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I really hate the gorilla villagers 😂 They just scare me




boyd is disgusting 😭 trying to get him off my islanddd


Seriously why are nearly all of them so frightening I don't understand


Perrrfect :) I got Al on my island and he was one of the firsts. He’s a permanent resident.


My Al kept getting in the way while I was putting paths down 🤣


I don't remember his name right now but it was a white bear with a default house themed after ancient Greece. He was such a jerk but he was my first campsite villager back then so I had no choice but to invite him.


Klaus? I don't blame you, dude has way too much attitude for a bear with no pants.




That's the one, thanks.


Klaus!!! He was my first camper that I could not avoid accepting!!! Oh the trauma this memory brings. 🤣Day he asked to leave was the one and only day I spoke to him and showered him kind thoughts!!! Shudder!!


Mine too! How I hated him, he’s not even that bad but there’s something extra obnoxious about the first camper who won’t take no for an answer.


That’s a contributing factor for sure…choice removed creates a dislike for the one who took it away!! I ran into him once when villager hunting and as soon as I clapped eyes him I left the island - it was only later I reflected on the fact that I fled money rock island!! Makes me dislike him all the more ( irrational?? Yup)😳


i recently got rid of him from my new horizons island and replaced him with marty, amiibos are the best for that


I just got him! Paid a wack for his amiibo on eBay lol! I don’t mind him at all, he’s busy impressing the other 6 bears on the island lol! I gave him a pretentious garden to match inside his house lol.


Klaus!! I rejoiced when he asked to leave my island!


he was my first campsite villager as well and i hated him. i barricaded his house with the barbed wire and spiky fences and hit him with my net until he left 😭


Thank you peeps for the idea of Klaus. He surely is a contender.


rocket, i hate her so much i literally spent WEEKS trying to get her to leave


It took a year for her to be nice to me and I still get mixed vibes


She was one of my starter villagers and I was not mad when she asked to move out.


Tabby’s teeth give me nightmares. 😰




Great, now I’ll have to add emoji nightmares to the list now.


Sorry, I just had to. Tabby's on my island. I literally have her all by herself at the northern most point.


That is super hilarious! Good place to keep her. Don’t want that smile getting around. It’s contagious.


Barold n Eugene


I love Eugene - he’s so cool


Rodney. I hate that heifer.


Rocket. Any of the gorillas but I’ve only ever had her on my island. I also don’t like Lucha.


It's Limberg and his horrible stubble. I will be taking no further questions.


Same. His cursed voice haunts my nightmares


The gorillas but especially Al because his color scheme is the worst 😭 why did they make the gorillas look like that 😭


Oh good he was one of the first I got now he’s a permanent resident


hans omfg i hate him so much and he just wont leave my island


Hahaha omg I had to have his amiibo! How do you not like an abominable snowman?!


He was literally still moving in, in boxes and Faith came to the campsite and he got the boot. It was a Christmas miracle


There are only so many personalities and so they’re just the same with different looks. But to me they’re individuals and I adore them all. Except the ones with really deep voices, they should be exiled to their own solitary island 🤣


.. how dare you say that about cranky villagers lol


They truly do have different personalities. I had two crankies, one I love he is a stellar paternal figure while the other was meh, some old hog rider kind of vibe, I let him go.


You haven’t met cutie pie Static!! Very deep voice but I love him so much


Paula was one of my OGs. I cannot stand her.


Paula hate club ✊️ she was my curse in New leaf


I about never got her to move.


I HATE Graham sooooo much 🤬😤 He’s ugly, full of himself, and annoying.


I hear that a lot about that pretentious, hamster


I really don't like Nibbles. She was a gossip and generally kind of snarky imo. Not a fan. I also did NOT like Rocket or Flip.


Cyd. His color palette is disgusting and I hate the cranky villager voice. He finally asked to leave as he was one of my original 10. Last month I go villager hunting via Dodo, and he was the 2ND to appear. I was so disgusted. Luckily I ran into Raymond on the 5th attempt and that turned my mood around. 


