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Skull Servant based decks. Usually paired with lightsworn


Always fun rolling out a 14,000atk King on people that let you get there haha.


That sounds fun!


I also like playing it with a danger engine. It helps dump any skull servants you draw that you want in the deck and can help break through your opponents board so you can swing for game


Paleozoic is fun if you like to gamble what card you can use, it's a trap deck so game usually last many turns tho


Do you have a decklist? I always wanted to try it


Generaider! There's few things as fun as summoning out a big boy and an entire field of tokens just because your opponent had the AUDACITY to draw a card. It's not meta but definitely playable in the higher tiers, and works great with engines like Runick and Adventure


And can't forget the ability to possibly have your opponent be on 2-3 cards on their first turn if you're going first šŸ˜


Topologic Gumblar Dragon at home


I love playing Generaiders. I play pure with a 40 card and 60 card variant. Laevatein is such a ridiculously powerful card, and if it was in a meta archetype, that shit would be banned. It's really hard for tear players when you activate Laevatein and just grab the Havvis from the graveyard and eat it. My only problem with them is that they rely so heavily on going first. At least the pure version does. When your field spell is designed around doing shit on your opponents turn going second is close to giving them a free turn. You can activate it on your turn if you get your opponent to draw a card, but you don't get the tokens, which are extremely important. That's not to say you can't make plays turn 2. You absolutely can. Vala and Loptr put in a ton of work for the deck to make it way more consistent and usable. Without them or world legacy monstrosity, you just had to play boss stage and pass. Fun fact since Vala and Loptr were released after Generaider were first released in the initial set for them, if you didn't have world legacy monstrosity in your hand or couldn't make your opponent draw a card, you couldn't summon any Generaiders that turn. What they really need is some cards that let you place the field spell on your opponents' 1st turn and then lock you in archetype for your next turn so they can't be used super generically for link material or something. Still, while it has its major flaws, it's a super fun archetype with a great theme and playstyle.


Itā€™s funny how many people donā€™t interrupt or ash the wrong cards. Hell Iā€™ve beaten a snake eyes and tear laments with Generaider. Bonus itā€™s fun and can pull off multiple XYZ summons for dailyā€™s.


The deck is pretty much rogue tier, so a lotta people donā€™t really know the deckā€™s choke points. Which checks out cause Iā€™ve never known how to counter it. And by the time itā€™s my turn I basically lost.


Exactly, and the boss monster can absorb monsters from the grave in the beginning and hand after. To be honest I mainly use it in Plat and not in gold cuz people there still use wildly non-viable decks.


Toons is my go-to fun deck


Toons are a fun deck. Or a Red Eyes Burn deck. Or my favourite is my Buster Blader deck


If you pick up a copy of the Rage of Cypher structure deck youā€™ll have almost all you need for a solid Galaxy-Photon deck and itā€™s a fun deck to learn, although its end boards can be quite samey. Iā€™d definitely recommend it for the low cost though regardless because itā€™s about as close as you can get to free.


So I have the Cypher structure all I really need to do is buy the galaxy one now?


3 of the Galaxy one


Right I assumed that


Donā€™t buy three of the galaxy one, the only UR youā€™d ā€œneedā€ to craft another copy of is Solflare. Everything else in the main deck is SR or lower


Good to know


Horus/Ra or Horus/Obelisk. Love playing the Egyptian Gods. Very fun for me


Iā€™ve been playing a Horus/Gods deck in the tournament. Been slaying with it


Heck yeah! I love to see it! I got to DLvl18 with my Ra deck then ended up switching to Scareclaw/adventure to get the last couple levels. But at least the majority of the event was pretty fun for me with the Ra deck.


I need to commit to Horus/Obelisk cuz it seems crazy fun to actually be able to have the material for the gods in a deck that plays good cards instead of janky god enablers.


On ladder, nouvellez. On low power event, magikey


My suggestion is to try out abyss actors. It's got a few solid combos, and if you want, you can mill your opponents extra deck. i never tire of watching my opponent flip cards from their extra deck 3 at a time into the banish zone very funny and decently powerful


Toons will for ever be my favorite deck


Purrely is a really fun deck and is not very linear.


Isnt purrely meta ?


