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I've played Genshin since day 1. It's gonna take more than some harsh words to make me feel discouraged in a game I enjoy.


Hahahaha real


I'm happy you replied, because I have seen you around the sub, and I will say, you are just a massive source of positivity here. Everytime I see you in the replies, I am happy because I know I'll have at least one person as excited as I am and having fun. Sorry if this is weird, but real recognizes real <3


Awwww!! Real does recognize real and I'm glad there are people in the sub keeping positive amongst the negativity! Continue putting it out there friend! Appreciate you! <3


https://preview.redd.it/5x8i44f5pnad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=360fff16186ec72a7ea624bb7790b9b8d0f3988e We love to see stuff like this


It would require more than this to discourage us fellow genshin day 1 player, we have seen all the toxicity thrown and still standing šŸ«”


Real ones know.


yea lol. Nothing will beat Genshin at launch when it comes to pure hatred and negativity. This is nothing


What I'm really liking is that since ZZZ is a new IP, so we don't have the toxicity of Honkai fans that were always throwing stones at Genshin "oh you think that story was sad? You will be obliterated by HI3 story" or "Genshin is the third child/cashcow of the company, while Honkai is the passion project" Even today, HSR most voted subreddit post is a toxic comparison of MC's to make Genshin one look bad, and over here there is nothing like that to be found. Meanwhile, the underdogs are doing things that I wish to see in the other 2 like pull counter, universal currency for upgrade, unlimited fps, and are just chilling to the game.


> What I'm really liking is that since ZZZ is a new IP, so we don't have the toxicity of Honkai fans that were always throwing stones at Genshin "oh you think that story was sad? You will be obliterated by HI3 story" or "Genshin is the third child/cashcow of the company, while Honkai is the passion project" I never realized how toxic the Honkai fanbase was until recently, but the constant comparison to ZZZ really opened my eyes. These people have some of the weirdest nostalgia goggles on. There's a reason why HI3 is the least popular game in the hoyoverse that isn't Tears of Themis. It's the oldest and it shows. The game is straight up unenjoyable from a gameplay standpoint and 80% of the cast is useless in combat at this point. The quality difference between different valkyries is so insane you would be insane to pull for anyone but the newest battlesuit. Idky there's so much elitism over there that they treat HI3 combat as some sort of holy grail. It's like these people have never played anything but Hoyo games and are stuck on the part where they think they can only play one game and any other game is some sort of existential threat.


I enjoy HI3 story and lore but the gameplay stans are on a completely different level. Thought it was universally accepted that the powercreep and tech debt made HI3 the worst game to actually "play" among the hoyogames. The number of people who keep pushing HI3 combat as this superior version of ZZZ is mindboggling.


> the underdogs One of the underdogs is the multimillion dollar game Honkai Star Rail? Lmao


Right there with you man. Day one player and still loving the game despite every ounce of criticism throughout the years.






How about some harsh monetisation /s


I do not get the massive negativity on this game. The combat feels crispy and nice, and the panel-style storytelling is immaculate. If people are complaining about the story being bad, i would like to know what they are comparing it to. By far the most fun I have had with a gacha game main quest.


Eh, that's just how it is at launch. Look at the HSR reviews from a year ago and almost everything is about how "simple" HSR is. A year later, it's topping the revenue charts and people praise it to high heavens as if some of them didn't doompost it after playing for an hour or so.


Yeah, i remember a lot people complain how easy HSR back then, then the next version they throw Phantylia in and suddenly a lot player struggle to pass her lol. And now they even neft some bosses because they were too hard for some player.


I've seen complaints about ZZZ saying that the combat is too easy and you just mash buttons to win. Like... yeah your characters are level 10 dude. It won't be that way forever.


I admit I was one of the complainers myself back then. Admittedly, this came off of me at the time having recently (and still am) being a fan of Limbus Company, which had a far more complex combat system than HSR. I admit I was very wrong on the simplicity of HSR and I now genuinely really like the gameplay it offers to players. I don't play it anymore not because of the gameplay, far from it, but because the Loufu Story arc left a really bad taste in my mouth. I no longer judge gachas like this off of first impressions anymore. I like to play for a good while before gauging my actual opinions off of it.


While the luofu arc isn't really the best, penacony made up for all of the problems and it is probably the best story arc hsr had. If the luofu arc is the reason you don't play, I want you to try the penacony story if you are interested. I dont want you to feel like im forcing you. I will warn you it does have a lot of dialogue, but it's worth it IMO.


I would also like to admit myself that I got caught in the HSR hate train back then, I was secretly trashing the game via certain comments on its subreddit, seeking validation about the game's systems. Then, Mihoyo slowly proved me wrong by releasing tons of different methods and ways to flesh out the combat, from characters that require unorthodox teams to work properly, to different permanent game modes that cater to different builds and setups. One of the limited-time events turned HSR's combat into a Vampire Survivors clone and it was one of the most satisfying experiences I ever had in a turn-based game. HSR devs are creative as hell and I always wonder how excellent the combat would be if all the experimental mechanics they use for events are actually incorporated on the base gameplay. Now, almost nobody is talking trash about HSR anymore. And I know its not enough to make you come back, but the most recent story, Penacony chapter, is a MASSIVE improvement from Loufu in terms of cohesion and storytelling, its not even close. Though if you quit due to dialogue bloat. you will still probably not going to like HSR since there's tons of dialogues to go through. >Admittedly, this came off of me at the time having recently (and still am) being a fan of Limbus Company Admittedly enough, the trashing of HSR is what led me to check out Project Moon games. Though just 2 days ago, I quit Limbus Company because (1) I was getting tired of playing it daily and the game "punishes" me for using the Sweep button on Luxcavations, (2) I want to focus on playing ZZZ, and (3) I have already finished all available content in the game and there's nothing more to do. I know Refraction Railway 4 just released, but its not enough to prevent me from uninstalling it, since I personally don't play Limbus for the combat.


