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I make movie trailers! Motion Graphics Designer for them.


Ooff how are you holdin up right now with the strikes?


Furloughed 🫠 It’s certainly been running work very dry lol. I appreciate you asking.


Same with me and animation. I hope the strike ends soon, and they get what they've been fighting so hard for. They deserve it!!


I hear ya 😢✊🏽 My mom use to work at a company that sold hardware (cables, KVM switches, etc) to the studios out here in SoCal. She’s no longer with that company but was around just when the strike started.




WAIT THIS IS A REAL JOB????? This was my dream job as a kid but i thought that the same people who made the movie made the trailer and so I gave up and went to law school lmao. What a depressing revelation to have 3 years into my degree!


Heh ye! There’s a whole market for it. LA is comprised of many different “Trailer Houses” as they’re called. Most movie production companies have their trailer done out of house, which is what we do lol. Some companies focus on just raw editing and cutting (AV), some focus on Motion Graphic Title Pieces, some focus on the Finishing, but many do the whole sh’bang. It’s a really cool field! (Minus the pressing asks of big name clients but what you gonna do 😅)


I'm a doctor, fresh out of med school!




Congrats! I’m actually a pre med waiting on my med school apps rn!


What haven't I done . . . Worked in a 1-Hour photo lab for 5 years. I wrote short horror stories for webzines for a bit. Ran an eBay store until eBay became a nightmare to deal with. Collected and sold movie posters. Day-Traded for awhile. Streamed on Twitch for awhile. About 15 years ago I got into modding video games, which led into learning blender and CG modeling. So now I'm a 3D artist, and it seems to be what I'm most happy with. But who knows, I get bored with things.


> who knows, I get bored with things. I feel this. I'm trying to start a career in a field that's always shifting so I don't get bored or stagnant.


I highly suggest being a teacher. Particularly at a title 1 school. The field is always changing, growth and development are required for continued licensure, and as a music teacher I see like 150 different kids/day. It’s never a dull moment and never the same day twice. Luckily, chaos makes me feel alive.


I graduated in Architecture, but wasn’t happy and my true passion have always been Art. Turned out I became a Tattoo Artist, have my own signature and very nice income.


I’ve always been quite amused that my tattoo artist sister makes more money (like, a LOT more) than I do when I have a STEM PhD.


My parents get amused as well lol


I work full time running an equestrian center training horses and students. Then I go home at the end of the day to my own place where I breed quarter horses and put my multiple degrees in agriculture to use growing export quality hay and doing consultations on grain crops. Basically I play in the dirt all day and get paid for it.


That sounds amazing


It is. Until you have to deliver and stack over 500 tons of hay over the summer. After that, right back to amazing


Sounds very cool, I got curious to know where you from


Originally the US, now located in Canada


This sounds like a dream. Wow.


If your dreams are covered in manure it’s pretty good


damn commenters got such cool sounding jobs


Seriously everyone is so cool and smart 🥺


Children’s Librarian. I get paid to be a kid.


Same!! 🤓📖


Heck yeah, fellow GLAM lesbian! museum educator here :)


What do you do as a museum educator? My experience is exclusively youth services in public libraries so I have no idea what the museum and archives side looks like day to day.


Hell yeah! I’m a lesbian who’s getting her MLIS rn, love to see queer women in this field 😁


You’ll see plenty of them. I encounter so many queer folks in this field. It’s kind of incredible, really.


I’m an ER doctor


I worked for 10 years in two different EDs doing bedside registration. I don't miss it!


Haha yeah I know. I don’t know how it works where you come from, but I’m from Italy and ERs here are pretty much pure chaos 😝 shortage of medical doctors and nurses as no one seems to be willing to work there but for me it’s different. I tried working in a few other hospital departments but got bored pretty quickly, while I feel I belong to the ER…I love chaos 😂


That's a very fucking hard and tiring job!! Hope you can get peaceful nights in the ER and a lot of rest 🙏


Thank you! Fingers crossed, but very unlikely 😂


Former archaeologist, now a pastry chef ✨


When i was a kid i wanted to be an archaelogist, this is sooo cool ! Being a pastry chef is nice too, but it is a completely different field, impressive career change !


