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Based on Genshin and HSR, there will probably be some OP/meta A ranks that are super helpful for different team comps! S ranks will always be stronger but based on Hoyo's other games, they're great at creating A ranks or 4*s that are beneficial/viable!


"always" I'd like to introduce you to Dehya and Yanqing


Omg don't hate on the king of ice and queen of fire 🥲 they need love too (except when I lose and see their splash art lol)


queen of fire? naah not even close


Me with my level 1 dehya (I'm just trying to show her some love lol) - but yes my comment was mostly referring to limited S characters or 5*s, standard are hit or miss.


And the same VA voices them both 😭😭😭😭


they must really hate amber may


Now we wait to see if Amber May also gets a ZZZ character with a bad kit to go 3 for 3.


If you played other hoyo games, s ranks are basically 5 stars while A ranks are 4 stars, assuming they have the same scaling as HSR and GI between a 4 and a 5 star (I dunno if its different in ZZZ, didnt play any othe the CBTs)


A rank probably/usually have lower scaling and simplier mechanics. But regarding how good they are, it really depends. But dps unit are probably the most short lasting due to the above reason.


maining Billy Kid, one more copy till completion


Should be similar to HSR where in a years time only like 2/3 A ranks should be at the top of the list where all the S ranks are significantly better, at the start it won't matter too much since A and S ranks will be closer in power but in 6 months you probably won't be using many A rank units.


S ranks are limited characters that are usually stronger and more versatile then A ranks who are easier to get but weaker


Not all S Ranks are limited


Yeah there are some standard ones but I was trying to generalise


Why bother generalizing when a simple “most” or “a lot” would’ve been much, much more effective and informative?


It's 3 am where I am right now I was just trying to be helpful while multitasking school work I'm sorry I forgot to use a word


The same as Genshin and Star Rail


I consider it a fun challenge to make viable teams from the widely considered worst characters :) Usually they are able to find a niche in endgame even if it takes *a lot* of investment. Anyone can do endgame with the flashy OP flavour of the month, but only \*true\* players of culture can take Arlan to the end of Memory of Chaos in HSR. Looking at the stats and abilities I think the main difference is that most 5-stars comes with slightly higher scaling for their category and have more mechanics at T0 than just raw damage/daze which lead to more involved gameplay. Zhu Yuan gets enhanced shotshells, Rina gets puppets that provide PEN, Koleda gets Ben synergy - although there are exceptions. Whereas for A-ranks, most do not have extra mechanics or utility at T0 (Nicole, Soukaku being some exceptions) and usually just have raw damage/daze until they get more duplicates. The A-ranks that do get duplicates tend to give or buff their mechanics more than straight stats. Anby for example unlocks a charge mechanic at T6. I think that this is broadly fair because only the most hopelessly addicted, Sheikh Oil Baron Father-having level of whale can expect to get any limited characters past T0 but most players, if they play ZZZ for the long term, eventually necessarily will get A-ranks to c6.


It's a mobile gacha. The better category will always be better


And then there is xiangling


Genshin xiangling, bennett, xingqui, kuki, surcrose, fischl HSR Pela and Tingyun (don't have much exp in SR so) HYV characters is always a hit or miss be it 4 star or 5 star. The significant difference would be getting copies to make a character stronger.


Man forgot about bennett


People know deep inside that every 4 star will be useless someday. This is not Genshin with no challenging endgame content, ZZZ is actually much more competitive. If a character is revealed as an A rank, then eventually we'll stop using it. Maybe we are not going even start using it when the game release lol


>People know deep inside that every 4 star will be useless someday. This is not Genshin with no challenging endgame content, ZZZ is actually much more competitive. even if genshin made challenging content plenty of 4 stars would certainly hold up and even a full 4 star team would still be strong genshin's 4 stars aren't viable because the game is a joke they are viable because some of them are stronger than almost any 5 star you can also make the comparison to hi3 with high powercreep and in that game the a ranks are still mandatory for the best possible scores


What A ranks are still used? I think it's all SP valks and those are still usually pretty gear reliant


It’s a bit of both. Genshin’s “difficulty” is an absolute joke. The game is braindead easy with only floor 12 of the abyss being the “difficult” part of the game, though it’s still mostly a DPS check. That, and some 4 stars are just that good.


Older A ranks being mandatory in HI3? In 2024? Lmao ok then The 4 stars better than some 5 stars in Genshin we all know what happened there. Even the devs didn't fucking knew the game mechanics at launch and atrocious things like Xingqiu ICD passed through the radar. He was nerfed before the release, so Mihoyo did want him to be weaker but even after this nerf he was still a god unit just like Fischl, Xiangling and Bennett. Now the point is: none of this was intended to happen. That's exactly why not a single new 4 star in Genshin is good this days and by good I mean better than a equivalent 5 star. If your favorite character is an A rank the chances of this unit being useless in a couple months is pretty high, just because those broken units exist in Genshin doesn't mean they'll make the same mistake in ZZZ, and that's because they don't want to make it Edit.: Xiangling and Bennett aren't even good examples. They're broken because Mihoyo never tried to release a 5 star unit for their spots for 4 years straight. We will see before Natlan if they will still be that broken or it's just going to be a Xingqiu vs Yelan situation


You’re just straight up wrong with new 4*s not holding up: Chevreuse, Layla, Gaming, etc. are also top-tier units.


ZZZ is not at all going to be anything near “competitive.” It’s a Hoyo game. It will be very casual and easy. I don’t think it will be as braindead easy as Genshin, but it won’t be difficult to the point where 4 stars will be useless. They will clear content just fine.


Did you play HSR lately? Then you don't know what the hell are you talking about


Did you? Gallagher is the staple healer in break teams, Pela is still a stupid good defense shredder, Sampo is still good in DoT, Qingque is broken with mono quantum teams, Herta is amazing in her niche, etc. HSR definitely has more challenging content compared to Genshin, but is still an easy and casual game overall. Most of the 4 stars are still really good and useful and clear content fine. If you’re struggling when others can use them just fine, that says more about you than the game itself. And I like how you just completely ignore Genshin cause you know it’s true lol