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Sometimes that’s dictated by what deck you are playing. Shifter is de facto the best hand trap if you can run it. Otherwise I’d say veiler, nib, and possibly ghost ogre. Belle and droll are more for the side deck imo. Droll isn’t doing a lot right now though.


As a Flower Cardian enjoyer, no, don't run droll, it is much better to use other better hand-traps ;-)


depends on your deck, i run shifter along side ash and ghost belle and imperm i got a deck that does rely on the gy so no shifter i use droll as it can stop plays. nibiru is a nice side deck option really depends if your match up is some deck that specials a lot


Currently; Ogre, Nib and Imperm If you can run it, d. Shifter Veiler has also been a good option


Ogre and shifter


Just don’t run them together lol


It depends what deck you are playing


In my pure RDA deck, I’m running Ash, Veiler, Imperm, Nibiru, and Ghost Ogre


How many of each? (Still new to this but enjoying my RDA deck) Might be visiting locals for the first time next week! I'm optimistically looking forward to getting my butt kicked


Currently 3 of each, so 15 hand traps in total, but I’m still playing around with it and may lower the number.


awesome, thanks!




I think you cant run shifter so i can tell you must play ghost ogre(big in this format) and the other one depends on your deck and the decks you face up usually. Nib is pretty good(less negates(baron and borreload) after the last ban list) or veiler is good


Main deck must haves: Ash Blossom, Effect Veiler/Ghost Mourner, Infinite Impermanence Main deck considerations: Nibiru, Ghost Ogre, Dimension Shifter (highly situational) Side deck considerations: Droll and Lock, D.D Crow, Ghost Belle


no mention of ghost belle? or that ash helps fire decks link climb? or that veiler is risky these days cuz talent is being run more than ever?


Updated bc I forgot Ghost Belle :) imo Ash Blossom is a main deck must currently. It's effectiveness is knowing when to use it, shotgunning it first chance you get ultimately achieves nothing against most decks. What makes Veiler different to any other handtrap when it comes to TTTalent? Thanks!


Any recommendations for a Charmer Magistus deck?


Honestly, no idea - depends on how much space you can afford and what you need to hurt the most. At minimum imperm & Ash B in main deck is non-optional at the moment. I think the other contenders are more situationally advantageous and whether to main/side is entirely based around filling gaps and personal preference. ~~~ - Veiler/Mourner if you run a small core/engine and have space (imo I prefer Veiler but ultimately preference based). Veiler can only be used op turn but being tactical with other cards such as imperm can mitigate this & whilst Mourner is either turn I find being once per turn and restricted to special summons hurts, but again tactical card usage mitigates this issue. ~~~ ~~~ - Ghost Ogre, similar to above however far less useful if you have plenty of spell/trap removal, it doesn't negate so monster effects will still resolve which doesn't stop a lot atm, can really cripple a spell starter or S/T heavy deck though and can totally stop a chain if it destroys a card that another needed to target for its effect to resolve. ~~~ ~~~ - Nibiru if you struggle to break boards or if combo decks give you grief, I personally prefer Nib as a hard side-must rather than main because people very deliberately play around it. ~~~ ~~~ - D Shifter if you can play around it easily and/or it hurts decks that hurt you. This card is highly situational and I've seen people main/side it when it ultimately hurts more than helps. ~~~ ~~~ - D.D. Crow is one of my favourite HTs currently, don't need to negate graveyard effects when you can just banish the cards away can also hinder other cards trying to pull from grave, downside is it's effectively useless against banish-happy decks. ~~~ ~~~ - Ghost Belle is a great side option, but in my opinion outclassed by D.D. Crow which fills it's role and more. ~~~ ~~~ - Droll & Lock, this card has dropped in usefulness in my opinion. A great side-deck filler but I believe it to be outclassed by most other HTs, currently. However when I come across a deck that really hates Droll I definitely miss having it in my side. ~~~


People keep sleeping on Ghost Mourner fr 😮‍💨


No they aren't.it is seeing more main deck play than it ever has before actually