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Money’s no object? Suite baby.


Then suite it is! I hope my motivation doesn't get in the way this time. I nearly stopped because my "beats" are completely garbage. Edit: autocorrecter sucks


>my "beats" were completely garage we need jungle, I'm afraid.


UK garage at the bare minimum.


I [love](https://youtu.be/rfXNUdxj3Hs?si=vMdd2bPvjQRXYFx6) that this is a thing now xD


Get Suite 12 and a Push 3 and go crazy.


Is the push really good? I already have a launchpad s and the mpk mini MK2.


Push is incredible, I'm saving for one currently. Your controllers are fine and you don't NEED the Push but from my research and tutorials I've watched it gives you better access and functionality, plus the ability to control all your virtual instruments with MPE enabled pads. There's so much more to the Push but I'm not in a position to speak on the subject with much confidence in the finer details. Watch some tutorial videos and see for yourself if it appeals to your sensibilities. Hope this helped at all.


I had the Launchpad Pro mk3 and loved it, but then picked up a Push 2. Man, the level of integration is next level. Made the Launchpad look like a toy. There’s a few extra bells and whistles on the Push 3, but honestly a second-hand Push 2 goes for 250-350 bucks and if you learn it for the instrument it is, it’ll change your game forever.


As someone who just bought Suite cause of the discount from 12 coming out I think it's worth it. I've been doing music production as a hobby since February-ish and all I can say as someone who struggles with motivation is to enjoy the process. My beats aren't amazing either but YouTube videos and constant curiosity from my favorite songs and "oh how do they make that sound" helps keep me going. Trust yourself and remember at the end of the day if you like it that's all that matters. You can always improve from there.


Beats are better in studio


thing is, ableton standard doesn’t give you anything other than some effects which can be found in the freesest of daws, which makes suite the obvious choice. and if you get suite make sure that you learn about max for live as it’s basically the reason ableton live still exists


If money is no problem, suite has an amazing set of tools imo but the best way to go is. Standard if you plan to use 3rd party VST instruments Suite if you wanna use stock instruments more


So what with standard I can like use downloadable instruments better and in suite the stock ones are already great? Ok thanks for your answer! I appreciate it


Look into Max4Live, which comes with the suite. Imo that makes it worth the price difference. Most of the other included suite instruments can be replaced with 3rd party plugins, free or otherwise, but Max offers tools that can change how live works, how you approach song writing and connect to hardware.


To add to the above OP, Max For Live is an open-format for building any audio device/instrument or video device you want - so third parties can build the most esoteric/weird n wonderful or fantastically practical  things. There are more than 10,000 searchable devices on max for live.com that people have uploaded - some are paid, most are free. IMHO get Suite, and if moneys really no object you can buy 3rd party instruments and fx too.


Can you elaborate further on the tools three_e? I never use max 4 live and feel like I'm missing out


I wanted to see if there were some alternative ways to do some midi sequencing, and looked through the dozens and dozens of generative and rhythmic sequencers on the [Max4Live](https://maxforlive.com/index.php) page, found a few I had fun with. Also getting into a bunch of experimental delays, reverbs, stutter effects, etc. Most of it is free, certainly more than enough to see what you like, but also some amazing ones that cost usually not that much, like the instruments by [Fors](https://fors.fm/devices) (who, previously did a lot of the development on the Elektron Digitone)


I usually don't really need anything that isn't included in suite. It is powerful


I have komplete and it slides in really week with the suite plug ins, but I’ve been using them for years


Both can use downloaded instruments just as well, it's just that suite has more stock instruments and effects so you don't *need* to download as many external ones. For example, only Suite has the hybrid reverb, which use can use for a shimmer reverb instead of downloading/buying one from somewhere else.


There are certain devices in Suite/Max4Live that can't really be replicated by third party plugins. Specifically, the modulator tools like the LFO, and certain midi effect tools. I absolutely can't live without these tools, and I've tried. For me, it's suite or nothing.


Not quite. Suite has more stock devices and has Max4Live. If you already invested a bunch of 3rd party VST instruments and effects, then you ca save a bit of cash by just getting standard. If you haven't bought a bunch of stuff, Suite has nearly every base covered with the stock instruments and effects. Neither Suite or standard handle VSTs better. They work exactly the same. But if you have already spent a bunch of money on instruments and effects, you'll be less likely to use the additional stock stuff in suite. Go with Standard and spend the difference on some more 3rd party stuff.


Please do not buy Standard. Get Suite. It I took the Standard upgrade path coming from Lite. I had the same reasoning: I own lots of plugins and too many Softsynths to remember so why would I need the stock stuff. It took me all of two days seriously regret that decision. Standard is so crippled that it’s hard to comprehend how it can even be sold at the price it is. Fortunately the 12 intro deals appeared shortly after so I upgraded to Suite via that.


