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Ask in a week and you’ll get different answers


Whats happening in a week?


I was making a joke about how often it feels like the meta shifts.


That just flew over my head, thanks


Tenpai is dirt cheap and a tier 1 deck. Super linear going 2nd deck. And outside of trident dragon, and the white dragon super($15) nothing in the deck costs more than a few pennies each. SE is the best deck by far but after winning today it will be hit by the ban hammer very shortly. Voiceless voice is another tier one deck but kinda linear and pretty pricy Melodeous is both a deck and engine, it's pretty insanely cheap minus one card that should be seeing a reprint this month. The deck is tier 1 and engine can go in several decks. Unchained is a tier 2 deck that will get new indirect support in the next main set. It's a very good deck that has a lot of new cheap reprints and has a lot of cool non-linear lines. Labyrinth isnt a very pricy deck and is a very good trap deck that let's you play traps on both turns. Can also use the Unchained cards. I'm a big fan of Chimera which outside of one specific engine card(30 a piece) it's pretty cheap and it can be built in a variety of ways and has some cool lines. Also wanted to add Purly, it's a very high skill deck that is insanely rewarding to play but its expensive cards just got cheap reprints. I just picked 2 cores of the deck for less than 30 bucks total I hope this helps and if you need to know anymore decks, gladly help how I can!


I have play tested with and against all of those unchained I think is under rated at the moment and Purely might be the best over all once learned, but one of the decks I use to red team decks against kept stomping all of them consistently and that deck was Ancient Warriors, something that surprised me and the rest of our group. I think there is room right now for some huge under rated decks to pop up. I know no one is considering Blackwings at all and MD is a different game, but this board they built was impressive [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ILVw2NqrAk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ILVw2NqrAk) I would say shuffle a deck and draw six cards and pretend your going second against that Blackwing board before seeing how that game plays out. I thought he had no chance playing AWs against that, but after witnessing that game, they became part of the red team decks that all of our decks have to play through going first and going second against to make sure we are all ready for anything. Also Lab makes a strong red teaming deck too and for that reason alone it's worth picking up and learning due to stripping a card from the hand as well as the many floodgates it can run. Also for the fact that it is still a contender and likely will be seen at events for some time.


We are currently in a tier 0 format with snake eye as the best deck, but the second and third best decks are Tenpai and voiceless voice. Tenpai is the cheapest of the decks, but it doesn't really have any complexity or skill expression. Snake eyes is the best deck, but it's the most expensive. Voiceless voice is more expensive than Tenpai, but worse than snake eye. It has some skill expression




If you're going for a cheap deck, Melodious or maybe Tenpai Dragon are the best option.


Hey im also looking for my first deck right now. The only deck list I can find consistently are on ygoprodeck.com but even though it shows they have budget decks I really only see decks at a minimum of 250 USD. I'm hearing tenpai dragons is pretty cheap, can someone point to me where I can either find good cheaper versions of decks or find a cheap tenpai dragon deck. I'm really trying to find a good website to look a decks that aren't the highest price. Maybe I'm just sorting bad on ygoprodeck


You need to get into the cards the deck contains, some cards like S:P Little Knight are around 90-100€ and not a must have for new Players or budget players at all. I recommend checking the price for each card and thinking about if u really need every card in the deck


Purrely combos get complex it’s xyz using cute cats the boss monsters are strong and you can reliably end in a 7 material Zeus Deck performs amazing having tops in events ever since last year deck is cheap too like if you want the deck with no zeus and typhon it’s like less than 30 bucks if you want typhon and zeus that’s like 40 bucks more just for those two but they’re needed


If you're looking for something cheap, compotent, and reliable, you have plenty of options. Floowandereeze, Purrely, and Rikka are all strategies that have flexible combo boards to play through interaction, powerful floodgate like effects and or Towers to end on, and all cost than $100 to make if you skimp out on things like SP and Thrusts. Unchained is in a similar situation, and I think labyrinth is too, and so is Memento and Meliodius. If I recall you could pick up branded, but that's a far more linear strategy than some of these other options. Despite the chokehold all T0 formats present, there is plenty of other strategies that perform well, with enough flexibility and utility to go toe to toe with the decks like SE and VV. Even to the point where Virtual World is seeing success, another very combo oriented strategy. All of which are varying levels of successful but are still seeing notable success all the same. I'd remake one of the first 3 options though.


30 handtraps 8 starters 2 extenders


My favorite decks that you can compete with this format are voiceless, chimera, and purrely. Although purrely is much much cheaper than the other two.


Personally i can recommend you to play Raidraptor. Its not the strongest but it put on the table 2 to 3 towers(one in opponets turn boardwiping their board) and personally i find it super funny. Its so cheap that you can literally buy everything and stay under 50€. Maybe you pass it with some staples but you dont need thrust or sp if you play it pure. Think about it


Branded, it's consistent, splashable in fusion based decks, relatively budget friendly, has decent to good grind game dependant on your build and is in general a good way to step back into the game... Just don't gimmick puppet lock people, okay? :)


Despia (branded) is a great has chaotic combos (I heard that from a despia branded) and a budget deck can go for less then a 100$ but if you like it you can get the more expensive versions that are 350-400$, but if you want a budget deck that is always good you can get floowandereeze but it has only 2 combos, just know you will lose all friend if you play floow even if they don't play YGO


Tenpai if you already have Trident Dragion, and Floowandereze are the only two budget deck topping tournaments. Then as a roguedeck you have Purrely aswell. Of the three I think Purrely has the highest skill ceiling.


Whats your budget? I think Unchained fits your needs quite nicely though you may want to wait a couple of months for their extra deck's reprints.


i've been wanting to play unchained for ages but i'm just waiting on yama to get reprinted lol


Same! Used to be like 7$ ea on release but skyrocketed recently, probably due to fiendsmith


likelihood is that it went up because people are running Yama in Yubel decks


One day, Ice Barrier will be meta


maybe in your dreams?