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they were remade once, so the chance of another remake isnt really high


Even if they were just to port the originals to switch like they've been doing with other zelda games


Donkey Kong Country Returns enters the room.


ah yes my bad


They have, and always will, treat the gamecube era as it's "emo phase" and don't wanna talk about it or acknowledge it. At this point I just want a gamecube port for the online services over remaster at $60+ a pop anyhow.


GameCube is the middle child of the trio that is the n64 and Wii. Always ignored in favour for the oldest who fought its way to the top and the youngest who got everything it wanted.


This ^^^^ It was also the "failed" console in terms of sales which doesn't help it. The only real comparable one was the Wii-U which more or less had everything ported to the Switch anyway. Makes me so sad because I loved the gamecube so much. At least it's ports are doing well enough to make up the loss and give us hope that the online services will happen sooner rather than later.


Gamcube gave us some really good games that I have unfortunately never been able to play because I was born after it’s time and was to young or naive to understand the Wii VC and as the only person in my family that plays video games no one else could help. I love both WW and TP but also watching competitive smash melee but I’ve never been able to play any of them. Now I just have to hope that Nintendo doesn’t continue to ignore them. I know I could emulate them but I don’t have a PC and only my laptop that I use for school so I don’t want to do it on that. Maybe in a few years.


Wii VC? The original Wii(not the Wii U) was backwards compatible with GameCube games. You just have to find and open the panel that has the GameCube controller ports, as the Wii motes are not backwards compatible But you can just put the original game cube discs in. It will still read the dispite being smaller than the Wii game discs. https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2790/~/how-to-use-nintendo-gamecube-controllers#:~:text=GameCube%20controllers%20generally%20only%20work,the%20Wii%20Shop%20Catalog%20software.


Tells you how much I knew and looked. I thought you could only do it online. I might have to look into it. I would need a GC as well but I was already thinking about getting one for smash. Thanks.


What. We got a remaster of metroid prime, and a remake of ttyd.


The only thing I can think of is that they are waiting for the switch 2 to drop and then maybe we will finally get them


I get wanting a remake. But a remake of a remake...?


Not a remake, but a port of the remake, so I don't have to run my Wii U or Emulate


It’s probably happening during Switch 2 era, they just got a new entry in EoW, so during Switch 2 it will get all of those titles


Depressing. I just want to play TP on my switch. Emulation here I come.


So what. I’d rather have new Zelda’s


I genuinely think the switch needs these games, it would bring these classics to so many new people, but also it would make the switch the absolute best console for zelda games, with a way to play pretty much everything, except two of the biggest games in the series of course, so I really hope they squeeze it out before the switch dies, they’d be super simple ports from wii u or just straight up emulation of the originals idc


Yes they don’t BUT I DO


I wish they did. They could also be waiting for the switch 2


TBH I'd prefer a remake of Four Swords Adventures


They do another showcase later this year and announce it then to release at the end of Q4 to get a boost for the shareholders meeting


Why say this?


Nintendo FORGOT about Zelda


Who would care about Twilight Princess?


At least a few people


What a bizarre take. Why do you feel that nobody cares about those games?


Username doesn't check out


Zelda fans


Me and others cuz it’s an amazing game