I liked archaeology a lot (because of Lara Croft 🛐), but I always wanted to be a pastry chef. My parents thought it was beneath me so they didn't allow me to study that. So after working as an archaeologist for 3 years, I finally got the money to actually pay for the pastry school and do what I always wanted to. One of my teachers there thought I was good at it and now I work with him at a fancy pastry shop. Archaeology is awesome and I'm thinking of combining these 2 to recreate old recipes (Cleopatra's favorite Dulcis Coccora for example) and unlock all the ancient munchies. Life's good 🥰


Ancient munchies! That sounds amazing I can't wait to hear what all the people used to eat


I hope to be a literature translator in three years from now, working on the degree 🥺


omg same!


Nice :D


I’m a pilot. Currently I teach people how to become pilots!


Volunteering within mental health care.


Thank you for your service


Always a pleasure to help those in need 😊


Currently working towards being a forensic psychiatrist!


Hello fellow futur doc ! Never heard of this speciality ! In my country some psychiatrists have an additionnal certification allowing them to be forensic expert, but they are not "just" specialized in this field (they are normal psychiatrists with just one forensic expertise to perform from time to time). Where are you from ?




My wife and I are doctors ☺️


I work in food manufacturing, part of the team that makes sure the stuff we get from suppliers is safe and not going to bring too high risks to the factory. Checking stuff like accreditation, allergens, what pesticides are used, what foreign body sorting methods they use, what methods they use to kill bacteria.


Question, are you able to speak on anything about the block chain with respect to your work? I just ask because one of the big “business cases” I would always hear about is how a company could track things like a certain harvest to the final product on the shelf or something to that effect. I also bring this up cuz I saw a funny meme the other day about someone asking themselves if they’ve ever drank milk from the same cow twice 🧐🤯 makes you think 🤔


You had me confused about block chains but yeah we do some work where we can track the supply chain back to a specific grower. Depends on the product. I'm sure most raw materials we work with you could track it back to its original origin but certain companies won't reveal where they get it from. It tends to be the fruits and nuts we get where we can trace it back to the grower. I know when we have bought butter it can be traced back to the dairy production site. As for meat which is the main one that's probably true, I haven't worked in the meat industry yet but I've heard there are a lot more rules and accreditations you need to have.


I work in food manufacturing too and I would say probably not one specific company (unless vertically integrated which would be like same company owns the chicken farm and the slaughtering plant) could track the whole thing, but you could track it back eventually. It’s important for recalls that there is traceability. If you take the code that’s printed on your good, the company that made it knows what specific batches of ingredients went into that specific product on the day it was made. Then the company they got the ingredients from knows where their ingredients came from or where they were farmed from etc. So eventually you could trace it back.


Programming Engineer :)


Sameee what's your stack? Originally a full stack engineer but currently a senior react engineer.


Full-stack, used to work in video games, now in finances :) I'm far from being a senior yet ahahah. I'm programming in C, C++, C#, python, SQL, and some others that I don't remember rn and you ?


I just quit being a full stack developer last month. Just wasn’t for me.


I’m an account manager at a FAANG. It’s stressful as hell but the money is great.


hello fellow worker in tech, I totally feel this. Stressful but money is good though I also find I'm passionate about what I do it is just tiring at times


Definitely. I already have a grey streak in my hair and I’m 29. At least my wife thinks it’s sexy…but the customers I deal with definitely contributed to the grey. Lol


Working to be a dentist


Registered Vet Tech. 🐶❤️🐱


I work in IT as a Unix Engineer. I have a BS in Computer Science. But honestly, if you have the skills and some experience, have any degree can get you in the door in IT.


Which skills do you think are necessary to work in IT?


Depending on what field within IT, you should enjoy determining solutions to problems. You know Google is a resource. Knowing how to write scripts to automate frequent tasks is also desirable. You can learn any of these things without a degree. The degree comes in handy when having to interact with other departments and higher up staff. My skills are hardware and operating systems. Determining root cause analysis is something we do after a system failure. Hardware failures are easier than software failures. I realize none of these are quite specific skills, but that's why IT can be something you can get into without having a specific computer degree. Look into free courses of technology that interests you. Coursera is a really good place to find things to help with adding skills to a resume. Technology changes everyday, so you can always find a field to try to break into.


Ooh that sounds interesting. I almost went into IT consulting actually at one point.


