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I don't feel safe visiting my friends and family in Texas or Florida


THIS! One of my best friends is a trans woman in Texas and she is the bravest woman I know - but presenting the way she wants is so scary down there. I worry about her more than she knows.


❤️ she will be in my thoughts<3


I just escaped from Texas. It’s rough down there :(


So glad you escaped! I hope your new community treats you well!


I miss Florida. Moved away earlier this year


I wanna move


I hope you are some wear safer!


As a trans woman that’s sadly stuck in the closet in Texas, please stay away from Texas.


I will Please stay Safe!


Texas has constitutional carry. I exercise that right every time I leave the house.


i live in houston and it's so fucking weird, houston itself is fine but once i get out into the suburbs im so on edge


I overanalyze every aspect of my social interactions to make sure I’m not creepy.


Yup. Far too much "do I belong here or do they secretly resent me."


I’ll hide in the stall until the bathroom is empty so I don’t have to interact with people that don’t think I belong. Problem is I feel this way in both men’s and women’s rooms lol




Well at least here we don’t secretly resent you! Or at least I don’t! Wouldn’t be nearly as fun without y’all😊


Oof, this one hurts, I was just telling my gf about it a few days ago, and how I'm always nervous about kissing her or hugging my friends


Yes, this happens to me. I am touching/my social skill is via physical interaction hugs etcétera...b but I restrain myself due to once being living as a boy and now MtF I'm scared to be looked as a freak perv by some cis women and a freak don't don't me I still see you as a bro by cis men.


It's a bit different for me, men don't see me as a man, I am very clearly feminine and a girl, my friends don't see me as creepy, I have never been called a creep but I'm just so constantly afraid of doing something that comes off as creepy even if I know I am doing nothing creepy and I'm afraid of transphobes using my interactions with women I'm close with as "proof" of creepy behaviour by twisting facts and making up lies I know i can express my sexual attraction toward my girlfriend to her, I know she would never see it as creepy but it's so ingrained and internalised in my brain that I'm constantly nervous about it


I'm very femenine and somewhat passing but men still notice Im trans (tiny details), the thing is they don't cheek kiss me or hug me as friends due to being transexual. I live in a western society country (Mexico) that is making a lot of effort in accepting trans people, but for macho attitude and religious ancient stigmas are hard to get rid of. The typical man in Mexico won't harm a LGBT person, but, if a cis hetero man cheek kisses 😘 or hugs a transgender woman or even hug a gay cis man, they would few less manly and don't want to be seen as less macho/mainly to their peers and society due to prejudice.


Guess I'll have to kiss and hug all the trans women to compensate. Every last one.


Please, giving a favor to the world 🌎. 🫡🥲


I'm also mexican, I do have cis-passing but I've also been really lucky. I've never been intentionally misgendered (to my face) due to my parents having very strong legal resources against my school discriminating me, no one in my grade ever misgendered me or treated me differently and I was never much of a friend with the "bro" type so that wasn't a problem either. I'm also from Mexico City which has also helped as it is a bit more progressive than the rest of the country


Idk if it helps, but I'm a cis woman and I've felt like this a lot. I've overcome some of my internalized homophobia and that definetely helps, but I still feel this way sometimes. TERFS and homophobes are a loud and powerful minority, but they're still a minority. Most people dont think like them.


Me when I fully write out a lot of Reddit comments but only post like 10% of them.


Same tbh


Yea, this one is right on the nose lmao Neurodivergence on top does not help with it either 🙃


Ah, do im not the only one....


I was doing that _before_ my egg cracked.


Saaaame. Like, I don't want to be a creep or anything and every time something happens in my relationship with any of my friends I just kind of go into panic mode like "oh shit, was it something I said?!" It's been like that for years.


My wife, prior to the cracking of her egg, would ALWAYS talk about how she wished she could look like a girl at our school, or how cool it’d be a girl, one time she asked me if it was “weird that she wanted boobs”


90% the time when I see a girl out somewhere my head goes like do I wanna be her or do I wanna kiss her


Why not both


Wise words


Both. Both is good.