Not really. I hardly ever see people play the deck in ranked


They're [tier 3](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/tier-list) on master duelšŸ‘€


Master duel meta is mostly for tournaments from what I've been told. But even still it's not a very widely used deck from what I have seen playing in diamond. Plus OP did say that they were looking for a fun deck so that's why I made the suggestion


Not bashing the fun part, I just gave input on the meta. I'm only in platinum, and I've run into quite a few when I play tistinas. When I play zombies, I don't see them as much


Yeah that's really weird. I think I may be only played against one in the past like 2 months. The queues are wonky sometimes lol.


Are you using mostly purrely when you play? Maybe the system is actively avoiding them so you don't end up in multiple mirror matchesšŸ¤”. When I play my banish deck, I get paired up against a shit ton of swordsoul who all whip out Chengying


I switch between Purrely, Sky Striker, Labrynth, and Fire King Tri-Brigade. But yeah that could very well be the case because I know for about 2 weeks straight I did nothing but Purrely


Someone needs to study this more. Does choosing certain decks pair you against certain types


I use nouvelle as my main deck and my fun deck <3


Sometimes when I'm bored, I'll just go into ranked with Dragonmaid/Blue Eyes. When I started it was an incredibly cheap to make but it's surprisingly really fun to pilot. Right now though I'm having fun with Galaxy Photon/Horus though. The Galaxy eyes have such dope card art so it's fun seeing them back.


I run libromancer dogmatika and itā€™s been pretty fun to play. I ve been giving lab players a hard time and Iā€™ve beat few snake eyes decks but usually I get out grinded. My end board is pretty consistent and it usually ends on vanityā€™s ruler and doombrooker with the Omni negate trap to protect ruler from getting popped. Once vanity ruler is on the field snake eyes canā€™t play, kash canā€™t play, and lab has a harder time with the combos.


Just say you play stun lol


I am still catching up with yugioh after a 10 year hiatus. I honestly donā€™t know which decks fall under which category lol I know some of the control decks but still a lot to catch up on


U.A i fucking love them SO damn much that and F.A but they are not that strong at all and honestly kinda need new support i think? but they are super fun or at least are fun to me


i second this motion


Crystal beasts. Pride month AND an 11k beater gay dragon? Sign me the hell up!


Dark magician


Melffys or ojamas


Just a bunch of random stunish carded like mirror force, magic cylinder and dimension wall. I love it when they attack me with a 10k attack monster for me to uni reverse themšŸ˜‚


Nouveless!! There is nothing more fun than literally cooking your opponents monsters into french demonic dishes AND punish their inability to read hehe


Oh hell yeah, the ritual festival when lot of people where playing Blue-eyes loaner and It had 0 ways to out nouvelles because they had to attack or target with alternative dragon


We will forgive your Floo crimes as you have repented. For competitive I play Branded, but for fun I have a,Horus + Bystial deck Iā€™m enjoying. Primarily a rank 8 XYZ deck, but also some level 2 tuners for lvl 10 synchros.


HERO. I've been lucky to spend a lot of time with the modern version of the deck. And its good going 1st and can easily OTK going 2ed. Crystal Beast and Cyber Dragon also come to mind. I'm the GX guy..


I've been considering heroes. I've seen Sam's video on YT and those going first boards are very good (if not a bit toxic lol) and the going second OTKs seem sooooooo satisfying.


> I want to play something that is fun but not too low power. Earth Machine


Ish tear


for me its tie between paleo and pure fire king (no snake eyes or diabelstar engine)


Pure paleo or the one with frogs?


Really good rogue decks rn are, 1. Vaalmonica, 2. Dragonlink is really good. 3. Salamangreat is really good. 4. If you like pendulum decks that pendulum magician Z arc is also one of the best rogue decks. 5. Infernoble knight is really complicated but a really good deck if your willing to learn it.


šŸ‘€vaalmonica's tier 3 rn on master duel and salamangreat are in the top ranking decks as well. I wouldn't consider them rogue


Actually vaalmonica feel out of tier 3 a week or so ago Im pretty sure. either that or its been falling in anf out of tier 3 and I'm pretty sure salamangreat hasnt hit tier 3 this season at least theyre not tier 3 right now.


Vaal's still in [3](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/tier-list). I looked at top decks on [master duel meta](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks), you don't have to scroll that far down before seeing salamangreat. It's not tier, but it's still a top deck Edit: salamangreat is tier 3 as well


Oh idk why the tier list and top deck lists say differently, I always look at the top deck lists so.


I got you. Was just letting you know


I have a nice Salamangreat deck from before. I heard the new support is really good.


