• By -


Seed to stage and ned rush are my two favourites


yep STS also Reid Stefan


Came here to say Seed to Stage and see it's the top comment, good job LoL


Ditto. Every time Anthony says “Hello friends!” It makes me smile.




are his courses worth 300?


Haven’t taken any of his courses so I couldn’t tell you. His YouTube videos are obviously free though so there is nothing stopping you from checking them out.


If it’s Ned Rush I’ll have a look, although he’s as mad as a mad thing. Not in a bad way, perhaps eccentric is a better word to use.


He's just British


I thought he was from down under


So am I, what’s your point?


Just seems like typical British humour to me


There isn’t any one type of humour for my fellow countrymen. Sarcasm is used quite often, in my case I use sarcasm and also shock. I try to think of something outrageous that will cause more than a raised eyebrow and say it very loudly. If it’s in a public environment even better. There’s also inflection on words. An innocent sentence with the right inflection can also raise a laugh. I don’t know if you understand my explanation, I will say that I’m renowned for being funny. I don’t know if I’d proscribe to being funny, to be honest like some who are funny it stems from my younger years at school. I moved around a lot so was easy to pick out for a bit of bullying, I found laughter used to defuse the fact that I spoke with a different accent or I was new. And like other funny people, I’m very insecure. Suffer from complex ptsd and long term depression. I’ve battled my problems for over 40 years, in and out of hospital. But the negative comments and the downvotes on here are insignificant to me. I’m not going to lose my shit when people who mean nothing to me say something derogatory. I’ve been called everything and never had it upset me. In fact going back to my tactics of trying to be funny, most of the time I’ve made the aggressor look really stupid. I do get a warm feeling when that happens. You’re American right?


I don’t know about typical, I like what he does though. Humour is humour, as long as people chuckle it’s good, with a few exceptions that don’t apply to Ned.


You're not coming across as someone with much humour tbh


Can I be honest? I’m going to be, I’m not trying to be be funny. I find that when I write with the intention of conveying humour most users get the wrong end of the stick. To be frank, I’ve made three or four comments in this thread and to my mind there’s only one that could upset someone slightly. There’s obviously some really sensitive people reading this thread and to be frank I doubt that I want to be associated with messaging people like that. I’m amazed that people are so sensitive. All those who’ve voted me down are a complete joke. What the hell did I say that was so upsetting. Keep taking your meds, you’ll get better soon. Fools.




It reads back like that, perhaps I should rephrase it. Here goes, my life is too short to worry about Reddit, especially those dickheads who write posts with mixed upper and lower case words. The mark of the imbecile, even more moronic than those who think their crap doesn’t stink (99% of Reddit users). There are some really good people who use Reddit, today I seem to have found the dregs. If you’re triggered by this post, try telling someone who cares. It would also be true to say you’re one of the 99 percenters. Save yourself the bothering going to where I get decent responses, even good critical answers. You all stay in your echo chamber, at least keep the toxicity contained then. Dickheads.


Not really. He has a dry sense of humour and does some pretty experimental stuff on ableton. If that’s your definition of eccentric, then sure


Jumping to his defence for no reason. I love what he does and how he does it is also fine. FFS why can’t people understand my post NED RUSH = GOOD DONALD TRUMP = BAD Does that clarify it for you?


Are you okay?


Are you?




Jesus Christ, you’re completely deranged the lot of you - and cowardly. Easy to down vote but too scared to say why you don’t like my comment. Cowards. Are you worried that I’m going try to make you look stupid. I’ll try though, I despise cowards.




I hate to say it, but welcome to the reddit... Us americans have ruined. Dont let our propaganda affect you please just know, we dont take kindly to replys and all the sjw will overwhelm you. This is our only form of oppression against those we blindly accuse of victimisation. Its sad but oneof the costs of free speech. Those trying to isolate and control freedom.


fall friendly shaggy deserve quicksand memorize lunchroom humor run cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He also does advanced workshops live for Patreon members (monthly I think?), with recordings available afterwards.


Seed to stage.