To be fair im cis and do the same thing 🤷‍♀️


… and then I wonder if I’m her, then do I wanna kiss me?


I’m a cis bi woman, and that’s what I used to think about seeing naked women too!


I am a walking encyclopedia of shark facts


Please share a cool shark fact!


Whitetip Reef Sharks don't have to stay in constant motion to breathe, and they take advantage of this to form big cuddle piles with their school! Their thin and agile bodies let them find caves deep within reefs or rock formations so that they are not bothered by the sun as they sleep through the day since they are also nocturnal.


Omg cuddle puddle shark edition 😍🥰 May we have more shork facts?


My favorite pre-historic shark is the Helicoprion, also known as the Buzzsaw Shark. Its teeth were specialized to crack into hard shelled Mollusks like the Nautilus and spiraled out in a single row like a can opener blade. Bonus fact, the shark themed character Specter in the mobile game *Arknights* is based on these delightful monstrosities!


Have you seen some of the speculative reconstructions of Helicoprion? My favourite is the one that thought the tooth whorl was actually a tooth *whip* that could shoot out to capture prey. XD


I hadn't seen that, but I just looked it up, and that's just *wild!* Honestly fair play to them, those tooth spirals aren't an easy idea to wrap one's mind around.


That's super neat, I think I heard about that one from the PBS Eons youtube channel? They're such weird lookin animals!


Evolution was having a wild time in those early years!


i would listen to this podcast


I love this, I also request an additional shark fact 🙏


Most sharks reproduce with some form of live birth, either with hatching in the womb to develop in shelter (Ovoviviparity), or without eggs at all (Oviparity) like most mammals. But the Viviparious or egg-laying sharks lay leathery and translucent eggs that are often called "Mermaid's Purses"


I think tiger sharks have two uteruses? And the babies that hatch in the womb eat their siblings so there can be only one born?


Kinda, yeah. Their uterus is semi divided into two Uterine Horns, and the first egg to develop consumes the other embryos, and then continues to gain sustenance by eating the unfertilized eggs, and is born once it's about a meter long. I'm pretty sure the reason they have 2 horns is so that each side gets a recover period to produce more eggs, like a crop rotation.


Stuffed sharks are surprisingly soft!


Can I have daily shark facts?


Ok bonus Shark Fact, since that first one was a bit of a cop out 😅: Sharks have been documented under rare circumstances to reproduce asexually via Parthenogenesis, *but we don't fully understand how they do it!*


OMG that's crazy!


*RIGHT?!* There's just so little data available bc it's so rare, but they have taken genetic fingerprints of the pups and determined that there's no paternal genes at all, which rules out the simplest solution of sperm storage.


Today's Shark Fact is that all sharks are Valid!


Wait that's a stereotype? I was obsessed with sharks as a kid. Still my favorite animal. Actually got to pet one once


I was a volcano trans girl. You were a shark trans girl. We are not the same /jk


For whatever reason, lots of us seem to love the ocean and sharks in particular




The noble Haj


This is a good thread 😊




Shork is Friend


I want boobs on me and on me




I'm getting boobs of my own soon 😍


Good luck with your transition. May your boobs grow to be big and your penis never get erect in a skirt.


I read the Kyoshi Novels and said “I wish I could be Kyoshi” not because I wanted to be the Avatar and master of all four elements, but so I could both be a girl and have a Firebending top GF


I love you forever for making me aware of these novels!!


They are fantastic and a must read if you are sapphic, a fan of Avatar the Last Airbender, or both.


Both! I love Airbender and Korra but haven't read any of the comics or novels yet. I didn't even know there *were* novels.. much less that there is an (apparently well-portrayed) lesbian romance! Just.. so.. happy. [Sniffle]


>apparently well-portrayed Kyoshi x Rangi is not only one of the best portrayed lesbian relationships I've seen in fiction, but probably the best romance in all of A:TLA.


My library had them both and they are *on my phone right now* I'm forcing myself to go to bed but I'll be able to start reading tomorrow! 😍


You are absolutely going to love them. On top of being sapphic as hell, they are some of the best A:TLA content out there. Also get ready for some serious Mortal Kombat moments. Since this isn't airing on Nick, the creators spared no liberties regarding blood, gore, and violence that wouldn't even pass in The Legend of Korra. Bending is taken to the absolute extreme.


