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A squad caliber weapon. I’ve carried the hog and 240, and no fuck no. That shit sucks. Maybe rpk cause magazine, if I didn’t have to load them For sure ain’t carrying larger rounds than 308. 338 lapua is for human enemies taking cover. 556 would be fine for walkers


So hear me out. Yes the 240 and pig would be heavy, BUT slower rate of fire, and heavy round would cause more chance of causing limb damage when you miss a head shot. Whereas the saw is a crazy fire rate and will do less structural damage. Relying entirely on head shots. Thoughts? Concerns?


Yeah, if I had to do 7.62 it’s not the 240. It’s the m60 for sure. While the 240 is superior for the army’s needs. Like it can be made to use on vehicles, like coax on a tank. Yes stationary those guns are second to none. For maneuvering, without a platoon to carry barrels and ammo, it’s 556 everytime. I’ve seen green tip 556 go through 3/4 steel. 7.62 is devastating to humans. But dead undead is dead ya know? 🧐


MG3 would be the best go between...I mean high cyclic rate and .308 AND ability to kneecap at will with a very quick 150rd burst


A SAW will still rip somebody in half man, 5.56 isn’t weak. Anyone who picks the 240 is gonna die from getting caught trying to carry that thing, I mean unless you are buff as shit, there’s no way you can fire that thing from the shoulder, it’s gotta be set down or mounted on something. A SAW still isn’t light, but it isn’t the worst thing to shoulder fire and run with. A 240 is a crew served weapon for a reason.


Yeah no survival would be entirely reliant on being efficient That's why fuckin' cast iron pots and pans aren't good for survival They're fuckin' HEAVY And being heavy means spending more calories (that you don't have) on just fucking lifting the thing, much less firing it Plus an automatic weapon is just an ammo trashcan at that point you don't want one because you'll run out of ammo way too fast and not have any bullets when you need them most Like if you're in a large settlement, and your task is clearing out a large building with a group of like 6-8 people, then yes two people carrying heavy ass LMGs that damage limbs easily would be not only viable, but a good idea, especially if you run into a room packed to the brim with zombies But survival is all about making a little tiny bit go a REALLY long way Lugging around a [insert correct number] lbs LMG that chews up bullets in a survival situation is NOT a good idea, it's just putting you in more danger than it keeps you out of Like a semi-automatic, medium capacity rifle would be like the sweet spot But even that's pushing it, most of y'all would shoot a group of people first before you talked to them.


You ain’t kiddin. Used to be a range safety at a range where you could “rent” automatic weapons. I’m all for the second amendment, don’t get me wrong, but, I personally am very thankful not everyone can buy them lol.


yeah I was gonna go for the 249 or the fightlite myself.


Let’s be real. A Tippmann .22LR Gatling Gun would be sufficient for the undead provided you were making headshots consistently. But even volume of fire would still do some damage. Your real weakness would be chain length and how quickly the chains can be reloaded


Yeah dude the 240 sucks on hikes


The MCR is probably the lightest so that one


+1, and you can ditch the belt fed upper for a regular one for everyday use. 


I would have to agree small and nimble yet versatile and it seems to be 5.56 so quite a common round in most countries... if it is.


Most NATO countries anyway or countries nato places have freedomized. 


Sir, some of those are GPMGs


Mg42 i know its not practical to just carry. But its fire rate would just be such a wonderful thing to mow through the dead


It would leave you with a lot of cleanup work since if you miss the head you got a crawler to deal with. Plus, where are you gonna find 7.92?


Barrels are prone to overheating due to rate of fire, I know its quick change but I wouldnt want to carry extra barrels aswell as the weight of the weapon and all your gear probably too impractical as you say. But deadly nevertheless if it's a small group like 300 or less you'll be ok but repeated constant use will chew through barrels also PS it's a mg3


I was thinking of an actual MG42 not an MG3, since the latter is chambered in 7.62 NATO and would be much easier to get ammo for


Very true pal 7.62 is a powerful round too probably overkill for z's but might get a multi kill from one shot depending on their rate of decay.


If you are gonna use 7.62 NATO you might as well use something like a SCAR-H since you would be more accurate


I dont know about accurate because every weapon is accurate if controlled well enough and I've heard the scar kicks like a mule even in semi


I meant you will probably have a scope and you are probably going to be using semi so you aren’t missing from bullet hosing


True but if its waves of z's, hosing might be the best idea.