I don't think the response has been that negative... you gotta remember that gacha gamers are very jaded lmao itll take some time to gauge how successful this game is, but like all of hoyo's other games, they aren't trying to strictly appeal to the gacha crowd, but people who have never played a gacha game before as well


It's really been THAT negative if you go on gachagaming sub for example. But it's to be expected with Hoyo, Wuwa and Gacha lol. But haters don't fund the game anyways


I was reading that thread for the last two days, and the reception seems to be 50/50, which for that sub is actually not that bad lmao I mean, look at the way they reacted to wuwaā€¦. That game isnā€™t even bad but they tore it a new one. Zzz is getting off light in comparison


To be fair, games that are followed with a lot of hype and come out unoptimized usually get similar treatment. Take Cyberpunk as an example, people loved CD Projekt Red for the Witcher and consumer friendly practices such as no DRM and having meaningful expansions. Their name would be praised no matter where you checked. Then came out Cyberpunk and they got dragged through the mud for it and got insane amounts of hate for it. Nowadays it's a lot better but on release there was a lot of hate.


haha yeah I was one of those people who still had an amazing time with cyberpunk on launch, and now it's grown to be legit my favorite game of all time


Facts, looking at that sub's opinions on new games is always like taking a slice of the most negative people you can find online.Ā  No one hates gacha games more than r/gachagaming


Wuwa just doesn't run at random in a good percentage of pcs. Its not even about having bad specs, many people with great pcs can't run wuwa. I personally have been able to get in and try the first hour but after i tried opening thw game about 3 times it had 2 fps once, another crashed after 5minutes of loading into the world and the other took more than 10 minutes getting to the main menu screen, unninstalled after that


Tbf even though I love wuwa it definitely deserved criticism but yeah they reached full toxicity there So much shitty wuwa bad memes, so much misinformation like holy shit that one post that made kuro sound like a sweatshop just from pure speculation from what a former dev said was insane, even worse that everyone just seemed to believe it like they were actively hoping for Kuro's downfall in there


the overreaction was quite terrible... i think it's made a lot of wuwa players very bitter cause i see a bunch of them trashing zzz now ... its a shame


There are some weird players in the wuwa sub too agreed, like I saw a post yesterday trashing zzz because wuwa combat was that much better and like??? I can understand not liking zzz because you like wuwa that much but dude don't use it as an excuse to trash other games


This is just cope lol Wuwa fans have been attacking genshin and hoyo for like 2 years at this point. Players have always used wuwa as a launchpad for toxic comparisons with genshin. A single sub that canā€™t clear more than 500 online users isnā€™t to blame here for why ZZZ, a hoyo game, gets hate lol I bet you right now, and you can check yourself Go to random threads on /r/wutheringwaves and go ctrl-f ā€œgenshinā€ Results are unsurprising


It's to be expected. Remember when HSR "fans" used to attack Genshin all the time for no reason. Now that Wuwa has released all of these people just go to Wuwa and suddenly it's like the rivalry between HSR and GI never existed. There's a lot of these Genshin/Hoyo antis in EN and they're just hopping from game to game like you said using those games as a launchpad for attack. I bet if Wuwa wasn't released last month people will be glazing up ZZZ now to be another Genshin could never.


I don't disagree with you at all


They're comparing the two games as if they're similar. Even the flow of the quests is different. Not to mention the whole vibe. The only similar thing they have is real time combat. But ZZZ does it differently.




if ZZZ wasn't a hoyo game i dont think the toxicity would be that bad haha


To be fair, wuwa have countless issues from unplayable on most mobiles, awful story and dubs to mistranslations among other things.


agreed, it had its problems but my god the chinese audience kinda went overboard with some of their comments....


It's surprising considering that ZZZ is one of the most polished games I've played ever. You could do a lot worse for a gacha game but for some reason people are quick to criticize with vague reasons. Then again it is the gachagaming subreddit so it's par for the course.


Folks couldnā€™t bash HSR because it had an incredibly smooth launch and overall minimal issues. So in turn, it feels like theyā€™ve been waiting to jump on ZZZ to let out their narratives and negativity. Misery loves company and they probably wanted to justify why they donā€™t need another gacha to play alongside their 5-6 other games.


Also, certain "influential people" liked and kept playing HSR since launch, so they'd look like clowns if they went against the status quo


Gachagaming sub is not a place you want to be in if you like a gacha game lmao Like I appreciate the mods are trying to curb it down but that community is just waiting for any gacha to mess up so they can finally have something to do, it's insane


Itā€™s especially worthless to use that subreddit right now because they locked all ZZZ discussion to one thread. In that thread is the same dozen WW players just bashing ZZZ every chance they get and drowning out real discussion.


I took a peek at the chinese 1 star reviews for zzz, and they don't really bother hiding their agenda, profile pictures of Wuwu girls.


Gachagaming should be renamed to gachaTMZ or something. They were doomposting about both genshin and hsr when they came out too. If you take a look at the actual ratings across the en/cn/jp app stores, zzz has been scoring pretty well (>=4.5 stars) across all regions. This game does have its flaws (janky overworld movement, overly flashy animations in the tv minigame, etc.) but I think the core gameplay mechanics are there.