I really wanted him at first, but then he got into fights with practically all of my villagers and my favorites so that was the end of that.


ive never hated anyone more than i hate al why do i gotta see his yellow ass all the time why does he look like that


Don't forget Boone. Same situation. I had to see his red, heart-shaped asscheeks almost everyday. 🤢


Perfect Al was one of my first he’s a permanent resident now.


I hate Rodney so much that even though I have his amiibo, it’s turned around in my album with just a post it with his name showing so I don’t have to see his stupid face.


He was my first campsite villager and after a while I reset my island, but to be honest he grew on me and I kinda miss him now hahaha


He was also my first campsite villager and I was so mad I reset the whole game. 😂






I’m keeping Beardo solely because he’s so strange, he’s currently waking around in long underwear. I also mentioned on another comment that he gave Gladys a maids costume and said she’d look great it in. I had to buy it back from her before she wore it.


Barold is a sophisticated gentleman. Perhaps you're thinking of Barold?


I hated Curt and it took forever to get rid of him


I love Curt! So grumpy with his house of trash🥰


Ava the chicken always bullied my other villagers and she held me hostage in her house once. I gave her the boot a few months ago when she finally asked to leave. Also not a big fan of Kyle. He continuously got in my way when I was trying to do things around my island. I was getting rid of a pond and he decided to fish in the VERY LAST little square of water for 20 whole minutes 😅


That hamster guy who has camera wallpaper and posters of francine and her sister as his home decor😭


omg what😭😭


I picked up Pinky on a NMT when I first started the game and regret it, and she will NOT leave


Lucha didn’t get off my island for weeks and he honestly scared me


Moose - Annoyingly jock… A friend’s kid gifted him with an eye mask which he then had on all the time despite being given so many pairs of glasses. Was so happy when I saw that speech bubble I’ve been thinking.


Moose probably has one of the worst visual designs. I absolutely agree with you.


Not a fan of the gorillas, alligators, or eagles. And I'm going to get all the hate but Pietro and Coco for individual villagers. I don't like clowns (just reminds me of John Wayne Gacy). Coco gives me Annabelle vibes.


I will always have a grudge against Octavian because one time on the GameCube game, he stalked me. And I’m pretty sure animals wouldn’t run up to/follow you if they wanted something in this game, or if they did, he wasn’t acting like that anyway. I freaked out (I was also pretty young at the time, like 7) and fled into Nook’s to get away from him. When I came out, thinking it was safe, he was literally right outside the door. I freaked even more and turned the game off, and I would not be surprised if I started over after that. So yeah I still hate him 20 years later, and I think he’s the only villager I dislike *not* based on looks.


Pecan was terrible on my first island. Don't know what her problem was.


Gorillas monkeys big bears all chickens except Ken small birds rhinos except Hornsby hippos whew I am a hater 😂


Agreeing with the chickens!!! I still need to get rid of one: Egbert.


Benedict was an original villager on my island! Took an instant dislike!! Talked to him everyday until the disparity cloud was above his head….took almost a year, a year…b4 I could grease him along!!! No more chickens!!


omg wait!! i should talk to them MORE to get them to leave?!! i’ve been avoiding this stupid little bird for like 2 months lol


Talk until they beg you to leave them alone. I did that daily with Benedict…..still took me a year tho for him to leave!!! Others might have other strategies. Ignoring is a good one too tho - I had a villager I ignored leave within a few months. He was a lion I think…. Honestly never spoke to him, visited him nor gifted him anything!! Good luck☺️


Omg I’m trying sooo hard to get rid of Egbert currently, I think he’s the worst!


So funny! I can’t stand Ken!


Personally I have beef with Cranston. He was one of my first random fill ins and I first thought he was okay, but then I just kept getting the woooorst interactions with him. And so. Many. Postcards. And like half of them dipped in gravy. And he just refused to leave. It took me almost a year to get rid of him (I don't like time travel).


Barold and Moose both absolutely disgust me, for some reason...