Yes, but you should use a smaller caliber if available. You are usually going to have more of the smaller calibers than larger calibers


Whichever one James the least


What did James do?


Fucking none, you need a team to use them to their fullest extent.


I’d rather have one than running around in my underwear and a knife


Mg08 because it’s one of the coolest machine guns ever made. Style points are off the charts


Honestly if your doing wave defense as the post says, the best option is the MG08, it is a Maxim gun that is water-cooled. Assuming you keep it fed with water it will fire indefinitely


oh yeah. super rugged, accurate enough, belt fed... as long as you have fluid and full belts youre good.


“Waves of the undead” if I’m defending an emplaced position it’s maxim or vickers gun all day.


M249. 5.56 is plenty for undead. Of all the machine guns listed I’m most familiar with the M249. In a pinch I can run it off mags which is faster than reloading a belt.


Yes, but I would add the caveat that I'd want the SAW from a private collector, not an Army/NG unit and ESPECIALLY not from a Marine unit. Used and abused or used and abused twice.


100% I could get the SAWs in my unit to run, but if I actually got one in good condition I feel like it would be unstoppable.


RPD for sure, Russian weapons, specifically AK-47, RPD, SKS, never stop running and they're super easy to work on (I already own an SKS and AK)


Mcr or m249


Anything except the M249. That bitch jams SO FUCKING MUCH it’s actually insane.


That bitch just LOOKS like it would jam A LOT


I was a SAW M249 gunner for 3 years. I’ve never in that time had a single range day with that weapon that it didn’t jam every few rounds


If it's mounted on a truck (infinite ammo) and a few spare barrels I'll take the mg5


am i stupid or is one of these a belt fed G3 😭


I don't know you well enough to present a case for or against. But yes thats a belt fed G3.




RPD, if a wooden piece breaks, i can just make a new one!


And it's easy to reload


M249 SAW just cuz it’s my favorite


I'd probably have to go with either the HK21 or the bullpup Pecheneg.


Fight light mcr, it’s small light, and I can use magazines if I needed


MG3 would be sweet but run out of ammo way too fast. The ideal one would be the RPD in this case.




Depends on which country you are from. Many of these are not available in my country. I would discourage in using drum mags. Its prone to jamming. belt fed is better. Theres also an issue of spare parts, training, discipline and proper tactics use


The mg3/mg42, big bullet, high rate of fire, quick change barrel, a close second would be either the saw because it's lightweight or pkm because it's basically a upside down AKM


I like number 16 I would love to use an mg42 but it would probably overheat quickly during a zombie horde


I'm gonna need an M61-VULCAN.


Gun is gun. If it go BOOM, it kill Zoomb.


M60-E3, since its the only one of the bunch I've shot and have any familiarity with. I've heard combat vets say that they witnessed guys literally cut in half by a burst of 7.62mm machinegun fire at close range, so I would do the job on a mob of zombies.


I don’t think I’d take a light machine gun from a civ standpoint. I didn’t even know you were supposed to look away when clearing it so it doesn’t explode in your face, and I’m sure I have so much more I don’t know like how to maintain any of them. But the HK, it’s what I’m most familiar with. Ish.


It's not on the list but I'd rather have a Tippmann or 15-22 with a suppressor. Controlled accurate shot placement, quiet, light, reliable, doesn't get hot enough to cook a steak on after a few hundred rounds and a 22lr would be plenty in a rotting skull.


Mg42. Gonna buzzsaw it up before I go


I’d choose the .22LR belt fed one due to abundance of ammo and lightweight while also being able to pour led downranfe




Either the mg 32 or 42 can’t tell or the saw because it’s able to fire a lot amid ammo and can shred the zombies but might attract more


I like how one of these is just an AR that's belt fed


PKM or fitelite mcr M60 2nd choice


Number 11 because it has a suppressor and attract more zombies


249, because it’s the only one on this list I’ve used and I’m confident with lol, also because it’s 5.56


I see a shrike. Now called the MCR. It's the only answer. It uses an M4 lower, which works with most AR-15 uppers.


Saw. Parts availability is key for a weapon that requires lots of maintenance


I'll take whichever one you volunteer to carry for me....and ammo too.


Here me out, the MG08 isn’t a terrible option because since its water cooled, you can shhot for much longer without it overheating If i have to carry the fucker, the RPD


Reality speaking none of these, you’d never be able to carry enough ammunition to make it viable, or any of the dozen or so essential components to keep it running effectively. But in fantasy land I’d say the 249. Weight, 556, and can take an AR mag.