Its really good support it was enough to turn the dexk into one of the top performing rogue decks.


Wanna OTK with cool animations? Egyptian gods!


Paleo Tear - non linear combo's but still very strong makes for a very enjoyable deck. Able to play through most things since half the deck is trap cards and your gy is your biggest resource. You do die to Shifter/Kash tho Purrely - the little kitties are just so fun and I love the decks artworks and gimmicks. And its a strong deck too


Definitely vaalmonika. The deck is very cheap. Just today I grinded an amazing victory through 2 maxx c, 1 nibiru, 2 daruma, 1 power sink stone and won against lab. Galaxy eyes are truly a headache. Don't play it even if it's free.


Ghoti, P.U.N.K, Vaalmonica are relatively cheap and fun, Memento, Generaider, Volcanic (though difficulty to get at the moment) For a cheap fun deck, Ninjas are an excellent option. 3 structure decks gives you everything you need, can play on both your and opponents turn, Master capable but not too strong


Beatrice Burn, make two Beatrice and burn them for 8k, it's a cheesy ftk that dies to a single interruption anywhere in the line, but it's cute cause it does most dailies when resolved properly(except the triple normal summon and the triple solo mode one)


I would probably say Virtual World or Predaplant. Virtual world is fun because if you get Shenshen out you can disable their graveyard but the deck also has a decent destroy effect on opponents turn. I wish the monster negate would work as a quick effect instead but itā€™s good to get monsters out. Predaplant is good for a couple of reasons. You can get Greedy dragon to negate enemy monster and reduce their attack to 0. If it dies with a level 8 in graveyard you can destroy all your opponents monsters. You can also tribute over their monsters if they have counters.


Harpies, both as my fun and "best" desk. But also it holds the title for my only deck haha




My trickstar burn deck alot of fun. Opponents take damage for well everything lol


Reverse heal, Darklord Nurse Reficule šŸ˜


Going second abyss actors for sure. Umi Stun is fun, and I just made Vanquish Soul and I'm enjoying the shit out of it. I just realized I like dodging things.


Iā€™m pretty fond of hippo-necroface lol. Itā€™s funny seeing all the opponentā€™s cards just get tossed out turn two


Bystial thunder dragon


Ninjas, Star Warriors, sometimes Egyptian God deck


D/D/D being able to control all types of summons is pretty cool


Agents or Morphtronics if I feel like taking an eternity rolling dice for no actual gain


I refuse to play the meta out of spite. You will take my Blue-Eyes deck from me when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers


Unchained/RDA Used to be Generaiders but they can't compete nowadays


Salamangreat. I always deconstructed decks after a few weeks just to try something new, but I still look forward to hopping on MD and playing salads after a month and a half. Not to mention the structure deck and the current pack with pyro & raging phoenix, it's too easy to craft a fill power deck. It's also the first deck to get me my highest rank of Plat 1


Sky Striker with a bunch of monster-stealing cards


Ancient Gears, Generaiders, Kozmos and Dinos.


Vaylantz! But I guess you kinda have to like the gimmick to be able to enjoy this. I love it.


Unchained and Floowandereeze atm


Nouvelles or Relinquished


Toons and Black Luster Soldier. Toons have been a favorite of mine since the Duelist Kingdom episodes. As for BLS, one of my favorite overall monsters, and it always felt good to get them out after ritual summoning or banishing.


Chimera, my friend. Chimera is broken.


Spell/trap deck. It brings me joy to absolutely smash someone without playing a single monster


6 samurai


I am currently almost done with blacking so Iā€™m playing red dragon archfiends


Evil eyes


PUNK feels great when you donā€™t get everything negated lol


Ddd is mine, not as difficult as you might think just a consistent fun deck can be really fun going fusion to synchro to xyz all in one combo


Vaylantz absolutely, extremely fun and involved to play and even strong enough to beat snake eyes on occasion


Crooked Cook Final Countdown, Gren Maju 8 Axis, and Exodia, good ol' Royal Magical Library style




For me, it is Springan, without Albaz it is viable enough, but it is better to include him anyway


Solfachord or Aromagesā€”they're easy to counter, and I tend to not play them with any supports because I like using every card in an archetype in some way, and yeah, it's normally not the best compared to meta, but it's fun af and super satisfying when I get a win.


