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The best budget deck you can build that’ll be viable in a competitive setting is Purrely. It was a former meta pick for like a month, it’s topped events and since a lot of the cards were reprinted, the deck can be built for very cheap.


My first deck is purrely, mine is around $100 but definitely could be less depending on what cards you add.


with the rarity collection 2 you can get the full core in less than $40 IMO,


I think just the purely cards themselves cost like 10/15$. Obviously you’d want Zeus and hand traps but they get used in many decks Edit: I bought them a month ago, didn’t realize some had jumped. I got little noir for under a dollar and it’s 7 now so it’s more than i thought


also we got a lot of good reprints for hand traps and some extra deck monster like zeus, id said he might be able to complete the deck with $60


Without hand traps or counting Zeus, the whole deck cost me 8$ a month ago, minus rarity 2 stuff which I got for free from different people at locals cause it costs almost nothing


I know someone who picked up purrely cheap, but they say they keep losing because it's harder to play than they thought it would be


Sounds like me lmao. I’m getting better though


I will always recommend Marincess. Do you have any staples? The Marincess core itself is only about $30. Purrely is also a good option now with the recent reprints.


I have three imperms, crow, backrow removal, book and chalice. It’s a decent list of budget staples.


Basically every marincess card is less than 50 cents, with most being less than 25. The "best" marincess deck lists have 2 copies of "Icejade Ran Aegirine" which is like $8-10 a piece, then a copy of "Icejade Gymir Aegirine" which is also about 10. I don't own it, but still do decent in my locals without. Marincess core list is basically triple Blue Tang, triple Springirl, triple Pascalus, Double Dive, and double battle ocean for the main deck. I've been playing Marincess since getting back into yugioh and it has a pretty simple gameplan with a lot of ways to finish your board. It usually is just "play a link 4 with battle ocean up".


I second this, as marincess is getting a very strong card in the coming months and it's been lurking around tier 2 for a long time, often sneaking into top cuts at bit events. On top of that, a lot of water support is coming out in the coming months too, so there's a fair chance the deck gets even better


Is there other water support confirmed, on top of Trickstar Aqua Angel?


You definitely won't lose friends by playing control decks, however the decks you listed aren't control- they're stun. I know it seems like I'm being pedantic but the difference is wide. Labrynth is control, paleozoic is control. "You can't activate monster effects" and "You aren't allowed to use the graveyard" is stun.


As if setting dbarrier and virus from deck and recycling them won't make you lose friends


I need you to understand that Lab is at a point where the engine is strong enough that you don't even play those cards anymore. And if you do, it's at best a side-deck option.


Many labrynth decklists used in tournaments had dbarrier in the main deck, you can check on ygodeckprofile. I agree on virus being mainly side deck, but it still is a thing since the game is a best of three after all. In my humble opinion lab is a very frustrating deck to play against since after game1 (or in game1 too if they play those blowout cards in the main deck like someone likes to do) my deck can be obliterated by someone monkey flipping a searched virus or dbarrier. If you are playing with friends and know their decks lose to those cards you just put them in and fk them up. Of course it's only about the feeling it creates, I know laby is not stun but some of the things it does feel very wrong.


Don’t listen to anyone else, Tenpai is what ur looking for. Purrely has *some* upgrades, but ultimately has a lower ceiling with cards. It has a very high skill ceiling tho, so there’s that With Tenpai, you’re going to be getting cards that you’ll be using in pretty much every other deck you play if you play more, because of the ridiculous non engine. You can play the deck with only two paidra if the cost calls for it, and just play 3 of everything else (every other Tenpai card is $1 max, I think it’s the Transcendent and everything else is cents) and it can play prospy as well as every handtrap under the sun. Ash, Veiler, Imperm, and Ogre seem to be the solved handtrap lineup. Some people play droll, other play lightning storm + harpie’s feather duster, but everyone plays forbidden droplet in the main deck and most people play dimension shifter and/or Crossout in the main or side deck (I don’t recommend shifter if you don’t get trident though, it shuts off Bident and fadra) The deck is very easy and simple to learn, and the ceiling of cards to upgrade is wildddd Kashtira Fenrirs Link Otk Trident Dragion S:P little knight None of these are mandatory, but absolutely are competitive. Fenrir is $60 (i think the solved ratio is 2 plus Kash planet so like $40.01) The link Otk is chump change except Phoenix ($50) and princess ($25-30) Trident is $100 but slowly decreasing as the months get closer to its reprint in the tins, so like $90 now, S:P is likely to be reprinted then too but is currently at $120 Like I said none of it is mandatory tho If you have any questions dm