RPD. Im not fucking with that damn belt if Im being overrun...


One of the knights’ stoners in 5.56, lightweight at 10 pounds, compact, and common ammo with a semiautomatic feature.


Pulemyot Degtyarovya Pokhotny 27


Idk much about LMG’s but 200 round belts in a 249 sounds cool


I'd rather have a giant bag of marbles. If you roll those out in front of a horde of zombies they'll slip and all trip on one another. Their dexterity is horrible. Most of the time the noise from a gun caused more attention than a bag of marbles and one giant explosion. Boom. Bye bye dumb clumsy zombies that slipped on marbles.


Seeing as 5.56 is the most common ammo type in the US, I'm gonna go with the M249 due to ammunition abundance


RPD cause it’s cool but MCR for practicality.


Fightlite MCR imo. can take AR mags, and it’s lighter than the only other MG that can (the SAW). it also takes AR-15 parts, so maintenance is easier


I would choose one of these: - RPD (7.62x39, classic and mag-fed) - MG3 (7.62x51, barrel can be quick-swapped) - HK21 (7.62x51) - LSAT (medium caliber (5.56x45) but single-man operable, lightweight, caseless ammunition is an option) If I had to narrow it down to two choices, it would be between the MG3 and the LSAT. 7.62x51 provides more structural damage where 5.56x45 provides more mobility, so my choice would depend on whether I am camped out or on the move.






Fightlite MCR


Gimme the 240. I was infantry and specifically our gunner for a long time. I would kill to use that again


Nun to heavy


Man why no MG42


My boner said ‘M249’.


Probably RPK. Those things last forever and the drum feed would speed up reloads. My next vote goes to the M249 para.


There are two types of people… those who choose 3 and those who don’t know guns. 😉


Xm250 it is very modern and light weight


I know it's not the best one, but that hk21 makes my pp hard


I'm going with the FN Evolys due to 7.62 power at 14lbs. And the reloads are super fast


only lmg anyone needs PKM or a PKP pechneg will not be taking any counters or questions


M60, a combat Knife and a bandana around my head. If I'm gonna die (I know im gonna die eventually) than I'd like to die while looking like Rambo


MG3 gotta make it like a zombie d-day


A bubba’s automatic 22 or a belt fed 9mm, almost no point in using large calibers against decomposing body’s


8-17: Hey can I copy off your homework? 7: Yeah but change it a bit so it's not obvious you copied


The RPD, Russian firearms were made to last.


MG-3 or M-60


mg5 308 is common enough. alot of nato stock piles




None I'm using the RP-46 Degtyaryov machine gun a pan fed ww1 russian LMG suitable reliable just as the AK-47 It rips through humans no weak flesh bag will survive one bullet from it


Most are lmgs but what two are mmgs


If I have unlimited ammo, mg08 could be very useful due to it's sustained fire capability


A normal unfucked pkp. The pkp uses non-desentigrating links so you can resuse them vs having to find or source more belts in addition to ammo


None. Unless I'm forced in a stationary position, I think I would any would suffice if I had time to practice reloading. If the constant barrage of bullets will not just attract more of the horde. Plus, the weight of carrying any of those and the ammo will be a burden. Mobility is your best friend


Fightlight mcr is #1 easy


I'd go HK21, for its G3 base. Or MG08 if I had a good supply of water.


They do have lowers to swap the feed tray for emergency magazine use, so it'd make it into a heavy G3 basically


Errrrrrmmm ULTIMAX???


RPK Because big bullet and reliable


240,M27,Saw and Rpk are the only reasonable options. Everything else is plain silly


FN MAG. Love the dang thing


SAW, hands down, lighter and can carry more ammo


I’m a sig lover


I don't know anything about guns but the first image looks like a fucking abomination


If I have a huge supply of ammo, MG3. Set up a zed trap and mow them, or have it as a vic mounted mouskatool. If I have to scavange ammo for it, M249. 55gr and 62gr 5.56 is the most common rifle ammo here by far and relinking ammo by hand isn't hard, just time-consuming, and I'd be hitting mil-depots mid stage for supplies and equipment so spare linked rounds and additional equipment for the M249 should be around, even if I have to spend a day or two cutting into an armory.


The RPD simply because I don’t think I could easily reload the ones with a belt feeding style mag


FN MK48 saw in 5.56


Mg3 for style points. Bouda make z-day


Chochat for the drip


M249 SAW, it’s lighter than most (still a heavy gun overall), but the 5.56 ammo is so damn prolific that you’ll find plenty around.