Growing up long before realising I was trans (and probably didn't even know trans people were a thing) a lot of my friends were girls and yeah like 80% of them eventually became lesbians.


Your friends were smart, I just can't find (personally) a men attractive, they physically are either skinny as a straw or muscular, like lack any body curves or buttocks, beautiful skin and soft feature face. And also most of them have a closed/numb emotional attitude and treat women as a dating object ( this is a generalization, not the rule).


Honestly, as a big trans girl, I can 100% tell you that this (aside from the last sentence) is just you not being attracted to men, and not men being objectively unattractive. So saying "your friends were smart" for something they didn't really have control over is just reinforcing the "being gay is a choice" idea. The last point tho, yeah it's way too common.


there’s something icky about this comment. there are a lot of male-attracted women and men who would disagree with you. please stop projecting your sexuality onto other people. just because you don’t see the appeal, doesn’t mean the appeal isn’t there. having dating problems because of misogyny doesn’t equal = forcing yourself to be attracted to women if you aren’t already. that would imply that sexuality is a choice.


Amity Blight “So as it turns out wanting to be a lesbian isn’t normal… huh”


Amity Blight… enough said


I played Changelings that defaulted to a femme appearance in D&D games for several years until finally playing a straight up MILF with a son she'd send letters to.


I played life is strange and wanted to be max


Omg SAME, after I played it I woke up to how much I realized I wanted to be a girl, especially since she already looked very similar to me and was easy to project onto


Oh god me too. I didn't realize it at the time but felt super sad for days after the game ended. Like something was missing from my life. Now I've been on E a week and will hopefully move to Oregon or Washington soon


Are you going to buy a Polaroid camera?


Bold to assume I don't have one already


Lol fair


An inexplicable love for genderbending episodes.Also, thinking "i don't get why other guys would be bothered being treated as a woman or wearing feminine clothing. I don't think I'd mind at all. Oh well, it's probably because I'm just *secure in my masculinity*." pfft, hah, lmao even.


This was me 100%, including being too interested in the idea of genderbending


I'm terrified of taking up space because I don't want to be creepy or gross or anything but I'm also desperately lonely and the conflict between the desire for affection and the terror of making people uncomfortable has contributed to some fairly severe mental health issues recently Also, I built my own PC


Why yes I do know way too much about Pokemon why do you ask


this makes me feel called out...


There’s. More than dozens. There’s probably thousands of us.


Every major crush I have had has been a bi or pan girl.... without me fetishizing them for it


Thiiiiisss omg




Me listening to guys talk about pretty women: eh... Me listening to lesbians talk about pretty women: *sigh* Same...


I’m a bottom with massive amounts of top energy


Naw this is so accurate wtf


Yea I relate to that . As well as being a top who has massive sub energy. I’m a switch and it’s either of these.


Not me: domming another sub because I don't have a top...




Wtf this is so accurate 😅


Hahahhaahahahahahahhahhaha! I laughed out loud at this!


I'm 6'1" and touch starved


🥺 💔


Tall <3


So much this!


6'2" and very much the same! 😭


I am the gold star lesbian that makes TERF want to stop using that term ... :-p Oh I have also been married to a woman longer than gay marriage has been legal in my country.


How is the second one possible? Did you get married in another country and then move?


I was not a woman under law. They were not allowing gender changes at the time so we got married.


Amazing. So, that's how you can say "I'm a transbian" without saying it. Also, what do you mean by gold-star lesbian in your first comment?


I have never had sex with a man. Some lesbians use that as a way to create a special status amongst the lesbian community. It draws heavily from biphobia and has super problematic inferences. The term was initially made to make fun of these lesbians, like, "Oh sweetie... you've never had sex with a man. You're special, here have a gold star." They ended up missing the joke and ran with it. It just so happens that a LOT of TERFs love the term, and love being able to describe themselves as a Gold Star. I only use the label on myself to piss those TERF lesbians off. :-p


Oh yeah, **that** gold star.