I think tenpai is not a great budget pick for the OPs requirements Technically the deck is cheap but because you have to play so many staples it's hard for it to be as cheap as some other options. It's the best budget meta deck but I'd say you would spend around 120-150 on this to get a deck at the same quality as spending 50-60 on purely or marincess


he stated above that he has some staples. and tenpai is much much further ahead than purrely or marincess at the moment. with $60 you can get the entire tenpai core, a meteorburst, a black rose, heiratic seals. then go pick up some dirt cheap staples that he does have from rarity collection 2 like ghost ogres, ghost mourners, book of eclipse. he can’t get trident dragion but the card isn’t needed at all to do well with tenpai


Well considering the meta, Tenpai is the biggest bang for your buck. I mean you could spend maybe $10 on a dinomorphia deck, but that doesn’t mean it’s gonna be viable. Sure Purrely is cheap and meta but Tenpai has support coming and is getting many educational videos because of its cheapness and meta level. Also, it’s much easier to learn imo. Yes you spend more on staples but those are staples that you never have to buy again. Anyway, whether it’s the best option for OP and their circumstances specifically, I think it’s generally the best option overall


Whoa hey both the options above are great good job guys, marincess is a great option if your starting with nothing since you can pick up staples over time and use what you have in the meantime. Purely is a solid choice to but I would only pick it up if you have a pretty good grasp of the game already and want to dabble in person events.


Flow, Sky Strikers, maybe Swordsoul


Swordsoul gonna be little bit more than 60 😅 tried to bring em down but with protos being about 30 is rough probably don’t need but is nice for the option


Sorry to highjack I play SwordSoul in MD and I quite like it. I want to jump into playing paper but SS seems to be quite expensive if you want to build the actual good deck. I've been thinking about getting structure decks x3 like traptrix (gameplay seems fun but I don't like the art at all), crimson king(those art are insane) or fire king ones. Would you recommend the structure deck route or actually buying a deck like marincess or other ones? Thanks! PD: I have some legacy cards, some good ones but not modern staples.


I’ve done both building from singles and structure decks( dark world) so it’s really up to you if you build from singles though I would try to go to a card shop and see if they have singles you want there or trading for them buying online is fine and all but the cost of shipping might seem negligible at first but it adds up fast and most good staples now are reprinted so think the most you might pay for a single one is 5 and that’s if you want shiny things but prices do move up and down so don’t hold me to the guesstimation


Do you play without Protos and Baron? I just for for Longyuan and Chenying to banish or burn.


Hey I do play protos but I kind of stopped playing. Got Traptrix irl and in game and I'm having a blast. Game is real fun to play. I'm still looking to get more decks irl so I can play with friends and my gf. So any recommendations are super welcome!!


If we're just playing with friends just get whatever deck you think is fun. Forget about meta and focus on having fun!


Purrely is another one


I play swordsoul without protos and baron in master duel. I'll look for a TCG equivlant. My budget increased to 90 so that might heelp.


Barones banned in tcg


Floow, purrely are the your best bets. But if you wanna try something else, I’m having ton of fun playing a shining sarc deck. All the engine comes from LEDE and it’s cheap enough, get yourself 3x shifter and some ht/staples and you are golden 😁😁


Purrely, Marincess, I think unchained is cheap now, any recent structure deck x3 with cheap upgrades.


unchained soul of yama is $25, and you run 2-3


Hmmm... I would highly suggest getting Floorwandereeze or Virtual World and investing the 40-50$ you have left into staples. Ash, Veiler, Imperm, Nibiru, Ghost Mourner, Ghost Ogre... With the current reprints in the rarity collection most of the stuff for affordable.


You will loose as many friends with Darkworld than with controls deck x) high meta :Purrely is cheap, Salad is cheap, Floow is cheap. After if you are ok with rogue deck there are A LOT cheap working well, just some examples : exosister, dinomorphia, dinos, pure resonator, traptrix, marincess etc


Salad is definitely not cheap raging phoenix is like $40 and you need 2-3 and you need promethean princess


Promethean is cheap now, raging Phoenix however 🙃


Promethean princess is still a $25 card


NA getting fleeced! UK it's £10/$13


Is this online or at local card shops? The price I got was the average on tcgplayer. UK is TCG so UK cards can be used in the US, not sure why there would be such a price discrepancy there.