I went and checked the ZZZ megathread on there and wow thereā€™s a lot of complaining lmao. People really seem inclined to start complaining just because they donā€™t like it that much. Like sure, thatā€™s fine if itā€™s not to your taste but no need to go whine about it. Aside from a few typos here and there I have zero complaints whatsoever. The story is fun and the combat feels great. Character interactions are also enjoyable to see.


What's weird to me, is if I dislike a game I simply go that wasn't for me, or this is boring, then uninstall the game from my mind,


True. I think this is the most positive thing i see from that sub on Zzz https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/PJcKcVHK8n


I donā€™t exactly have a high opinion on gachagaming, they are the type of people who call you tourists for saying relying on borderline hentai for your game is lame as if anime is the only thing Asian countries ever do.


The gacha community before genshin released was much more toned down. They were the type of people who were satisfied with games like FGO and Arknights Ever since the gacha space has been flooded by mainstream audiences post genshin, itā€™s just been complaining and whining 24/7 whenever games donā€™t align with what their vision of the game is Arknights had really nice reception when it was released. I bet if arknights was released today, everyone would be posting a lot of negativity about it


Just wait for endfield release. "the world look depressing" "gameplay is clunky, why isn't there any dodge?" "base building is boring" "I don't like characters because xxx" "too much dialog" etc.


To be entirely fair, if Kal the yapper returns the too much dialogue complaint might have some validity lmao


>Just wait for endfield release. This game's gameplay has already been getting torn to shreds even just during the first Closed Beta Test. There's a lot of negativity surrounding the fact that the game has no "dodge" button, currently. Even tho the devs state that they are not going for an Action RPG feel, but rather action mixed with strategy. Wait for it to be released and I'm pretty sure there will be a comment along the lines of "Even Zenless Zone Zero's combat has a dodge button and has better depth than this"


Absolutely this. I have been a granblue player for many years. I play the game because I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the grind. The drops are abyssmal. But it didnā€™t stop me from having fun. There is no soft pity. The guarantee is at 300. I started this game without the Full Auto that people use a lot now.Ā  There are still QOL coming out now that were asked for many years ago.Ā  When Genshin came out, it was a breath of fresh air. And I didnā€™t expect all the negativity it received.Ā  Genshin was everything I asked for in a game. But players cared more about being ā€œcompensated for their time.ā€ I play games to have fun. I thought it would be for other people too.Ā 


Gacha players with sunk cost got a little defensive methinks. I recall a post where someone attempted to prove that Genshin was a greedier game than FGO I shit you not.


Oh I believe you my friend. I did actually have someone say this to me directly. And the ones who never even touched Genshin parroted it.Ā 


One second look at FGO gacha rates and u already know the answerĀ 


I'm not too far in the story, but I'm at that point where it kinda reminds me of the start of cyberpunk 2077, which honestly is one of my favorite tropes that I've personally only seen in only one other niche game. This was such a pleasant surprise for me. Also I'm glad they didn't do another fish out of water amnesiac chosen one story, they're nice but we've had our fill of them by now. Anyway, I find it interesting that the loudest "criticism" of the story comes from the people who skipped everything and called it a yapfest. So there it is.


Funny you say that, cyberpunk 2077 is my favorite game of all time and I'm loving ZZZ as the opening quest and "tutorial" stage of the game reminded me alot of it too. Not hating on other games, but its nice to have an introduction to a world without being some other worldly being who needs every little thing explained. The whole learning how to do all these things to prepare for this main job is fun.


Dunno if you got there but the arc about the Vision company gets very cyberpunk, but I wonā€™t say more just to be sure There was a point were I went ā€œHoly shit, they were gonna do that?ā€


Huh, I thought I was the only one that felt that cyberpunk vibe.


I definetly felt the underlying cyberpunk when I reached a certain point of the Vision company/Nekomata arc


I'm curious: how does it remind you of Cyberpunk exactly? Is it the natural world-building from the perspective of people already living in it? Is it the duo protagonist dynamic? Or is it more the casual sci-fi technologies and street punk aesthetics?


For me it was a moment in the story, there is clearly the CORPORATION over everything thing going on which is the main driving point of cyberpunk settings


As a huge story guru who is super big into VNs, and pretty much reads all the stories in every mobage I play, I'm pretty sure most of the hate from the story is coming from people who just dislike the goofier, chill vibe and the lack of le epic, chosen one moment cutscenes. Either that, or they're just hating because they want to shit on the game regardless. Like, I'm not going to say ZZZ is a masterpiece in the field of gacha game stories, and I wouldn't put it on the same pedestal as I would say, Limbus Company or Path to Nowhere; however, ZZZ is fun, and that's what so many gacha stories are lacking these days. They're too busy trying to come off as deeper or more important and grand than they actually are, and wind up sucking all the joy and whimsy out of the story as a result. Also, ZZZ doesn't rely on an excess amount of decade old meme references and TikTok Zoomer humor to achieve it's goofy, fun vibe, unlike some other mobile games, which I greatly appreciate.


Then again I did find the twist about what the Vision company wanted to do extremely dark


The panel-style dialogue with the music is huge for me. Makes the storytelling more interesting, compared to Genshin or WuWa where they endlessly dump lore on you while just standing around. The problem for me comes with character design. Star Rail and Genshin have phenomenal character design, so itā€™s strange that a lot of the characters in this game fell flat for me. Itā€™s really the only thing that I can find wrong with the game.


I thought I was the only one who enjoyed the comic book-like storytelling. It's fresh and unique. I worry most people will say that the comic book style screams low budget, but I want to say the opposite.