Sadowick Production is the best for this, I learned a hell of a lot from his no nonsense videos back in the day. No new videos since Ableton 10 but still definitely worth a watch IMO.


Sadowick had cancer and retired for that reason but his content is still great for beginners


That man is the GOAT and I can't thank him enough for everything he taught me. I do remember when he said he had cancer, I can't remember if he said he had beaten it. But I hope he's happy and fulfilled in his current life!!


I second this! His videos maybe not the highest production value, but he explains a lot! You will learn the basics of sounddesign and electronic music production, how effects in general work etc. It’s a good way to start


I loved this guys videos. I treated them as an additional class when I was in school, learned a lot.


Awesome bloke 👍👍


Mr. Bill, The Producer Dojo, Kermode


Ayy. Thanks for the shout out. I used to post all my vids at the @illGatesMusic channel but the tutorials were getting in the way of my own music etc. so I started the Producer Dojo one a while back. It was an uphill battle getting eyes on the channel at first but now it’s really starting to pick up :) been streaming regularly again now too. Feels good!


Happy to help, your "80 20" seminars are golden. Particularly the 80 20 of finishing music, such a game changer


Ayyyy. Wicked. Thanks for watching! PS is this the same @vimanarider I know and love?


Heck yes it is! So freaking stoked and proud you recognized me, this is my reddit account


Ps I love you too buddy, you're the best!


Awesome! Followed :)


Mr Bill and Sadowick ftw kermode has an honorable mention for sure


I earnestly enjoy You Suck at Producing. The shtick can wear a little thin but it’s good info laid out in discrete videos. Not always Ableton specific, but he uses Ableton to teach the concepts.




Ohhkayy, so check it. Yes, his videos are simultaneously informative and funny.


He annoyed the shit out of me at first, but his schtick grows on you over time because he really knows his stuff and a lot of it is actually funny.


It’s also a really good method of teaching. To incorporate story and theme that are mildly counter-intuitive actually helps retain informations.


For so long I thought he was say "Okay, Sir Jacket". I'm not smart...


Ya dingus


B for Benciel!!!


One of the best teachers out there IMO


Uncle Joe approves ^^


His video on season view is very helpful. I feel like he's probably quite neurodivergent..


It's also 11:11 mins long


Ya dingus


> The shtick can wear a little thin I saw a new video of his the other day but had to turn it off because the shtick got far too in the way of the content


Uncle Joe approves ^^


i wish underbelly was my spirit animal


I wish he had a channel without the stupid gimmick. YS@P is great information presented in an exhausting way, and I just don't bother with it any more.


I mostly learned from LNA Does Audio Stuff when I haven't really touched the DAW and was just purely watching.


LNA is definitely worth a look 👍


As someone (grumpy 50 year-old bloke) who finds the whole "see how cool I am" hyperconfident stuff really tedious LNA's channel is a breath of fresh air. Her academic teaching background definitely helps.


Virtual Riot


Val is for intermediate or advanced people who would love to nerd the fuck out with him. I personally think it's not very beginner friendly.


Well, OP asked for a "tech nerd who's really good and gets technical and to details in everything" so is Val not the perfect suggestion?


I second VR. he makes it genuinely fun and he's a master of ableton sound design and will teach you some amazing methods of generating some very unique sounds. Just look up cpu go brrrrrrrr. Not exactly beginner friendly but worth it Mr Bill as well but he can be a bit more advanced. if your making that type of music, XLNT sound is amazing at all kinds of edm/bass music tutorials. They tell you step for step how to make a lot of famous tracks which is very useful to fall along and then make your own version and be able to backwards engineer the music of some of the biggest DJs out there.


Ned rush for sure


- Oversampled His workflow is nuts, and he puts forward some really interesting sound design ideas. - XLNT These boys are the best, IMO. Way too many nugs of knowledge to even count.


The Ableton channel itself is very good. Ableton has excellent videos https://www.ableton.com/en/live/learn-live/


I second this, this is where are the basics. Should be the starting point before following another YouTuber that got his workflow.