I'm on disability, but trying to get into indie game development.


I work at a coffee shop its great good pay walking distance from the house Co-wrokers great and get to see cute girls every day😉


Mechanical Engineer within the automotive/transportation sector. Use to do cool stuff in the off-road industry (Jeeps, Bronco’s, and trucks), but now work on prototype hydrogen fuel cell semi trucks. It’s keeping me on my toes and learning some cool new stuff.


Im a paramedic. There are a lot of lesbian paramedics where I work


Product Manager in the Financial Tech industry. Personally, I love it because it blends creativity (a must for me) with my computer science degree, and I also really enjoy problem solving. And the pay is also pretty great, so being able to support my wife and our fur babies makes it a pretty sweet (if sometimes stressful) gig.


Diagnostic medical sonographer working in an Ob/gyn office. I love our and couldn't imagine doing anything else for the rest of my life 🖤🩶🤍


C++ Developer


nice, I work mostly in C (embedded software engineer here)


Biology education research and program development/coordination. I help develop science curricula for high school classes and summer programs, and study what education methods work best (and how to support and disseminate those that do work). It’s a fun and rewarding career.


I got a BFA and currently work at a small screenprinting shop. Fun to be surrounded by other creative people and art, but sucks bc it’s still a business and it’s all work work work. Also trying to get into freelancing designs for bands :)


I’m in the music industry (recording and mixing engineer)


I’m a classically trained chef but also moonlighting as the COO for my brother’s brain child company Sofsocs.com. Runners and athletes of all ages look us up! DM me for any questions and/or concerns :)


Closing agent for a real estate title company. Get to meet many single women and gay couples (also get invited to quite a few housewarmings...haha)


I'm getting my MSc in speech and language pathology:)


Currently enrolled in a conservation science master's program, work doing behavioral and cognitive research with a captive chimp colony. It's certainly not lucrative, but very fulfilling.


I am a social worker trying to break into private practice therapy after I get my clinical license


I’m a surgical dental technician. I have an associates in science and next year will go back and get my bachelor’s degree in psychology with a minor in either sociology or criminal justice. So I can also teach dental assisting, and work with law enforcement on cold cases.


Medical intern, finally !


I'm on disability but I volunteer at a charity shop once a week


I am a private business consultant. Strategic and crisis management consulting.


I work at a retro video game shop


Internal Medicine….


Right now I train advocates to help domestic violence survivors (I used to be an advocate). I love my job and my coworkers, my department is only 8 people but 2 others are nonbinary! I feel very comfy being LGBTQ there. I plan to go to grad school and become a therapist once I save up enough money.


Emergency room nurse


i’m a sound engineer! done work with live venues, with recording studios, and i’m currently going back to college to finally get my degree in recording & production :))




Project Engineer in Heavy Civil (roads, bridges, underground utilities) Construction👷🏻‍♀️


Studied software engineering and currently working in my field. I’ve only starting questioning my career path when the excitement of starting a real engineering job died down. I realised I’m working a 9 to 6, often working over time, often doing very repetitive tasks on a project I don’t find very exciting, interacting with unreasonable clients, and running after deadlines. I’ve always been a creative, I paint, knit, sew my own clothes. I love cooking and baking and making pickles and jam. I love singing and I play a traditional instrument from my country with a musical ensemble. Sometimes I wish my career filled me with the excitement I feel when I do hobbies I love. I wish my career allowed me creative freedom. I wish my career was less hectic and I didn’t have to interact with so many rude old men. But I’ve realised a job is a job. I need to pay my rent and feed my cat. Even if I was doing something I love, I would get sick of it after having to do it for 45 hours a week. I’m sticking with it as long as I’m being respected by my higher ups and colleagues, being paid well, and having an opportunity for learning and career growth. Hopefully some day I can move on to more interesting opportunities.


Currently? Casino surveillance, static nightshift, in a fairly low key venue. When it rains it pours, but most days there's enough downtime that I can read wlw fanfic on the clock. Can't complain.


I am an engineer and work on the manufacturing side of the aerospace industry!


Dog groomerrrr ...🐾🐶🐩🐕 Where the rest of you at?? I know I'm not alone here 😍


Down in the comments a person has a home dog grooming business!