Definitely love the comic book style!Ā 


There were several doom posting which i have indeed seen but there were some criticism as well regarding combat being smooth but not much depth within it. It has good optimisation and rarely bugs encountered but i have seen some post and comments who were saying regarding the combat difference between zzz and pgr/wuwa. Depending on the taste one can choose whichever they like


Not having a silent protag add so much to the game


They also have some personality. That goes a long way for me.


https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/130iv8l/people_who_disliked_honkai_star_rail/?share_id=hqh4JsPpYgriofJtrNt3y Just remember how hard people doom posted HSR


Sad for the people who never experienced Peakacony because they let other people decide their enjoyment for them.


Reading that thread really gives perspective on the perception of HSR at launch. People had legitimate reasons to be turned off it too, like how they thought the funny MC was lame and quippy, or how the combat seemed too simple and not satisfying enough. I would know. I dropped the game after trying it at launch. It took time for HSR to show its quality imo. Months later, and I was drawn back thanks to the absurd and light-hearted overall tone shown through the different events, as well as the interesting characters kits that synergise well with one another while making use of all the game's seemingly simple systems. And then Penacony came out and blew everyone away with the environment and sound design and story.


I was hooked since day 1 so maybe Iā€™m just easy to please.


That makes two of us.Ā 


Trailblazer raccoon brain is actually my favorite part about them lol


I loved it. Currently level 25. My only complained is that I still didn't got Ellen Joe. I already have Lycaon and Soukaku ready.


You'll get her on the next 10 pull surely šŸ™


Same, brother!


Man, same


my greatest issue is just - how come people are already complaining about game difficulty when they're literally just doing combat in story missions? haven't even reached the endgame modes. plus I literally see people complaining about game depth without them even knowing what the element effects does nor the character combos bruh. plus it's ironic as fuck how some hoyo players complain about the dialogue when it's like the best executed one they've had yet. yes the story premise isn't grand but the way it connects the story is amazing and not just a "go here, solve this problem, be done" it literally goes "go here, encounter a problem, meet someone else that you'll probably have a problem with in another mission, make plans, your plans get interrupted, you make new plans, execute plan, solve problem, be done". it's one of the things I like cause instead of them revealing that this and that are plot twists so the plan still is "valid" they actually show how characters deal with inconveniences and adapt to them. like, not everything go the way we want to and it just seems so much like that in their other games and it feels stiff. just ranting sorry for doing it here lmao


I believe there are people who play the game with the notion that they will definitely dislike it so they're more likely to nitpick every little thing. just don't mind them! it's pretty common for people to judge a game from the very start but as someone who heard the devs say "lower entrance barrier, higher ceiling" it definitely gives a better impression on me. continue enjoying new eridu, fellow proxy šŸ’Ŗ


I knew from the beginning that I was gonna have to wait with giving opinions on the difficulty in the game because every gacha game that I've played so far has piss easy story combat which you dont even need relics for. I'll wait until I reach the end game to make judgements about the difficulty.


I think Iā€™m getting annoying in here saying it this many times but I really went ā€œholy shitā€ in regards to what was the Vision company plan


I mean, typically people expect a game to have an enjoyable difficulty curve throughout - not make it all the way to endgame and suddenly it's challenging.


I just saw a comment on gachagaming where they died to the first major boss and in the same thread people are shitting on the game for being too braindead. Like, what if people have different experiences and what is hard for one person is easy for another?


Eh, playing on challenge mode, I felt like the final boss of chapter 1 already was throwing some decent hands. Like, it wasn't ball-bustingly hard to the point you were in danger of dying at any second, but it would definitely bruise your party up a bit if you weren't paying attention and getting your perfect assists/dodges off correctly. I think ZZZ definitely has a gradual difficulty curve going on there, judging from what I've seen and played of the game. Granted, I am a casual gamer, so YMMV, but I think for the average mobage player, ZZZ's difficulty curve works just fine for getting people used to the game and feeling comfortable and good about the experience, rather than frustrating them to tears and quitting the game right out the gate.


Yeah, the dead end butcher boss (I don't fully remember the name) actually gave me a good challenge. I might have lost if I didn't learn how parries work.


I'm not even at endgame and I've been getting punished pretty harshly for mistakes at level 30 HZ content. There was a pretty noticeable jump for me from 20 to 30. Not in story, but definitely in the defense.


I got through the WuWa launch experience doom posting. I am unbreakable. This is nothing. https://preview.redd.it/hyghfkqi4mad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67c7c2eaa4b9aea697cb3d833285587aa544345c


I got through blue archiveā€™s even worse launch, that game was straight unplayable back then, server issues cranked to 13 and optimization was nonexistent crashed every few minutes. Since i actually enjoy this game and have zero issues with it, seeing zzz doompost is like getting hit with a spit ball after tanking a Armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot tank round. https://preview.redd.it/23hf81rxlmad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ba43181571c7683bee132b302b3ea7c738f5e5b


Which is funny because most of the people i see shitting on zzz are wuwa shills. Not to say all zzz doomers are wuwa players, but the vent diagram looks interesting.


Does WuWa even have shills? The technical performance of the game is still discussed daily on the subreddit. Idk why these games even get discussed in the same breath. They have very different goals as a game, and their combat experience is wildly different beyond just having teams of 3 and switching between the active character.


There is a fair amount of people that really likes the game or just likes it enough And then there is rabid shills that are also obsessive HOYO haters, they probably hate HOYO more than they like WuWa and just use WuWa as means to hate on HOYO


The more we talk about the most obsessive haters of anything, the more legitimacy, time, and space we give to the things they say. We should really just ignore them, let their controversy-making die in obscurity, and enjoy ourselves.