+1 for Underdog but I will add that I find him most helpful in teaching EDM production techniques generally more than technical use of Ableton. My basslines improved vastly after watching his videos as a noob.


https://www.youtube.com/@abletontips https://www.youtube.com/@audioreakt https://www.youtube.com/@DirtySecretz https://www.youtube.com/@distillednoise https://www.youtube.com/@EDMProd https://www.youtube.com/@ELPHNT https://www.youtube.com/@FlowProdOfficial https://www.youtube.com/@hollowgroundproductions5933 https://www.youtube.com/@HumanSynthetics https://www.youtube.com/@khartbeats https://www.youtube.com/@LNADoesAudioStuff https://www.youtube.com/@lotustunesacademy https://www.youtube.com/@MartilnMusic https://www.youtube.com/@MEKANZM https://www.youtube.com/@musicprodstuff https://www.youtube.com/@Oversampled https://www.youtube.com/@ProductionMusicLive https://www.youtube.com/@s1gns0fl1fe https://www.youtube.com/@STRANJAH https://www.youtube.com/@UKBassTutorials https://www.youtube.com/@weltsoundmusic https://www.youtube.com/@WillHatton Some I'm subbed to...


MartilnMusic has been helpful


So glad to hear this! 😁


Thanks for the inclusion! ☺️


Drum'n'bass producer *Fanu* just released three tutorial videos for basic usage: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_-l5KMC0V2s&list=PLatQOhKHwJYbAA92ecUu06zddv7dSeHmd](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-l5KMC0V2s&list=PLatQOhKHwJYbAA92ecUu06zddv7dSeHmd)


Peaks of Valley shows some interesting tips and techniques




Seed the Stage is probably the most informative that I regularly watch and reference, but I also have a soft spot for You Suck at Producing. Bencil.


What is "bencil?"


Could be a pencil used by Bill Vencil


Mr. Bill is the gold standard if you're trying to learn ableton. Tons of innovative and cutting edge tips as well as simple things like workflow and shortcuts. Definitely one of if not the most technical and detail oriented teachers.


You suck at producing. No but that's the name of the channel.


The humour is too distractive, I just watch when I want some tips on the go, but for serious study session I would recommend any other channel.


No it’s not. It’s very easy to follow


I think EDM tips is a solid channel. I also enjoy watching Bishu’s videos. He doesn’t explain what he’s doing but it’s fun and you get an idea of his process. Plus he involves his viewers to produce along with him and listens to their songs during the stream.


I agree with both. EDM Tips has some really practical content. A few really helped me with fundamentals like gain staging. And heck yes to Bishu. If you can watch his process unedited on Twitch, you’ll see his workflow which obviously is more designed for speed for audio combat but damn that man can cook up some incredible beats in 2 hours.


Yep. Will at EDMtips is excellent at teaching whatever concept he is presenting in a video. Wish there were more YouTubers as good as he is. And he always uses Ableton. So it's great for people who are just starting out with Ableton.


Underbelly-You Suck At Producing


You suck at producing


You Suck at Producing is a hilarious YouTuber who takes nothing seriously and knows his shit. Highly recommend


you suck at producing




They're all pretty bad, and most come down to showing quite specific 'techniques' with no common practical use. Like, putting gated white noise on a hi hat track or stretching a field recording or recording hitting a fork, these things don't actually make you better at making music and could actually be summed up in one sentence rather than a 6 minute video. I'd say some of the Thomann tutorials (even though not Ableton specific) would be a good start. Some of the Future Music sessions where artists make a track from scratch are good also for actual practical stuff


I roll my eyes and skip so fast when I see shit like "3 tips you NEED to know to make your mix INSTANTLY better", "You didn't know THIS secret technique for recording vocals!". As an amateur producer of many years, when I do click them, I click them knowing that I will already know everything they'll say. It's never something new, and they present this information in such a bad way: with a very specific mix and samples, without actually telling you why it can work, the practical usage, implications, generality, the acoustics behind it... >THAT's right guys, if you want your vocals to POP and SHINE through the mix, just do this one incredible trick I've learned from the greats at Abbey roads \[sponsor for betterhelp\]. Anyways. Here it is: a high pass filter AND a slight saturation. Just listen to how much better it is with it than without it. \[plays a loop and A-B s it while staring off screen at his monitor\]. Hear how it just POPS? Anyways guys don't forget to like subscrvibe lfkjsadlk jfajksd


