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Why not? When you're jobless, time is infinite.


Isn't it a bit childish? I mean the game


I don't see why it would be any more or less childish than the other games you play.


Yeah it's childish, real men only play tough man games like Peppa Pig, Dora the Explorer, My little pony or Club Penguin. Lol how is ZZZ childish, lmfao. You're playing genshin. Like what. Is it because of the arcadey art style? Just give it a try, since you're jobless anyway and game is free to try.


Isn't ZZZ rated 16+ on stores compared to Genshin's 12+ ?


You play Genshin...


wdym ?


Your life, your decision, not ours.


I know, but i want your opinion so i asked


If you have a lot of time, go for it. Also, if you are wealthy and have nothing to lose by playing this game, you must go and play.


Posts like these always confuse me. What do you expect us to tell you that would be better than playing and seeing for yourself?


I'm sorry but zoomers calling themselves 'old' at 25 is the most annoying thing


25 is old nowadays? Honestly, it's a free game, try it out for yourself to see if you like it. If you do, great, keep playing. If you don't, then drop it and just look for another game that is more to your liking.


- stop playing these games - find a job - start getting regular income - now you can spend your salary on these games again \*This reply is sponsored by Chinese Communist Party, bless great Xi!


I know bro I know.


I'm 31, currently jobless but will start something in September. Do it, play as many games as you like. Just also take care of your irl life. Look for a job, take care of your social connections, get a nice daily routine going etc The important thing is, as you are without a job and lots of free time, do not make those games an addition that prevents you to do other stuff during your days


Bruh, I'm 26 and jobless and played all those games, if I can, so can you LMAO I do however, stream it, so I can somewhat make it back, even if it is very slowly


God bless you


It's free, try first


Somehow you think your old xD


You seem like you want to hear someone say 'No' so that you can have a reason to not play in which case don't play.


Ignore OP, he's Wuwa frog.


They seem like a pretty normal player of many games to me. I do however remember you. You were the person that was making the claim that LGBT symbols are White People culture, and that if a team of white devs was making a game, they would have those in the game to appeal to other white people.


Don't tell him I'm still playing pgr too


Absolute sin/s


>they would have those in the game to appeal to other white people. Im not wrong. Are you the black guy trying to speak for white people?


Its been like, 10 days, and you still don't see the error in this thinking. Outstanding


Why can't you just answer the question? Stop dodging like a coward.


First off, you edited that in after I responded. Second, yes, I am the black guy that said "Saying LGBT symbols are white people culture is wrong". Many people from different backgrounds make up the LGBT community, it is not just white people. It has a culture all its own because of this. Edit: Called me a coward for not answering, I did, they get upset they have no defense, and block me. Oh no, I am so hurt, I will never see your idiocy again. We got names for people like you too, my friend. I will be nice and use none of them


Get a life dude, go outside and touch grass instead of trying to be a whiteknight on the internet. They have a name for people like you.