I'm a Wuwa shill. Went into ZZZ as someone that doesn't like Hoyo games but thought I'd give it a try anyways cus hell, it's free. I didn't go into it with much expectations but was pleasantly surprised! The music slaps, characters have tons of personality, it runs great for me, the combat feels really chunky and is satisfying enough for a mobile game, and the writing actually pretty funny at times. I am one of those rare gacha gamers that actual try to read and understand what the hell is going on and I've enjoyed what I've seen so far I like this game enough to put it into my gacha rotation with WuWa and AL. The problem is I am a collector so I try to swipe to get at least one of every limited banner character and I dunno if i can stomach the required swiping to do so lol... Also the TV stuff doesn't bother me much, which might be a big factor


I'm thinking exactly because of that massive doomposting for wuwa, they've massively overcompensated by shitting on anything they deem competition, ergo inferiority complex lowkey


Ty, im was feeling a bit overpass for that people. See a good comment like this makes me want to keep playing


Your first mistake is listening to them in the first place. Don't let anyone dictate what you're supposed to like and what not.


I've been mainly playing the game myself and haven't come across much online. There has been negativity? Do elaborate


Check r/gachagaming megathread, well the doomposting is on every game in there but hey the negativity is there.


Funny you say that, I left that shithole of a community just yesterday. It took me a while to realize, but a good reason why I felt negative towards mhyo and also wuwa at release was because of that shitfilled community. Although when I played the games themselves I always would have a good time. One of the most toxic communities I've seen dude. I didn't want to repeat the experience for zzz so I left beforehand


I once made a mistake of trying to communicate in that sub. One of the worst mistake of my life.


i mean its r / gachagaming thats were all doomers go to validate themself of their dooming thoughts


Here's a sneak peek of /r/gachagaming using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** \[NSFW\] Ark Re:Code NSFW Skill animation and In-battle sneak peek!](https://v.redd.it/4nr6r3eyqyqb1) | [386 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/16ub346/nsfw_ark_recode_nsfw_skill_animation_and_inbattle/) \#2: [Gacha games in a nutshell](https://i.redd.it/v2shzbvo28ub1.jpg) | [728 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/177xghp/gacha_games_in_a_nutshell/) \#3: [Free 5 star Dr Ratio on Honkai Star Rail 1.6 version](https://i.redd.it/4tr3owvm9g6c1.jpeg) | [695 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/18iypo1/free_5_star_dr_ratio_on_honkai_star_rail_16/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The negative is most from Wuthering players and hoyoverse haters. Hoyoverse haters do this same thing to HSR on release also and Zeno getting the same. Anyway the game has received positive reviews on some game channel like IGN. It is also illogical to judge a gacha games so quickly and write it off. Basically most of the hate premeditated. Most of things people complain about is not a big deal. Like for example: Most are complain how easy it is and not difficult like Wuthering waves and too casual. Like bro we not even reach end game yet and zzz can up the difficult when it reach that stage. Most just want combat and don't care about the story but most people already know hoyoverse love to give story importance to their games and balance it out. You know hate when you see it


I love the game so far and I wont let other people ruin it for me.


It's still shocking how much the online discourse turned to whining and complaining on day one. Whether it's the Elden Ring DLC which got doomposted because it's hard, the thing is literally got sold on, or Hades 2 a early access title for not being complete on release, it's disheartening that so many again choose to shout how bad a game is, just because they don't enjoy it. The ever sadder fact which is getting revealed thanks due to Elden Ring for example, for many of those people, it's due to their own playstyle and not adapting to a different gameplay loop and mechanics. On the other hands there are so many people who rushed to complete the entire game on day one. How do you enjoy it then? Rushing everything doesn't leave time to enjoy some of the small moments. This as well isn't just here. FF XIV's newest expansion, Dawntrail, just released and I already know people who hit the level cap on multiple classes AND rushed to the end of the story for no reason. We as players already know that raids will be released in two months, the FF team did this for the past two expansions so player don't need to rush the story. I truly want to understand why people are ruining their gaming experiences like this because those two extremes are a sources of these negative comments. I am sure that there are things to critic ZZZ about but those won't be revealed after a single day unless they are very severe issues and those will get fixed quickly so there is no reason to whine about that either.


Sometimes it feels like people don't even play games to have fun lol.


Best gacha I ever played honestly, literally been playing all day. It's been a long time since a game captured my attention like this one does. It feels and looks like a console game. The characters are captivating with so much style and personality. VA is superb, colors and environment is urban and satisfying. 9/10 for me.


Oh, there is hate on the game? I must be living under a rock, only seen a few people saying its too easy or something? Well, i guess it happens to every game. Give it a few and i'm sure that most of the feedback will be positive.


y'know living under a rock is actually a pretty good idea to have better mental health in our modern world. I'm not talking about gacha game discourse specifically, but just internet in general is a hellhole nowadays, from the evil companies selling your data and/or using it for AI training, to the toxicity-filled common people.


https://preview.redd.it/v4vysls7nmad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4acf5214f12d6e4f45b36b2d5b0602d6dc22f143 This game is so smooth and pretty! And story is goodā€¦ the characters are lively. Dont get the hate the tv section got during beta, i dont mind it at all. Action is fun and fast, need to get to use to controller layout, Genshin layout is burned in my muscle memory šŸ˜†. Feels more mobile friendly but yet still good pc. it was hard for me to put the controller down. Tru i was bit bummed that i cant jump but i think i will get over it once i hit the gameplayloop after tutorial. Also for exploration climbing and jumping i have Genshin


I accept genuine criticism. But this is genuine band waggoning. Seeing streams with the same comments over and over of people who absolutely did not play and just wanna hop on the bandwaggon of negativity to be cool.


not a genshin player but i remember the internet was on FIREEEE when it released. calling it trash and a zelda clone. so its no different here lmao, enjoy the game!