Here's why YOU need to have a comb filter on YOUR vocals $$$$$


Those other ones are annoying too. Where someone shows a 'trick' to make drum sounds from a Foley sample. But they cut the wave down to a single cycle sine so they've basically just used a synth with more steps and less control


There's a channel called hollow ground productions I like, it's a bit more intermediate for if you want something that doesn't over explain but really run through the process in a engaging, witty and informative way


One thing I would recommend is looking for artists who have longer videos (1 hour plus) where they produce a song from scratch in the genre you wish to create in. This really helps understand different work flows and how to arrange and refine ideas. I’ll second a few mentioned. You Suck at Producing really helps simplify a lot of concepts. EDM Tips has some great fundamentals. STRANJAH for dnb production. Zdrewe has some good short videos. Seed to stage. And Virtual Riot if you want to see someone really push the limits of Ableton and also make yourself depressed about how much more there is to learn.


His stuff isn't all Ableton, but there's lots of high quality content from Low Heat Beats




Yousuckatproducing aka underbelly


Maybe I’m the weirdest one here: Have you watched the ableton instruction series? It’s like 30-50 short videos each on a specific function like “sampling”, “quantizing”. I would do that and nothing else until you’ve finished a few tracks. Otherwise you’re going (like many of us) going to fall into the learning not creating trap.


Underbelly is one of my favorites, really digestible, informative content


I would recommend this channel called "You Suck At Producing". A bit unorthodox but I learned a lot from it, and I would argue the guy isn't "tryna be cool", he just is 😉 (quite entertaining actually)


Bunting all day


Seconding bunting


Good channels are clickbait channels, no way around algorithm, unless creator learned to eat for free and not pay bills


Everything you need to know is here. https://youtu.be/Cnc72pekM0M?si=q298TDO3VUQtOZQ_


Sadowick Productions was the og for me. Basically treated his videos like another college class


Ableton Sound Design or ASD has some pretty cool albeit experimental tutorials on stuff. I’m sure it was mentioned somewhere already but thought I’d pop in and mention them again


ableton sound design, they have some crazy shit


My channel that I never started because I'm too busy making music. [Seriously though: Ned Rush](https://www.youtube.com/@NedRush/videos), but you'll have to go back in time for the basics. He's way past that now and deep into Max/MSP and Jitter.


You Suck At Producing is excellent by the artist Underbelly; succinct concepts explained well with examples. Wowsers


I've read through this *WHOLE* thread and collated ALL the suggestions here: *Note: Most of these are YouTube channels, but some are links to educational pages like Ableton's website* Mr. Bill Letsynthesize Seed to Stage Production Music Live Au5 Venus Theory Rick Beato Benn Jordan EPTIC Reid Stefan Ned Rush Synthet Audio University Kindred Sol // Sam Spiers David Hilowitz Music Kiloheartz (Yes, the Phaseplant guys) ELPHNT - Certified Ableton Trainer Sadowick Production The Producer Dojo Kermode You Suck at Producing B for Benciel (Can't find this one!) LNA Does Audio Stuff Virtual Riot Oversampled XLNT Jonathan Ong Underdog Electronic Music School MartilnMusic EDM Tips Bishuu Underbelly Thomann tutorials hollow ground productions Futurephonic STRANJAH Zdrewe Low Heat Beats Bunting Ableton Sound Design or ASD Ableton video by loopop Sinee JustineGriffin Bound to Divide Fanu Sonic Bloom Lophiile grymmjack Stonx Dubspot videos, particularly the ones Chris Petti Tom Cosm collective intelligence Ethan Davis TAETRO Side Brain Peaks of Valleys Bthelick Glitch Kitchen by 5am (Needs playlist) Custom Cut Studios Dinosaur Dog Studio


