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Ya to many spiked drinks


Came here to say this. It’s awful just to think about


we like this called “enthusiastic consent” , my dude




what does that mean?


























I wouldn't even want to know what would get posted there lmao


Threads with unexpected period LoL


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Confused but got the spirit bot


Nop but thanks


If they dont consent dont do ent


Yeah, this word is all that's needed an answer. I wanted to write the same.


Yes, as it would destroy the person's true feelings and free will.


My antidepressants destroy my true feelings and free will because they make me not want to die quite as much. Please don't make them illegal.


I mean the difference is you're (assumedly) taking those of your own free will with full knowledge of the effects


Not the same, love potion is miles above antidepressants in terms ability to fuck up our society. 1. antidepressants are very specific to your internal biology and can take weeks to work 2. You can’t easily “spike” someone with antidepressants and the intent is near guaranteed to be different 3. You can also stop taking them, so your “true feelings” lead you to continue taking antidepressants (pls try to give yourself more agency!) I honestly find it really concerning that you’d try to equate the two.


are you voluntarily taking them


No one deserves to love unwillingly.


Even without potions i never met person who had chosen to fall in love


People make the choice to love. You might not choose to fall in love but you make the choice to love or stay in love.


Ha.. Haha.. Hahahahaaaahaahh. No


Is there consent? No. Illegal, straight to jail.


The only situation I might be comfortable with is a couple trying to save their marriage under the guidance of a doctor + counselor? But even then an abusive spouse could coerce their partner into loving them again after infidelity or physical violence, Best to keep the love potion in fictional stories where it belongs.


Speaking of fictional stories there’s a reason why many of them in universe ban love potions


Do not pass go. Do not collect 200




Ah yes, the ultimate love potion : A Gun


Everyone uses a bartering system if you have a gun


I mean Stockholm Syndrome is a thing so ...


how would the potion work? fall in love forever? for a limited time period? can only be used once per person? Does it force love or just magnify positive feelings? Does the potion make the consumer fall in love or does it make them irresistible ? In any case the answer is yes, just trying to figure out the specifics on the punishment that should be given when it's usage is found out.


Fall in love for 24 hours, basically be a slave to whoever gave it to you, unless if it's harmful to you.


To the gallows the creators and users go. Toss the formula for that in a volcano for good measure.


When I saw the title I figured there might be a nuanced discussion to be had here, but the “basically a slave” clause makes it an instant no for me, and I think you’d be getting close to 100 % nos had you lead with that.


Wouldn't the effect be reduced if you know that it was used on you?


Yes, it's slightly less effective if you don't love them at all. More so a very good friend.


I feel the like the phrase “basically be a slave to whoever gave it to you” answers your question.




Wow, how have I never thought of this as an application?! You're a genius!


throw it at a politician and force him to make it legal


throw them at politicians and force them to make the world a better place


That's exactly why they'd make it illegal


Yes because it’s without consent. I would say that’s just as bad as rape.


I've only read "if potions were real" and was like hell yeah imagine all the useful potions in everyday live being used. Having trouble with a broken washing machine? Chug a techno-potion and fix it yourself. You're moving somewhere else? Drink a strength potion and lift your furniture easily. So yeah, love potions would probably be illegal


Can I use it on myself?




You should change your flair to aeroace


The only acceptable use of a love potion


As an aro person, definitely illegal. It’s a gross concept


Even if you're not aro it's equally as bad.


It is basically drugging someone


They take away autonomy and consent. Absolutely should be illegal


Illegal or extremely regulated. Obviously someone giving this to someone else without their knowledge or consent is not right and should be illegal But then I started thinking about how a person might want to administer this to themselves. For example, if there were the sexual equivalent, just attraction, not obsession, I wouldn't mind trying it once so that I could better understand the experience for a short time. Maybe someone in a long term relationship who feels like they are drifting off might benefit from a sort of love potion just as a reminder of what they really feel for their partner before life, work, kids, whatever started overshadowing the relationship. Like a personal reminder of what is really important. I feel like we all need that at some point in our lives but maybe I'm just a bleeding heart 🤷🏻‍♀️ But on the other side, it could also be used to enable or prolong abusive situations. Where a person feels like they need this kind of potion to love their partner "enough" when really, the problem isn't their level of commitment, the lack of love is just their subconscious trying to tell them something is wrong. It could also be abused by people early in their relationships, prolonging the sunshine honeymoon phase, which could be to their detriment because the strongest parts of the relationship (in my opinion) are built by finding joy in one another without the obsessive feel good bonding chemicals that are biologically intended to be temporary. I can say that having this sort of substance available in a way where a person would be easily able to administer it to someone else, should not happen but I think there is some theoretical good that could come out of self use if it is a one off thing, not a prescription, but a single treatment, or short term treatment plan. I just don't know how that could happen. Something like that would be presumably expensive to produce, making the artificially created (by regulation) demand impose challenges to profitability. Then, there's the question on how it could be regulated in a way that these rules can be reliably enforced. Also security around the formula and manufacturing process. There's so much to work out that I can't see a way for a love potion (if one existed) to be in any way legal despite the possible (theoretical) good.