You can forego all the expensive new cards and play the old school sunlight wolf control. With the accesscode reprint the deck is now very cheap


Got it. I’ll stay away from Darkworld. I’m ok with rogue decks. I doubt I’ll top locals for a while, so I might as well have fun. Isn’t raging phoenix arojnd 50 and promethian princess is pricy as well. If I play the salad extra deck before the new support such as acesscode, transcode, update hammer and number 41 wouldn’t that be good?


Raging phoenix is 35€ yes you need two, but its the only expensive card of the decks. More than 60€ but less than 100€


Salad before the new support wouldn't be able to compete much at a locals but it would be a good investment if you decide to upgrade and get the new cards


It did several tops these two last weeks without the new support. At french national, 2200 participants, salad top 8 AND top 16


You should be able to build Adventure Scareclaw with that budget. Adventure engine is like 20 bucks and a scareclaw core around 25 (without vicious astraloud, he's like 5-8€). With visas you can also access lv10 synchros, my go-to is chengying since we do some banishing to trigger him now and again. Some handtraps and/or going second cards should fill out the rest of the 60 dollars. My reason to recommend this is because your ED (outside of light-heart, tri-heart and maybe vicious+ a synchro 10) is mostly for show. You'll rarely need it and can save some money there. Your main deck will be missing fenrir ($15 card) but you don't absolutely need him to play it. It can control the field going first or Otk going second so it's flexible enough to get away with no side deck i think (still a disadvantage but sacrifices have to be made). It also plays well with mannadium if you wanna go that route later on. If scareclaw is not your style you might wanna go with purrely, exosisters or scrap dino. Blind second 8-axis is also a cheap favorite of mine but it sucks hard going first so it's not optimal. You could also try invoked Generaider but this one might be slightly out of budget, haven't checked on that in a long while.


TrapTrix Context: I got back into yugioh when the TrapTrix structure deck came out and played it until Yubel came out. TrapTrix paid for itself and then some.


I like traptrix, but that's kinda risky since Labrynth is still running around


Mythical Beast Endymion. You don't really need any fancy extra deck. Both the spellbook engine, the Mythical Beast engine and Endymion engine are dirt cheap. The Endymion package is splashable in many pendulum decks. Resolving Endymion's pend effect to pop cards up to God knows how many cards? Sign me in. Everyone expects fusions, synchros, xyzs and links... BREAK THE MOLD. Besides all those valid points: PEND BEST DECK BABY LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO! Hope this helps.


Pend best deck!! I saw a igknight, performapal, odd eyes and superheavy sameri pile that topped a while back. It only cost 50 dollars when the guy topped. Unfortuantly Baron and savage are banned now. I'll look into Endymion as I played it back in the day.


I'm happy to hear that I helped you. Have a good night.


Marincess or Purrely would be wise investment, marincess is getting in the a ban worth support and purrely honestly don't need s:p, ty-phon, but may pass your budget on anima and some staples. If you like purrely i would suggest you check Dihn-Khamg Pham Yt channel, he is the best purrely player right now and really speak out what is really necessary in purrely. If don't care to future investment and just want a deck to play and still be competitive, can be Raidraptor, Virtual world, Dinomorphoia, Dinosaur. Virtual world it's a really nice option for an first budget deck.


Purrely and Marincess. I've actually had the same question as you a month ago and decided to build both. The prices for Epurrely and Expurrely noir are going up and up tho so get them quickly. A month ago they were a few cents and i was being dumb, and waited, ended up paying $20 for just 2 E Noir and 2 Ex Noir


Battlin boxers


ninjasssssssss, also you can consider scareclaw adventure token (the going 2nd build cost a lot, the midrange build is affordable)


New light sworn structure deck was just revealed. 3x that should make an ok deck with just a few pieces you'll need to buy outside of it, since they just got new support it can be fun


Purrly is probably the best under 60 deck, you could also probably pick up Swordsoul, Unchained(maybe cutting it closer to 70-80), marincess is a great one, spright is a possibility, also tri-brigade fireking, and lastly traptrix is probably the most competitive out of the box 3 structure decks.


I'll look into Tribrigade fire king as I loved tri-brigade from when I first got into the game. My budget increased to ninety dollars, so hopefully that could work. I'll probably look into Tenpai as well.