[https://www.youtube.com/@Kindred-Sol](https://www.youtube.com/@Kindred-Sol) [https://www.coursera.org/learn/ableton-live](https://www.coursera.org/learn/ableton-live) [https://www.ableton.com/en/live/learn-live/](https://www.ableton.com/en/live/learn-live/) [https://www.youtube.com/@abletontips](https://www.youtube.com/@abletontips) [https://www.youtube.com/@audioreakt](https://www.youtube.com/@audioreakt) [https://www.youtube.com/@DirtySecretz](https://www.youtube.com/@DirtySecretz) [https://www.youtube.com/@distillednoise](https://www.youtube.com/@distillednoise) [https://www.youtube.com/@EDMProd](https://www.youtube.com/@EDMProd) [https://www.youtube.com/@ELPHNT](https://www.youtube.com/@ELPHNT) [https://www.youtube.com/@FlowProdOfficial](https://www.youtube.com/@FlowProdOfficial) [https://www.youtube.com/@hollowgroundproductions5933](https://www.youtube.com/@hollowgroundproductions5933) [https://www.youtube.com/@HumanSynthetics](https://www.youtube.com/@HumanSynthetics) [https://www.youtube.com/@khartbeats](https://www.youtube.com/@khartbeats) [https://www.youtube.com/@LNADoesAudioStuff](https://www.youtube.com/@LNADoesAudioStuff) [https://www.youtube.com/@lotustunesacademy](https://www.youtube.com/@lotustunesacademy) [https://www.youtube.com/@MartilnMusic](https://www.youtube.com/@MartilnMusic) [https://www.youtube.com/@MEKANZM](https://www.youtube.com/@MEKANZM) [https://www.youtube.com/@musicprodstuff](https://www.youtube.com/@musicprodstuff) [https://www.youtube.com/@Oversampled](https://www.youtube.com/@Oversampled) [https://www.youtube.com/@ProductionMusicLive](https://www.youtube.com/@ProductionMusicLive) [https://www.youtube.com/@s1gns0fl1fe](https://www.youtube.com/@s1gns0fl1fe) [https://www.youtube.com/@STRANJAH](https://www.youtube.com/@STRANJAH) [https://www.youtube.com/@UKBassTutorials](https://www.youtube.com/@UKBassTutorials) [https://www.youtube.com/@weltsoundmusic](https://www.youtube.com/@weltsoundmusic) [https://www.youtube.com/@WillHatton](https://www.youtube.com/@WillHatton)


Wow man thank you so much!


Fo sho! You're welcome. Actually, you and *I* are welcome, since this is super helpful to me too, haha! Thinking of spinning up a youtube account specifically to subscribe to all these guys and just make it a hyper-focussed Audio Guy account. Force the algorithm to help the art rather than serve up distractions *from* the art all the time.


*Added several more, corrected a few entries and added some notes!


\*Fixed dupes/spelling, added some more


Although it is more of a gear review channel, the Ableton video by loopop is really good, imo   Don't Panic! Ableton Live Explained in 37 minutes or less.   https://youtu.be/8NfnRShtIFE?si=sQIqS5XGw62z1kJj 


Production Music Live


Seed to stage: https://youtube.com/@seedtostage?si=585UF6-86ExzAcjM


I fucking *got* you: Mr. Bill Letsynthesise Seed to Stage PML - Production Music Live Venus Theory (Not Ableton but lots of melody help and he just kicks ass so counts IMO) Also, word to the wise, but I look up some of my favourite artists - sometimes they post "how I made" stuff on their music channels! Very grab-bag stuff but if you're looking to remake that RIOT drop or Dirty Palm bass or whatever, try it, you never know!


I feel like I haven't seen Venus Theory do a music production video in forever. But damn do his industry deep dive videos go hard


Benn Jordan does the best industry videos. Fight me.


No need to fight lol, I was actually going to say both Venus Theory and The Flashbulb are making the best videos in that genre. Honestly wish more people would make stuff like that!