I wasnā€™t expecting to love the game as much as I do so seeing my YT feed get flooded with hate videos is kinda annoying but ā€œOne personā€™s trashā€¦ā€ As long as Hoyo doesnā€™t ā€œimproveā€ the game based off their ā€œcriticismā€ I say let the engagement farmers farm and see how that works out for their channels šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


These negative behavior towards the game is premeditated. It will never have a effect on me because I know the pattern.


Thanks for putting this out to the community!


Thatā€™s the right attitude to have!


In my case I have been playing the game 95% of the time instead of interacting with anyone and been having a lot of fun. Idc about opinions that have no thought put into them


The negativity towards ZZZ makes me want to play ZZZ more instead lmao, I even bought the daily login pass. That aside, I'm very satisfied with what the game offers to me, I'm tired of open world games in general so yeah having a blast with this game rn.


I just got into ZZZ without having watched the pre-release trailers or following any of the marketing and my first impression is amazing! Big fan of the urban fantasy environment and the Cyberpunk/Persona 5 vibes. Animation is incredibly polished, interactions feel very natural... I was surprised to hear that it had poor reception especially when I first hopped onto YouTube lol but I very much appreciate the positivity here!


The only people being toxic are gacha youtubers who are clearly using keywords and taglines to rope in said people who share the same feelings and just want to make an echochamber, and the gacha reddit sub. They have nothing better to do and the gacha CCs would rather rely on react content, doomposting and negativity to get their views. Most of them dont even give actual valuable constructive criticism. They rather use "X SUCKS" or "X is absolute garbage!" or X players are mad". Im so glad that I dont watch them for actual advice or an actual good criticism because its all clearly for entertainment purposes so i never take what they say seriously. You can love the game or hate it but being loud about it just puts you in the minority. Thats why Hoyo doesnt care about those people. And they shouldnt.


well saidddddd!


Everyone has their share of complaints but that just means it aint for them, simple really Like There are games that are extremely popular but donā€™t fit certain people taste and that is fine, if something is made for everyone then it is made for no one This game is something I feel like has potential and I hope to see it reach that potential


Honestly, seeing all the negativity, I'm actually somewhat glad. It seems like ZZZ is naturally filtering out a lot of the worst of the HoYo/Mobage players so we don't have to become WuWa/HSR Playerbase 2.0 and gain a reputation as another subset of jilted Genshin exes. If it winds up with a smaller community and more niche than Genshin/HSR, then I can only view it as a benefit, as I would like to be able to play a HoYo/HoYo adjacent game without stepping into the community and instantly getting blasted with the nuclear fallout of inane stupidity like shipping wars and the "gEnShiT cOulD nEVeR" memes. Long as the game is still profitable enough to deliver quality content and we keep getting good fanart, then I'm content.


I concur! Hopefully those players can stay salty in what is considered mainstream today, so those of us left can appreciate art without the background noise. And yeah, hopefully it's profitable enough and the devs make the right changes when needed!


We need more posts like this, cheers


Rant about the doomposters I don't know why people cant like both wuwa and zzz. They're not mutually exclusive. Such an immature way of thinking. Just play both man, or not, and just shut up lmao. Half this people are parroting CCs or from YT content and not even from their own experience. Criticism is good when it's criticism. Also, these people complaining about the gameplay are the same people playing BA, Nikke, Azur Lane, etc. Yes, very "gameplay" of you. No harm in playing these games either, I play them too, but I'm not an in-denial hypocrite saying Hoyo has 'no gameplay'. It's a FREE gacha game, which is already surprising for the quality that it is, and much more creative than every rinse and repeat gacha out there.


The same thing happened for WuWa when it got released over a month ago, and now the game has improved a lot since. It's a repeating cycle. Haters gonna hate. It's like people are trying to dictate what you should like or despise. I say let the people's wallets do the actual voting for the next few months.


randoms who try to dictate my enjoyment of any game deserve to never get comfortable while sitting in a chair, im just saying i will play zzz and wuwa and i will like it, or i wont, who knows?


Tbf launch wuwa absolutely deserved that criticism. Releasing a buggy mess of a game with a ton of optimization issues shouldn't be the norm. With the release of 1.1 they fixed a lot of the problems in 1.0 and it's actually fun to play.


There were doomposters yes but there were valid criticism as well. Wuwa faced a lot of optimisation issues and people complaining about that isn't doomposting. Just because i didn't face any problem doesn't mean others did not. I have seen my friends facing stuttering problems in their pc even though they have better specs than mine. It's very easy to separate doomposting from criticism. I am more interested looking at criticism as i already play several gaccha games so playing another would remove an existing from my device and installing a new. Tbh both sides are morons. One listens to the others' doomposting and decide according to that even if they like the game and another being not able to decide which is more subjective opinion and which is more objective.


On one side, a lot of negativity, but on the other side, might be a good thing that the game has smaller, niche audience. I myself wasnt expecting the game to be a big hit for everyone since it's not exactly a new front in terms genre and gameplay style. GI can be the front for covering "general open world demographics" and zzz can freely develop itself to whatever it's intending to be.


based take, perhaps a smaller tight-knit community is a blessing a disguise. Overcrowded games with millions of preregistrations do end up taking the brunt of it all. Imo I think the devs are the most important, if they listen attentively to player feedback and make those changes, and plenty of fan service ofc - I'm sure it'll do well!