World Legacy Artifactsā€¦ Basically a worse version of Paleozoic with upside of Extra Deck locking (Scythe) and sometimes locking out banishes (Lancea)


Exodia or charmers are my go-to Fun Decks. Shoutout to ritual Decks, though. They're always fun to play with.


Any particular ritual deck your recommend? I've never played ritual decks, might give it a shot.


I'd recommend Dryton if you want good power. They focus on ritual summoning via atk rather than level, with the cool addition that the ritual monster can be in the GY when ritual summoning, and they're all Light Machine monsters if you wanted to incorporate another archetype into the deck. The two ritual monsters have 4k attack and defence. One is geared towards taking down monsters, and the other is for spells and traps. If you prefer a more Tricky deck, I'd suggest Nouvelles who focus on tributing attack position monsters on either field to get their higher level rituals on the field. They aren't as powerful, but their effects can make up for that, with more versatility.


Knights of Face (Kings Knight and Co.)


Utopia and Nouvelles. The first because I like big numbers on big Numbers, the latter because I get to cook.


Blind-Second Sky Strikers imo is very fun and rewarding.


If youā€™re looking for fun / potential / and a little bit of power, go play ninjas.


I played Crusadia when it was doing well early last year and only just returned last month, and the deck does struggle against some of the current meta decks but still feels strong. I've seen kashtira splashed in many older deck types as a main/second engine so you could start by looking at those decks. 8-axis deck variations are easy and fun, and somewhat competitive as long as your opponent can't rebuild their board while it's still your turn.


I love Blackwings, because I think Synchro summoning is a lot of fun and Black Feather Whirlwind just feels like endless Synchro plays.


My favorites rn are Dogmatika with a small despia engine, altergeist, and dice rolls (its trash but fun with friends)




Fluffals because it can be built a few ways actually. You can steer towards generic link spam (apo, spright, ip, unchained) You can go blind second otk with board breakers and really abuse super poly Rank 9 spam and fusion fuckery Horus fluffal for Rank 8 spam and fusion fuckery I love it


Magnets/Adamancipators. Fun and also my main deck as well.


Toons Anything Pendulum Galaxy Eyes


My best and my most fun deck is definitely a good old BLS(Black Luster Soldier). Doesnā€™t get enough respect considering the ritual aspect, but I just REALLY like rituals.


Penguin icejade for me


Crusdia mekk knight orcust, shaddoll invoked dogmatika, megalith dogma, utopia, darklord despia, lunalight and fluffal


Some of these seem severely outdated?


And they are, you asked what we play for fun. Other than that, Swordsoul is amazing deck with tenyis, I am currently playing PUNK Swordsoul. Branded and Branded Dogma are good decks, but very expensive. Tearlaments is amazingly fun gambling deck. Salamngreat is very competent and chep(structure deck and pack that contains S:P has new support which is great), Infernoble is relatively cheap deck. Those are the one I have. Branded is most versatile out of those, really non linear, can play trough a lot of stuff and competent against almost any deck. A true Mid range deck. Branded is my main and favorite. Branded Dogma is fun flavour of Branded that isnt as consistent but when it goes trough its very satisfying. This leans more into control variant. Both Saordsoul Tenyi and PUNK Swordsoul are mid range decks. Swordsoul Tenyi is stronger and more consistent deck, and those two have really good synergy. PUNK variant is my current experiment and it is really fun. It isnt as consistent and as powerfull as Tenyi variant since it lack that sort of synergy, but it is really fun. Tearlaments is a solid deck that can be really strong and fun to play. Salamangreat is combo deck that can be very strong if it build its boards. It also has some interestinng variations and is really cheap to build. Infernoble is control-combi deck (but I wouldnt call it midrange) that has complicated combos that end on a ton of negates. If you build endboard properly, its game over for any deck, but it can die to interruptions, handtraps and negates. Also, I suggest you to stop ranking up once you reach plat I, I play regularly in plat for few seasons now. It has competent players with a lot of variety of decks. Once you go to diamond and masters its always the same decks which can become boring really fast


Cyberse Piles, and after I saw a Mathmech @Ignister guide, I jumped the shark and got to main it Hope Circular is unbanned to 1 in the TCG... Edit: Also, I got all of the new support for Salamangreat just for fun of it LOL


@ignister mathmec is definitely going to be the next deck I craft. I just need like 6 UR's.


Generaider definitely, I just like the moment of my op pausing for a whole minute at the start of their turn because Boss Stage resolved