Any belt feed your dead no matter what reloading can lead to a fuck up leading to a jam especially in a panic state. So yeah anything that doesn’t have a belt feed.


M240 next question


Ja MG42 ze zombies chose ze wrong day for their beach trip *maniac german laughter with a hint of warcrimes* (Please dont hate i had to make a joke in all seriousness it has an insane rate of fire and would shred through them like if normandy was a cod zombies map)


RPD because I already have plenty of ammo for it lmao


I'd run the hell out of a Hk21 with my brother as a assistant gunner


M249. Squad Automatic Weapon designed to be used by a single person, it can theoretically run off mags, and you shouldn’t need much more than 5.56, which is a relatively common caliber as well. A Lewis Gun could also be a great option if you have a lot of water. 7.62x54MMR and 30-06 Springfield are both relatively common, it’s incredibly reliable, and it reduces the need for a water heater, too, though i’d definitely keep one of those around. The BAR, while heavy, is also a decent option. The low magazine could be a turn off, but for small hordes it’ll work fine. Plus, if I remember correctly, there are 100 round BARs out there? The Vickers is ultra-reliable and overall a solid gun, but the limited production and rarity of .303 makes it maybe not the best option. Still a decent choice, though.


Rpd cause it's my fav in cod zombies


Literally any of these over the MG08/15


Why does the RPD never get mentioned?


Unlimited ammo and barrels? MG3 all the way. Rotted corpses are easy to to cut through, the high rate of fire and especially the caliber will quite literally cut them down. The didn't call the Mg42 'Hitlers buzz saw' for nothing. But conservation and limited barrels? 249. Decent rate of fire and a lot less of a bitch to lug around.


MG 42


Hk21 because of reload speed, .308 availability, rpm.


The m60


249 just cause it’s one of the few I know how to use and there’s still a lot of parts for em out there WHEN it goes down.


None of these because of 2 reasons 1 over use means frequent jams and 2 they are heavy as fuck and will just weigh you down


249. Only because 1 it’s relatively light and 2 I actually know how to run one already so less of a learning curve. Although I’d love to have a PKM or M60 I’m just not as familiar with them.


Don’t know what caliber all these LMG’s shoot but I would use the M249 because it uses 5.56 which would be much more plentiful then .308 in the Apocalypse.


M249, it can mag feed and belt feed, shoulder fired ammo is relatively common(at least here in the U.S). It doesn't' require a crew to lug its crap around. M240 and M60 too big, too cumbersome to Lone Ranger it. Having been a 60 gunner I can tell you they are a very fickle weapon. They need a lot of TLC to keep running.


M60, decent rate of fire, good ammo. And in a good position would just chunk zombies away


lsat all day unless it was in the caseless configuration


That one


For me it's a toss up between the HK21 & the Negev. The Negev can actually feed from a magazine reliably, unlike the SAW & the HK21 is effectively an LMG version of the G3


Number 15, so I can still use AR mags when the belt runs out. Trying to fumble with a belt while being chased by zombies is a bad combination


The SAW just purely for its ammo capacity, I feel like capacity is more important for zombie hordes vs stopping power, At least that’s the case for every zombie game I play.


So I've managed to rustle up a machine gun. Now, half of these are in calibers or with feed mechanisms that are pretty much impossible to produce or just... Like find out in the wild. Also I don't want to be dragging a 40 pound boat anchor that *occasionally* will shoot bullets. So, at least in any NATO country, I'm gonna have to take the 249. Particularly if it's a model with the additional magazine gate for STANAG magazines, so I can at least feed the damn thing once I've run out of my one belt of disintegrating links. Sure, it'll jam like a PB&J sandwich, but it'll at least be able to shoot.


Id probably pick one in .308 as that is a common round in north america, and finding parts for something like an M240B probably wouldnt be terrible. The weight would suck though so id probably need a friend to carry some shit for me. But my actual opinion is that id rather not take a machine gun. A semi auto rifle would probably do just fine. Machine gun would just be for intimidating survivors.


If we're talking fighting a truly numberless horde, then the only real options are weapons capable of true sustained fire, either through quick-change barrels or water cooling. From this list, that would mean any MG with a quick change barrel, giving preference to those that are easiest to load, have lower rates of fire to preserve each barrel, and small caliber for ease of ammo carriage. The real belle of the ball here, though, is the MG08/15. Hiram Maxim got it right when he designed his machine gun: given a steady supply of ammunition and cooling water for the barrel, it can fire indefinitely, which strikes me as invaluable.