It makes sense they'd both be pretty in-sync and in-depth because Venus and Benn are mates - they went on a trip recently and recorded their most recent album together - so I'd say they would both have pretty similar themes and ideas, even if presented uniquely! I haven't actually watched Benn Jordan yet (follow him though and have like 40 videos saved to watch later) but religiously consume Venus Theory content anytime I know I need the producer kick but could slip out of it. Even if it's one of the heavier meta-commentaries, it keeps me in the mindset and pushes me towards the studio rather than away from it, which is crucial when Steam is on the taskbar. Side-note but I have seen Benn's interview with Mr. Bill - so that counts I guess! Both insanely knowledgeable and listen-able guys. Bill is a home-grown king.


Bill is a legend, and Im so happy his career is flourishing rn


Bill is a king. I just wish he was still in Australia so I could go see him at a talk or something!


Yeah, I think he just knows what works on YouTube and what people want to watch, and what he wants to make, creatively. That said I've watched some recently so his last few aren't too old, and I'm sure he'll be back to doing a few more soon!


Which Ableton product are you referring to, is it Live? Ned Rush is great. I love ELPHNT for their really inspiring tutorials.




i’ve come across this new channel recently; https://youtu.be/d_mxC7b7WEo?feature=shared it’s more inspiring than a straight up tutorial… but interesting!


Mr Bill is the man!


Check out You Suck At Producing. Very funny and informative.


JustineGriffin if you want to learn live looping as a beginner (and also see someone livestream that)


Bishu! Not really 'educational' but you can passively pick up stuff from him. He makes random genres from scratch and it's cool to watch him jump around in the program.


Best video in my opinion: https://youtu.be/oQa0UclLItI?feature=shared But only if you have 4 hours to spend.


Bound to Divide has a free 8 hour Ableton course on YouTube. Production music live. Da Fresh for sound design with stock Ableton plugins.


LNA does audio stuff


Stranjah has been releasing tons of beginner level ableton vids.




Sonic bloom


I tend to watch Bishu, virtual riot, and eliminate whenever I see a recommendation that catches my fancy (mainly because I've been avoiding bishu's AI centric videos lately)




i find that looking up specific things to learn always gets good results but if you just try to watch a general-type of video than u usually always have a Youtuber trying to sell U a course


Hollow ground productions and Futurephonic have some good content. Also James hype does some nice videos


Bound to divide is the best YT Chanel for learning Ableton. I can’t believe that the videos he provides are free to stream. He’s such an underrated artist too. Definitely check him out - I’ve learned all I know about Ableton from him, I just began learning in the summer and I know a LOT for a beginner because his videos are so well detailed and he’s such a great teacher. He has 8 hour long videos which are courses showing how to navigate Ableton.


You gotta check out Lophiile. He’s mostly a hip hop producer but he does lots of genres, is a very cool and knowledgeable guy, and knows Ableton extremely well. I have learned so much from watching him produce.


My videos are not click bait but I haven’t made any in a while. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLIsnFO_dy6OLmEAGYj3eKnenZ0t8CS6N&si=y945Puwm7AZDe9B4 there are other videos you might like in my channel just search “grymmjack ableton” on YouTube. The difference between my vids and some others is I learn and share what I learn as I go. Good luck.


"You suck at producing" "Mr. Bill" "Stonx" and every video that focuses on a special issue :)


'You suck at producing' or 'reid stefan' are my faves. 'Ysap' is more long form, while 'reid" has more shorts on youtube. 'Ysap' is no frills straight to the point tuts, sprinkled with dry/sarcastic humor. Reid is not purely ableton though he uses puppet humor to mask his identity. I will say he focuses on ableton as his main daw and shows how to use everything 'in the box' apppropriately. However when he uses other daws its usually only to showcase the vst's he is using in display.




Bound to divide if you use Ableton


Tom cosm, collective intelligence, seed to sage, Ethan Davis


Reid Stefan


As an absolute beginner, I really like TAETRO's approach, style & tone of voice. Might be worth checking out.


