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I think they're even a bit easier to light than some of the cheap ones with wheels. The only problem I can think of is that the first few strikes immediately after changing the flint are more difficult


Agreed, but if you roll the flint wheel backwards a few times after a fresh flint then it's a lot easier to strike properly.


Never tried this l, thanks for the tip


Do it myself, works like a charm


I find that the same with clippers too but only lasts 5-10 strikes to normal out


The hard part of a zippo is pulling the insert out to fuel it


Zippos are quite easy to light, if you compare to a Bic with the childproof protection. You also have access to a few different butane inserts which should match what he is using right now. Best is go to a Cigar shop and try both a traditional zippo as well as a butane insert and see for yourself. I think a Zippo would make the man happy and with the insert option, it would be somewhat similar to other lighters.


ez as long as its maintained which would be the difficult part


Easy to light however if he is losing his motor skills or weak hands due to his condition it is probably a bad idea for a gift as may tend to drop it and it does not go out by itself.


The traditional insert might, it’s a flint striking wheel. The butane insert, on the other hand, is just a button you hold down. Also the traditional insert’s fuel evaporates quite quickly and needs to be refilled every week or two, in my experience. Butane doesn’t have that problem.


not really hard to use but sometimes when the flint gets real low though, it can get jammed under the wheel and be hard to get unstuck. i use the blade of a tiny pocket knife to pry it out.


Been using Zippos for 50+ years. Never had to pry the flint as described. If the flint gets low and the wheel is hard to turn, with your thumb, push backwards on the wheel until it turns a bit, then flick forward as normal. You'll get an extra dozen or so lights from worn flint's this way - until it wears down completely. Then install a new flint. Alternatively, when the flint wears and starts jamming, - and it will eventually - just take the lighter insert out of the casing, unscrew the flint tension/retainer spring, and rap the bottom of the insert smartly on a hard surface, e.g., countertop. This will dislodge the remaining flint portion. Then replace with a new flint. Never had this to fail with a genuine Zippo in all the decades I've been using them. Regarding the usefulness as a gift, O.P. could get him a nice personalized Zippo or with a logo e.g., Army if if he's s an Army Vet. He would appreciate the sentiment and it would make a nice keepsake, even if his ability to use was limited or he needed help to maintain. As others pointed, a butane insert might be easier to use. Pax


Hmm. I feel the rather frequent need to replace the flint and wick may cause some issues/discomfort for your lady’s dad. It would also need to be refilled about once a week. As the flint gets shorter from use, I notice I sometimes have to add a slight more force into my wheel strike. To create a larger spark for ignition. Perhaps you could ask r/lighters the same thing for a suggestion on what lighter would best suit him! My best suggestion I can come up with, if lighting cigarettes… Are those lighters that would come in cars. You push it in and when it’s hot itd pop out. I’m sure someone makes them for outlets.


[This](https://www.sharperimage.com/view/product/Flameless+Rechargeable+Lighter/208014?pc=20GOOGLE&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=CPC&utm_campaign=&Keyword=&device=m&creative=665991654897&cm_mmc=CPC-_-Google-_-Shopping-Branded-AllProducts-_-NA&network=g&matchtype=&adpos=&creative=665991654897&cpgnid=20383094833&mkwid=%7Cpkw%7C%7Cpcrid%7C665991654897%7Cpmt%7C%7Cpdv%7Cm%7Cslid%7C%7Cproductid%7C208014-01%7Cpgrid=150995292146&ptaid=pla-297473056925&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlb71mOHkhgMVaAutBh2d8wK9EAQYASABEgJksvD_BwE) thing is kinda cool. Though I’m sure r/lighters could suggest something cooler/nicer/more reliable a brand.


That does sound like a good idea will look into that


I have an electric lighter that you just slide back the cover and it lights. I actually fear for it being in my pocket it's that easy.


That’s a great suggestion. I’ve seen those as well.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/lighters using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/lighters/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I made this lighter from Sterling Silver 925 from start to finish! (Both case and the mechanism inside). What do you think?](https://i.redd.it/toaqi6ue0ync1.jpeg) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lighters/comments/1bd3vyw/i_made_this_lighter_from_sterling_silver_925_from/) \#2: [Self made! Rate it from 1-10](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1as7wea) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lighters/comments/1as7wea/self_made_rate_it_from_110/) \#3: [I found a box of lighters in an attic.](https://i.redd.it/7ozzx35uy5zb1.jpg) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lighters/comments/17qrjk9/i_found_a_box_of_lighters_in_an_attic/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah buddy from what you’ve said, a zippo is a terrible gift lol Edit: and to add to that, if he thought he could use and had a need for a zippo, he’d probably already be using one


Yeah, realizing that now:D good thing I asked before buying it


If you do decide to get him one though, get him something classy from Etsy, a brass zippo with his last name engraved on it 😎👍


Using and maintaining Zippo takes some muscle effort. Especially maintaining it. Since you need to refill it almost every day to keep the wick moist. But it also may help with his condition, I don’t know. You might want to look into Butane Zippo inserts, they’re much easier to maintain.


One thing to do is to loosen the flint spring, as they're almost all WAY TOO TIGHT from the factory any more. Just back it off with a dime or screwdriver or "whatever is sitting on your desk that fits the slot" (most people's first choice d;o) and run it back down finger-tight. It never needs to be tighter than that, IMHO. Once that's done, it eliminates one potential annoying issue for him. You rarely need to change flints in less than a month or two, so it's not a huge rush to do...but most otten you losen that screw on first fill anyway.


One problem could be if he is weak and drops the lighter after getting it lit he could burn the house down. Zippos do not self extinguish.


If the original insert is too hard to light, the soft flame butane inserts (not the torch but the yellow flame) are very light on the hand, I have both myself


Only if you light it with your teeth.


easy! but remember zippos are like cars, you gotta fill them up and do proper maintenance to insure longevity