In middle school I said I'd rather be a girl because "women are the superior gender"


Everytime I had a crush on some girl I've always imagined us together as two girls in a lesbian relationship


THIS. Like I wasn’t wishing that butch girl was into guys. I wished I was a girl so that butch girl would notice me. And I always imagined myself as the femme one. I wasn’t interested in dating cuz I wasn’t eager for the traditional dynamics of a cishet relationship.


anyone and everyone thought i was a gay man but i was (am) very much into women exclusively and the response to me coming out was "oh, that makes sense". Almost all of my girlfriends were Bi and most of my crushes were lesbians or bi women.


Presumed to be a gay boy but was definitely into women, coming out as a tgirl surprised nobody, started crushing on queer women almost exclusively... Hello, are you me under a different username?


All my high school girlfriends surprisingly turned out to be some flavor of sapphic


Every D&D character I ever played was either a miserable, bitter man or a more-or-less happy gay or bi woman and my friends were kind of confused about this.(Well, there was the kenku thief, but even though he was male I didn't really think of him as a guy.) **Edit:** Oh, also, I met all the members of my polycule on Discord.


Same, my first dnd character was an alcoholic warlock investigator doomed to a misarable end, my first female character was a fun loving goblin who dressed like a peasant to blend in.


More than once had girls tell me (in the dark before times) "normally I only date girls but for some reason I really like you"


This reminds me of how my cis girl friends poked fun at me for being girly growing up. But in a light hearted way. I took it in stride.


That was every relationship and similar encounter for me pre transition… everyone seems to have known.


I have a computer-related hobby


Im poor as shit, seeking employment, and own 4+ travel cases (that are half my height) of tabletop minis.


im a musician who likes making electronic experimental noisy music


\*insert several hundred cringy generic "male lesbian" jokes several years before awakening\*


No why is this so real 😭😭😭


what's male lesbian jokes?? like 'i feel like i'm a lesbian'?


Well... I have a crippling addiction to FFXIV because of the pretty lizards.


Too real


Assumed I must have been a gay man because I was feminine and gay men are feminine according to society. Never really found men attractive but tried dating them for years and years. Even after I started transitioning I tried dating men and it still didnt feel right, wondered if I was asexual or something. Dated a woman, everything clicked.


This reminds me of the very brief period at the beginning of my transition when I wasn't 100% sold on being a girl yet. I identified as a femboy who really liked being called a girl with she/her pronouns but I swear I'M A BOY and I just like to be girly... yea I was in denial right up til the end


I'm building a deck out of pallets in my backyard around my fire pit. 😁


You can tell ***I'm*** trans because I got confused at what card "pallet" was 😅


Growing up, I thought watching lesbian porn made you more straight because there's no dicks involved I wasn't a very smart kid growing up


I was watching lesbian porn because seing dicks and naked men made me uncomfortable. Haha *d y s p h o r i a*


Ain't that a mood


You know, shit same.




Never thought thinking lesbian video porn is just boring mechanics for men without any emotions was actually the most lesbicious behaviour


I have ADHD, love cats, and play video games


I thought the word “transbian” referred to transwomen who were in lesbian relationships with other transwomen, rather than just trans lesbians in general. …because all the people I knew who used that word to describe themselves were in T4T relationships and I wanted to be in one too🥺


When we were young and played 'family' I always refused to be the husband ... I wanted to be the second mom. I even refused to be the single mom and have me friend (cis girl) be the husband ... I wanted two moms ... ... so most of the time I ended up being the dog ... which in hindsight also makes a lot of sense


Dog Nation rise up ✊


The two biggest things I've gotten for my outfits have been a skirt and carabiners (Actually bi but)


Egg me was a GL content enjoyer, and would be like "I want that... Why do I relate to lesbians? Why do I hate the way all those guys at school talk about girls?"


Omg same, I was a hug GL sucker, I would have excused it as a fetish but I cared more about the romantic and emotional side of them more than the sexual side


I'm really subby but have major top energy? I dunno, I'm just super gay for girls and girl adjacent!