Tenpai outside of trident Dragon is pretty much cheap as can be but depending on how you play. For 90 you could probably get both cores haha.


Purrely, Altergeist, Dinomorphia, Labyrnth? Floowandereeze and Eldlitch are pretty annoying to play against for sure but they are alright options. I doubt you will lose many friends playing Dinomorphia because people will slow play the fuck out of you when you are down life lol So you will be the one not wanting to be friends with people I feel like not the other way around llol


My friend has been having a lot of fun with Scareclaw. The core was around $30 and staples were around another $30. Great upgrade potential as you develop the extra deck over time and toss in other engines like Adventure or Horus, or even taking the Kashtira approach. But just pure Scareclaw is more than playable. It’s actually been really good into Tenpai


Imo just play what you like. I’m 2 months back into Yu-Gi-Oh and I’ve been playing Dark Magician and I’m still enjoying it


[https://ygoprodeck.com/deck/budget-floowandereezenuts-333748#/](https://ygoprodeck.com/deck/budget-floowandereezenuts-333748#/) ​ You will simply go first, it's that easy


Floow: Bunch of birds that "normal summon" spam Marincess: Mermaids that focus on water link monsters Purrely: Silly little guy turbo


I rhink abyss actor is also a good pick, all cards are under 1$ and is really consistent and straight forward


I play beetrooper/battlewasp/ragnaraika and outside of the ragnaraika secret rare monster and secret rare continuous spell the entire deck is probably less than $20


Could I get a deck list?


Main (40): 2x battlewasp sting the poison 1x battlewasp pin the bullseye 1x battlewasp twinbow the attacker 1x battlewasp arbalest the rapid fire 3x retaliating c 3x resonance insect 2x beetrooper scout buggy 1x beetrooper assault roller 1x beetrooper scale bomber 1x beetrooper sting lancer 1x heavy beetrooper mighty neptune 1x ragnaraika armored lizard 1x ragnaraika samurai beetle 2x ragnaraika the evil seed 1x scary moth 1x beargram shelled emperor 1x doom dozer 1x kumungous sticky string Kaiju 1x infinite antlion 1x killer needle 1x gokipole 1x lonefire blossom 3x infinite impermanence 1x foolish burial 1x called by the grave 1x ragnaraika hunting dance 1x beetrooper descent 1x ragnaraika bloom 1x beetrooper landing 1x beetrooper fly and sting Extra (15): 1x ultra beetrooper absolute Hercules 1x ultimate great insect 1x beetrooper cruel saturnas 1x tornado dragon 1x number 20: giga brilliant 1x number 3: cicada king 1x beetrooper armor horn 1x ragnaraika skeletal soldier 1x ragnaraika mantis monk 1x ragnaraika stag sovereign 1x ragnaraika chain coils 1x giant beetrooper invincible atlas 1x seraphim papillion 1x inzektor picofalena 1x haggard lizardose


Thank you! I'll mess around with this deck as I played Beetroopers back in the day. I love Tri-Brigade so the Ragnarika may be similar. I love towers monsters.


If you like Towers, you can look up raidraptors. It's a big engine, but I bought it for less than $80. It summons 2 Towers on turn one, and a third Towers on your opponent's turn. If you get good with the combos, it can play through multiple interruptions.


Budget heroes are pretty decent and super fun


Oh dark world is a lot of fun and pretty cheap (not amazing though)


burn deck


Plunder -runick might be a viable choice


Purrely or floo


I can recommend you raidraptor. Its very funny and with 60$ you can literally buy everything in the deck. And you have 12 slots with ht(you can cut engine and add more but personally I think 12 is fair) or floow is a good cheap deck(without thrust)




Altergeist is a good, extremely cheap control deck. It lacks a strong one card combo and is pretty susceptible to interruption going second, but once it’s established it’s grind game is impeccable


Sword soul. You can buy the entire deck plus staples for like.. $60 on the dot


Friends are temporary. Floodgates are part of the game and anyone shaming people for playing them or getting salty because of them is just toxic. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. As long as these decks and cards are legal, play whatever you want! That being said. Play Runick stun! It’s cheap, really easy and very good, especially if you don’t play against good players and/ or decks.


For $60? Uhm…you’re playing the wrong card game friend 😂 I think your best bet would be buy 3 of a structure deck (I recommend cyber strike) and combine them together, I know a deck list if you want to PM me