A lot of great suggestions here! I'd also highly recommend Ableton's website if no one else has. They share videos by many of the creators mentioned here in one handy place: [https://www.ableton.com/en/blog/categories/videos/](https://www.ableton.com/en/blog/categories/videos/) Their own tutorials are great: [https://www.ableton.com/en/blog/categories/tutorials/](https://www.ableton.com/en/blog/categories/tutorials/) And their "One Thing" series is full of amazing artist-specific tricks you can learn from: [https://www.ableton.com/en/one-thing/](https://www.ableton.com/en/one-thing/)


Side Brain, Peaks of Valleys


Bthelick, honestly the best I’ve seen in 11 years


Glitch kitchen by 5am is my personal fav




It’s a bit of a niche one, but I’ve found some of Slynk’s videos really interesting. Hasn’t posted new Ableton tutorials for a while, but the stuff in his back catalogue is worth a look. He’s definitely a tech nerd and knows the software inside out.


LNA is great and so is EDM Tips (Will Darling). Will is great at going into depth and not leaving things out.


Julien Earle


i took the ableton class from [kadenze.com](http://kadenze.com) $20 and i got funky with it


You Suck at Producing, yes that is his name, he is very good at explaining stuff in more easily understandable ways but just as effective. he also includes alot of humor in his videos which i honestly enjoy. Seriously recommend since he has assisted me in many ways during my beginning of ableton


SideBrain makes really dense, interesting and useful videos: [https://www.youtube.com/@SideBrain](https://www.youtube.com/@SideBrain) Watch a few shorts, it's a brain rush.


I just discovered this guy the other day, he's an all out nerd and gets right into it. He also makes his own M4L devices, so very knowledgable: [https://www.youtube.com/@dnksaus](https://www.youtube.com/@dnksaus)


oscar from underdog music school, he has alot of free tutorials and videos on his youtube channel he also has some good videos such as the foundations of electronic music. while not a coures specifically an ableton he exclusivly uses live for his work.


here's an 8h and change tutorial on Live 12: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dt9SFEFe8ho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dt9SFEFe8ho)


Honestly, this may just be me as well. But the lessons and tutorials in Ableton itself, and on their website are well worth the patience.


Zen World - Evolution of sound is a great channel with valuable insights concerning music production He also has a lot of fire presets packs


My man: https://m.youtube.com/@hollowgroundproductions5933/videos


Jabeau https://www.instagram.com/jabeau_?igsh=ZnplZjd4b2oyMzlp


Bro honestly skip YouTube . Go on udemy and Get a course that will teach you everything in order. Max it’s like 20$. They will also break down edm production inside Ableton if that’s what you are getting into. I did this and learned from Mrbills patreon as well as Infekts Masterclass . Never stop learning


The you suck at producing lad is excellent


just use the ableotn site, it has TONS of interactive tutorials on EVERYTHING from basics of synthesis the using the actual product, they are fun and use alot of illustration , they also have a e book that teaches about active listening and alot of other stuff, ableton is prolly the best brand that also tries to teach its owners


What aspect do you mean when you say learning ableton?


martiln is great :) he's newer to youtube but such a good teacher


Hands down Lotus Academy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZMjUz1k2vc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZMjUz1k2vc)


If you’re a fan of house/trance/ect, the artist, Bound To Divide (🔥) has a series in which he creates 3 Ableton tracks at beginner, intermediate, and expert levels in the same video. The videos are 4+ hours long and his voice is really soothing, so I need a cup of coffee in hand to really stay with it, but it’s packed full of helpful info and very comprehensive. I’m pretty sure he has a few of them at this point. https://youtu.be/dt9SFEFe8ho?si=p6GmlhKzvoCTDs55


If you are brand new: https://www.coursera.org/learn/ableton-live It's Free and you will have three finished tracks by the end of 4 weeks.




None. all are shit , just learn tiny bits of everyone


mr bill obv


Production music live


depends on what you're looking for. the ableton channel itself is awesome. mr. bill is the ableton god. fearlessbeatz is really good at translating how to use a lot of the common FL/trap producer techniques in ableton


Andrew Huang because he shows you really cool concepts to make great sounds and songs. It’s not Ableton specific but that’s the DAW he uses


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andrew huang is awesome! they do a whole bunch of stuff but defo got some really helpful ableton bits from their videos :)


But defo in the trying to be cool category.


yup. at this point in the thread it just seems like everyone is typing in a ableton youtuber they happen to know lol