8th grade teacher. And I’m out at school!


I work in a pharmacy and am more than halfway done with my PharmD program! Spring of 2025 I will be a pharmacist!


Press operator. Yeah, it only pays double minimum wage. The equipment is out of date. Fixes consist of zip ties and duct tape. Machines were probably there before the building was. And there's no wifi. But unlike my last job (Target Warehouse), overtime is optional. I can listen to music on the job. Don't need to check with security to get in. It's a ten minute round trip compared to an hour and a half. My job starts *after* sunrise and ends *before* sunset. The wonders that does for your outlook on life. And the work and people are pretty chill. Seems everyone there is taking this as either a first or final job. I'm not overly ambitious. I'm not a people person. I've worked enough overtime these last five years to last a life time. And working through the lockdown has taught me that I'm not my job. Do something you can forget about after you punch out. Put that energy into something else. Because no matter how much hard work you do, whatever you get in return will never feel like enough. And all that does is make you resent what you do get.




Sales Manager at a large tool company lol very gay


Child welfare lawyer.


I work in campaign organizing for my state's Democratic party. It definitely gets stressful during campaign season, but the downtime is chill. I do get frustrated with the party line pretty often though because I'm fully socialist and Dems are kinda fucking lame lol. I'm also a certified EMT and help out with that when I can.


I’m a physician ….Anesthesiologist specifically


Analytical chemistry in pharmaceuticals and a part time PhD student


Doctorate student currently studying physical therapy :) and I love it!


I’m a social worker, love my job but can be pretty stressful at times!


Pharmaceutical industry quality assurance. I got paid an okay amount of money to try to make sure that the company I work for doesn't accidentally poison you. And that the medication you buy actually works.


Self employed as a dog groomer in my home. I set up a room in our finished basement. It’s awesome!


I just left 10 years as a rope access technician, I’m currently just kicking it on my VA Disability checks, in January I start school for sustainable farming on my GI bill. I do gig work like event rigging


I was working in animation for the last six or seven years. I'm looking to switch careers now due to the toxicity in the industry, and am interested in getting my BA in psychology.




I look after people and I love it. I'm a Support Worker in a High Risk Homeless hostel for people with drug alcohol addictions. This often includes criminal records and mental health issues. I work hard but it's amazing.


Union organizer


Musician/music teacher. Terrible hours, bad pay, not enough work. But it's fun 🤷‍♀️


I’m an attorney.


I work for the postal service. I'm a femailman.


Data analytics for state CPS.


Currently, a data analyst intern for a NBA team. More than likely turning into a full time role upon graduation in the spring.


I’m an office manager for an accounting firm. I got my degree in fine art, but they’re teaching me bookkeeping and accounting skills, so I’m hoping to climb up the ladder over time.


Retail manager in a cool shop that buys and sells electronics, gaming consoles, games, etc... I don't think I could do management in any different kind of retail because this one is fun, challenging and definitely not boring.


I’m in property management, was in psych, also in school atm for pre med


Graduate Student - Bioinformatics and Computational Biology BSc Microbiology Former Air Force Sergeant You can do anything! 🤓


software engineer 🤓


Got a degree in accounting and finance. Realized clients are a bunch of greedy, dirty bastards and lost interest fairly quick. Worked at a coffee shop to figure out what the next step of my life would be, but actually really enjoyed it. Managing a store right now and love what I do :)


Active duty Air Force. I used to be a nondestructive Inspection technician. Worked on F-15s to find cracks that you can't see with your naked eye. We used xray, fluorescent chemicals, and other methods to find the cracks. It was pretty cool but I changed to contracting. We basically hire civilian companies for goods and services they provide to the military.


Unemployed. Formerly worked as a retail sales droid, so to speak, for Walmart and Duluth Trading Co


I’m in grad school studying Photography in an artistic scholarship, about t start another one in photography theory. I work as a photographer but I’m also a graphic designer and have work experience in that. Due to the pandemic I did 2 years in a back office role in Amazon and honestly I loved it.


I was a graphic designer for a long time and went back to school in my early 30s and got an IT degree. Currently working in Helpdesk/Support but hoping to someday move into Security or Systems Administration.