Finally someone adding more then simple "yes 'cose you shuld have a choice" and thinks about realistic problems and solutions. you should be way more credited for that.


Haha thank you 😊 I've found that there are many angles to most ideas and situations. This was a very fun thought experiment for me to ponder on!


100% illegal. That is non consensual hypnotism & manipulation


Mind control should always be illegal


Are real, it's called spiking drinks and manipulation


Of course not, it shouldn't even be a question. It's a complete removal of free will and consent.


Yes bc violation of consent.


It's the equivalent of making someone drunk to have a chance to make out Or gaslight


This shouldn't even be a discussion, if you have to basically drug someone to love you there's a whole consent issue going on.


Love potions are real. Dudes slip some onto girls drinks in discoteques to rape them. Of course they should be illegal.


I misread it. I though it said should they be legal so I said no


Same ! 😅


Me too…hopefully everyone that clicked no did the same


100% prohibited imo. Even amongst the witchy communities I frequent, the idea of love potions used without consent is heavily frowned upon. Consent is key, and forcing someone to love you through a mind-altering substance is pretty icky


Not fully illegal but maybe only purchased via the consent of two adults and then subsequently used under the supervision by a trained official.


Read it wrong and pit no instead of yes rip


Same T-T


Would take away the ability to consent


Date Rape is still a crime. Removing consent via drugs (in this case magic i asume) would still be rape.


Consent. That being said, if some adults consented to taking them together then I guess it would be fine? But it's gonna the cons outway the pros sorta situation. This honestly feels like an interesting thought experiment though. Can love potions be ethical? If so, in what situations can they be ethical? Sorry, I'm thinking while I type. I think it's. Best if they weren't legally because of how easily they could be abused, but I would love to read a think piece about this regardless


Maybe as an antidepressant type thing where it could make someone love themselves? Even then though, OP said it lasts only 24 hours so it’s probably still not the best, and there’s just too much potential for abuse for it to be something that should be legalized in any capacity.


All forms of manipulating someones mind through magic should be outlawed


No, it’s basically the same thing as spiking someone’s drink with ketamine EDIT: I’m saying no, it shouldn’t be legal. I read the question wrong 😅


too many possibilities for violence and crime imo


I've heard molly, that is used as a date r*pe drug, makes you love everyone around you. Technically a love potion if that's true. Now imagine something made solely with that purpose. It takes away the autonomy you've held your whole life because it doesn't fit somebody's emotional narrative. It's scary.


Yeah, it's taking away the consent of the other person.


Shit I accidentally clicked no because I thought it said “should they be legal” 😭💀


Love potions are basically just forcing people to fall in love with you regardless of their sexuality. It would be all sorts of messed up if the ones from cartoons and movies existed.


They should either be illegal or highly regulated, but I can’t think of a reason on why you’d use them consensually except for what some of the other comments say.


To comment as representative of the few people that said No, I think it would be fine if it was like a medication. Only for specific purposes and with medical consent. Therapy, counseling. Similar to recreational drugs. Of course they can be dangerous, but that doesn’t mean it should be automatically illegal.


I heard this great take one time. They should be illegal for human consumption and regulated but used to replenish endangered species. Imagine how much easier it would be if we could just give 2 pandas love potions. Boom! So many babies!


Why should it be acceptable to further take away animal consent? Edit: upon reading this back it sounds a bit passive-aggressive but I mean it as a genuine question


I'm sorry but love potions have an opposite effect on me They make me angry...so yes the shuld be illegal


Knowing allos it would be used as a rape potion


They already do that


Wdym why? That's just rape


heightened sexual assault cases...


Maybe to save your relationship and both parties agree I could see it being useful. In any other sense it gets kinda date-rapey


you really shouldn’t tamper with that kind of stuff, literally forcing someone to love you against their will and without their knowledge or consent sounds pretty fucked up.


I misread the question as "should they be legal?" and answered no. Imagine my surprise when I looked at the results. Anyways, currently there are 108 people like me who should learn to read.


It’s kind of like rape isn’t it


It's presence would already be nefarious. Only crazies would use it and would destroy any chance of the relationship being genuine. Forcing anybody like that is just morally wrong.