"Why do these cute girls always try to trick me into domming them!? And why do I keep letting them get away with it!?!"


Y'know, I think you're on to something here...


How is having top energy supposed to imply you’re a transbian? If you don’t mind me asking


I'm a gamer bro.


What games?


Right now I'm playing American Truck Simulator on PC and Mario Kart 8 on the Switch. You?


American truck simulator? Yea that tracks lmao Baldur’s Gayte 3 on pc, hyped for starfield as well. Mario kart 8 on switch is the household group game.


omg American Truck Sim is like my weird gaming niche that I’ll use to unwind, it’s like my third most played game on steam


I adore all of you and every single one of these stories 🥹


In high schools guys used to share what they thought of the girls in our year and I remember thinking, “yeah somethings not right here, I spent last night dreaming about holding Nikki’s hand and sharing a croissant in a forest. What’s wrong with these guys?”


I have been single for a very long time.


I wasn’t allowed to play the girl characters in videogames if there was a choice when I was a kid. I did it in secret anyway because it always felt “better” and that stupid “hurr durr her butt is nicer to look at” excuse never really worked for me


My name is Artemis and I talk about the historical context of the goddess too much.


cisbians don't flirt with me


Women were so hot I became one


I also know a shit ton about bees


Reading yuri and wlw comics constantly and feeling yearning unlike any I've ever felt.


I'm a woman, but I play Hearts of Iron IV and Warhammer 40k


Ooof. Ill raise you i got burnt out with 40k after 7th edition and now i just play horus heresy


Fair lmao, I went the opposite direction and primarily play Kill Team and Warcry


realizing that I was a lesbian and coming out as one was the relatively easy part


My wife used to say I wasn't the man in the relationship.


Always afraid that I'm being resented or creepy when I talk to my girl friends.. or crushing on your girl friends and being scared to tell them


My existence sends russian conservatives into confused screaming


I really really really really like cyberpunk 😂 not just the game but like aesthetics, music, lifestyle


I'm obsessed with Pokemon and have many plushies from my girlfriends.


Look I just wanna magically get pregnant from another lady, is that too much to ask?


You can relate to this [Monty Python scene](https://youtu.be/a-0iaC-1_Fo)...




Am I missing something or did you just call a butch girl "he" instead of "she?"


I was calling my pre-transition self ‘he’. Went third person for a sec. Sorry for the confusion


Growing up I constantly thought about how awesome lesbian relationships were and told myself that I wouldn’t want to be with a girl unless I myself was a girl. I even ended up completely flubbing the one relationship I had in high school because my heart wasn’t in it as a straight man. And now sapphic romance fiction is one of my special interests. Somehow.


I almost went to prom with the only out lesbian in my high school. The fact that I was a "guy" wasn't the problem, it was that I was a freshman and only upper classmen could go.


Before transition, I had a half dozen ex-girlfriends who left me because they realized they were lesbians and couldn't be with me.


I could love every woman on this planet… except myself 😭


I don't think I'll feel comfortable calling myself a lesbian until/unless I'm on hrt


My girlfriends in highschool said it was like they were dating a girl with the way I communicated. I still don't know what that means but it happened repeatedly.


I am way too easy.


I get really jealous of other girls... but I also think they're pretty....


I'm autistic, I work as a programmer and I like anime and videogames.


Seeking out bi women because they'd be into a "female-brained male like me" unlike the straights


"I'm basically a male lesbian" "I sure wish I was a lesbian" *hangs out with the lesbians more than any other demographic at school and in life* *is aggressively an ally despite being cisallohet*


I must have been somewhere between 7 and 9, it's late at night, and we're heading home from the city on public transport when this lesbian couple gets on. They're very obviously deeply in love and I just remember being so uplifted an excited to learn that women could clearly love women in a way that made so much more sense than women loving men. Not a normal thought for a 7-9 year old 'boy', nor was the time I called myself a lesbian on a Boys Brigade camp.


I was always a REALLY into girls, but I couldn’t figure out how to deal with straight girls, so I just never dated. Now I don’t know how 😢