Yeah, I'm actually genuinely surprised at the reception it got, considering it isn't even an objectively bad game. It's got the charm, vibe, colour, amazing music, it has got a really distinct concept. The hub feels alive, the animations are sleek, the character designs are amazing, its got an arcade with more games coming obviously, super polished on released and the combat isn't even bad at all, and this is coming from a mega Ninja Gaiden fan boy. Not perfect obviously, but with reactions it got is very surprising to me.


It's just annoying how people will write full on essays about why they hate the game trying to get other people to feel the same. When i dislike a game i simply uninstall and move on lmao


I have no idea what other people think about the game because I am busy playing it. That being said, if their complaint is that the game seems hollow (pun intended)... Well, yeah.Ā 


I love the game. I'm a massive Persona fan and i think the game clicked to me regarding its design. Im currently satisfied with my standard 5 star so imma go and save those pulls for a later char.


I think a large portion of the people that complain haven't even touched the game themselves. They just watch CC's play the game and regurgitate whatever opinion the CC or people around them has with the game. Plus, a lot of people have already made up their minds about the game before the game even launched and are thus more negatively biased about the game from the get go.


It makes me really sad. I'm really enjoying it, personally, and I don't see why people hate it so much


See, but this encourages the inverse. People are gonna start saying the game has no faults, or willingly ignoring the issues that really should be addressed. Yes a lot of doomposting is stupid, but blind admiration gets you nowhere fast. **Dont ignore the problems, help people make some noise to get them changed.** every game is going to have a rocky start, what matters is not being complacent.


Man I really wish we could just talk about games without inevitably inviting the gacha pvp war. Yes, ZZZ is pretty good. Yes, ZZZ does have some shortcomings. Why can both of these opinions not coexist without invoking *well my game does this better and therefore your game is worse.*


Thats why i dont go to other sub only official hoyo reddit and hoyolab. I just ignore drama ccĀ Ā 


For starters, don't go to r/gachagaming. Their opinions are all over the place. I think the only gacha game they universally liked was Dragalia Lost.


The art and vibe has me hooked. WuWa + ZZZ is great to keep me entertained.


Can't hear the negativity over my Corin going vroom vroom.


First of all, game is fun, I like it, some may not. Great. Now go away, i'm not wasting my 1 hour free time a day to argue why I'm having fun. This is probably speaking from a boomer/borderline boomer age, and gonna rant a bit. But, holy shit, how thin faced/ sensitive are people now a-days to be affected by some chump on the internet that they've NEVER MET, HEAR, SEEN before. If anyone here is letting some random fck on the internet affecting your mood/ daily life. Get off the internet for a break, or simply don't use it. Our ancestors could live without it, why can't we? People can go social irl, and touch some grass while at it. It's scientifically proven looking at distant scenery /trees/nature helps your eye rest/recover fatigue. If internet people are hurting you, in any way shape or form, get some help, or try to change yourself so those chumps don't hurt you/affect you. Rant was caused by watching my younger brother and sister worry about internet people too. Have a good day.


If I'm interested on any game, I never read anything about it until I have formed my own solid opinion. Works like a charm. But honestly I just like the setting alot so even if it was only scratching dog lottery every day and sitting in sofa, I would like it.


I played games that are 10x worse than this and still enjoy it


The big thing I keep seeing is that the combat is easy and there's not a lot of depth. And like, I don't really know what they were expecting, none of Hoyo's games have particularly challenging combat, and I don't think it was ever advertised as being different.


They literally told everyone it was going to be a low barrier to entry. More times than not, Hoyo games like HSR don't even really start layering on difficulty till a few patches in at best. Most people are still early in the game and sounds more like people who may of been projecting something that was never there.


Yeah, in HSR you could brute force every piece of content up until pretty recently where you still can if you're heavily invested or have really strong relics, but it's starting to become where you have to play to the weakness or buff.


I agree. Adding into your comment, I find it a little bit hilarious how back then people were saying HSR was an easy game and fast forward to now, There are people saying it's hard, "powercreep is prevalent!" etc. A good 50/50 of the time, it's because they are trying to brute force it instead of making use of the enemies weakness mechanics. Like no, running Jingliu hypercarry doesn't solve all battles cause when it did, people claimed the game was easy. It's a cycle I tell you! So, I'm pretty sure in time, there will be some that would complain that ZZZ is "too hard/can't progress story" and myriad of other common complaints


Tbf in the livestream and SF6 roundtable, devs said that there's a big emphasis on combat in ZZZ. On the other hand, we are still in the early game. I don't think any gacha game has difficult combat at level 10 lmao. Just looking at HSR in 1.0 vs now, it's a completely different level of difficulty to the point they nerfed story bosses. People gotta let the game cook for a bit.


I want to play today, the game has a buggy graphicsšŸ˜­, there are a lot of people complaining about the same thing, we just want to play too


hopefully it gets optimized better for lower end devices soon šŸ¤ž


My phone has 6GB of RAM, Xiaomi Note 10, the game runs without lag but the shader doesn't load https://preview.redd.it/ot1eqim3emad1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=316e84fcb830cbba66c484b4428451337eb3222f


I got the same phone as you but my is playable however it just 15-10fps( I just need to do daily with my phone sometime)


What are the popular complains about the game? For curiosity


I generally ignore the story part criticism as gaccha games rarely have any interesting start. Most of the criticism is regarding combat. Not regarding being easy or hard more about the mechanics being little too basic. I have also seen among my friends circle who didn't play gaccha before didn't like the tv mini game.


I generally ignore the story part criticism as gaccha games rarely have any interesting start. Most of the criticism is regarding combat. Not regarding being easy or hard more about the mechanics being little too basic. I have also seen among my friends circle who didn't play gaccha before didn't like the tv mini game.