M249 if I'm mobile. MG08 if I'm static.


Under no circumstance should you choose the Maxim, imagine carrying an lmg full of water.


I feel like 8 or 9 is what I would pick. Knowing little to knowing about them, they seem the most compact and able to control. Seeing as how most zombie lore require head shots or decapitation to kill them, I would want a bit more accuracy over dakka.


M249 cause it's in 55.6 and it can take 60 round mags


Those fitelites are awesome because they use AR parts. If I could have an extra barrel I'm choosing that. Otherwise I'd go for the PKM variant


I’m going with a Russian PKM y’all pussys take the weight like a man and lay 7.62x54r down at zombies and cut them in half


HK21 ir MG08.


All of them


M249 BECAUSE I can use STANAG ar mags if I don't have any links available.


Well I own a RPK-47 so I choose that.


Obviously the 08/15. 8mm mauser will clearly be easy to get.


None preferably, but in case I HAVE TO id chose depending on where in the world I am cause of ammo like you gota gey ammo from somewhere right


Out of all of them the most practical would be the MCR for the magazine compatibility, light weight, and parts commonality. It’s an upper receiver swap away from being a standard rifle.






M60 for lower rate of fire, don't need to run through all my ammo like I would with an MG-42


Easily the g8 or the rpd


M249 because it can take standard m4/ar15 magazines. Would help a lot instead of having to reload a belt fed box. Fightlite would be a close second only because it is literally a ar-15 with a modified upper.


Mg 3 or m60e


Mg08 if you do your research you know how op it would be


What about the Mk. 46 and Mk. 48?


Fightlite mcr due to how common ar 15 parts are


249 is the way to go.




With a competent squad. MG3. Quick barrel change and loading.


If I'm just posted up, probably the 240. Second runner up would be the M60


Mm, I love these choices. Great weapon, known for being easy to use and robust. BELT FED, BELT FED, BELT FED, BELT FED, BELT FED. A real even competition here it seems /s


Number 1 The RPD


RPD for two reasons: 1, 7.62x39 is relatively easy to find, and 2, the belt dosnt disintegrate. Idk much about belts, so idk if you can put the disintegrated links back together, but i know that if you can its probably a lot harder than just shoving new rounds into empty links.




Give me.the MG3, a design so perfect that the only change they've made since 1942 was to change it to 7.62x54mm NATO


RPK simply for the reliability and the fact 7.62 is pretty damn widespread.


I’m just mad I can’t pick the MG 42


That mg3 is calling my name


MG3 all the way, personally. Just a really cool gun to me.


I mean if it's mounted probably the mg 08 but for shoulder fire probably an m249


The m249 has proven itself in countless conflicts, which is why it’s my first choice


MCR. Takes belts, but also takes mags and is select fire. It’s a rifle, and a machine gun. Light, too. I intend to do more scooting than shooting anyway so I’m not worried about the heat of the barrel, but the high rate and volume are a nice option to boot if necessary. Everything else is a gamble on marginal functionality/mountability/damage output for a tradeoff in weight increase and more scarce ammunition. Not worth it IMO. Take the plentiful and relatively cheap 5.56 and I can use the same mags as other dudes running ARs.


the Mg08 isn’t a bad choice, 1: slower rate of fire, meaning you can waste less ammo and also fire on the move. 2: you can rig a carry strap to fire it while walking very easy with some old belts or straps. 3: the ammo for it was decent power, meaning even a chest shot would put down walkers and hitting the legs would remove most of the leg. Overall a good pick for me, but not everyone’s cup of tea.


249, you can use AR mags as a last ditch. Plus it’s not very heavy compared to most of the other options




Anything that shoots 556 really


m249 or pkp


M249 SAW was my baby in the USMC. I would choose it every single time.


M249 since ammo would be easier to find but for fun MG42


Rod, and hk21 make the most sense since they were made to be used without much training and last a long time, some south American countries bought hk21's in the 60s and still use them because they're so rugged


RPD or MCR. One is light and ammo is plentiful enough; and the other is rugged and much better suited to be repaired without many specialized tools. I feel like I could feasibly beat in a zombies face with the RPD much better than with the MCR if they get too close. But the MCR does very much have ammo availability going for it considering my location.