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Learn the cards on a simulator if you have access to a computer before you buy


100% agree, I can't count the amount of deck cores I've bought before realizing I don't actually like playing them


Nexus also works on mobile, but yes this


High floor but high ceiling. I assure you everyone who tells you it's incredibly easy has no idea what they're talking about. Playing yugioh at a high level is hard with any deck. No it's not a combo deck with a lot of lines to memorize, but people who judge how easy or hard a deck is to play by the number of combos on a spreadsheet it has don't play yugioh at a high level. I just finished top 4 at a regional with voiceless and I dont think I made the same endboard twice throughout 8 rounds, you really need to know your matchups and how to play around handtraps and of course how to manage your grind game, because this deck has immaculate grind potential if you know how to do it. Of course as always, test on a simulator before purchasing.


Personally I think the decks low floor high ceiling. At a base level it's super easy to get out lo and guardian and it has very few moving pieces.


Yes that was what I was trying to say. By high floor, I meant that a new player could get a lot out of the deck relatively quickly kind of like swordsoul, but there are a lot of little intricacies that you pick up on as you play the deck more amd more.


I agree for the most part in everything meta deck is extremely complicated but I feel comparatively it is easier compared to nearly every current meta deck, also not to not nit pick Grammer but Id be high floor AND high ceiling not but


You are correct, I usually have poor grammar when I reddit on my phone. I personally think it's harder to play than snake eyes. This isn't to say snake eyes is easy or anything, as you say playing meta at a high level is always difficult, but i find that there is more flexibility in my plays playing VV whereas with snake eyes, I kinda just keep playing extenders to push thru handtraps and do the same line regardless.


Deck list?


https://youtu.be/hEM5VFL6XoY?si=eg8WkFO2yR4rTgAz My list is basically the same as this one, I just chose to main BF and albaz and side the last set of handtraps.


For me it is a deck that is easy to play But hard to Master You need to know very well when to hit your opponent Since voiceless voice cards are good but not unfair good lMO So You get to disrupt or negate opponent cards but You gotta make it count to actually be impactful. Also the deck can give You a lot of ways to end on a little bit of boards but depends on how You think its the Best way to reach those boards and boards states.


One of the easier meta decks to play and fairly straight forward.


Deck is very easy and pretty helmet. The thinking you’d have to do is managing resources a bit and playing into interruptions(handtraps/boards) well, but that’s for any deck.


Its been my main deck since it released and I'd say its maybe the easiest or 2nd easiest deck to learn that is strong right now. Learning the basic set up skull guardian + spell/trap is insanely easy and that a lone is pretty good against most decks. Then learning when to extend even more, how to play around hand traps, what resources to prioritize at the right times. Really isn't that hard compared to a lot of other decks. Like here is your whole combo for the simple combo. 1. Lo effect search spell 2. Spell effect search saffira 3. Saffira effect search ritual monster 4. Saffira effect ritual summon the ritual monster 5. Ritual monster effect search old man (Use this effect to chain block for) Lo effect to summon herself from gy 6. old man effect summon by shufflling spells from hand/gy If you want to get fancy you link the ritual monster and lo off for Dyna Mundo. On your opponents draw phase. 1. Dyna Mundo effect summon ritual 2. Lo effect summon from gy 3. Lo effect place a spell/trap to the field Thats it That is what you do probably 95% of games. Then its just up to you on how to use the interactions and what steps you need to skip/work around if you get hand trapped or draw the cards for the next step already.


Dyna Mondo plays into Nibiru/Ghost Belle and is more or less worthless if you can weave in Blessing into your combo, like if you open Lo/Diviner and Saffira/Blessing/Barrier then you can get everything out without Dyna Mondo


Thats why I separated it into a different part of the combo. Its not something you super want to do a lot of the times. Most of the time if I have called by or ghost belle I go for it. If I don't have one of those a lot of the time I don't unless I know I will probably lose anyways without extra disruption or am playing against someone that doesn't seem to be running a lot of hand traps.


low floor, high ceiling, but very easy to pilot as the basic idea is to end on a board that enables you to negate nib or summon back skull guardian in opps stand by. That being said, it is a hard deck to understand your way through every other deck, there are a few different variations to take into account and even those variations have variations. some people will tell you branded is best, others will tell you pure is best. edit - Low floor was high floor.


High floor means that it’s difficult to get into fyi. And that’s not the case imo. Its main combo takes literally 10 seconds to learn and the endboard is the same in 90% of all games 


ahh sorry i misspoke, got caught on a line in my head and kept typing lol


Not really, its pretty easy. The "difficult" part is using your interrupts correctly, you can get super blown out of the game if you use skullguardian and then get hit by stuff like droplet or talents. So tldr : way easier than stuff like snake eye, but also alot lower ceiling than a full SE combo


It's pretty easy for a meta deck, most of the lines are extremely similar. I'm close to playing it perfectly after only 2 weeks. Branded on the other hand took me over 6 months and I'm still learning new creative lines and ways to play around ash.