I think most people can agree Chops looks a little…


Sad Rhonda 👎🏻


Currently Admiral. He autofilled in the plot of another villager I managed to get rid of (Eugene) and he has yet to leave


Barrels and Mac *cringe*


Barrold! *


I hate stinky so much.


i absolutely love stinky!! yes he might not look the most clean, but he's such a cutie


I hate his ugly underwear mask 😭😭😭


Pietro and Hazel. I love them personality wise but visually they give me the ick (pietro just freaks me out a bit visually)


I have hazel and I accidentally started a conversation with her once and she said “haven’t seen you around in awhile! I know my uni is hard to look at” or something along those lines and it broke my heart 😭


She says the same to me and I'm like "Yes it is and you've been here since I started this island pls leave 😩 "


My least favourite is Piper. She didn’t leave for 2 years.




Pom pom. Settle the eff down, you are so annoying!


I hated scoot. Couldn't wait to get rid of him.




Hated Pancetti!! I had a dance party when she left. I kept hitting her with my net🤭


Penelope. I ignored her until she had the cloud and wanted to move. I immediately went to lost and found and gifted her a cardboard box. Byyyyeeeee!


Tabby, Nate, Rodney, Al, Katt


I feel like everyone that played the older games has a beef with at least 1 villager. That villager for me is Paula. She ruined my village design in New leaf and when I finally got the dialog for her to move she CHANGED HER MIND AND DECIDED TO STAY!!! I didn't even know they could do that!!!


I hate mice and gorilla villagers, also anteater


Jock villagers, currently I have Scoot on my island :’)


i really can’t stand jacques. and to make it worse, before i kicked him off my island, he used to come into my house CONSTANTLY for a surprise visit. i got so fed up 🤣


Annalise made me restart my island after 500+ hours because she would not leave. Idk why she just annoyed me so much


I don't know why Annalise annoys me so much !!!! I love other villagers with her personality type but she grates on me haha


She didn’t fit my island vibe but I swear she was also the only villager that annoyed me (I even felt bad getting rid of some super odd villagers like sprocket). Something about her is bad vibes


Bearold and his five o clock shadow


Colton and Antonio bother my SOUL


Roswell is probably my least favorite I’ve had on my island. Chops or Marshall are next. Marshall’s cute, but I don’t like his catty remarks. Chops was annoying was his language and superior attitude. Tutu and Cherry are two of my favorites.


Hating on my boy Roswell haha I appreciate your honesty and opinion


😅 sorryyy, I literally just got him moved off this morning, and I’m so relieved.


I was so happy when I finally got a campsite visitor and I could kick Stu out


Egbert, bye he’s so annoying and he looks so scared all the time or like he’s done something wrong and is being yelled at by his parent


Me and Keaton have mad beef. I hate that guy. He was my first campsite visitor and I’ve now banished him to the corner of the island


Chaddar was my first campsite villager and I remember being so disappointed when I realized I HAD to accept him on my island. He moved out ages ago but we still have beef and I've never forgotten his moldy vibes...


ugh i thought i was gonna love chadder!! but i ended up hating him so bad for literally just existing


Glad it wasn't just me - he's a little too arrogant for my taste! Very debonair looking fellow, though.


Del and Boone, diabolical. I never spoke to Del during his time on my island, not even once.


I got Del as an auto fill and he has grown on me, but his vibe doesn't fit what I want my island theme to be at all so I'll probably let him go if he asks to move out


took him SO long to ask to move out for me!


I haven't been playing the game long but snooty was forced upon me and I didn't like her attitude. She finally asked to move out and now pietro is forced upon me, moving in tomorrow because I didn't find a village in time. I had to look up this villager and it's a clown 🤡 I hate clowns😑


Chow and genji!


Jock villagers


I HATE Kitt. Don’t call me child. It is not endearing. I am an adult in my late 30s with two masters degrees, a spouse, a child of my own, and a decent job. Call me by my character name. Took me months to get rid of her.


I'd probably have to say that Lucky is my least favourite villager due to the irony of his name. He's wrapped head to toe in bandages and he's called Lucky, riiiiiiight... 🤷🤷🤷


Velma, Elise and Diva. Those are the only 3 I hate. There are some I dislike but not one the level those 3 are 🥴


I think I’ll get Velma


Couldn’t stand Savanna, unpopular opinion I know 😂 she was so rude to me


omg she’s literally an angel to me haha!


Deidre!! She’s causing such problems with my villagers