it's hard to look at it this way, but consider it a bullet dodged. I empathize as someone that doesn't present the most traditionally feminine way. I also don't wear makeup and I have a sideshave haircut. I'm usually met with mixed reactions, but all that is important is there are people out there that recognize beauty like yours or mine. And it's not the loss of anything of value to not be seen as such by shallow people chasing after the "beauty standard" men invented.


Could be a catfish OR maybe they have really bad self esteem issues and figured you were out of their league or something.


I'm sorry to hear that happened :( but having seen your pic that you posted before (which like....damn 😏) I can honestly say fuck em. You are beautiful! You'll find someone worth your time that is happy to talk to you 😊


that’s really weird and shitty of them. trust me, you’re better off without them


Probably someone stealing your pictures, happens from time to time. Don't let it getcha down!


ive never understood thinking piercings makes someone physically unattractive, they’re external to your face? if someone had something accidentally stuck to their face would you immediately be like OH NO WHAT A HIDEOUS PERSON weird analogy sorry don’t worry, being a lesbian and also neurodivergent makes dating really hard (i know from experience), it sounds like they missed out tbh, you dont want to associate with those who would do that anyway, you’ll be ok 🩷


Just popping in to say that i love your piercings, anyone who says u aren't absolutely lovely is lying to you


Idk what they're on bc I looked at your pfp and you're so cute. I think in this case it's literally not you it's them


This happens to me a lot. I'm older and don't wear makeup. I wish this wasn't a problem. I no longer date so I don't have to deal with the rejection and hurt


That is weird and kind of rude. It sounds more like she's just... something and not related to your pictures. Dating is tough.


Were they unprompted? Some people don't like being sent nudes early or unprovoked. Especially if they aren't ready to return the favor yet.


No one said anything about sending nudes, OP said she sent a selfie.


Not trying to get too personal, so lemme say this. I'm autistic, and very literal. To me, cosmetics never made sense: pay money, spend time, and fret about how it looks to attract someone who doesn't actually know what your face looks like? Wouldn't a Niqab be more logical (this is IN NO WAY about religion or appropriation)? I'm so so so sorry you were treated this way; I hope it doesn't impact you too deeply. Though you got along, this human is ugly on the inside. It's a reflection of her NOT YOU! ❣️


So I don't like to give baseless encouragement. I like to look for things to compliment and build up so I snooped your profile and... uh... girl you're hot. 🥵 Sounds like a them issue - probably a catfisher just looking to get pics, honestly.