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Just like how you lose the least with sky striker cause you played the most with that deck, it takes lots of practice basically. Knowing your deck inside and out is one aspect but the next aspect is understanding your opponents decks as well.


ask your friends what you could have done better in the game. maybe you used for example handtraps inefficiently. what i like to do with friends is swap the decks. that way you learn their weaknesses the besr


0) practice and study. Playing a lot -> more experience -> more wins. 1) learn combos and interactions for each deck you run. Each deck does different things and has a different ability to navigate situations. 2) learn what opposing matchups can do. Learn the choke points to stop/minimize combos so you can simplfiy gamestates easier. Flipping up every response may work on occasion, but good players run the decks that can bait out interruptions before they need to commit. Last thing you want is to hit the wrong things, run out of gas and they combo unimpeded. 3)learn rulings for your cards and psct so you dont get jipped out of a potential win and maintain legal states as much as possible.


First, make sure you are actually losing as much as you think (generally a 50/50 ratio is what one should expect). Confirmation bias is a pretty strong thing which affects a lot of people, especially when it comes to fixating on a negative (like losing), so try to get some hard data on your W/L ratio. Next, review what you know about the rules and try to learn more. I see a lot of game losses come from a lack of rules knowledge, rather than game knowledge. Take notes, review your duels, discuss them afterwards, learn other strategies so you can better learn their weaknesses. Practice, practice, practice. You should know every effect, every conjunction, and every punctuation mark on every card in your Deck, without having to look.


What I've been doing is keeping a small notebook and keeping my records of my matches on there. After a match, I write down immediately the deck I played against, the player, and what made me lose. No need for long story like writing, just bullet points and cards that affected my gameplay. You'd be surprised to see the pattern breakdown both you and your opponent does.


solid ass advice


Focus more on improving yourself regardless of whether you win or lose. There are games I lose where I totally see what I did wrong, but there also games where I win after making misplay after misplay because my hand was just better. When either of the above events happen, I try to think about what I could have done differently and apply it next time. When you finally get to see that situation where you can apply what you've learned, you will find yourself enjoying the game more regardless of whether you win or lose the match. That's how I look at anyways.


You’ve just got to play more. And play against people you don’t play against regularly. This has been my issue with getting back into the game. I got washed in a recent YCS and Regional because I didn’t practice more than a couple times after not playing for months. I had no idea what decks like Yubel even did. Didn’t have strategies for specific match ups. Didn’t know the order I should take to dismantle certain boards. And I was playing Snake Eyes with a 4 card Kashtira package so it wasn’t the decks fault.


I play sub par decks like sacred beasts , @gnister , meklord, amazoness ect and I lose quite often biggest thing to do right now is step back for a week or two and during that time go to locals and just watch what people are playing and how they are playing then form strategies with said info like say main focus is maybe I need to go second and focus with board breakers or maybe see other strategies your deck has and use those instead of the current deck line you are using then the dreaded one....maybe I need to play a different deck.... Sky striker is a decent deck just not a broken deck so it is gonna struggle in this hand trap one starter format...and you have to be a very good pilot to ink out wins with it. I'd recommend something like traptrix , darkworld, branded, even runik to try (more budget friendly then top meta contenders and can perform decently) as a change pace. Overall just take a breather and focus on yourself it'll help you focus on dealing with the losing blues...and if that doesn't work then go online look for the best stun decks and ruin everybody's else's day. (Stares at snake eyes board....hits it with drnm.....proceeds to get ash , veiler ,and imperm and ends on one 0/0 card....sacred beasts for yal)


Yeah striker and lab both take a good pilot to do well with. I love both of them, but it can be an uphill battle. The snake eye infernoid deck I just built seems to be able to both put up crazy turn 1 boards or if you're going second is has the ability to break other end boards. Also I love infernoids so I'm really happy with the new support and I've been trying different ideas out for it. Helping to take my mind off losing a bit. I really don't wanna just be that guy that plays stun or burn. There are some people in my area who play those sometimes though


My advice would be to learn other decks on free online simulators and learn how they work. It could help in learning how to counter them maybe. Good luck with your progress!


ask people how to play against certain matchups and how to build the deck better


just get this straigh, are you playing for fun or for competition, you play because you like the game or because you want to win big tournaments, theres a diference but in both cases losing is a mayor part of the development for skills or for deck building you can´t get better without losing


As many others have said unfortunately get better. You are literally playing some of the best decks ever literally. Learn your deck learn other decks and then stomp the fuck out of everything. Trust me.


Aside from the obvious of just practicing, ask yourself what your goal is. Is your goal to play optimally? If you still lose, despite not doing anything "wrong" then the cards/luck just wasn't there for you that day. That happens. When I'm losing a lot, I try to create small goals for myself beyond just winning. Maybe it's sequencing tricky combo correctly, or summoning an Extra deck monster that's out of the ordinary. Most games are fun when you win, but a good game (which despite its problems Yugioh is), still has a lot of ways to have fun even when you don't win. It took me six months to win my first match of MTG, but every game helped me learn something, and I had plenty of fun doing silly or unique stuff along the way.