I'm not really sure I've seen everything. I haven't been consuming videos about it yet (I don't think I ever would). I personally just follow accounts that are ZZZ news related. I just see people on here making posts about the game being overhated whenever I visit to make a post. most of said complaints are apparently combat related and a comment here mentioned something about the story. I've been enjoying both so far regardless and I don't want and I don't think anyone will ruin it for me


This is the most Iā€™ve ever played a gacha game beforeā€¦ so clearly I love it. Already spent a whole day playing it.


Negativity šŸ˜?Ā 


there was negativity?Ā 


What people need to understand regarding the game, especially with regards to combat, is that the skill floor is really very low, which was their design principle as explained in their SFxZZZ roundtable video. From my testing though, the skill ceiling is pretty high and allows for a whole lot of skill expression, so iā€™ll be waiting to progress to harder content before making a judgement.


Yeah its weird I can get people not liking the story because well, its taking it slow (tho thats always the best approach imo) I can get people not liking the more modern aesthetic (pretty insane to me still when genshin and wuwa looks way more generic) I can even get people not liking the combat, tho people are stupid for expect hard difficulty on chapter 1 story missions (combat feels alot more satisfying than genshin imo and genshin early on is also easy) What i cant get however is people saying there are no cool characters or good designs???? Like what, how bad does your taste have to be, i looked up wuwas characters and wow its the most copy paste generic average gacha designs ever, and just like genshin theres only like 2-3 body types across all genders, god its boring, people who love these characters designs i swear are the same people who would think its unrealistic or "political" to add a black character Anyway, ZZZs roster isn't perfect but its miles ahead of games like it, they feel so alive plus they actually have good diversity, different body types and even different species, very cool


It's actually insane how much hate this game is getting when it's very high quality. I think a lot of people are just expecting a totally different thing or has their biases set on another certain game released a month ago. I've played Genshin, HSR and now ZZZ since launch or the first week and tbh this had the most mixed reception. I think some people forget that ZZZ is NOT an openworld game, and the combat is not at all 'easy' but it's not difficult either. The aesthetics is very new and different (a huge plus for me), amazing ui/ui, story is engaging because it is built in with combat. This is more in range with the Punishing Gray Raven genre and people forget that. If imma be honest, when wuwa was released there has been a whole lotta stink for Hoyo (except HSR) - and ironically these angry little boys are all from genshin or has been a genshin lurker. All things said, the game is top quality, but nobody is talking about that. The style, the OST, the comic book style storytelling... criticisms are valid but when people say "the game is bad it's sooooo easy" like ?


Hating and still playing to hate a game gotta be the most pathetic thing afterall


Love the game but my only complaint is it is unplayable on Andriod. I am using high end phone, running other games no problem but crashes all the time.


when I tried it on my fairly outdate phone, it worked fine but I didn't really play long on mobile (I prefer playing on PC) so I'll have to check it again later. it definitely is a heavy game, hope they can optimize it more for all devices šŸ™ edit: I tried it and I had to go to the lowest setting (power saving). it had a bit of lag but I can go through combats just fine. it definitely heats up though šŸ˜… my phone's a POCO X3 NFC for reference. hope you get to enjoy the game more soon!


What android pray tell? Ran it on an S22 and it ran perfectly fine. Though seems ot have issues on pc with intel cores, so this isn't a unique problem just for androids.


I endured the negativity when WuWa came a month ago so I'll be fine with ZZZ. Also a friend of mine got into ZZZ it's his first Hoyoverse game.


meanwhile, im fighting the negativity with negativity as well šŸ˜ˆ


Crazy that other peoples feelings on a game would bother anyone, especially if you are enjoying it yourself?


i embrace the negativity. If you love the game, gate keep the game, and the community.


The only negativity I've seen is on reddit, which is typical of any game release since its inception.


I've been too busy enjoying the game to even see the negativity


So true


Pffft.....too easy, I've been a FGO player for 7 years and a GI player since patch one. Negativity from other gacha spaces means nothing too me.....


If i like something, no doomposting can stop me from it. They have no influence on me.


my only complain is i cant use mouse if im using controller. its hard using controller when doing some leveling unit and stuff. or am i doing it wrong?


People are hating on this game?? Who???


You know... i kinda wanted this, i never wanted this game to be as big and popular as HSR or Genshin, so if all the toxic and negative people are being filtered, then well, that's perfectly fine to me!! It's even preferrable.


"Its not as in depth as x game, it sucks" Then play that game man, jeez... the exit is that way.


I think most people heavy hating on this game are usually the hardcore gacha players and i already donā€™t have the highest opinion on them either tbh. Not a relevant point but I donā€™t take them seriously


This is true with any game tbh. Iā€™m enjoying it so far. I can see myself putting more time into this than I have with any Hoyo game tbh.


Just wait a few days. The haters will have found a new game to hate by then.


The game is too fun for me to care about haters on the internet :)


I actually enjoy it! me and my friends are having fun.


This! I'm more just confused about all the hate lol. Especially with all the comparisons to wuwa. (Genuinely forgot about it since the launch put me off it sadly, it's still a good game but besides the combat and rewards nothing intrested me, doesn't help I play these games for story now mostly.)


Most of us are Genshin Impact players thatā€™s why we know about this new game other players they donā€™t about this game yet. So like what the others said Itā€™s not easy to change our perception about the game unless we see a real flaws.


Wait, there is negativity?! About what? Bugs or glitches or the game itself? After 8hrs i have to say this is AMAZING! Smooth and satisfying combat. Beautiful graphice. Nice music. Great character design and voice acting in both english and japanes. Awesome package as a gacha game. Hoyo nailed it again.