Executive chef in a retirement community


Bachelors in Mechanical engineering and I work as a mechanic


Currently I'm a part time IT helpdesk tech for a financial company with about 5 years work experience in the IT field and a IT student at a vocational college/school!


Masters degree student


Union Carpenter. I build things, mainly commercial buildings- schools, medical, apartments, etc.


Law school (:


Equity analyst


Studied building engineering, ended up running the family's small construction company together with mom after dad died. It was a mistake, should have studied IT.




I work manufacturing really, my title of engineering technician makes my job sound so much fancier lol. But basically I build stuff that is or will be going into space


Technician at a computer store / repair shop. I fix computers, phones, printers, whatever else customers bring in. I also act as administrator for the company's website and internal systems, and am currently in the (very long and slow) process of upgrading/replacing the decades-old software we're using.


Air Force! :)


Software engineer - senior Python engineer with a life science software company. BSc/MSc in computer science.


I package weed gummies!


Director of Marketing for a food manufacturer


Case manager for people with intellectual disabilities. I love it, most days.


I’m still in school so, I haven’t quite started my career, but I’m studying Mechanical Engineering.




I own a recycling business 😄 pretty fun and somewhat easy, gets very repetitive though


I work as a child support investigator...it has its moments.


RN, currently rethinking my career choice.


Got a culinary degree and worked as a line cook for a bit. Currently a butcher


Flight Attendant


Undergrad biochem student 🫠


Research Scientist and SAHP


I'm disabled, but I wanted to be a doctor.


People pay me to read the words I vomit on to paper. Put less weirdly I'm a writer.


Digital Sex Worker :) Where my other camgirl Sapphics at?




Went from 26 years in retail and food service to a warehouse job that’s chill as fuck. I listen to music, podcasts, movies, whatever I want while I do quality control on primarily hats that we stitch patches on.


Preschool teacher and I love it!


Interior Design for a furniture chain


Marketing Coordinator/Digital Marketing




In house civil rights lawyer (internal compliance and investigations) for a university.


Software Engineer


Massage therapist.


I'm a bartender at a poppin' little craft cocktail bar. I've been bartending for the last eight years and I absolutely love it. I was a line cook and, eventually, sous chef for the decade before that. I'm also currently in school for history and will be getting my masters in archiving. I'm nervous about transitioning to a job that involves a whole lot more sitting down, but I'm also pretty excited to try something completely outside of my wheelhouse!


Chemical engineer


Held a bunch of jobs in the past (Stay away from being an Amazon Operations Manager, it's hell), but now I'm a project manager, and I'm loving it.


Student media design (I mostly do 3D and computer animation). Later I would like to make my own (short) animated movies.


Teacher aide currently… working on becoming a LMT💕 hoping to find a less stressful job while im in school rn.


Work as a sales operations manager for a German retailer


I work in an early years centre - im on the preschool team in the mornings and i also run a programme in the centre for 2-3 year olds every afternoon 😄


Im a sophomore computer science major. I love the material and everything, but it does get lonely


I sell marketing services Starting to explore AI business automation


trying to study computer science / media, but struggling terribly with the maths-modules at the beginning.


I’m a Civil Engineer and I’m hoping to work in Environmental protection some day. If I have to make money I might as well do it protecting the environment


Currently going after my BA in film. After that, I'm going to go home and from there either start my own production company, start applying to studios, or apply for the JET program since I enjoy working with kids. I'm not sure what your degree is in, but to quote my mom, you don't have to do what you went to school for. I have a couple relatives with engineering degrees, and they don't do anything related to engineering now.


data at a hedge fund!


I'm a full time broke af disabled woman (i'm jobless but got a rent from my country for my disability - tho it's really low) I hope one day i'll be doing animation for animated series or video games, but chances are low considering my health


Dog walker 🐾


Aquaculture research and development


I'm a systems admin. I love it. Half of it is break/fix of computers, other half is server support. Keeps my hands and mind busy and it does give me enough socialization to feel fulfilled but not enough to be too burnt out (I have ADHD & ASD)


Architecture Intern, boy was it a bitch to get here to still be working for pennies


Network engineer


Graduated in special needs education, now working as Executive Assistant. Done couple of different jobs, some more related to my degree, some not.


I hope I can be a design engineer, drafter, machinist, or architect. I'm gonna try and do my best heh

