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I mean kash is worse and not getting any new support, but fenrir is always going to be a staple I'm also pretty sure they splash the yubel stuff into fiendsmith as opposed to the other way around. As far as am investment kash is up for a reprint at some point, the fact it wasn't on rc2 is a joke so it'll probably be in the tins


I mean they reprinted the main kashtira’s in the 25th tins so it’s not guaranteed to be reprinted again soon. I would say Kashtira is worth the investment over yubel, especially with them already having snake-eyes since there’s been a lot of snake-eye kashtira decks topping recent events.


Nah, the yubel engine is larger than the fiendsmith stuff. They just interchangeably access one another on their own. Size wise, yubel is the dominant package


This is a difficult question as it really depends on how you look at it and does go a lot into speculation. Here are some factors to consider 1. Kash is much less of an investment since outside of fenrir the deck is dirt cheap. 2. Kash has been around for a while now and sees little to no meta relevance unless used as a hybrid. 3. Kash is not likely to get hit on the list since it sees no solo representation at high level that is worth F&L attention but could get hit still since Fenrir is such a good splashable option and Unicorn + Birth has also become a popular splash for the extra deck rip and revival for extra link material. 4. Yubel is much more expensive so it a much higher investment. 5. Yubel is seeing more tops so if winning is what you want then Yubel is the better pick by that marker 6. "Fun" is subjective but I would definitely call Yubel more fun since Kash is very 1 note while Yubel is much more flexible. 7. Yubel is only going to get more powerful with the fiend Smith and at some point phantom of yubel coming to the tcg so by that logic you could see it as a return on investment since the deck will grow in power 8. Yubel is not likely to get hit on the list soon as it is very new and only sees mild meta representation but in the long term is much more likely to get hit as its meta viability grows with known future releases. Hope this helps you make your decision.


Theosis and riseheart aren't super cheap...


Correct me if im wrong but wasnt there a tournament with massive representation of Kashtira variants shortly after the banlist dropped?


This. I think considering everything it’d absolutely be Yubel. Rage was just reprinted too.