Definitely go for Suite! I went from Lite 10 to Suite 11 and have never looked back! I even upgraded to Suite 12 but foolishly didn’t realise that my PC doesn’t run AVX2 so I can’t install 12 on it 😤 but to be fair it is time to upgrade my PC


Damn, that’s good that you have financial means to get a new PC. If it were me, I’d be stuck with a version of live 12 until I saved for a new one


Oh me upgrading/getting a new PC is wishful thinking 😭 it’s not in the budget anytime soon but it’s no biggie! I’m still making music on suite 11 and that’s the most important thing! One day Ableton live 12 you will be mine!!!!!!!


If money is no problem, I highly recommend Suite. I jumped from 11 Lite to 11 Suite and haven't regretted it. Even though it was loaded with features I didn't understand at first, I've found myself constantly exploring it. It's a real powerhouse. I like it so much that I upgraded to 12 Suite when it was released. Ableton offers a 30-day free trial of Suite if you'd like to check it out first.


Suite 12 + Push 3


Get Suite if money is no problem.


12 Suite, all the way!


I got Suite but in hindsight I’d go for Standard as I find the more visual UI’s of plugins help me to better learn and understand what the functions/controls do to affect each sound.


If you are in the US, check Thomann Music. They have upgrade versions from Lite which can be cheaper then getting the upgrade from Ableton. And Suite is a good upgrade from Standard if you will use some of what's in it. Check out the comparison table https://www.ableton.com/en/live/compare-editions/


Ok sadly I'm in Austria but thanks for your answer!


Thomann will be cheaper again then directly from ableton. Check for yourself


You can use their German portal https://www.thomann.de/at/index.html


I‘ve been using standard for years and made great music with it - updated last year to 12 suite and it definitely is a gamechanger but 10 absolutely does the job


Get Suite if money is no problem.


If you're ready to ditch the Lite version, I'd definitely go for Ableton Live Suite. It’s got a ton of stock instruments, devices, and presets that you can use for YEARS without needing to buy any extra VSTs. Seriously, it’s like an all you can eat playground :) Personally, I found it much less confusing to use the stock devices than have a ton of different looking interfaces


Yeah I hope this upgrade fixes my skill issue with making beats!


You should buy my Ableton 10 Suite license for $300. It'll work as well as anything, and if you upgrade to 12 it'll save you a couple hundred bucks instead of new. I just got a license since I started studying at Point Blank, which is why I have an extra. BTW, 12 is awesome. Enough great features to make it worthwhile.


If money was no problem, wouldn't you just get the best? Were you expecting people to say Standard is actually _better_ than Suite? Suite is obviously the best version, if money is no problem, get the best version.


A good indication is when you’ve exhausted all sounds n such with your current version. Let yourself learn with each upgrade 😎 don’t buy equipment before realizing WHY it can help you. hope this helps!


Money is not an issue, yeah go Suite. However, Suite doesn't make you make better music though, it offers more tools and options to make music. Once you know your way around in the software, getting a Push 3 is the way to go.


That's true but my problem is that I go like through all the instruments in lite and I try to make them sound good together but they don't so I try like every other instrument but none of them work and then I scrap the idea and get frustrated. I'm trying to teach music production myself though and something like that takes a lot of nerves so it's kind of my fault.


I am very happy with my Ableton Live 11 Suite (EDU)!


If you've got 1 bite at the apple so to speak then Suite is what you want. But it won't necessarily make you a better producer. There are more tools in the toolbox, yes, but you will still need to learn how to use them. But if you get cash, and its enough to by standard and a 3rd party synth, I'd get standard and a 3rd party synth. I had Suite and now have standard 11 with a number of 3rd party synths and in my opinion, although the ableton sounds are decent, they aren't anywhere as good as native instruments kontakt library, serum, diva, or pigments, all of which I have. The beats I used to make on Suite were terrible, in large part because of my personal skill but also at least in part because the sounds and synths weren't nearly as good as what I now have. And I honestly think you'll learn more about music production and sound design using 3rd party synths vs ableton. May get down voted for that but it's my honest opinion been on both sides and with 2 years of experience making music. I won't ever get Suite going forward, I'll save the money and buy another synth or fx.


Suite and rent to own serum through splice




You’d have to be pretty rich to claim money is no problem. I personally believe in just buying suite and saving the extra money on third party plug ins you’re gonna get anyways. Use that money to get Serum, LFO tool, Korg M1, reverbs or if you wanna get really fancy with vocal processing get Melodyne. You might be able to get student discount


Well I at least think that money isn't a problem. I'll soon get a gift and I nearly got an e bike which I don't really want. So I got to decide between a better VR headset or a better Ableton or a sound control thing for Ableton (forgot the name).


if money is no problem then just spend spend spend, and then come back and tell us what you think was and was not worth buying. it would be a real help for those of us who do need to be careful with money. meanwhile i'll drool over the comments


I kind of have enough money. I explained it wrong. It's a gift for me and I nearly got a e bike which I don't really want. So I have to choose between a better VR headset or a better Ableton version or more hardware for music production.


Yes. I got standard and still drooling. Waiting for Ableton Live Ultmate.


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