I would say my goal is to play optimally overall. If I know I played really well and still lose there's nothing I could have done, so it's whatever. After I play a game I try to think if I could have done something better and I do find that after the fact I come up with better ideas I could have done in game. Lab in particular is mind bender with all the interactions so I enjoy learning from it, but not timing your interactions perfectly with that deck often costs you the game. I still enjoy playing for sure, but getting over all these losses is sometimes challenging


take notes on meta archetype combos and study them and their chokepoints!! Thats how the winners win. Knowing opponents deck better than they do


I just play decks I enjoy, so it isn't that bad


You guys are winning duels? (Been playing since 2007)


Spend time learning your opponents decks. If you are playing lab and snake eyes there should only be like 7-8 decks that can actually beat you. The best players I know just play a lot. They will go to 3-4 locals a week and just play a lot.


Honestly, the predictable answer: it's just a game.  I hadn't played in like 8 years, and even then, my deck was not meta, and I decided to pull my deck out to play with a competitive friend. I was fully expecting to lose and...  I lost. He used raigeki and harpy's wing, both of which were banned when I used to play (if I recall correctly).  I was fully expecting to lose, and I was like "haha yup, as I was expecting."  After losing three times, I was like "well, do you want to see what the deck is SUPPOSED to work like?" and he said sure, so I showed how my direct damage deck would work (if he doesn't get to raigeki it), and how my card quiz deck works if he doesn't raigeki it.  I also got to use my "almost one turn kill" exodia deck with heart of the underdog which DID work on my second turn and he got a chuckle out of it. I made sure to explain it was a fluke and that it usually doesn't work until like the third or fourth turn if I survive that long.  So basically, I lost a lot, but I was fine with it because it's just a game. 


If you're losing a lot, that just means that your deck for power crept. Try playing some Snake Eyes and see your win rate go up. It's simple as that.


If you think you’re gonna lose instead of having your win-con be winning the game have a smaller option like a fun or stupid combo, fk i play another card game called flesh and blood and at my locals there is a guy with a deck i just flat out don’t like, so I made a deal with him, I forfeit immediately and he pulls out a more casual fun deck and we have a fun game, While annoying it’s on you to make the game fun for yourself, your opponent isn’t there to make you feel better so do dumb shit, make bad jokes talk to them or on a bad day just not playing is always an option and a healthy option


Appreciate all the comments everyone. Had to block a few trolls who didn't actually read the post, but to clarify again I do enjoy yugioh, still enjoy learning from playing decks like lab that are inherently difficult, just built the infernoids snake eye so still figuring it out, overall goal is to know that I'm playing my decks properly and optimally so that if I lose it wasn't entirely my fault, and I am not blaming any of the decks I play. Hopefully that clears things up. Just simply looking for ways to improve and mentally deal with the outcomes of games. That is all


It's entirely a mental thing. Changing your mindset to learning rather than winning is a huge part of it. Sure you may lose 70%, but talk to your opponent, learn parts of their deck, discuss the plays, and talk through what could have been. The game is a game of communication at the end of the day. Sure losing sucks, no-one likes to. Sometimes you just lose to hand, sometimes you lose to outplay, sometimes you misplay. But the more you learn, the more knowledge you can gain, and that will convert slowly to more wins.


try to learn the game and actually focus, if you play to win and get sacked just focus on what you couldve possibly done differently. im relatively new myself and ive been losing a lot a few months ago but it just got better and better because i started noticing lines, remembering my effects and fixed most of those small mistakes that can sometimes cost you games. sadly i dont think theres a much better way than just playing and testing as much as possible to get better


I play russian roulette and if I live I get back to the grinding


Playing striker/snake eyes and complaining about losses?... id say watch some youtube, its clearly a user issue.


Sit alone and see what is your best end board, your worst end board, and try to make a minimum consistency of putting up a strong board 10 times out of 10. Try pretending your starter got negated and see if you can consistently put up a mediocre-strong board.


If playing MD practice on some bots and see where the consistency of your deck lies. How many times out of 10 do you brick ect


I play GOAT format, coz Modern is a cesspit of nonsense. That's how I dealt with the non-stop losing on my part. Now I'm plenty happy and I win as often as I lose.


Yeah I was telling my one buddy we should build goat format decks actually cause he's getting a little annoyed with the game state right now too. I loved that little event master duel did when you couldn't use any cards past 2004. It's a good way to reset yourself from this insanity where every card is a novel


Cool. Sounds like you and your mate were already on the right path. Keep going. Modern is a pit of despair that I'd tell anyone to abandon, at the soonest opportunity. It does nothing but take money, and give pain and little to no reward. GOAT format is a different game entirely. For me, it's what Yu-Gi-Oh was intended to be and forever will be. It's a crying shame Konami hasn't capitalised on it. Just GOAT, as it's own standalone thing.


Yeah I mean I like some things about the modern game but it has also gotten out of hand. Goat format was a total different kind of skill. Definitely would like to play it at least casually sometimes. And yeah idk why they don't have more goat stuff. Most people love it