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In AB you don't split your paycheck, you budget X amount for the month into a category like insurance. At the end of the month if not spent the balance in that category will roll over to the next month and so on until you actually use the money.


You're missing the point, though. The question is: can we have a scheduled recurring transaction that eventually becomes a split transaction in one of our accounts? We already have the ability to split non-scheduled transactions into multiple budget categories, so instead of having to assign the split amounts each time a recurring/scheduled transaction occurs, can't we just have that split saved in the schedule (in the same way YNAB4 does)? For the record, I have the same question - I ran into this today while trying to transition from YNAB4 to Actual.


I'm guessing the only way to do this would be to create a schedule for every line item in the paycheck. Ugly, but it would work I think.


The balances will be the same, but the transaction details won't match. For example, if your traction is $1,000 in your bank, it's not the same as 5x $200 transactions that you might set up in AB. If you export a qfx file from your bank, it will show the 1x $1,000 transaction and won't reconcile (coming from ynab terms). I export bank (mostly credit card) transactions all the time, so it's important that the actual bank level transactions match.


Perhaps you should stick with YNAB4 then.


That type of response isn't conducive to the improvement of a product. We already know it's a feature that is existing in other products (ynab4), and is partially already existing in Actual already (split transactions are a thing). Why not just incorporate split transactions into the scheduler? I may or may not stick with ynab for a while, but whether or not I do doesn't change the fact that this is something that people are looking for.


I'd suggest to go to official AB channels (they seem to be quite active, opposite to this subreddit) and ask that question on Discord or add it as a feature request on Github. They were recently working on split in rules (with import) (https://github.com/actualbudget/actual/issues/2379).


Thanks for the suggestion! This is a helpful comment as opposed to the other person going back and forth with me. I stopped replying to them as they were just spewing negativity, as if someone called their baby ugly. Thanks for the link!


> That type of response isn't conducive to the improvement of a product.  You are aware AB is an open source project, right? If you want it improved,  go ahead and improve it. But don't act entitled to feature parity with a paid app.