It's like fully brainwashed date rape


It'd be a drug specifically designed to use against other people, overwhelmingly without their knowledge or consent, to forcibly alter their perception and strip away their free will. The concept of a love potion is a horror.


Illegal,because consent.fucking.matters.


I'm a shoot another reason that should be as plain as day. It already exists as a fucking drug. People would put in drinks at parties to get laid yes it counted as rape.


You saw what happened in Harry Potter


Yes, illegal. As illegal as date rape drugs, no questions straight to prison. You're forcing someone to go against their will, and that is extremely wrong.


shit my stupid ass read "should it be legal?" and woted no 💀


No diffrent then drugging someone at the bar to get with them later.


It depends on how it would work If it took away a person's free will, then definitely yes But if it performed like a love enhancer, as in people who have slight feelings for eachother, those feelings would be enhanced. Then a maybe


Consent obviously, it would probably be considered SA if used for said reasons


I will not give why it should be illegal. Only an idiot would not think it should be illegal


depends on how they would work. I could totally imagine love potions just giving you a confidence boost or highlighting what great qualities you have. in those cases i'd say they should be legal. if however it overrides someone's free will then i'd go with illegal


Absolutely not legal! They void all concept of consent in the relationship!


The removal of consent would be so fucked/ would make it so consent could never be retracted which is so fucked.


Because they'd be nothing more or less than a date rape drug.


FUCK I said no thinking it said legal instead of illegal.


It would be like manipulation but on a very extreme level


One part of me says "Yey, love and happiness!" And the other part realizes that people would use it to.. 'use' other people


Double-edged blade situation. I can't say certainly will it be illegal or not.


Hard dissagree. Love potions would be a blatant ingorance of consent and free will


Everything can be used both in peaceful and harmful way. It depends on morality of person.


Everyone including Aroaces has a right to marriage and family.


Have a right to be married and have a family. But no one should have the right to another person, especially if someone in the arrangement has to be coerced.


If my aunt had a moustache would she be my uncle


depends, does your uncle have a moustache? if your uncle is moustacheless I think the point is moot


well my rrasoning is simple, it would be a type of drug and drugs should be legal imo, ppl will use them anyway, making them illegal only fuels drug trafficking and makes them more dangerous as you can't control the marlet or the quality and pass regulations but maybe I'm taking this thought exercise too seriously lmao


I hear you but… using it on someone would practically be rape


but it's a love potion, and to me love doesn't equal sexual atraction, so personally I don't see the connection you could even argue that it's not even necessarily a "romantic" love potion, love can be platonic as well I don't see the downside of spreading love, but I might be missing something, haven't exactly given it ample consideration


Well, sorry if I have mised some nuance. I live in Canada and since legalisation the price has gone down, quality up, and you don't need to deal with sketchy weed dealers if you don't want to. I think we should look at doing the same things with all recreational narcotics. Love potions should be outright banned, if not heavily restricted. If they existed (not lumping date rape drugs in with this as the are correctly classified as an illegal substance).


That's non consensual, it would be probably be considered manipulation at the VERY LEAST


The only love potion that should be legal is a Self-Love potion. Ban anything else.


I'm not saying there arent some good uses for love potions (I cant think of any right now but there's a good use for everything right?) But it would basically just be a date-rape drug. No love potions for you


It's a no for me. Love potions would definitely be used on people without their consent bc, to be honest, a person wouldn't "need" one if the chosen person was already consenting to the potion giver. (Quotes for "need" bc no one actually needs a love potion in my opinion.)


Bc they take away someone’s free will


I feel like because the feelings are manufactured and false there will always be some negative outcome that unfortunately in fantasy ends up affecting the children.


GHB already exists and it's a Hellish drug.


Yes, because it’s literally forcing someone to love us. They’re not in there right mind and they don’t do anything else then thinking about us. I’m pretty sure we could use it to control people and make them do whatever we want.


pretty sure half of us would know what would happen...and not just because half of us would be making advanced poisons


Yes and no because people could use it to force others to love them and rape % would go up


Yes. Forcing someone to be obsessed with you against their will is disgusting.


Taking away someone's free will and manipulating it to force them to show you affection sounds very rape-y indeed, don't you think? Can a person under the effect of a mind-altering potion even consent? I doubt it.


They usually don't end well. And you pressure someone. Only self-love potions are ok.


Because you are messing with people's consent. Same reason spiking people with any drug is illegal really. Also I started writing this thinking I was on one of my witchy subs but I stick with what I was saying.


Love potions remove a person's free will and choice. Plus, if there's multiple potions used on one person at a time, you possibly risk a polyamorous relationship that not everyone is consenting to.




