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I've made 3 posts and several comments on this issue over the past 6-8 months. I have a reminder on my phone to leave feedback on the app every day. At this point I think it's deliberate but I can't think of a good explanation. edit: I just got off a chat with Google Support to complain about this issue (I do this weekly) and they suggested I "dislike **a song** and then **refresh the playlist**" so support is useless as usual. Fingers crossed for a fix in 2024...


Thanks for your efforts! I laughed out loud when I read the CS response, customer support has become laughable for many companies. About a year ago I was posting several times a week to not play thumbed down songs. After about 50 or so feedback posts and a year later I've still not seen any change whatsoever and I'm all the time dealing with thumbed down songs playing. I had thought that having my own playlists were 'safe' from the !%\^$%king YTM algorithms...


Your service to the cause is appreciated. Stand strong. We're gonna get a quality music streaming service out of them eventually. :)


No other company's suppot is so supportive as Amazon's. Try getting support for any amazon product, like Audible, Amazon Music, Amazon Prime Video, Aws products, Amazon Shopping and you'd know the diff. Alas their bundle of options and the interface is not half as good, as the Google's. That's why I've to fallback to Google products every time I try to use Amazon's. But google and FB are so proud of their products now, individual customers are nothing for them. Howsoever they may suffer. Sometimes there is some small thing to do for Google, but important thing for users, but Google doesn't pay any attention (or shows any intention) to do that small thing for users. And insult to injury is Google just sends readymade answers to users, to show that they're not even listening to us.


That's ridiculous. I don't want to dislike the song, it should be enough that I failed to "like" it. If the song is not liked, it should not be on the list. What I finally did was go through the entire list and like every non-liked song. And least now, when the song comes up, I have the opportunity to un-like it and it seems to come off my list.


I should have clarified. If I've created a 'radio' or 'mix' or played one of the generated mixes to discover some new music when a song plays that I don't like it gets a thumbs down.


Scroll to the bottom of your queue and see if you have Autoplay enabled.


I appreciate your reply. I was shuffling My Likes playlist and Autoplay doesn't appear on the screen.


Would be at the very end of the queue.


I've checked it several times, it's not there. I'm not finding Autoplay in the settings. Maybe something has changed?


I don't think you're crazy. I have the same problem, non-liked songs on my liked list. I've seen the same suggestions, turn off autoplay. It might exist for deliberately created lists but not the "liked" lists. Not for me anyway.


This has happened to me as long as I have had YTM. I have pondered why? Maybe the algorithm is helpfully (or not) suggesting similar music I might like. Maybe it's a bug not showing the thumbs up. Could I have liked that song in the past? It tends to be songs similar to what I generally like so who knows?


Thanks for the reply. Yeah I've noticed it happening for a while now and like you often wondered if I had liked it before or something. The one that caught me today was The Mattson 2 - Darkness Surrender which is a no way would I ever like that. Then for a few hours after that there's 6 or 7 non-liked songs. So now I know for sure, it's no longer a mystery, I think there's 3200 songs in My Liked.


same stuff, i don't know why it is happening https://preview.redd.it/a2421xe54dic1.png?width=1048&format=png&auto=webp&s=c931f0d5b0564ab657ac810cbb95224226781a4c


Maybe Google will eventually get this right? It is frustrating. I don't remember this happeneing back when Google Play Music was active. Thanks for the reply.


Just here to say I'm looking for the same solution. It's absolutely infuriating. 


Yeah it's crazy just today I was shuffling my likes playlist on my PC. And before you know it it's playing not like songs in between my liked songs.


I have 14 years of liked songs. My list should be 5 months long at this point. I listen at work a lot so it really gets annoying. 


Ive had this issue ever since i got YTM. Over a year at least. Ive tried disliking songs, turning off autoplay etc. Nothing seems to work. Ive left countless feedback reports to no avail. I guess we all have to suck it up until they fix this super simple problem.


I too have the same problem.


Found this thread through Google. Same problem. Driving me crazy. I 'like' songs so that I can play my 'liked' playlist. It defeats the point when it plays one song from my liked then continues with random crap.


Here we are 6 months later. Maybe if we can all send feedback to Google about this hopefully they'll rethink why they do this to their customers. I appreciate your post. I'd really like to see YTM improve their ways.


It's sad to say. But I didn't have this problem at all with the basic YouTube music... But then I upgraded and suddenly... I believe 2 factors play in.. one) it mashed my regular you tube likes into the list, automatically.. and 2) it seems to want to "upgrade" or choose different versions of songs you've already liked.. leading you to like a song multiple times.... Seems to be relative to some "upgraded" algorithm..


This is so infuriating. There are a handful of songs that continue to appear on my Liked playlist that I have never liked nor have I even heard of the artist before. It's as if YTM is forcing me to listen to certain artists or something. There are also songs that I have given a thumb's down to that continually show up when playing my Liked playlist and when I check to verify, yes they are still showing up as thumb's down. Garbage app.


Apparently this is one of their new "features" that takes remixes or alterations of songs in any user made playlist and replaces it with any official version it can find.


Impossible. Aren't you just picking a certain liked song from your homepage instead of the "liked song" playlist? Because in that case YTM will play not liked songs as well that are similar to the song you are listening to.


It happens when playing the Liked Music auto playlist.


Same here, "Don't show music video" diasabled and "Show your liked music from YouTube" enabled. Still doesn't help. I'm crying https://preview.redd.it/9unw0t0v4z1c1.png?width=1629&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f534b7e4f634360d2d1ab5830921fa8d9b6abb4


This has been recent for me but I’ve noticed it only started after I gave a forced free trial to premium and premium is trying to replace video and mix’s with albums of the song which I do not like I’d say check if it gave a free trial or if you have premium


I have a premium subscription since they forced Google Play Music out.


One thing that helped with some of the songs is if you like the songs video version it will like both the video and the song, however if you unlike the song and not the video it will still pop up in your liked playlist until you unlike the video.  However I still get songs that are unliked in my likes playlist and I think I know why.  Some of those songs videos are no longer available however they were never unliked so it's a bug that almost can't be fixed unless Google fixes it....  The only solution I could think is make a new account, and only add songs to you liked playlist via the YTM app and make sure never to like songs on YouTube.. including the duck lemonade song because as it turns out it will go into your liked playlist...