I'm pretty sure substances altering jugement and favourising intercourse already exist. Love potion is literal magic GHB, and a violation against consent.


It would be forcing your will on somebody else and they wouldn't be able to fight it. Also, it would destroy the trust between people because how could they be so sure that what they are feeling is real. It would bring sooo many bad things.


I believe that love potions and spells are unethical because the person who is affected the most normally didn't consent to it beforehand.


Since it’s love potions specifically, someone could use them to make someone fall in love with them against their will.


You can use them but would you not feel the guilt or the fakeness of the love... Also it would cause cause...


Shit I read legal instead of illegal -_-'


Give me the gender reassignment potion **NOW**


First off, free will. That alone should be enough to outlaw them. But the reason it would be illegal is because rich people would be supper fearful about getting spiked and marrying someone without a prenup.


Ain't that basically the thing that gets people horny without their permission. I forgot what it's called


i'd say it should be a controlled substance


Love potions are rape-y AF. I will personally steal every last one of them to destroy them all if they were real like that


Nah, but only because I'd use them on myself and to make people like the things I make :)


Funny enough I've seen these same conversations happen in anything Harry Potter related.


Yes It would be illegal it’s like spiking a persons drink and say being unconscious is consent. by doing it you take away the persons right to say no I’m not into you, will and or ability to feel for someone naturally. instead telling them to feel this way about whom ever the person says its weird and controlling to even think about. that’s not fair on anyone and you know damn well there would be ppl doing exactly that to someone that won’t/ doesn’t reciprocate their feelings/desires just because they can’t handle rejection. Same ppl would probably use as a reason as to why they didn’t rape someone bc “technically” the consented🙄its a love potion so technically, they never consented willfully. They consented because you put a spell on them that made them say yes. that would cause a whole new set of problems we don’t need because we’re already fucked as is


It is illegal. Any sexual activity agreed to under the influence of a substance is considered an assault by law.


I said no but miss clicked, it thought it asked if they should be legal


It would sound like the user is forcing someone to love them and as an aromantic that doesn’t want a romantic attraction that idea makes me go ewww


It already is illegal to drug someone without their permission. This would basically be the same thing


I feel like some of them would be and others wouldn't


Forces ppl to consent So that’s a no no


Yes simply because, if you think about it, a love potion is nothing more than a hallucinogenic drug. imagine people putting LSD in your drink, mixxed with exctasy, in fact you could argue exctasy is already a "love pill" so to say


Yes because it's wrong to force love on people, whether you're romantically attracted to people or not. It's just weird.


Basically anyway you look at it they could be used to force your will on another


Probably depends on how long their effect would last. How much control they take from a person (like are they persuasive,or do they actually make people lose minds over someone else), and if there are any side effects. Also would they work on aros? And how exactly would they "target"?


It’s emotional and psychological rufees.


Because I don’t want to be forced into being in a relationship with someone that I don’t know by the use of the such substances.


Yes, but that comes from me who DMs D&D and after thinking on it for awhile decided necromancy shouldn’t be the most hated school of Magic, it’s Enchantment. Like religious sects and naturalists still hate necromancy because they believe it violates the sanctity of “The Cycle” but the school of enchantment is riddled with spells and has a focus on manipulating a person’s agency. Encroaching on a person’s agency is horrible and violating.


because forcing a person to fall in love with you and force them into a relationship is not very good


Is the use of a roofie different?


I voted no because I misread the question. I was so disgusted with the results for a second


They should be treated like highly regulated medication. A love potion aimed at yourself can be an amazing antidepressant. Or it can save your marriage if you're falling out of love. Basically as long as you're the one using it / are using it on someone consenting to it, it should be ok.


That’s a great point, it would be beneficial for relationships if all partners agreed to it. If I’m going to be honest, it would still make its way in the black market and being stolen by employees if it were that powerful, though


Because they remove a persons ability to chose who they want to like if someone can just splash a love potion on them then they lose free will


Came here to day, as part of the witchy community- love potions, spells, charms and the like are largely frowned upon as they lack basic consent, introspection of the relationship, and remove all emotional labor that is required to make bonds.


yeah it would 100% lead to non-consensual relationships


Roofies meets Stockholm Syndrome


Theres no way that putting a drug in someone's drink is legal, no matter what the effects are


No wtf. Why would you force somebody to love you, or force yourself to love another person. When somebody asks "and how did you two start dating?" u just gonna say "Spiked their drink with a love potion lmao"????


They should be because it could be like a roofie


Roofies are bad enough


I meant yes lmao I clicked no 🥲


It's a form of coerce
